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Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan


Km. 54 Cagayan Valley Road, San Rafael, Bulacan

“Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the

Senior High School Students”

In Partial Fulfillment for the Subject

Practical Research 1

Santos, Christian Altair S.
Orbase, Jason Carlo G.
De Guzman, John Ber C.
Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Estrella, Vincent James P.
Martin, Mhike Jospeh E.

Research Adviser:
Ms. Emalyn R. Chua

April 2019
Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 1
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

Chapter 1

The Problem and its Background

I. Introduction
Stress is the nonspecific response of the body to any demand, whether it is caused
by, or results in, pleasant or unpleasant conditions. It brings threats such as increased rate
of depression, anxiety, cardiovascular disease, and other potentially life-threatening
issues to one's mind. Reducing stress in your everyday life is vital for maintaining your
overall health, as it can improve your mood, boost immune function, promote longevity
and allow you to be more productive. When you let your stress get the best of you, you
put yourself at risk of developing a range of illnesses – from the common cold to severe
heart disease. Stress has such a powerful impact on your well-being because it is a natural
response that is activated in the brain. Nowadays most of the students are experiencing
stress and, stress is no exception in every school and in every student.

It is an important feature of the lives of senior high school students and can
impact negatively on learning. Students studying in a competitive academic environment
today are experiencing various pressures from the life change that are related to personal
aspiration, need to success, meeting the expectation of the university, family and
community, these experiences have an effect in which they cope in the daily basis.
Whether a situation is pleasant or unpleasant required necessary coping skills to achieve
the adjustment and reduce the effect of stress in body and mind.

Stress is a feeling of being under abnormal pressure, whether it is an increased

workload, an argument with a family member, or financial worries. Stress sometimes can
affect everyone in one way or another, there are certain times and situations when
pressured piles up and we need a little extra support to help us cope. Stress also affects us
in a number of ways, both physically and emotionally, and in varying intensities.
Moreover, stress is related to fight-and-flight instincts and that are our body’s ways of
responding to emergencies. When stressful challenges occur, our body senses danger and
Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 2
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

responds by releasing hormones into our bloodstream, which speed up our heart,
breathing, and other physical processes and prepare us to react fast for avoiding threat.
This natural reaction is known as the stress response. Stress can have both positive and
negative consequences on the individual. Having optimum stress can lead to peak
efficiency, create satisfaction a sense of well-being and accomplishment and other reward
for success. On the other hand, excessive stress in school can result to loss of appetitive
for reading, to perform well and declining mental and physical health. Stress is caused by
some factors (stressors) which exist both within and without the school environment.
What may be challenge for one will be a stressor for another; it depends largely on
background experiences, temperament and environmental conditions. Stress is a part of
life and is created by constantly changing situations that a person must face, yet we do
not need statistics to tell us that we feel stressed, exhausted, and creatively depleted when
we do not care for ourselves.

II. Statement of the Problem

Undoubtedly, stress has become the number one reported impediment to
academic performance, as fellow students now report being stressed out than ever. Stress
is one of the most difficult fights that senior high school students face. Many people are
greatly affected by it. Especially students, they are of those who experience it. Many
things can be the source of stress they are suffering. If a person is experiencing stress it
can affect his or her lifestyle. The general problem of this research is to determine the
causes of stress and its effect on the academic performance of students in senior high
school students.

1. What are the factors that generate stress on senior high school students?
2. What are the symptoms of stress on senior high school students?
III. Scope and Delimitation
The general intent of this study is to know the effects and causes of stress in
academic performance of senior high school students. We researchers will conduct
surveys on Grade 11 and Grade 12 students only in Holy Child Academy.
Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 3
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

IV. Significance of the Study

The results of this study will benefit the:

1. Students – This study will enlighten their minds on how do stress became a positive and a
negative impact on their academic performance. This will also make them better on
improving themselves on how they will face stress in their daily lives.
2. Parents – The result of this study will also inform them, why do they’re sons/daughters
are so busy at school. This will also tell that their children also having difficulties at
school. This will also help them to understand their children more, give enough attention,
and to support them
3. Researchers - The results of the study will provide them researched based information
that they can use on future research.
4. Health experts – This will serve as a reference on their daily work to use in patients
experiencing severe stressed.

Chapter 2

Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 4
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

Theoretical Framework
Review of Related Literature and Studies
Short-term stress lasting as little as a few hours can impair brain-cell
communication in areas associated with learning and memory, researchers have found. It
has been known that severe stress lasting weeks or months can impair cell
communication in the brain's learning and memory region, but this study provides the
first evidence that short-term stress has the same effect (Irvine, 2008).
Early-life stress has been shown to impair learning and memory in later life, but
new research suggests that improved nutrition may help offset the negative effects of this
stress. Specifically, using mice, scientists focused on essential micronutrients, including
methionine, vitamins B6 and B12, and folic acid, none of which are made by the body
and need to be ingested through diet. They found that early-life stress reduces the levels
of these nutrients in mouse pups, but supplementation prevented the reduction of
methionine levels and even prevented some of the lasting negative effects of early-life
stress on later learning and memory in adult offspring (Biology, 2016).
Chronic exposure to psychosocial stress early in life can lead to an increased
vulnerability later in life to diseases linked to immune dysfunction and chronic
inflammation, including arthritis, asthma, cancer, diabetes, heart disease and even mental
illness. But the molecular mechanisms underlying the negative effects of early exposure
to stress are unknown. Using the common aquarium fish, the zebrafish, as a model,
developmental biologists are beginning to elucidate these mechanisms (Laboratory,
If people actually embrace the concept of stress, it can make them stronger,
smarter and happier, a Stanford expert says. “Stress isn’t always harmful,” said Kelly
McGonigal, a business school lecturer at Stanford and program developer for the
Stanford Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education. “Once you
appreciate that going through stress makes you better at it, it can be easier to face each
new challenge” (Parker, 2015).

Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 5
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

Exams, tight deadlines and interpersonal conflicts are just a few examples of the
many events that may result in high levels of stress in both students and teachers.
Research over the past two decades identified stress and the hormones and
neurotransmitters released during and after a stressful event as major modulators of
human learning and memory processes, with critical implications for educational
contexts. While stress around the time of learning is thought to enhance memory
formation, thus leading to robust memories, stress markedly impairs memory retrieval,
bearing, for instance, the risk of underachieving at exams. Recent evidence further
indicates that stress may hamper the updating of memories in the light of new
information and induce a shift from a flexible, ‘cognitive’ form of learning towards rather
rigid, ‘habit’-like behavior. Together, these stress-induced changes may explain some of
the difficulties of learning and remembering under stress in the classroom. Taking these
insights from psychology and neuroscience into account could bear the potential to
facilitate processes of education for both students and teacher (Susanne Vogel, 2016).
And while most of us have heard the expression ‘hug it out,’ according to one
recent study, hugs can actually help us reduce stress. The study looked at 404 adults, both
men and women, over 14 days. Researchers found that especially when a person reported
having some sort of conflict or negative event during their day, a hug was associated with
less negative emotions. And the effect was the same for both men and women. “If you
received a hug on a day that you had experienced some interpersonal conflict, the hug
was actually a modifier of the stress response – meaning you had less of an increase in
negative emotion, and less of a decrease in positive sentiment, if you got a simple hug,”
said Cleveland Clinic’s Scott Bea, PsyD, who did not take part in the research. Dr. Bea
said a hug is a supportive behavior that we naturally do to comfort one another. He said
hugs can be especially comforting in today’s society when so much of our
communication is done electronically. “We’ve never been more ‘over-connected,’ yet,
more apart,” said Dr. Bea. “We don’t always meet each other face to face, and these hug
studies really tell us how powerful the effect of hugs are.” He said other studies suggest
that the longer the duration of the hug, the better – that we should aim for a 20 second
Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 6
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

hug. Dr. Bea said within that 20 seconds there is a decrease in the stress hormone
cortisol. “I think the longer the hug lasts, the more our thoughts wind down,” said Dr.
Bea. “Because we could be hugging, but over-thinking and not noticing the hug; and I
think if we hang on just a little bit longer, some of that thinking goes down, and we
actually start to feel the presence of the human being in front of us” (Stories, 2019).
Physiologically, stress-related diseases in the form reproduction, cardiovascular,
metabolism and gastrointestinal diseases are determined by great areas of genetic and
developmental factors which are different from a person to a person but also symptoms of
this disease may be similar sometimes among individuals (Hellhammer, 2008).
Stress is physics word which refers to the amount of force used on an object and it
relates in real life as to how certain issues that carry force applied to human life.
Examples financial difficulties, health challenge issues, conflicts with friends, all carry
force or pressure on person's body -mind and spirit. Some of the pressure or force
originate from the environment but most often comes from within a person's head in the
form of worry, anxiousness, regret, discouragement and low confidence. Therefore, stress
is basically force applied to a person and may result in a strain which is as a result of an
unmanaged stress that is when a person is not able to handle a challenge or problem
encountered strain result. To some people, the effect is minimal which means they are
able to endure pressure whiles in others the effect is enormous and have an adverse effect
(Wheeler, 2007).
“An uncertain reaction to external and internal factors” that means a negative or
positive reaction to environmental stimuli. In this regard, it is how the totality of your
body relate to changes and unfamiliar situations that present itself in the course of time.
During such a period, vital organs such as sexual organs, heart rate, blood pressure,
stroke volume, respiratory rate in the body react speedily. Many hormonal responses are
at peak (Pargman,2006).
Major Sources of Stress

Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 7
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

Bernstein et al. states that students have a unique cluster of stressful experiences.
Student’s academic performances can be affected by many factors. The sources of stress
as every circumstance or event that threatens to disrupt people’s daily functioning and
causes them to make adjustments (2003).
According to Similarly, Phinney, and Haas (2003), the sources of stress is more
focus specifically as a unique set of stressful encounters among student which includes:
difficult financial challenges, domestic responsibilities, responsibilities related to holding
a job while in school, and a heavy academic load.
Relationship Factors as Source of Stress
Relationship or Relations on its own is a broad topic that can be discussed and it
has had a lot of effect on most aspects of a life of individuals. The term relationship talks
about how people are connected and the connection can be through blood, marriage,
adoption and other legal ways like neutralization for a country and registration. This bond
that is created between people can at times turn to be a burden on them and others to turn
out to be victims of relationship abuse.
Relationship abuse is an example of oppressive and coercive practices used to
keep up force and control over a previous or current cozy accomplice. Abuse can be
enthusiastic, money related, sexual or physical and can incorporate dangers, seclusion,
and terrorizing.
Abuse has a tendency to raise after some time. All these relationship issues can be in the
form of change in a relationship, conflicts with a roommate, working with people you
don't know, contact with strangers and family problems. The student turns to stress up to
about these issues and begins to think a lot about ways to solve them which leads to them
being distracted or having divided attention from academic work.
In view of this relationships might look very simple and easy but at the long run, they
really cause so much stress than one can imagine especially in the life of students.
Personal Factors as Source of Stress

Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 8
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

Personal factors happen to really cause so much stress than we can imagine and
they also play a very important role in the various aspect of the life of a student. These
factors vary from person to person that result in a different set of perceptions, attitudes,
and behaviors. Personal factors can take a form of so many ways which one way or the
other affect student performance and stress them up. Some of these factors are:

1. Change in Living Environment

The reality that stress occurs when an event or stimulus requires us to change in
some way makes a change in living environment a stressful experience. Apart from
moving from home to school, our daily bumping into new faces on campus, disorders
from roommates, etc. is tensed experience.

2. Change in Sleeping Habits

The somewhat burdensome nature of student-life causes a drastic change in sleep

pattern. More to the point, this newly adopted pattern is unstable, as it is often tied to
academic workloads and/or tasks at hand.

3. New Responsibilities

Responsibilities related to holding a job while in school will certainly compound

to a heavy academic load which is bound to result in stress. This is really challenging, as
one has to financially rely on a job for sustenance.

4. Financial Difficulties

It is definitely not a conducive experience when a student has to handle dual

challenges of academics and financial constraints. Life becomes very challenging when a
student is behind on bills payment; for when deadlines are not met and bills stares at you,
it is enough to get a student tensed and depressed.

