PRE-ASSESSMENT - ETHICS - Clifford Michael Manongsong - BSSW1

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Clifford Michael B.

Manongsong ETHICS
BSSW – 1ST Year

A. Supply your answer briefly. Use a poster on (20pts)
1. What is a Natural law?
Natural law is a philosophical attempt to give value to human
existence. If there is no value attached to humans and their existence
then it is hard to explain why human conduct should be externally
regulated by written laws and cultural structures. Natural law is
considered a set of basic, unchanging principles governing human
behavior: e.g. those things that are right or wrong in and of
themselves, such as the unjustified taking of another human life, or
stealing another person’s possessions.
2. Identify the four causes of Aristotle.
Aristotle argued for 4 levels of causality: material, efficient,
formal, and final causality.
o Material causality - the matter out of which something is made.
o Efficient causality — the person or process that gives matter its
o Formal causality — the essence of the reality in question.
o Final causality — the purpose of the reality in question.

3. Philippines is a predominantly Christian country, there is a good

chance that you either had a Christian upbringing, or at least would
have been familiarity with Christianity. Does your understanding of
Christian doctrine coincide with divine command theory? Explain in 3-5
sentences your answer.
The foundation of Christianity is based on the belief that Jesus
Christ is the son of God, who on the cross paid the debt of all
humanity. This is the central belief of Christianity, and the others
are built around this. One such belief is divine command theory, which
states that God gives humanity commandments, and it is our
responsibility to obey them. But not all agree with this idea.
4. From your own experience and observation, which of the following do
you think seems to give the greatest influence on the behavior of
people: Natural Law, Human Law, or Divine Law? Explain in 3-5
sentences your answer.
Natural laws are the laws which are absolute and inalienable. These
are the rights which every individual has by the virtue of being a
human being. Natural laws transcend geographical and political
boundaries. They would still exist even if no government existed.
People have control over their own body, therefore they have
Clifford Michael B. Manongsong ETHICS
BSSW – 1ST Year

sovereignty over it. This means that it is immoral to coerce them to

do anything with their body or to harm their body.

5. Do some research on a particular set of rules or laws operative in

your community.
This are some of laws operative that I research and observed in our
community. Building a community is about building relationships.
People who just follow you won’t give you any indication of how
relevant you are. Be civil. The Society encourages open and candid
discussions and debates. However, all communications should be
respectful. Act with honesty and integrity: Your word is your bond. You
may gain in the short term in money or success through dishonesty, but
it will cost you a loss of respect, trust, love and close
relationships. Respect others: Rabbi Akiva said it best, "Don't do unto
others as you would not want done to you." Every person on this planet
is created in the image of the Almighty. If you don't respect others,
you don't respect the Almighty.

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