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I. Grade Level
Grade 3
II. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, 75% of the pupils should be able to:
 Identify the parts of the plant and its function;
 Label the parts of the plant; and
 Appreciate the importance of plants to our life.
III. Topic:
IV. Instructional Materials
 Picture of Plants
 Activity Sheets
 Charts
 Power point
 Online Videos
V. References
VI. Values Integration
 Love and appreciation of plants as one of natural resources given by God.
VII. Strategies Used
 Motivational Video, Motivational Game, Picture Study, KWL Chart, Use of Rubric,
Cooperative Learning
VIII. Daily Routines
A. Prayer
Teacher: “Before we start, let’s pray first. Can anyone lead the prayer?”
Student: (*Raises a hand*)
Teacher: “Go ahead (student’s last name)
(After the prayer)
Teacher: “Okay sit down class, Thank you for leading the prayer (student’s last name).
(*If no one wants to volunteer to lead the prayer*)
Teacher: “Before we start, let’s pray first. Can anyone lead the prayer?”
Teacher: “Anyone?, None? Okay I’ll be the one who will lead the prayer, everybody
please stand up, close your eyes and let’s bow our heads to feel the presence of God.”
(*After the prayer*)
Teacher: “Okay everybody sit down, next time class, I’ll assign someone to lead the
prayer next meeting.
B. Greetings
Teacher: “Good Morning/Afternoon Class”
Student: “Good Morning Sir Prince/Elorde”
C. Kamustahan
Teacher: “How are you today class? How’s your weekend?”

Student: “We are good Sir”

Teacher: “Good to hear that, keep up doing the good job everyday class, not only in
school, but also at your house.”
D. Classroom Management/Safety Protocols
Teacher: “Before we start our lesson, let’s have first our health inspection. May I
request the leader of each group to help me check or inspect the nails of your
Student: (*Leader will now inspect and report*)
Teacher: “Why is it important for us to check our nails or other parts of our body?”
Student: “It is important to check our nails or other parts of our body because through
these, we can avoid or prevent different diseases.”
Teacher: “Okay very good, what else?”
Student: “Through these we will become a healthy.”
Teacher: “What is the best thing that we should do every day?”
Student: “Take a bath everyday”
E. Checking of Attendance
Teacher: “Who are the absents today?”
Student: “None Sir”
Teacher: “Okay, very good”
IX. Recall/Review
Teacher: “Now, let’s have a review about our past lesson. What was our lesson last
Student: “It’s all about the basic needs of animals.”
Teacher: “What are basic needs of the animals?”
Student: “Food, water, air and shelter.”
Teacher: “What will happen to the animals if they are not provided with these needs?”
Student: “Animals will die.”
X. Motivation
The teacher will show a 3 short videos about the plants and it’s importance to human. After
watching the videos, the teacher will ask the class.
Teacher: “Okay class, what have you observe in those 3 videos?”
Student: “It’s all about the plants sir.”
Teacher: “Okay very good, what else?”
Student: “We also observed that it takes so long before you grow a plants.”
Teacher: “Yes that’s right,
XI. Activity (Individual/Group)
A. Title
What’s that Plant?
B. Objective
 Students should be able to identify the type of plants given to them
 Students should be able to give atleast 2 examples of that type of plant
C. Materials
 Long Bond Paper
 Pencil
 Coloring Materials
D. Procedure
1. The teacher will provide the materials for each 4 groups.
2. Each group will be assigned by 1 types of plants (Trees, Herbs, Climbers, Shrubs)
3. Each group will draw and color the plant that is assigned to them.
4. If all groups are done, they have to tape it on the blackboard.

5. Every group must have at least 1-3 representatives to stand in front to present their
E. Guide Questions
1. What’s the plant that assigned on your group?
2. Tell something about that plant.
3. Give examples of your plant
XII. Analysis (Activity-based, Question-typed, Game-based, inquiry-based, experimental
Teacher: “Okay class, I will show you some pictures, and what you’re going to do is you
have to observe the picture, and after that I will ask a question. Okay? Is it clear?”
Student: “Yes sir”

Teacher: “Now tell me class, what have you observe in the picture?”
Student: “It’s beautiful sir”
Teacher: “Yes, definitely, and what makes this picture beautiful?”
Student: “Plants, flowers, and trees sir”
Teacher: “That’s right, plants are not just a simple thing, they can be the most beautuful
living thing that you can see in outside world.”

XIII. Abstraction (Discussion, Demonstration, Picture Relay, Organizational Chart, Venn

Diagram etc.)





XIV. Application (Real Life Application, Life-Long Learning Activities)

Plants play a very crucial role in human lives and help all living organisms to survive. All the
living creatures on earth depend upon plants for shelter, food, medicines, and other
materials of everyday life. Plants purify the polluted air and produce fresh oxygen in the
environment. Without plants, our survival on earth will be difficult as it will cause the human
race to suffer from various diseases, and ultimately the race will subside. Firewood, timber,
fibers, medicines, dyes, pesticides, oils, and rubber are some uses of plants in everyday

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

You must know class that plants are one of the
most important living things in the world, maybe
you don’t know but without plants, our survival in
this world will be difficult. So for the sake our
nature and to show our care for the plants, we
must learn how to grow and take care of plants
starting in our house.
Yes Sir, a lot.
Do you have a plants in your house class?

Wow, that’s great. If you don’t have any plants at Okay Sir
your house, you can start planting, even with an
empty can, you can use it as a pot, for your plant.

*The teacher will assign the students to grow and

take care of a plant at their house. After 10 Days,
they will take a picture of their plant and print it
on a short bond paper and pass it to their

XV. Formative Assessment (5-item Multiple Choice Quiz)

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. ____ are large plants with a single strong woody stem.
A. Herbs
B. Climbers
C. Trees
D. Shrubs
2. ____ are small plants and known for their aromatic and medicinal usages.
A. Herbs
B. Climbers

C. Trees
D. Shrubs

3. ____ is the most important part of a plant as they are responsible for transferring the
necessary nutrients to the plant.
A. Flowers
B. Seeds
C. Fruit
D. Roots

4. ____ part are known as the reproductive products of plants.

A. Fruit
B. Flowers
C. Stems
D. Seeds

5. ____ are the products of reproduction in plants.

A. Seeds
B. Fruit
C. Flowers
D. Roots
XVI. Assignment
Teacher: “Okay for your assignment class, I want you to draw or cut atleast 2 pictures of
different types of plants that we discussed today. Attach it on a short bond paper. You’re
going to submit it tomorrow okay, is that clear class?
Student: “Yes Sir”
Teacher: “Okay that’s all for today class, I hope you learn something today. Goodluck on
doing your assignment class, goodbye class, see you tomorrow and have a nice day.
Student: “Goodbye Sir Prince/Elorde”

Prepared by:

John Prince Elorde

BEED GEN Student

Checked by:

Genevieve Suaybaguio
Cooperating Teacher

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