5. Combining Job with Studies

Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 9
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

Many take part-time job or short-term job during their period of studies. Some of
them do this to gain experience for the future and also other to support their studies and
themselves financially. Although working while in school is very beneficial to a student it
also causes a lot of stress for them which might be too difficult to handle. Students will
not have much time to study for their quizzes or exams and some even miss a lot of
classes because they will be worn out or tired by the time they come back from their
workplace. Students turn to face a lot of challenges when they combine work with studies

6. Health Problems

Health issues are a concern to everyone because bad health causes a lot of damage
to the life of a person. In the life of a student, health problems cause a lot of stress and
these can turn out to even make the conditions worst by adding insult to injury. Stress can
lead to physical symptoms including headaches, upset stomach, elevated blood pressure,
chest pain, and problems sleeping. Research suggests that stress also can bring on or
worsen certain symptoms or diseases.

7. Poor Eating Habit

Poor nutrition and unhealthy eating habits can increase a student's stress level,
according to the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. Diets that can build
stress levels in understudies incorporate those that are high in fat, caffeine, sugar and
refined starches Examples of stress-inducing foods are sodas, energy drinks, doughnuts,
candy bars, processed snack foods, white bread, and French fries. A healthy diet that
helps to reduce stress includes foods that are low in fat and high in fiber and complex
carbohydrates. Such foods include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and lean proteins.

8. Bad Living Conditions

Living conditions of people place a major role in the feeling and thinking of
students. When students live in a condition which is difficult to afford some basic
amenities of life they really live unhappily and this affects almost all the aspect of their

Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 10
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

life. Therefore, when they start to ponder about these issues they get stressed up and lose

9. Divorce Between Parents

Major life changing events or happens can be very stressful to everyone,

especially students. Unpleasant events like the divorce of parents make the student not be
themselves because they become victims of broken homes. Divorce takes away the
happiness students have and once that happiness they lose themselves and reflect on the
past which stresses them up at the long run.

10. Placed in Unfamiliar Situations

There are a lot of situations that when someone finds themselves in, they become
frustrated and try to find ways and means out of that situation. Students are also victims
of some of these situations. Some kind stuff or issues take places in school which might
involve a student and he or she know nothing about that situation and most often they are
unpleasant ones. Students become disturbed and worried when they find themselves in
such situations and thinking about that stress them up a lot.

Academic Factors as Source of Stress

There are some factors that happen in the academic curriculum that causes so
much stress to students. So many things take place in the day to day activities of the
academic processes that make students stress up.

1. Increased Class Workload

An increase in class workload stresses up students in the sense that when students
have to do more than they can handle, they turn to get frustrated and are unable to focus
and think straight. Students will overschedule their plans to meet up with the class

Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 11
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

workload in other to get good grades but eventually because these tasks are too much for
them, they end up messing everything up.

Especially in situations where there are a lot of assignments to do after having a

very long day at work makes students more confused. Also too much workload can also
make student to be stressed in the sense that, when a student is undergoing so many
courses in school and each of these courses are also demanding it make the student not
have enough time to handle all these courses to his or her perfection and ones that happen
the student turns to think so much and as a result will be stressed up and this will have a
great effect on the academic performance of the student.

2. Low Grades

It is the desire of every student to excel in their field studies as such high grades
mean a lot to students. In situations where students believe they expect a higher grade but
at the end get a lower grade than they expected it weighs them down and kills the
motivation they have. Once this happens students start to think a lot about what they
didn't do, where they went and most times are not able to find answers to those questions.
At the long run, they become stressed up with that and are not able to do everything right

3. Many Hours of Studies

Every student has a life outside the academic curriculum and environment. When
a student has to compromise and use their personal time for other activities for studies,
they turn to get bored and lose interest in studies. At the long run, this situation stresses
them up which cause them to lose focus on academic work. As the saying goes "all work
and no play make Jack a dull boy ", it also applies to students since they will become dull
if all they do is to use their private time for studies and not have time for themselves.

4. Language Difficulties

Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 12
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

Language proficiency may have a profound effect on an individual's ability to

learn and develop, due to its key role in the transmission of information and regulation of
cognitive processes (Binder & Smith, 2013). Language is one factor that has so much
influence on the life of a student. Language is the only means to communicate freely, so
if students are having issues understanding the language been used in the academic
process it becomes a big challenge to them and they will eventually start thinking about
it. Once this happen, they become frustrated and stressed up when even they have
communicated and at the long run affects their performance.

5. Procrastination

Procrastination, as they say, is the thieves of time, one attitude that is very
common among a lot of students is procrastination. Procrastination is the avoidance of
doing a task which needs to be accomplished. It is the act of accomplishing more
pleasurable things set up of less pleasurable ones or completing less critical errands rather
than more pressing ones, in this manner putting off approaching assignments to a later
time. When students keep doing these, they lose interest in doing that particular task or
assignment and once the loss of interest sets in stress follows up since they will be
thinking how to meet up with the deadline for the assignment or task.

6. Examinations

Periods for examinations causes so much stress in students than one can imagine.
Examination is the only means for a student to prove that he deserves a better grade for a
course and due to these students think a lot and also revise everything they have learnt
during the whole period of the cause, in doing so, some students get confused about some
topics they treated and others also don't know where to begin their studies from. The
thought of this stuff makes them frustrated and confused which at the long run stress
them up.

7. Missing Lectures

Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 13
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

It is the desire of students to miss lectures or skip school. Although some students
wake up and decide to miss lectures or school, others also have to do that due to
circumstances beyond their control. When some students miss class or lectures, they
become disturbed and worried especially of the course is on they have difficulties in
understanding. When this happens, they start to wonder how they will make up for the
lessons they lost so as they will be on the same pace with their fellow colleague in school.
The thought of finding ways to make up with lessons which they have issues in becomes
a burden and stress them up beyond imagination.

8. Frustration due to Misunderstandings

A lot of students get frustrated when they don’t understand what is being taught
by the teachers in class. Some also misinterpret what the teacher said in a different way
or meaning. This frustration leads to students being stressed up because they wonder how
they will pass the course because they hardly get what the teachers say in class.
Adverse Effects of Stress in Students

Students today experience high levels of stress in many areas of life. This is an
important domain for further research and an effective channel of intervention for
university mental health professionals. Study schedules, especially in universities, are
very challenging. The act of combining a busy life along with education causes stress and
depression. Limited stress is beneficial and can lead to excellent performance. However,
uncontrolled stress can lead to exhaustion, depression and several other sicknesses. In
fact, college students are prone to episodic stress. This happens when exams are around
the corner. Stress and depression also occur when getting ready for a presentation or an
interview. Several students contemplate or commit suicide.

