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Position Paper

Concepcion Altheo Rhenbert C.

Baguio City National High School
12- Arts And Design
Is video gaming good or bad?
Claim of Value

I. Introduction.
A video game is an electronic game in which players control images on a video screen. Video games can be
used for entertainment and relaxation. They can also be used for competitions and for computer learning. Regardless
of how most people think that playing video games is good and that it should be tolerated and accepted, Video games
can cause aggression, bad productivity, and other negative impacts on the user. Hence, the use of video games should
be discouraged and regulated from children.

II. Body
A. Counterargument
Video games are a way of entertaining oneself as well as relaxation as well as an entertainment. Video gaming
according to the Pew Research Center (2018) “is a very popular leisure activity among children.” Kabir L. (n.d.) states
that Video games are engaging and enjoyable, which reduces stress."It also is said that Video gaming workouts the
brain activity and exercises its strengths. A study conducted by Mihara and Higuchi (2017) states that Video gaming
has benefits, namely, improving focus, multitasking, and working memory. Moreover, video games offer people to
connect with other people socially despite anymore or less evident psychological problems they may have (Kowert et
al., 2014; Mazurek et al., 2015). Despite what these studies concluded, my position stands on the contrary.

B. Main Argument.
Video games can cause aggression, bad productivity, and other negative impacts on the user. Hence, the use of video
games should be discouraged and regulated from children.
 It causes Violent Aggressive Behavior in children. Children who play violent video games is likely to be
violent. Most children are unable to distinguish between right and wrong, and they tend to mimic what they see and
put it into practice.Many children become more aggressive as they continue to play violent video games
(Rideout, Vandewater & Wartella, 2003). It demonstrated that children who play violent video games on a regular
basis develop aggressive thinking patterns, which can eventually influence their behavior (Gentile D., n.d.). A study
done by Anderson et al. (2010) examined 136 studies with 130,296 participants from various countries in a more
recent review. These included laboratory experiments, cross-sectional surveys, and longitudinal studies. Overall, they
discovered consistent links between playing violent video games and a variety of aggression measures, including self,
teacher, and parent reports of aggressive behavior.

Given that children who spend a significant amount of time playing video games perform poorly in school, it
is reasonable to conclude that video games have an impact on their productivity.
Video games also affect the brain which affects an individual’s productivity. According to the recent study conducted
by Lim JA, Lee JY, et al. (2016) an individual's important processors for comprehension, memory updating, and
working memory, among other cognitive skills, have usually been reported to be damaged across different behavioral
disorders individuals and addictive populations caused by their addiction. The reason why some children do not have
the time to spare doing homework is that others will dedicate all their time to playing games. Studies have shown that
time spent playing video games is directly proportional to poor academic performance. The more time spent, the
worse the child's academic performance will be (Block, 2008). The student gamer frequently uses video games to
escape. They play video games instead of doing their homework. The research was recently conducted by the
Young Gamers and Gamblers Education Trust (2019) stating that they fall further behind in class, adding to their
stress, and they turn to games to cope with their anxiety. This results in a vicious cycle of academic self-destruction.

Video gaming has also been associated with various health problems as well as their well-being. Thus
deserves to be taken seriously, not least because video gaming has implications for health.
Auditory hallucinations, enuresis, wrist pain, neck pain, elbow pain, tenosynovitis, hand-arm vibration syndrome,
repetitive strain injuries, peripheral neuropathy, and obesity have all been reported in case studies (National Library of
Medicine, 2005). Some of these side effects appear to be resolved when the patients stop playing video games. While
video gaming causes these health problems, stopping its use of it will resolve the given health problems. When a child
turns to video games instead of dealing with real-life issues, they become increasingly isolated. As a result, they begin
to lose friends, their school or job performance suffers, and, inevitably, children's depression worsens rather than
improves. Abbas (2020) investigates the relationship between gaming disorder and depression in Kuwait. Gaming
disorder and depression were found to co-occur in 526 of the study's participants. It was also discovered that the
majority of these gamers used video games to treat depression, exacerbating the condition. Constantly playing video
games at the expense of other interests and activities is a dangerous path to take. You will begin to neglect your
friends and family, leaving you isolated and unable to re-establish or form new relationships. Our study revealed a
significant relationship between students’ game addiction and loneliness, in other words, as game addiction increases,
loneliness increases (National Library of Medicine, 2018).

Video games can cause aggression, bad productivity, and other negative impacts on the user. It causes
aggression, poor productivity, and other negative impacts on the user. However, this can be prevented or reduced,
consider the following tips; Talk to your child about the risks of video games, Know which video games your child is
playing, Limit the time your child is allowed to play video games, Make video game playing a seldom-offered reward
for a job well done, Monitor all computer and device activity, Watch for signs of video game addiction violence, Deal
with your own video game addiction and recover, otherwise, your child will not follow you. Other readers may say
that my position is not valid, but the evidence and the transparent result of video gaming to society and to a child are
undeniable. Perhaps looking for a reason to continue being addicted to video gaming might be easier, but are we just
going to pretend blind and overlook the bad effects of video gaming? Are we just going to wait for it to happen to our
children and the incoming generation? Be a good example of change.


Abbas, A (2020). The relation between depression and addiction games in Kuwait. Kuwait: Impacts of Online

Anderson, C. A., Shibuya, A., Ihori, N., Swing, E. L., Bushman, B. J., Sakamoto, A., … Saleem, M. (2010). Violent
video game effects on aggression, empathy, and prosocial behavior in eastern and western countries: A meta-analytic
review. Psychological Bulletin, 136 (2), 151-173. DOI:10.1037/a0018251

Block, J. (2008). Issues for DSM – V: Internet addiction. Journal of clinical psychiatry, 67(5), 821-826

Kabir, L. (n.d.). Do Video Games Reduce Stress? Healthy Gamer.


Kower, R., Domahdid, E., and Quandt, T.(2014). The relationship between online video game involvement and
gaming related friendships among emotionally sensitive individuals. Cyberpsychol. Behave. Soc. Netw. 17, 447-453.
doi: 10.1089/cyber.2013.0656

Lim JA, Lee JY, Jung HY, Sohn BK, Choi SW, Kim YJ, et al. Changes of quality of life and cognitive function in
individuals with internet gaming disorder: a 6-month follow-up. Medicine. 2016;95(50):e5695.

Mazurek, M. O., Engelhardt, C. R., and Clark, K. E. (2015). Video games from the perspective of adults with autism
specrum disorder. Comput. Hum. Behave. 51, 122-130. doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2015.04.062

Mihara, s., and Higuchi, S. (2017). Cross-sectional and longitudinal epidemiological studies of Interent gaming
disorder: a systematic review of the literature. Psychiatry Clin. Neurosci. 71,, 425-444. doi:10.1111/pcn.12532

National Library of Medicine (2018). Computer Game and Addiction and Loneliness in Children, Iran: Journal of
Public Health.

National Library of Medicine (2005). Video Games and health. Rockville, Pike: National Library of Medicine.

Pew Research Center (2018). 5 Facts About Americans and Video Games. Washington, DC: Pew Research Center.

Rideout, V., Vandewater, E& Wartell, E. (2003). Zero to six: Electronig media in the lives of infants, toddlers and
preschoolers. Menlo Park (CA): Kaiser Family Foundation.
Young Gamers and Gamblers Education Trust (2019). How gaming & gambling affect student life. London, Covent
Garden: Young Gamers and Gamblers Education Trust.

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