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SMAW health hazards of g12 students during laboratory activities: basis for intervention

Chapter 1

The problem

Background of the study

Normally, operations are not hazardous, but a perfectly safe work-place is mostly because

welding. A number of factors, including heat, burns, radiation (ultraviolet, visible, and infrared),

noise, fumes, gases, electrocution, uncomfortable work postures, and a high degree of chemical

variability in welding fumes that vary depending on the work - piece, method used,

environmental elements, and the routes through which these harmful agents enter the body, can

endanger the health of a welder. Workplace hazards could harm employees' health

and wellbeing, thus it's important to foresee, identify, assess, and control these risks. The usage

of personal protection equipment. Welders should always use personal protective equipment

(PPE) to prevent exposure to risks and injuries during welding or cutting. Although occupational

safety and health (OSH) is not a new field of study, it is alarming that safety precautions are not

widely used and that there is little awareness of them. There are no organized occupational health
services for welders in our study area, and to make matters worse, there is a lack of awareness

regarding the significance of occupational safety at the workplace. This could be due to a number

of factors, including low educational levels, a lack of institutional training, age group structures,

and work experience the purpose of the current study was to evaluate awareness of SMAW

health hazards of g12 students during laboratory activities: basis for intervention occupational

and protective measures. Additionally, we looked for factors that might influence the use of PPE,

of occupational dangers and protective measures, and any possible links between these things.

The goal of this study was to draw attention to the understudied topic of occupational health

research in SMAW specialization of Dalipuga national high school.

Frame work the study

 Reduction in energy consumption

 Reduction on materials consumption

 Reduction on wastages ( adopting lean




Economic Social
 Reduction in cost
 Reduction the risk towards the student
 Increasing productivity
while doing the laboratory

(By taking care of the hazardous fumes)

 Improving the safety conditions for the

grade 12 smaw student

 Proper use of PPE

Figure 1.

It is crucial to understand the input and output inventories involved in the SMAW process

in order to adequately handle all three aspects of sustainable development. The input streams for

the SMAW process include the filler material, electrode, and energy use. However, the finished

work piece material, slag, and fumes are the output streams. The TBL-based Venn diagram for

the SMAW process is shown in Figure 1. The material that is currently accessible is used to

illuminate each facet of the TBL sustainability strategy. The study offered a paradigm to describe

sustainability for the SMAW process, the most widely used welding operation. The majority of

the most recent studies on the subject of SMAW operating concentrate on its social and technical

performance. However, the article in question uses the triple bottom line's essential sustainability
framework to combine all social, economic, and environmental considerations (TBL). The study

is particularly beneficial for gaining a more comprehensive understanding of the SMAW process

using all three dimensions simultaneously. The SMAW technique has an advantage over the

other welding processes economically, as can be seen very clearly.

Statement of the problem

The purpose of the study is to determine how well SMAW health hazards of g12 students

during laboratory activities: basis for intervention Grade 12 students adhere to workplace safety

regulations. It will be conducted by the researcher at Dalipuga national high school, during the

school year 20222-2023.Specifically, this study sought to the following questions:

1. What does the respondent profile look like in terms of?

a. Age;

b. Gender;

c. Status of Socio-Economies and NII Qualification

2. How familiar are pupils with using various types of safety equipment?

3. How compliant are pupils in using safety equipment?

4. What issues arise with respect to the use of safety equipment?


This study is attributed to the data's ability to shed light on the degree to which grade 12 TVL

SMAW students adhere to workplace safety regulations. The findings of the study will serve as a

basis to strengthen the program of the agency regarding to SMAW health hazards of g12

students during laboratory activities: basis for intervention.


The purpose of this study was to determine how well grade 12 SMAW students followed

workplace safety regulations. To determine who will take part in the study, the researchers

conducted a pre-survey. Since the focus of the research is solely on SMAW students' compliance

with the safety in the work area, personal identification will not be discussed in any section of

study, even if the researcher will determine the profile of the participants in the work area.


