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Here's a PowerPoint presentation on the Tudor Age:

Slide 1: Introduction
Title: The Tudor Age - England's Golden Age

Image: Picture of Henry VII, the first Tudor monarch

Bullet points:

The Tudor Age lasted from 1485 to 1603

Marked by the reigns of five Tudor monarchs: Henry VII, Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary I, and Elizabeth I
Considered a time of great political, cultural, and social change in England

Slide 2: Henry VII

Title: Henry VII - The Founder of the Tudor Dynasty

Image: Picture of Henry VII with the Tudor rose

Bullet points:

Henry VII seized the throne in 1485 after defeating Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth Field
Married Elizabeth of York, uniting the Houses of Lancaster and York and creating the Tudor rose
Established the Court of Star Chamber to strengthen royal power and suppress nobles

Slide 3: Henry VIII

Title: Henry VIII - The King Who Changed England

Image: Picture of Henry VIII with his six wives

Bullet points:

Henry VIII is known for his six marriages and his break with the Roman Catholic Church
Established the Church of England and made himself its head
Oversaw the dissolution of the monasteries and the redistribution of their wealth

Slide 4: Edward VI and Mary I

Title: Edward VI and Mary I - Short Reigns and Religious Turmoil

Image: Pictures of Edward VI and Mary I

Bullet points:

Edward VI, Henry VIII's only son, ruled from 1547 to 1553 and promoted Protestantism
Mary I, Henry VIII's daughter with Catherine of Aragon, ruled from 1553 to 1558 and attempted to restore
Both reigns were marked by religious persecution and unrest

Slide 5: Elizabeth I
Title: Elizabeth I - The Virgin Queen

Image: Picture of Elizabeth I with her signature white makeup and red hair

Bullet points:
Elizabeth I ruled from 1558 to 1603 and oversaw a period of great cultural and economic growth
Defeated the Spanish Armada in 1588 and established England as a major naval power
Known for her patronage of the arts and literature, including Shakespeare and Marlowe

Slide 6: Society and Culture

Title: Society and Culture in the Tudor Age

Image: Picture of Tudor-style architecture

Bullet points:

The Tudor Age saw a rise in social mobility and the growth of a middle class
Education became more widespread, with the establishment of grammar schools
Tudor architecture and art, such as the works of Holbein and Van Eyck, remain influential today

Slide 7: Conclusion
Title: Conclusion

Image: Picture of the Tudor rose

Bullet points:

The Tudor Age was a time of great change and transformation in England
The reigns of the Tudor monarchs left a lasting impact on English culture, politics, and society
The Tudor rose, a symbol of the dynasty's unity, remains an enduring symbol of England's golden age.

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