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Project 1 Unit 2 Progress Test

1. Unscramble the days of the week. \ Tedd sorrendbe a betűket! A hét melyik napját
látod ide leírva? Írd be a rublikába!

2. Complete the names of the months. \ Egészítsd ki a hónapok neveit!

J__u__y F__r__r_ M__c_ A__i _ M__ _u_e
J_l_ _u_u__ S__t__b__ _c__b__ N__e__e_

3. Complete the family tree. \ Egészítsd ki a családfát! 10p\....

M_ _ H _ _ F _ _ H _ R S__T_R

B_ O__E_ A_N_ U _ _ L _ 2X

G_A__F__H__ G_A_DM__H__

4. Complete the sentences with “am”; “is” or “are”. \ Egészítsd ki a mondatokat “am”,
“is” vagy “are”-al! 10p\.....
I ……… a policeman. I ……… a teacher.
She ……… from Hungary. Dominic ……… from Paris.
My brother ……… a student. My sister ……… in Chicago.
We ……… the champion. They ……… doctors.
Jack and Jill ……… at home. The children ……… at school.

5. Change the sentences into negative.\ Alakítsd át a következő mondatokat tagadóvá!

1. She is my mother. 2. They are the winners.
………………………………………….. …………………………………………..
3. I am a soldier. 4. You are my friend.
………………………………………….. …………………………………………..

5. Give short answers to the questions. \ Válaszolj röviden a kérdésekre! 10p\.....

e. g. Are you from London? – Yes, I am. \ No, I’m not.
Is your brother crazy? No, he ………….. Are they teachers? No, …………..
Are you at school? Yes, I ………….. Is she your sister? No, …………..
Are they famous? Yes, they………… Are you OK? Yes, …………..
Is Claire here? Yes, she …………. Is he from the USA? Yes, …………..
Are you a fanatic? No, I ………….. Are we the winners? No, …………..

6. You are a DJ and you have a radio programme where people can send songs to their
friends or relatives. There’s a boy calling you. Here are his answers. What can be your
questions?\ Egy DJ vagy és rádióműsort vezetsz, ahol az emberek dalokat küldhetnek
a barátaiknak és rokonaiknak. Egy fiú hív téged. Itt vannak a válaszai. Mik lehetnek a
1 ……………………………………………………..?
My name is Thomas.
2 ……………………………………………………..?
I’m from Almásbögyörősvalagpuszta.
3 ……………………………………………………..?
I’m thirteen years old.
4 ……………………………………………………..?
It’s for my friend, Peter. It’s his birthday today.
5 ……………………………………………………..?
He is thirteen, just like me.

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