To ensure clarity and better comprehension, the terms used in the study are listed below along

With their corresponding definitions. The researchers provided operational definitions for the
following terms:

Shielded metal arc welding - is referred to by the acronym SMAW. A focus area for SMAW
Students in grade 12.
Employment - is the process of applying to, being employed by, and joining a particular business
establishment as an employee.
Safety- the condition of being safe from undergoing or causing hurt, injury, or loss

Hazard -is a source or a circumstance that has the potential to cause harm to people,

property, the environment, or any combination of these.


Review literature

This chapter explains related articles and published and unpublished studies from different

media that served as basis in developing concrete understanding of the nature of the research

conducted. In social science study, respondents' respondents' features have playing a very
important part in expressing and providing responses about the Keeping this in mind, a number

personal traits were examined in this study. The following are some categories of personal

protective equipment and the options within. Workplaces are responsible for providing their

employees with the proper types of PPE based on the specific hazards that exist in the facility.

During the welding process, removing variables that students must manage can help in Students

might be more prepared by mastering the American Welding Society (AWS) welding skill

examinations. Quicker for a job with welding. Despite the fact that this order is not required, the

educator, group, or state Use a sequence that has been shown to be most effective by the

educational authority the trainees' ability. According to Pate, Warnick, and Meyers (2012),

agriculture Pre-service instructors believed that training should concentrate on "controlling the

laboratory setting, to assist new and beginning teachers successfully teach a welding course, "for

optimal student learning for sure. It is advised that students engage in intentional organized

practices to increase their efficacy. Instead of focusing on the movements themselves, consider
Effects that the movements will have. The system architecture that Deuse et al. suggested

Productivity. Health risks and hazards are the key issues with welding procedures from a social

perspective. Heavy metals like chromium (Cr), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), and iron (Fe) are

principal components of welding fumes. According to hearsay, SMAW is the most challenging

welding technique.

by secondary pupils to master. In comparison to SMAW, GMAW requires fewer operator-

controlled variables.

(2012) Hoffman, Dahle, and Fisher. Less operator controllable variables when welding

Practice sessions should increase secondary pupils' capacity to satisfy requirements for an

acceptable weld quality

Test ASW 1F (flat position-fillet tee weld). This might be achieved by arranging the

Students practice welding using GMAW first, then SMAW, in welding practicums. This

may lead to better SMAW student performance. Almost no study has been conducted on

to ascertain if decreasing the emphasis on operator-controlled factors will improve

student’s capacity to create welds of greater quality. The extent of potential harm to welders'
assistants and other

Personnel (such as forklift and overhead crane operators) not just them specifically to the

Student also, situated close to an open arc welding is now discernible. The nonionizing radiant

energy's power and wavelengths generated rely on a variety of variables, including the welding

method, welding settings, electrode, Fluxes, the basic metal's composition, and any plating or

coating applied to it. The majority of business owners understand the value of having a strong

safety record for their firm. Not only is it morally right to ensure that operational operations are

carried out safely, but it is also required by law. Additionally, workplace safety may impact a

company's capacity to draw in new business and keep hold of current clients. A strong safety

may influence clients' decisions to purchase your items. or services as opposed to those of your

Chapter III

Research methodology
This chapter details the research methods for the study. The researcher will go over the research

design, data collection method, research instrument, its development, research location, sample

design, and statistical analysis. This shows how the researcher went about acquiring the data

required to address the problem statement.


Anything whose value changes as a result of or in response to events. The values for the same

product or person might change over time. Variables such as the production unit and cost

reduction increase in output.