Student life is a changeover period. They do a course supposing it will empower

them to do or have something that they need, for example, expanded openings for work
or upgraded delight in life. Concentrating on is a piece of a procedure of progress and,
here and there, change can bring about a considerable measure of nervousness. Students

Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 14
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

in school especially universities experience an intense stage taking care of anxiety and

Firstly, their hormones are in overdrive, which causes stress. Furthermore, the
weight to do well adds to their anxiety levels. Homework, issues at home, connections at
school and associate weight all add to stress and depression. The stress students
experience may test their ability to cope and adapt to the environment they find
themselves in. The impact of stress on students can be looked at from various angles.
Stress affects students academically, socially, physically and emotionally (Centre, 2010).

Impact of Stress Academically

Stress affecting students academically leads them to have bad performance in

school work. Students experience a lack of concentration. Stress in college students can
affect the ability to concentrate, and there have been studies conducted that prove that
stress interferes with a student's ability to concentrate, Stress in students is not something
we can take likely. Ironically stress Improves concentration for a short term because
when students are little stressed up, they then to focus to try to get the issue in question
which stresses them away but these concentrations doesn't last for long since they will
have more school work or others assignments to do which demand long-term
concentrations rather than the short term.

Furthermore, stress affects the productivity or the output students make. When
students are stressed up, they turn not to give their maximum best when doing school
work and as a result, it manifests in the outputs they bring which are clearly seen in the
grades. Stress makes students spend fewer hours trying to get some school work done and
they also do it in a shabby manner not following the instructions giving the assignments
in question. They also don't make adequate preparation for examinations. In the long
term, it can even affect their plans for the future.

Also, stress affects the initiative skills of students. Most students when stressed
upturn to lack the ability to bring up new ideas to solve problems or issues, thus when
Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 15
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

students are faced with some challenges which might be even so easy to solve because
they are stressed up to refuse or are unable to rack their brains to find solutions to that

Lastly, stress cause students to be confused and also suffer from amnesia. All
people when stressed upturn to be sixes and sevens with the little- complicated issues. In
the academic life of students, they easily have misunderstandings with what is been
taught in school and don't know what to do. On the other hand, many of them also forget
easily what have they know or have been taught because their minds are burdened with
the issues that are stressing them up. All these points impact of stress on students, in the
long run, cause them to perform poorly in school.

Impact of Stress Socially

Students are social beings by nature, as they characteristically have an essential

need and wish to uphold helpful social relations. Thus, they typically treasure keeping
encouraging social bonds to be beneficial. Social relationships can offer nurturance,
foster feelings of social inclusion, and lead to reproductive success. Anything that
disrupts or threatens to disrupt their relationships with others can result in social stress.

To start isolations is one major impacts stress has on the social life of students.
Mostly when students are tensed and have a lot of issues thinking about, they prefer to be
away from their friends and be alone to ponder about those issues, of course being alone
at times helps to resolve out stressful issues but doing so on a regular basis or frequently
also means risking to lose your friends since you are mostly not with them.

Secondly, stress also causes students to have resentments in whatever they do.
When students are tensed up, they easily have anger issues that are easily get irritated
with the little things people do. This pushes away people and at times even their closest
friends leaving them to be alone, and being alone can cause them to do unpleasant things
to themselves and even innocent people.

Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 16
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

Elaborating further, stress causes lower sex drive in students. A Student who
happens to be married or is in serious relationship turns to have issues with their partner
because of low sex drive. This is because their minds are tuned up to solving problems
that are stressing them and so doing kills the desire of sex and this affects their marriages
and relations because sex is a vital factor in one's life.

To end with, stress can also make students to always nag and complain. Students
will always see something wrong with what their fellow mates will do because they are in
a situation whereby their critical annalistic instinct and drive are fully not functions as
they are supposed to. They do not have the zeal or interest to look at what their mate has
done and give critical analysis. All these social effects, in the long run, give bad names
and status to students who exhibit these behaviors which will have an adverse effect on
their academic life.

Impact of Stress Physically

Stress that continues without break can lead to a state called distress, a negative
stress reaction. Distress can lead to physical problems. The Physical impact of stress
basically reflects on the health of the student. Stress can make you breathe tougher. That's
not a problem for most people, but for those with asthma or a lung disease such as
emphysema, getting the oxygen you need to breathe easier can be difficult. In addition,
stress can cause the swift breathing or hyperventilation that can cause a panic attack in
someone prone to panic attacks. Also, stress can cause the muscles to tense up. By
sudden onset stress, the muscles tense up all at once and then release their tension when
the stress passes. Chronic stress causes the muscles in the body to be in a more or less
constant state of guardedness.

Furthermore, stress also causes restlessness in a student. Students who happen to

be in situations that stress them up are unable to sit at one place but rather will just be
walking to and from to find solutions to their worries. This makes them always busy and

Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 17
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

tired causing them no to be able to have proper sleep and rest during the night which is
not good for the body system.

Also, stress causes the increase of alcohol, drugs and tobacco use among students.
Some student has the habit of taking alcohol, drugs and smoking tobacco when they feel
under pressure to calm them down. Stress worsen this because it increases the intake of
whatever thing the student use and at the long run causes health implications for them.
Some might even contact severe diseases which may be incurable.

Lastly, stress causes fatigue in students. When students are stressed up, they are
always tired because the use the energy they have in just thinking about whatever issue
that's making them stressed. When this happens, they have no energy left in them for
academic purposes or to even do other this for them self. Being fatigue can make
students mess up a whole lot of things which are supposed to help them in life.

Impact of Emotional stress

Researchers in the field of Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) study the ways in

which the immune system and the nervous system communicate with each other and
impact people's mental and emotional health. Even though the field is relatively new,
many studies have been designed to examine the influence of immune and nervous
systems on the psychological consequences of stress. PNI research suggests that chronic
stress can lead to or exacerbate mood disorders such as depression and anxiety, bipolar
disorder, cognitive (thinking) problems, personality changes, and problem behaviors.

