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Clifford Michael B.

Manongsong Score:
BSSW – 1st Year


1. What is your personal definition of science? Write your answer below.
 For me, science entails the investigation of the nature and behaviour of natural objects, as well as
the data we get about them. Science is a shared discovery experience. Science is a way of
thinking and questioning that helps us understand the world around us. Experiments may be used
in science to learn new things.

2. What do you know about the scientific revolution? Write your answer below.
 By revealing the power of human knowledge, the scientific revolution aided the development of
the Enlightenment's notions of individualism.

3. How scientist do contributed to the development of science? Write your answer below.
 We have formed the modern society we sleep in today thanks to the development of cutting-edge
technology and increased awareness of the world around us. While scientists are primarily
responsible for the development of new technologies and scientific concepts, the advancement of
science has also demanded the sweat and toil of many men and women who have committed their
lives to the search for knowledge. Scientists that have contributed to our understanding of the
world come from a variety of backgrounds and have a diverse range of interests.

There are intellectuals who built critical contributions to science during the scientific revolution. Among
them are Nicolaus Copernicus, Charles Darwin, and Sigmund Freud. Form a small group or find a partner
and answer the following questions:
1. What is the contribution of Copernicus in the philosophy of science?
o Nicolaus Copernicus is most remembered for discovering that the Earth circles the Sun,
shattering the long-held idea that the world revolved around it.
2. What lessons could be learned from the experiences of Copernicus?
o The Copernican Revolution, as far as what I've learnt, was a paradigm shift from the Ptolemaic
model of the heavens, which depicted the cosmos as cantered on Earth. The heliocentric theory,
according to which the Sun is at the centre of the Solar System, is correct.
3. How can science influence religion today?
o In contemporary generation, it is still vital to explore how science may effect religion. The realm
of scientific knowledge, on one side of the split, is a place of facts, logic, and reason. Religion, on
the other hand, is a sphere of spirituality, intuition, and faith. These two worlds seldom collide,
and when they do, it's usually in a negative way.

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