Research design

Conceptual framework

 Reduction in energy


 Reduction on materials


Reduction on wastages (adopting lean


 Reduction the risk towards the

student while doing the laboratory

(By taking care of the hazardous

 Reduction in cost
 Improving the safety conditions for
 Increasing productivity
the grade 12 SMAW student

 Proper use of PPE

The study offered a paradigm to describe sustainability for the SMAW process, the most

widely used welding operation. The majority of the most recent studies on the subject of

SMAW operating concentrate on its social and technical performance. However, the article in

question uses the triple bottom line's essential sustainability framework to combine all social,

economic, and environmental considerations (TBL). The study is particularly beneficial for

gaining a more comprehensive understanding of the SMAW process using all three

dimensions simultaneously. The SMAW technique has an advantage over the other welding

processes economically, as can be seen very clearly. In addition to the financial benefit, the
SMAW process is preferred in the business because it is portable, which makes it a promising

method. Due to the hostile environments. When the environmental effects of various welding

techniques were examined, it was revealed that the manual SMAW method had the highest

environmental impact. This demonstrates the welding process's potential for automation. The

environmental impact of human arc welding can be lessened by using the automated version

of the process.

Research locale

A way of obtaining knowledge by direct observation or experience, exploratory research tries

to ascertain how SMAW health hazards of g12 students during laboratory activities: basis for

intervention. It is used to offer data-driven solutions to carefully defined and quantifiable

empirical questions. The Grade 12 Platinum students at Dalipuga National High School serve

as the study's target demographic for data gathering. A sample of 30 students from the

aforementioned colleges is chosen at random for data collection.

Research instrument

A survey of the students who are SMAW students was conducted to ascertain the health risks

that SMAW students face when participating in laboratory activities in grades 12. A

questionnaire was employed in the survey to gather information from the students. Closed-

ended questions were asked of the target audience.

Data gathering Procedure

Ascertain how SMAW health hazards of g12 students during laboratory activities: basis for

intervention. Of Dalipuga national high school.

Dear respondent: I am a student of grade 12 platinum, going to write a research paper in

which the researcher has to analyze ascertain how SMAW health hazards of g12 students

during laboratory activities: basis for intervention. This questionnaire is designed to get

your response about this research and I hope so you will fill this questionnaire with full

attention and devotion. Thank You.

Respondent profile

Name: Gender:

(Strongly disagree =SD, Disagree =D, Neutral =N, Agree =A, Strongly Agree =SA)

Question S D N A SA
Q1. Conduct in a designated safe location- The
considered safe distance from the welding area is
35-feet (10 meters). If the object to be welded or
cut cannot readily be moved, a work around
OSHA recommended is to transfer movable fire
hazards away from the welding area.

Q2. Protect yourself from fire hazards If all the

fire hazards cannot be removed, then appropriate
safeguards should be in place to protect the
immovable fire hazards and to confine heat,
sparks, and hot slags that are produced by

Q3. Consider the risks

There are various risks associated with welding,

most of which pose health hazards (e.,g exposure
to fumes and UV radiation). Welding risks may
vary depending on the area where it will be done,
so it is recommended that a risk assessment be
carried out prior to work. This will help in setting
up controls to manage or eliminate the risks.
Otherwise, no welding and cutting work should be

Q4. Maintain your equipment

A welder or helper working on platforms,

scaffolds, or runways shall be protected against
falling by the use of railings, safety belts, life
lines, or some other equally effective safeguards.
Welders shall place welding cable and other
equipment so that it is clear of passageways,
ladders, and stairways.

Q5. Protect yourself with the correct PPE

Welders should always wear the appropriate PPE

to safeguard against hazards that can cause
physical injury or illness. Some example of PPE’s
that welders should wear are:

Long-sleeved shirts
Long pants with no cuffs
Welding helmet or goggles
Ear muffs/plugs
Boots & gloves

Q6. Check for ventilation

Another means of preventing welding incidents

and protecting employees is proper ventilation.
Ventilation is mainly used for removing air
contaminants from a worker’s work area,
preventing accumulation of flammable or
combustible gases or vapors, and preventing
oxygen rich or deficient atmospheres.

