Photosynthesis: Word Equation, Concept, Experiment, Variables Sunlight

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Science exam scope

Unit 1: Plants

Photosynthesis: word equation, concept, experiment, variables


Carbon dioxide + water------------- > glucose + oxygen


Leaf structure and function

Cuticle: Prevents water from drying out

Epidermis: Protects all cells in leaves

Palisade layer: Does most of the photosynthesis

Mesophyll layer: Does little of the photosynthesis

Vein: Carries water to the cells in the leaf

Stoma: Tiny holes that let carbon dioxide get into the leaf

Guard cell: Opens and closes the stoma

Xylem and phloem: function, structure, materials transported & directions

 Xylem vessels help to support the plant and helps transporting water and minerals

Unit 2: Food and digestion

Classes of food and functions

Protein: Make new cells, repair damaged tissues

Carbohydrates: Provides energy

Fat: Also provides energy, makes new cell membranes

Vitamins and minerals: Maintain health

Fibre and water: Helps the digestive system, avoids constipation

Minerals and vitamins: functions, deficiency disease (add on protein:kwashiorkor)

Nutrient Example Good sources Function Defiencientcy

Vitamins Vitamin C Citrus fruits Helps to make strong skin Scurvy
Vitamin D Dairy products Needed to make bones Rickets,bent bone
Minerals Iron Red meat,vegetables Needed to make haemoglobin Anaemia, tired
Calcium Dairy products, fish Needed to make bones Weak bones
Protein - Dairy products, fish Repair broken tissues Kwashiorkor
Digestive process + parts and functions

Mouth: Teeth chew food, saliva turn starch into sugar

Oesophagus: Connects mouth to stomach

Stomach: Acid kill bacteria and break down food

Pancreas: Make pancreatic juice, digest protein, starch and fat

Liver: Make bile, helps with fat digestion

Small intestine: absorb nutrients, water and digestion

Large intestine: reabsorption of water

Unit 3: The circulatory system

Structure of heart
Artery and vein

Artery (except pulmonary artery) carries oxygenated blood, have very thick strong elastic walls.

Vein (except pulmonary artery) carries deoxygenated blood, thin walls

Capillaries are very tiny, connects vein and artery together

Red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets

Plasma: Liquid part of blood, contains many different substances dissolved in it.

Red blood cells: Most cells in the blood, contains a red pigment called haemoglobin. When oxygen
combines with red blood cells, it becomes oxyhaemoglobin.

White blood cells: Larger than red blood cells, has a nucleus, helps to defend us against bacteria and
viruses. It produces enzymes that kill bacterium. They produce antibodies that kill bacteria.

Platelets: Little fragments of cells. If a blood cells gets damaged, platelets will help the blood to clot and
seal the wound.

Red blood cell Transports oxygen from lungs to body tissues

White blood cell Destroys bacteria and viruses
Platelet Helps blood to clot
Plasma Transports substances in solution
Unit 4: Respiratory system

Inhalation, exhalation process

Inhalation: Breathing in, lungs will expand, diaphragm moves downward and contracts, volume of
thoracic cavity increases

Inhalation: Breathing out, lungs will relax, diaphragm moves upwards and relaxes, volume of thoracic
cavity decreases

Labelled parts and function of respiratory system

1) Nasal cavity: airflow

2) Trachea:Carries air from the nasal cavity down to the lungs, and from the lungs back to the nasal
3) Bronchus: One of the two branches of the trachea, which carry air into and out of the left and
right lungs
4) Broncioles: connects bronchus to alveolus
5) Alveoli: gas exchange takes place


The process if spreading out from high concentration into low concentration

Alveolus & blood vessels

Aerobic respiration

Glucose + oxygen ------- > carbon dioxide + water


Chemical substances in cigarette smoke:

Nicotine: addictive

Tar: Cause cancer, especially lung cancer

Carbon monoxide: cause red blood cells not to carry oxygen gas

Particulates: damages lung cells

Unit 5: Reproductive system and human development

Important stuff to note

23 chromosomes(ovum) + 23 chromosomes(sperm cell) = 46 chromosomes

Sperm cell + ovum  zygote  embryo  embryo  fetus

Penis > vagina > cervix > uterus > Fallopian tube > ovum

Ovulation: release of egg cell

Fertilization: egg and sperm cell nuclei fuse

Implantation: embryo sinks into the uterus lining

Placenta: Allows the growing embryo’s life obtain food from its mother’s blood

Umbilical cord: A cord that connects the placenta to the embryo

Amniotic fluid: Act as a cushion to protect the baby.

Female reproductive system: Parts and functions

Oviduct: fertilization happens, also known as Fallopian tube

Ovary: Produces egg cell(ovum)

Uterus: Where the zygote develops and grows into a baby

Male reproductive system: Parts and functions

Testis: stores sperm

Seminal vesicles and prostate gland: Makes a sugary fluid for the sperm cells to swim in.

Birth control

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