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Traditional Assessment

- Is the use of strategies or tools to provide

information on student learning. 

Alternative assessment
- Is refers to the use of alternative or non-traditional
assessment strategies or tools to collect information
on student learning.
a. Performance-oriented
b. Product-oriented


1.Assessment is based on authentic tasks that
demonstrate learners' ability to accomplish
communication goals;
2.Instructor and learners focus on communication, not
on right Sand wrong answers;
3.Learners help to set the criteria for successful
completion of communication tasks; and
4.Learners have opportunities to assess themselves and
their peers.

Apply learned lesson through:

- Task performance
- Product creation

Alternative assessment include:

 Project-based assignment
 Problem-based assignment
 Presentation
 Reports
 Reflective pieces
 Concept maps
 Critical analyses
 Case-based scenarios
 Portfolios

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