Q7. Protect yourself from fumes and gases

Local exhaust or general ventilating systems shall

be provided and arranged to keep the amount of
toxic fumes, gases, or dusts below the maximum
allowable concentration. If necessary, welders
should wear a respirator to protect themselves
from breathing in harmful substances.

Q8.  Protect other workers

After welding operations are completed, the

welder shall mark the hot metal or provide some
other means of warning other workers.

Q9.  Read warning labels, relevant documents

and keep training

Ensure that each welder has access to labels on

containers of such materials and safety data
sheets, and is trained when new equipment and
techniques are adopted.

Q10. Enforce Safety Procedures

Hold yourself and those around you accountable

when it comes to following safety guidelines.
Report on any safety violation activities in the
best interest of you and those you share a
workspace with.

This section of the paper is a summary of the findings of the multiple regression analysis

conducted for the purpose of investigating the research questions. This questionnaire is from

eneral_Physics_Undergraduate_Students this is being use as research findings and

discussion of the research problem.

Research Findings

Research Question

What effect does SMAW health hazards of g12 students during laboratory activities: basis

for intervention?

Analyses of Data

Using frequency, the data were presented in a descriptive manner.

%, the mean, and the impartial t-test was utilized to

Statistically ascertain whether a difference that is substantial on the

The degree of safety consciousness among students in the grade 12 smaw student  at which they

are enrolled.
The study's first parameter identified the awareness

of the pupils in the direction of lab safety. All outcomes were

a mean is used to present the data. The attitudes of students about SMAW lab safety are shown

in Tables I and II.

Most students were aware of the dangers associated with the lab. The

The kids' performance could support a favourable perception of them.

Laboratory classes for other disciplines. Present

Findings point to secondary pupils' high laboratory awareness and workplace sensitivity.

TABLE I. SMAW health hazards of g12 students during laboratory activities: basis for intervention

Question S D N A SA
Q1. Conduct in a designated safe location- The 0 0 4 3 25
considered safe distance from the welding area is
35-feet (10 meters). If the object to be welded or
cut cannot readily be moved, a work around
OSHA recommended is to transfer movable fire
hazards away from the welding area.

Q2. Protect yourself from fire hazards If all the 0 0 0 0 30

fire hazards cannot be removed, then appropriate
safeguards should be in place to protect the
immovable fire hazards and to confine heat,
sparks, and hot slags that are produced by

Q3. Consider the risks 2 3 24

There are various risks associated with welding,
most of which pose health hazards (e.,g exposure
to fumes and UV radiation). Welding risks may
vary depending on the area where it will be done,
so it is recommended that a risk assessment be
carried out prior to work. This will help in setting
up controls to manage or eliminate the risks.
Otherwise, no welding and cutting work should be

Q4. Maintain your equipment 3 27

A welder or helper working on platforms,

scaffolds, or runways shall be protected against
falling by the use of railings, safety belts, life
lines, or some other equally effective safeguards.
Welders shall place welding cable and other
equipment so that it is clear of passageways,
ladders, and stairways.

Q5. Protect yourself with the correct PPE 30

Welders should always wear the appropriate PPE

to safeguard against hazards that can cause
physical injury or illness. Some example of PPE’s
that welders should wear are:

Long-sleeved shirts
Long pants with no cuffs
Welding helmet or goggles
Ear muffs/plugs
Boots & gloves
Q6. Check for ventilation 2 5 23

Another means of preventing welding incidents

and protecting employees is proper ventilation.
Ventilation is mainly used for removing air
contaminants from a worker’s work area,
preventing accumulation of flammable or
combustible gases or vapors, and preventing
oxygen rich or deficient atmospheres.

Q7. Protect yourself from fumes and gases 1 29

Local exhaust or general ventilating systems shall

be provided and arranged to keep the amount of
toxic fumes, gases, or dusts below the maximum
allowable concentration. If necessary, welders
should wear a respirator to protect themselves
from breathing in harmful substances.