By-products of stress hormones can act as sedatives (chemical substances which

cause us to become calm or fatigued). When such hormone by-products occur in large
amounts (which will happen under conditions of chronic stress), they may contribute to a
sustained feeling of low energy or depression. Habitual patterns of thought which
influence appraisal and increase the likelihood that a person will experience stress as
negative (such as low self-efficacy, or a conviction that you are incapable of managing
stress) can also increase the likelihood that a person will become depressed.
Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 18
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

Some students with stress may show some outwards signs of anxiety fidgeting,
biting their fingernails, and tapping their feet. In other people, chronic activation of stress
hormones can contribute to severe feelings of anxiety examples are, racing heartbeat,
nausea, sweaty palms feelings of helplessness and a sense of impending doom. These
feelings make the student vulnerable to anxiety feelings.

A Student who are stressed up also get discourage easily, this is because they
have a lot on their head and always have the feelings that whatever they will do will not
go on well or has planned and due to this give up in the middle of whatever project they
are doing. They also then to always make excuses for mistakes they do instead of taking

Mood swings is another common effect of stress on students. Students are unable
to have a particular mood for a long period of time. Although mood changes are common
for every student but the rate at which it changes is very fast with students who are
stressed up and depressed. This mood swing makes it difficult for others students to even
communicate or help them out. This frequent changing of moods ruins the days of
student and makes them not to be able to concentrate.

Lastly, stress causes irritability and bad temper in students. Students who stressed
easily get annoyed with the least thing that another person. Stress in its own way kills the
tolerance of student making them vulnerable temper issues. Student tries to be calm but
because they are worried and disturbed, they lose that control easily.

Stress Management Techniques

Ability to manage stress is really an important issue when it comes to the topic if stress.
Due to this, the Klinic community health centre has laid down some stress relieving
techniques which help a lot especially students to enable them to manage their stress
issues (Centre 2010; Hiriyappa 2012). There are some techniques and ways that can help
reduce stress and stop you being stressed up.

Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 19
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

The first technique that can help with the management of stress is meditation. Meditation
that cultivates mindfulness can be particularly effective at reducing stress, anxiety,
depression, and other negative emotions. Mindfulness is the quality of being fully
engaged in the present moment, without over-thinking or analyzing the experience.
Rather than worrying about the future or dwelling on the past, mindfulness meditation
switches the focus on what is happening right now. Mindfulness meditation is not equal
to zoning out. It takes an effort to maintain your concentration and to bring it back to the
present moment when your mind wanders or you start to drift off. But with regular
practice, mindfulness strengthens the areas of the brain associated with joy and
relaxation. Mindfulness provides a potentially powerful antidote to the common causes of
daily stress such as time pressure, distraction, agitation, and interpersonal conflicts
(Clinic Community Health Centre, 2010).
Body Scanning
Furthermore, body scanning is also another good way of managing stress. Body scanning
promotes mindfulness by focusing your attention on various parts of your body. Like
progressive muscle relaxation, you can start with your feet and work your way up.
However, instead of tensing and relaxing your muscles, you simply focus on the way
each part of your body feels, noticing any sensations without labeling then as “good or
bad” (Clinic Community Health Centre, 2010).
Deep Breathing
Another way which is easy to practice and do is deep breathing. Deep breathing releases
tension from the body and clears the mind, improving both physical and mental wellness.
We tend to breathe shallowly or even hold our breath when we are feeling anxious.
Sometimes we are not even aware of it. Shallow breathing limits your oxygen intake and
adds further stress to your body. Breathing exercises can help to reduce this stress.
The key to deep breathing is to breathe deeply from the abdomen, getting as much air as
possible into your lungs. When you take deep breaths from the abdomen, rather than
shallow breaths from your upper chest, you inhale more oxygen. The more oxygen you
get, the less tense, short of breath, and anxious you feel. This kind of breathing is called
diaphragmatic breathing. It means to breathe from the depths of your belly, rather than
from your chest and nose (Clinic Community Health Centre, 2010).
Guided Imagery
Guided imagery is also a convenient and simple relaxation technique that can help you
quickly and easily manage stress and reduce tension in your body. It is virtually as easy
as indulging in a vivid daydream and, with practice; this technique can help you to ease
the tension and stress that you feel. When used as a relaxation technique, guided imagery
Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 20
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

involves imagining a scene in which you feel at peace, free to let go of all tension and
anxiety. Choose whatever setting is most calming to you, whether a tropical beach, a
favorite childhood spot, a therapist’s chair, or a quiet place in the woods (Clinic
Community Health Centre, 2010).
Lastly, self-massage helps so much in managing stress much more than we think. Getting
a massage provides deep relaxation, and as the muscles in your body relaxes, so do your
overstressed mind. There are many simple self-massage techniques you can use to relax
and release stress (Clinic Community Health Centre, 2010).
Conceptual/Theoretical Framework

Independent Dependent
Variables Variables

 Senior High School How Senior High School

Students students manage their
stress caused by the
following stressors
 Personal Factors as
Source of Stress
 Academic Stressors
 Relationship Stressors

Hypothesis of the Study

The purpose of this research is to examine what are the cause & effects of stress
to the Academic Performance of Senior High School students. The researchers also took
into consideration some reports that have been published already by other researchers that

Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 21
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

have bearing on the topic of this study. Divers conclusions have been made by
researchers on various topics which were of importance to this research. The reports
aided the researcher to get some information for the research. A student who experience
stress, copes up with different stress management, this study will help the researchers to
evaluate what are the causes and effects of stress on academic performance of the Senior
High School students.

Assumption of the Study

The research aims to find the negative effects of social media on the academic
performance of the Holy Child Academy Senior High School students. The
questionnaires will be distributed on the 200 randomly selected students. This study also
lets the future generation to be aware in this topic,

Definition of Terms

The following terms are operationally defined to help the readers better
understand the studies.

Stress: Is one of the major phenomena experience by the students that caused by
problems they encounter in daily life.

Stressors: Is any event or experiences that causes stress in an individual.

Senior High School Students: They were a group of students who most experience

Stress Management: The techniques of students that can help them to avoid the
destructive consequences of excessive stress.

Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 22
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

Chapter 3

Research Methodology

This chapter of the research presents the different methods and strategies that will
be demonstrated and specified in the study. These includes the research design,
respondents of the study, instrument of the study, validity and reliability, and statistical
treatment procedure that was taken place and was used in gathering data and information
which will be essential in the study.

