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COELD Lesson Plan Template


Name: Sara Geiser
SCSU Course: ART 394/396
Date: April 19th 2023
Lesson Title: Pablo Picasso Art
Grade Level: 2nd Grade
Subject Area: Art
Unit of Study: Famous Artists

How does this lesson connect with and build on previous lessons and how will it connect to
subsequent lesson(s)? (What came before and what will come next?)

This lesson will build on the elements by using line, shape, and color. This lesson will also build on creating
a self-portrait. Students already created self-portraits of themselves and now they are working on creating
Pablo Picassos style of a self-portrait. After this lesson students will know how to use shape in different ways
to make something more interesting and abstract.

Language Function (Highlight one or both): Students will be able to draw and create a piece of
artwork that resembles Pablo Picassos techniques.
 Syntax OR  Discourse
Student support tool (notes outline, graphic organizer, pneumonic, etc…):
 Roll a Picasso worksheet to help students create the shapes.
Content Vocabulary (word/term and grade level appropriate definition):
 Word – kid friendly, grade level appropriate definition (repeat for all vocabulary terms)
 Shape- spaces that are created when line reconnects with itself.
 Symmetry – when an object looks the exact same on one side as the other.

Supporting Vocabulary (word/term and grade level appropriate definition):

 Word – kid friendly, grade level appropriate definition (repeat for all vocabulary terms)
 Pablo Picasso- Famous Painter who invented Cubism.
 Cubism- a style of painting that was created by Pablo Picasso. Cubism is a style of art that
shows a person or object from all different angles at once.
 Technique-method or a way of performing something.


Content & Language Standard Content Objective Assessment
(Code and Benchmark) (What skill will the student demonstrate and (How will you measure the skill, determine
how will you assess it?) proficiency, and give feedback to students?)

MN Content Standard: Students will be able to…by… Measurement Tool(s): Art Project/Drawing
Identify processes as artist used Students will be able to recreate Indicator/Criteria for Proficiency:
to create a work of art. techniques used by Pablo Picasso Finish an art project that
by drawing geometric shapes on a includes 2 eyes, mouth, nose,
self-portrait. head shape, and uses color.
Means of Feedback to Student:
Feedback written on back of the
art project for students. As well
as informal feedback to students
during the art lesson.
MN Content Standard: Students will be able to…by… Measurement Tool(s):
Demonstrate safe procedures for Students will be able to properly Teacher observation during
using materials and tools while use art tools and materials in a lesson.
making art. responsible way by following the Indicator/Criteria for Proficiency:
teachers’ instructions. Students are using the materials
provided responsibly.
Means of Feedback to Student:
Informal feedback
Common Core or MN ELA Students will be able to…by… Measurement Tool(s):
Standard for Academic Lang.: Discussion
MN ELA Standard Recall Students will be able to recognize Indicator/Criteria for Proficiency:
information from experiences or important facts about Picasso and Students are participating in
gather information from provided Cubism by answering questions discussion and following
sources to answer a question. provided by the teacher. directions.
Means of Feedback to Student:
Informal Assessment
 White Paper (One per student)
 Pencil
 Black Marker
 Dice (one per student)
 Roll a Picasso Worksheet (put up on board)
 Crayons or Colored pencils


Time Instructional Strategy/Learning Task Differentiation
(Estimate in (Break-up each task into easy-to-follow steps that include what (How will you serve SPED/EL/Gifted
Minutes) you would say, directions, examples of possible student students? Students with varying
responses, key notes or information, etc… A substitute should reading/math abilities?)
be able to replicate your lesson successfully using this
5 minutes Introduction: There are pictures provided on the
“Today we will be learning about Pablo Picasso and slides for students who struggle
Cubism.” Show students the PowerPoint. Show slide one with reading. This will help
and read off slide for students and discuss the pictures on students have a visual.
the slide. Show slide two and discuss cubism with the
students. Have them observe the art pieces and ask them You could have students discuss
what they notice. with a partner before they share
Questions to ask students: with the whole class. Think, pair,
 What do you notice about his artwork? share.
 What elements do you see that he uses?
You could ask harder questions to
Next slide has some examples of Cubism art created by the gifted students to challenge
other kids. Show students the next two slides which has their thinking.
an example of the art project we will be doing.

10 minutes Teacher is demonstrating these instructions:

-You will roll the dice, the number you get will be the Students are listening to directions
shape for the face. here. If you have an ELL student,
-Roll again to get the shape of the eye. (You will have to give them modified instructions in
roll twice for the eyes) their language or with visuals.
-Roll again to see what shape you will draw for the nose.
-Roll one last time to see what shape you must draw for
the mouth.
-after you draw each of the parts of the face you will
outline in black marker
-color in the face
-turn it in

Rest of Let students start:

time (15-20 -Give students a white blank piece of paper and pencil I would walk around and help
minutes) -let them start rolling the dice students that need help.
-walk around and see if students have any questions
Remind students that cubism is a style that uses shape, I would challenge gifted students
and it does not mean that it must be symmetrical. Tell to use more creative ideas.
students they can place their face parts anywhere on the
face is does not have to be in a normal spot where each
part of the face usually goes. Allow students to work until
time is up.

(Check for understanding, wrap-up, reminders, connections to tomorrow’s lesson)
Today we learned about Cubism and Pablo Picasso’s techniques. Tomorrow we will use his techniques on a
different activity with animals instead of human portraits.
John Dewey’s Educational Theory:
 Students learn best through a “Hands-on approach.”
Bandura’s Educational Theory:
 Students learn best through observational learning of the teachers model.


(Complete after teaching)

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