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Name: ______________________ Grade&Block: ____________Date: ___________Score: ____/15

Exercise 5
Scientific Notation

Scientific notation is a way of writing numbers that accommodates values too large or small
to be conveniently written in standard decimal notation. Scientific notation has a number of useful
properties and is commonly used in calculators, and by scientists, mathematicians, doctors, and
In scientific notation all numbers are written like this:

("a times ten raised to the power of b"), where exponent b is an integer, and coefficient a is any real

Practice task:

I. Express the following in scientific notation (1 pt. each)

1. 803,000,000,000 km ______________________
8. 03×103

2. 0.000 105 8 mg ______________________

1.058 10

3. 72.00 cm ______________________

4. 0.000 015 km ______________________


5. 0.00000456 mL ______________________
4. 56×10-6

II. Perrform the following operations. Express each answer in scientific notation and number of
significant figures. (2 pts. each)

1. 415, 000 mL + 3, 200 mL →
-2 -1
2. (1.54 x 10 g) + ( 2.86 x 10 g) → 3.014×10-1
9 7
3. (7.023 x 10 g) - (6.62 x 10 g) → 6.9568×109
-4 4
4. (8.99 x 10 m) x (3.57 x 10 m) → 3.20943 101 ×
-3 2.17×10-3
5. 2.17 x 10 g →
5.002 x 10 mL → 5 . ✗ 104

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