Q8.  Protect other workers 2 3 25

After welding operations are completed, the

welder shall mark the hot metal or provide some
other means of warning other workers.

Q9.  Read warning labels, relevant documents 2 28

and keep training

Ensure that each welder has access to labels on

containers of such materials and safety data
sheets, and is trained when new equipment and
techniques are adopted.

Q10. Enforce Safety Procedures 30

Hold yourself and those around you accountable
when it comes to following safety guidelines.
Report on any safety violation activities in the
best interest of you and those you share a
workspace with.

Students' opinions of the safety precautions in the Figures 1through the survey questionnaire.

Perception Questions received categorical responses. Utilizing PPEs was Smaw students

responded well. These students were enrolled in the same classes as lessons in SMAW and


Use. However, roughly 89 % PPEs are used in SMAW.

Table 2. Arithmetic averages and standard deviations of the participants’ performance

Domain number Arithmeti Standard Criterion Level

c average deviation score

Laboratory Risk 30 10.20 2.941


Proper Laboratory 30 9.76 3.073 High
First aid for 30 8.25 3.636 High
laboratory injuries

Total 30 28.21 9.65 High

Table 2 displays the whole scale's arithmetic average for the degree of safety. The school's

awareness test in the lab yielded a score of 28.21 with a standard deviation of (9.65).

Laboratory risk management received a (10.20) arithmetic average and a proper laboratory

practices domain received an arithmetic average with a standard deviation of (2.94). First aid

for laboratory injuries had a score of (8.25) with a standard deviation of (3.63) as the

mathematical mean and a standard deviation of (9.65).

It should be highlighted that all values show that the school's awareness of safety measures is

high. Interest among Grade 12 student SMAW IS high as for each domain, the arithmetic

average fell short of the specified criterion score (30.54).the overall scale, etc.



Gender SMAW Safety

tCritical tCalculated tCritical tCalculated

Female 1.65 2.35 1.65 3.24

Male 1.65 2.35 1.65 3.24

Which sources are the most reliable for learning about the safety precautions used in the

laboratory among The SMAW student in Dalipuga national high school? In order to

determine the most relevant data, frequencies and percentages were calculated. Vital

resources for informing pupils about safety precautions used in the academic lab, as depicted

in Table3.

Chapter V


The goal of the study is to ascertain the effects of the most prominent aspect SMAW health

hazards of g12 students during laboratory activities: basis for intervention. What tasks students

do on laboratory intervention . Conducted studies that were relevant to the investigation. Then

decided on the approach for the research and for the analysis of the findings.

After that, a data gathering tool is chosen. The questionnaire was the instrument chosen,

and it contained

Then, based on our research, the closed-ended questions that were used in the base study

are modified.

After deciding on the instrument, the research's target demographic was determined.

Chosen target population

Was the Dalipuga National High School's Platinum Class of Grade 12 students. A
30 students were chosen as the sample size for data collection. 30 of the 30 surveys were

returned. responders' survey responses. The data's 30.54 dependability score is satisfactory.

Once the reliability disruptive statistic has been examined

Techniques are used for data analysis. And to test the data, frequency distribution was

used. Surveys revealed Most frequently, respondents are the SMAW student. Although the

majority of respondents felt that using these interventions Students agreed that using these

smaw basis intervention’s during laboratory would helpthem to have a safer laboratory


The report provides enlightening and reassuring information. Recent years have

seen a rise in the use of PPEs . Incredibly well-liked globally as a result of significant

technological advancement. Not just celebs but ordinary people the general public has

proven to be a significant students who perform the laboratories. The fundamental reason

for carrying out this is The purpose of the study was to examine the students’ performance

according to the hazard that they may face during laboratory. The results due to the fact

that students are prone to the chemicals during their laboratory in SMAW, research have

found that the majority of results are good. Students are a valuable resource for any

country. Through these intervention, they enjoyably complete their academic tasks.





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