Research Design

This study attempts to identify the causes and effects of stress on students’
academic performance in Holy Child Academy. Quantitative data can be transported into
numbers, in a formal, objective, systematic process to obtain information and describe
variables and their relationships. This will enable the researchers to collect relevant data,
work effectively and have a deeper understanding on the causes and effects of stress on
academic performance of senior high school students. The study was conducted at Holy
Child Academy and answered by the 200 senior high school students.

Respondents of the Study

The students who will participate in our study will come from the Senior High
School students of Holy Child Academy. The total numbers of Senior High School
students that will be handed out by the questionnaire are 200.

Instrument of the Study

To determine the cause and effects of stress on academic performance of senior

high school students, students of Holy Child Academy were gathered using 200 survey

Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 23
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

questionnaires, which was created to contain information about the effects of stress on
academic performance of senior high school students as well as determining its causes.

The questionnaires are for the randomly selected Senior High School students of
Holy Child Academy. The researchers designed a questionnaire with both opened and
closed ended questions from the area of research. The questionnaires were structured
carefully to avoid respondents not getting meaning of questions. Simple and easy words
were therefore used so that respondents will easily understand as well as answer them.
Possible answers were provided to enable respondents tick which ever answer they find
suitable in terms of their response to the question. A sample of the questionnaire can be
referred to at the last page of this thesis work. The answer or response of the respondents
to the questionnaire will help the researcher to get information, and knowledge to fulfill
the objectives and to determine the cause and effects of stress on Senior High School
Statistical Treatment

The Data gathered through the instrument (Questionnaire) were organized

and presented in tables. Percentage was used for numerical description expressed
mathematically as follows:

F= × 100=P


F= frequency of response

n= total number of respondents

P= percentage

This formula is use to gather information and data, frequency and percentage
were used to classify the respondents in terms of their grade & section, and age.
Descriptive statistics such as pie and bar graph will be used to present information
processed from data regarding to the cause and effects of stress in Senior High School

Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 24
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

Chapter 4
Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter overseen the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data

gathered by the researchers. This study aims to determine the cause and effects of stress
on Senior High School students of Holy Child Academy.

Presentation of Data
Question #1: How often do you feel stressed?

Table #1

Choices Frequency Percentage

Always 43 21.5%

Sometimes 98 49%

I don’t know 8 4%

Everyday 28 14%

Once in a while 19 9.5%

Never 4 2%

Total 200 100%

Graph #1

Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 25
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

Question #1
I don't know Never
4.0% 2.0%
Once in a while

14.0% Sometimes


Sometimes Always Everyday

Once in a while I don't know Never

Analysis & Interpretation:

The Table #1 and Graph #1 shows that 98 students do sometimes feel stressed
having the percentage of 49%, 43 students on always with 21.5%, 28 on every day with
14%, 19 on once in a while with 9.5%, 8 on I don’t know with 4%, and 4 on never with

Question #2: In what aspect of life, you have the most problem?
Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 26
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

Table #2

Choices Frequency Percentage

School 70 35%

Friends 28 14%

Social Life/Community 26 13%

Others 0 0%

Family 24 12%

Love Life 42 21%

I don’t know 10 5%

Total 200 100%

Graph #2

Question #2
I don’t know

Social Life/Community 35.0%

Love Life

School Love Life Friends Social Life/Community

Family I don’t know Others

Analysis & Interpretation:

Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 27
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

The Table #2 and Graph #2 shows that 70 students answered school having the
percentage of 35%, wherein they encounter lot of problems, 42 students on Love Life
with 21%, 28 on friends with 14%, 26 in Social Life/Community with 13%, 24 on family
with 12%, and 10 on I don’t know with 5%.

Question #3: Relationship Factors as source of Stress.

Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 28
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

Table #3

Choices Frequency Percentage

Conflict with parents 69 34.5%

Misunderstanding with 71 35.5%

boyfriend and girlfriend
Problem with friends 96 48%

Engaging and coping up 56 28%

with new people
Others 11 5.5%

Graph #3

Question #3

60% 48.0%
40% 34.5% 35.5%
20% 5.5%
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Analysis and Interpretation

Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 29
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

The Table #3 and Graph #3 explains relationship factors as source of stress.

There were 200 respondents with regard to this question. Others, such answer as
misunderstanding with friends, sleepless, school, overthinking, and all of the above, took
the least percentage with 5.5%. Problem with friends had the greatest percentage of 48%,
followed by, misunderstanding with boyfriend/girlfriend with 35.50%, conflict with
parents with 35% and engaging and coping up with new people with 28%.

Question #4: Academic factors as source of stress.

Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 30
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

Table #4

Choices Frequency Percentage

Increased academic 74 37%

Low grades or scores 107 53.5%

Procrastination 45 22.5%

Examinations 72 36%

Early deadlines 52 26%

Many hours of studies 41 20.5%

Language difficulties 22 11%

Others 7 3.5%
Graph #4

Question #4

60% 53.5%
40% 37.0% 36.0%
30% 22.5% 26.0%
20% 11.0%
10% 3.5%
ad es on s es s es rs
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a ad st O
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Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 31
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

Analysis and Interpretation

` The Table #4 and Graph #4 explains the academic factors as source of stress,
like the previous graph, respondents had the option to choose more than one answer.
There were total of 200 respondents. The low grades or score accounted for the highest
percentage which was 53.5%, followed by increased academic workload with 37%,
examinations with 36%, early deadlines with 26%, procrastination with 22.5%, many
hours of studies with 20.5%, language difficulties with 11%, and others such answers like
defense, money, and toxic environment with the least percentage of 3.5%.

Question #5: Personal factors as source of stress.

Table #5

Choices Frequency Percentage

Divorced Parents 68 34%

Placed in unfamiliar 67 33.5%

Bad living conditions 120 60%

Others 13 6.5%

Graph #5

Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 32
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

Question #5






40% 34.0% 33.5%



10% 6.5%

Divorced parents Placed in unfamiliar situations Bad living conditions Others


Analysis and Interpretation

Table #5 and Graph #5 shows the personal factors as a source of stress and the
respondents can also still choose more than one answer. We had 200 respondents. Bad
living conditions had the biggest percentage of 60%, followed by divorced parents with
34.0%, placed in unfamiliar situations with 33.5%, and others such answer conflict with
sister, insecurities, conflict with parents, personalities, with 6.5% having the least
percentage among the choices.

Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 33
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

Question #6: Do you get enough sleep when you are stressed?

Table #6

Choices Frequency Percentage

Yes 69 34.5%

No 131 65.5%

Total 200 100%

Graph #6

Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 34
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

Question #6



Yes No

Analysis and Interpretation

The Table #6 and Graph #6 with the question “Do you get enough sleep when
you are stressed?” most of the respondents are in favor for no, having the percentage of
65.5% for no and 34.5% for yes.

Question #7: Do you easily get irritated at school when you are stressed?

Table #7

Choices Frequency Percentage

Yes 159 79.5%

No 41 20.5%

Total 200 100%

Graph #7

Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 35
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

Question #7



Yes No

Analysis and Interpretation

The Table #7 and Graph #7 with the question “Do you easily get irritated at
school when you are stressed?” most of the respondents are in favor for yes, having the
percentage of 79.5% for yes and 20.5% for no.

Question #8: Do you find it hard managing your time when you are stressed?

Table #8

Choices Frequency Percentage

Yes 170 85%

No 30 15%

Total 200 100%

Graph #8

Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 36
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

Question #8



Yes No

Analysis and Interpretation

The Table #8 and Graph #8 with the question “Do you find it hard managing
your time when you are stressed?” most of the respondents are in favor for yes, having
the percentage of 85.5% for yes and 15% for no.

Question# 9: Do you get sick when you are too much stressed?

Table #9

Choices Frequency Percentage

Yes 88 44%

No 112 56%

Total 200 100%

Graph #9

Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 37
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

Question #9


Yes No

Analysis and Interpretation

The Table #9 and Graph #9 with the question “Do you get sick when you are too
much stressed?” most of the respondents are in favor for no, having the percentage of
56% for yes and 44% for no.


The researchers gathered data by means of survey questionnaires consisting 9

questions, possible answers were provided to enable respondents tick which ever answer
they find suitable in terms of their response to the question, the answers are tallied and
get their corresponding percentage by dividing the frequencies into the total population
which is 200 and then multiplied to 100, then percentage and the questions are in form of
pie chart and bar graph to illustrate the differences and the result gathered in the
questionnaires. On the first part of the questionnaire, the first question with 6 different
choices from always, sometimes, I don’t know, everyday, once in a while, and never the

Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 38
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

participants answers are mostly sometimes, that they do feel stressed sometimes. For the
second question, students admitted that in their life they encounter a lot of problems in
school which can be also considered as source of their stress. Moving on to the second
part of the questionnaire, asking what are the relationship, academic, and personal factors
as source of stress? Possible answers were provided, and all of those answers were to be
said as stressors on student’s life which can affect the academic performance of one
student. On the 6th question, students answers are mostly no, saying that they do not get
enough sleep when they are stressed. On the 7 th question, having yes as the answer by
most students, saying that the do get easily irritated at school when they are stressed. On
the 8th question, students mostly answers are yes, saying that they find it hard managing
their time when they’re stressed. And lastly on the 9th question students answers are
mostly no, saying that they do not get sick when they feel too much stressed.

Chapter 5

Summary of Findings

In all, data were collected from Senior High School students of Holy Child
Academy, regarding three main factors of stress which were: Relationship, Academic,
and personal factors. Each had sub factors that caused stress and base on the results,
problem with friends is the highest. With regards to academic issues, low grades/scores
were the highest and for the personal factors bad living conditions is the highest. Some
questions are made to also determine how does stress affects the life of Senior High

Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 39
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

School students. The results show that stress affects the overall school activities of
students as well as their social well-being.


Due to the negative impact of stress on student’s life, such as ineffective studies,
poor academic performance and the general health status, putting effective measures in
place is pertinent to their academic success and general life. This is done by identifying
the main causes of stress which includes changes in lifestyle, increased workload, new
responsibilities, and interpersonal relationships and finding the appropriate remedy. A lot
of research have been done on stress and it management and pragmatic solutions given
and we hope that, based on the analysis made, this thesis will be of great help in helping
students to have an excellent academic life.


Various research are made about stress, and stress is a daily problem that each one
of us encounters, a problem wherein it affect the holistically life of a person or student.
Lot of tips are now on the internet, tips on how to manage ones problem. Stress
management is important not just for students but for the whole community, to avoid
negative outcome about academics, students must cope up with different methods on how
they will manage their stress. Managing it saves one’s mind and life. To extend the
knowledge of each student, we recommend that seminars should be conducted about
stress management; this will help the students to handle this kind of factor.


1. Biology, F. o. (2016, October 26). Early supplementation may help offset early-
life stress on the adult brain. Retrieved from Science Daily:
2. Carlson, D. (2016). 3 Ways Stress Negatively Affects Student Performance.
3. Essel, O. (2017). Four Major Type of Stress.
Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 40
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

4. Irvine, U. o. (2008, March 13). Short-term Stress Can Affect Learning And
Memory. Retrieved from Science Daily:
5. Laboratory, M. D. (2016, October 24). Research examines role of early-life stress
in adult illness. Retrieved from Science Daily:
6. Owusu, E. a. (2017). Four Major Type of Stress.
7. Parker, C. B. (2015, May 7). Embracing stress is more important than reducing
stress. Retrieved from Stanford News:
8. Parker, C. B. (2016). how to write.
9. Schwabe, L. (2016). Memory under stress: from single systems to network
changes. European Journal of Neuroscience.
10. Stories, D. H. (2019, January 18). For Stress Relief, Research Says: ‘Hug it Out’.
Retrieved from Cleaveland Clinic Newsroom:
11. Susanne Vogel, L. S. (2016, Junw 29). Learning and memory under stress:
implications for the classroom. Retrieved from npj Science of Learning:
12. American College Health Association. (2011). American College Health Association –
National College Health Assessment 2011 NYU Data. Hanover: MD.

13. Bernstein, D.A, Penner, L.A, Stewart, A.C & Roy, E.J. (2008). Psychology.
8thed.. Boston - New York: Houghton Mifflin Company.
14. Centre, K. C. (2010). Stress and Stress Management. London: Press books.
15. Creswell, J. W. (2013). Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed
method approaches. USA: Sage publication Inc.
16. Davidson, J. (2001). Stress Management. Macmillan USA: A Person Education
17. (2016). [Retrieved from].
18. Dusselier, L., Dunn, B., Yongyi W., Shelley II, M., & Whalen, D. (2005).
Personal, health, academic, and environmental predictors of stress in residence
halls. Jour-nal of American College Health, 54(1), 15–24.

Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 41
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

19. Fears and phobias. (2016). [Retrieved on 20 March 2016]. Available at:
20. Hellhammer D. & Hellhammer, J. (2008). Stress (the brain body connection).
21. Hiriyappa, B. (2012). Stress Management. Bloomington: Booktango.
22. Hoover, E. (2003, December 5). More help for troubled students
23. MtvU, Jed Foundation, & the Associated Press. (2009). mtvU AP 2009 Economy
College Stress and Mental Health Poll [Retrieved on 12 April 2017]. Available at:
24. New services try to strengthen campus mental health programs and prevent
suicide. The Chronicle of Higher Education.
25. Pargman, D. (2006). Managing performance stress models and methods. Britain:
Routledge Taylor & Francis group
26. Philippe M Binder & K. Smith (2013). The Language Phenomenon. Human
Communication from Milliseconds to Millennia. Springer Science & Business
27. Phinney, J. S. & Haas, K. (2003). The process of coping among ethnic minority
first generation college freshmen: A narrative approach. The Journal of Social
Psychology, (Vols. 143(6), 707–726.
28. Seaward, B. L. (2012). Managing stress. Seventh Ed... Mississauga, Ontario:
Jone & Bartlett learning.
29. Stress. Without date. New York University. [Retrieved on 11 Apr 2016].
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30. Weistein, R. (2004). The Stress Effect. New York: Avery, a member of Penguin
group (USA) Inc.
31. Wheeler, C. M. (2007). Ten simple solutions to stress, how to maintain tension.
Start enjoying our life. USA: New harbinger publications Inc.

Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 42
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan


Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 43
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

Survey Questionnaire

Name (optional): Gender:

Section: Age:
I. Tick your answer:
1. How often do you feel stressed?
( ) Always ( ) Everyday
( ) Sometimes ( ) Once in a while
( ) I don’t know ( ) Never

2. In what aspect of life, you have the most problems?

( ) School ( ) Family
( ) Friends ( ) Love life
( ) Social life/community ( ) I don’t know

Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 44
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

( ) Others, please specify ______________________________

II. Tick more than one answer

 Relationship factors as source of stress:
( ) Conflict with parents
( ) Misunderstanding with boyfriend or girlfriend
( ) Problem with friends
( ) Engaging and coping up with new people
( ) Others, please specify: ___________________________
 Academic factors as source of stress:
( ) Increased academic workloads
( ) Low grades or scores
( ) Procrastination
( ) Examinations
( ) Early deadlines
( ) Many hours of studies
( ) Language Difficulties
( ) Others, please specify:____________________________
 Personal factors as source of stress:
( ) Divorced parents
( ) Placed in unfamiliar situations
( ) Bad living conditions
( ) Others, please specify:_______________________________
III. Tick your answer:
1. Do you get enough sleep when you are stressed?

( ) Yes ( ) No

2. Do you easily get irritated at school when you are stressed?

( ) Yes ( ) No
Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 45
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

3. Do you find it hard managing your time when you are stressed?

( ) Yes ( ) No

4. Do you get sick when you are too much stressed?

( ) Yes ( ) No

Recommendations /Suggestions:


Approved by:
Ms. Emalyn R. Chua
(Research Adviser)
Researcher’s Profile
Nemarville Homes Phase 2, San Juan, San Miguel, Bulacan

Birthday: October 03, 2001
Citizenship: Filipino

Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 46
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

Civil Status: Single

Religion: Roman Catholic
Father: Roygardy M. Santos
Mother: Vilma S. Santos
Height: 5’8
Weight: 59kgs.
Junior High School: St. Paul University at San Miguel
Salangan, San Miguel, Bulacan
2014- 2018
Elementary: St. Paul University at San Miguel
Salangan, San Miguell, Bulacan
2008- 2014


#1 Rosario Santiago City, Isabela

Birthday: July 22, 2002
Citizenship: Filipino

Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 47
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

Civil Status: Single

Religion: Roman Catholic
Father: Carlito R. Bueno
Mother: Onelia J. Bueno
Height: 5’8
Weight: 85kgs.
Junior High School: University of La Salette High school Inc.
Malvar, Santiago City, Isabela
2014- 2018
Elementary: University of La Salette Grade School Inc.
Malvar, Santiago City, Isabela
2008- 2014

Block 2 Lot 8 Sitio Mendez Baesa Q.C

Birthday: August 19, 2001
Citizenship: Filipino

Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 48
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

Civil Status: Single

Religion: Iglesia Ni Cristo
Father: Roderick E. Gonzales
Mother: Jenneth S. Gonzales
Height: 5’7
Weight: 69kgs.
Junior High School: Saint Agustine Internation School
Sitio Pajo Q.C
2014- 2018
Elementary: Toro Hills Elementary School
Barangay Bahay Toro Q.C
2008- 2014


474 Tangos Baliuag Bulacan

Birthday: October 27, 2001
Citizenship: Filipino

Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 49
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

Civil Status: Single

Religion: Roman Catholic
Father: July V. Estrella
Mother: Virginia P. Estrella
Height: 5’7
Weight: 59kgs.
Junior High School: Mariano Ponce National High School
2014- 2018
Elementary: Jacinto Ponce Elementary School
2008- 2014


Partida, San Miguel Bulacan

Birthday: December 2, 2002
Citizenship: Filipino

Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 50
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.
Km.54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan

Civil Status: Single

Religion: catholic
Father: Rommel V. Martin
Mother: Jocelyn E. Martin
Height: 5’10
Weight: 70kgs.
Junior High School: Partida National High School
Barangay Partida San Miguel Bulacan
2014- 2018
Elementary: Partida Elementary School
Barangay Partida San Miguel Bulacan
2008- 2014

Stress and its Effect on Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
Santos, Christian Altair S. Martin, Mhike Joseph E. Estrella, Vincent James P. 51
Orbase, Jason Carlo G. Gonzales, Marc RJ S.
De Guzman, John Ber C. Bueno, Lionel Renz J.

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