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African Journal of Marine Science

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The frequency and effect of shark-inflicted bite

injuries to the reef manta ray Manta alfredi

A D Marshall & M B Bennett

To cite this article: A D Marshall & M B Bennett (2010) The frequency and effect of shark-inflicted
bite injuries to the reef manta ray Manta�alfredi , African Journal of Marine Science, 32:3, 573-580,
DOI: 10.2989/1814232X.2010.538152

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African Journal of Marine Science 2010, 32(3): 573–580 Copyright © NISC (Pty) Ltd
Printed in South Africa — All rights reserved AFRICAN JOURNAL OF
ISSN 1814–232X EISSN 1814–2338
doi: 10.2989/1814232X.2010.538152

The frequency and effect of shark-inflicted bite injuries to the reef manta
ray Manta alfredi
AD Marshall1,2* and MB Bennett1

1 School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD 4072 Australia

2 Foundation for the Protection of Marine Megafauna, Manta Ray and Whale Shark Research Centre, Inhambane,
* Corresponding author, e-mail:

Manuscript received September 2009; accepted June 2010

Shark bite injuries on reef manta rays Manta alfredi off the coast of Inhambane, Mozambique, were
examined over a three-year period (2003–2006). The frequency and seasonality of attacks, the rate of
wound healing, and the possible identities of attackers were explored. This study presents the first
examination of bite wounds on manta rays in the wild and the role sharks may play in the natural
mortality of this species. The reported incidence of shark-inflicted injuries is high with over three-
quarters of the sampled population affected. In total, 571 bite injuries were observed on 283 identified
individuals. The number of bite injuries varied from one to seven, with a mean of 1.54 bite wounds.
There was no significant difference in the frequency of bite injuries in male and female rays. The
majority (96%) of the observed bite wounds were healed. Fresh wounds occurred throughout the year,
with no obvious seasonality. The bull shark Carcharhinus leucas and tiger shark Galeocerdo cuvier
are suggested as the primary mediators of attacks, although up to 11 other shark species are listed as
potential attackers. The majority of the bite marks (96%) occurred to the most posterior region of the
body, specifically the posterior edges of the pectoral and pelvic fins, with many injuries likely having a
negative impact on the reproductive abilities and fitness of the rays.

Keywords: bite mark, manta rays, Mozambique, predation, shark attack, wound healing


Sharks are top or apex predators in marine ecosystems 2001b, Naessig and Lanyon 2004) and seals (Le Boeuf
(Optiz 1996, Cortés 1999), but while the majority of shark and Crocker 1996, Long et al. 1996, Stewardson 1999,
feeding events may result in the complete ingestion or Bertilsson-Friedman 2006), although similar studies have
mortal injury of prey, not all predatory activity results in also been conducted on other marine mammals (Ames et
direct fatalities. Non-fatal attacks can cause injuries ranging al. 1996), birds (Randall et al. 1988, Johnson et al. 2006),
from those of negligible effect, such as superficial scarring reptiles (Long 1996, Fergusson et al. 2000, Heithaus et
(Naessig and Lanyon 2004), to those that are subsequently al. 2002) and elasmobranch fish (Fitzpatrick et al. 2006).
fatal (e.g. from blood loss or sepsis resulting from wound Previous studies of predation injuries have largely been
infection; Ames et al. 1996, Stewardson 1999). Individuals opportunistic, using recent or historical information from
that escape predatory attacks may exhibit physical signs animals washed up on beaches (Ames et al. 1996, Long
of the encounter long after the attack in the form of cuts, 1996, Long and Jones 1996, Long et al. 1996) or observa-
scratches or abrasions, or even distinguishable bite marks, tions of single attack events (Gibson 2006). In only a few
which may allow for determination of attack frequency. cases were seasonal or annual occurrences of shark bite
Injuries can cause major shifts in the behaviours, habitat injuries explored at the population level (Heithaus 2001b,
use, activity budgets, locomotor performance, reproductive Naessig and Lanyon 2004, Bertilsson-Friedman 2006) or
success, life-history strategies and mortality rates of prey where the resulting wounds incurred by recognised individ-
organisms, and may play an important role in the regulation uals studied over time (Fitzpatrick et al. 2006). Detailing
of population size (Le Boeuf et al. 1982, Harris 1989, Lima what happens at the level of individuals over time, through
1998, Stewardson 1999, Heithaus 2001a). repeat observations of recognisable individuals, may help
Excepting humans, evidence of non-lethal predatory to better understand the threat to, and effects of, predation
attacks by sharks has most commonly been reported on populations and may additionally contribute to the
for cetaceans (Long and Jones 1996, Heithaus 2001a, understanding of how wounds heal.

African Journal of Marine Science is co-published by NISC (Pty) Ltd and Taylor & Francis

Published online 23 Dec 2010

574 Marshall and Bennett

Whereas chondrichthyan fish form an important part of Using modified criteria from Long and Jones (1996),
the diet of numerous sharks species (Cortés 1999), few crescent-shaped scarring as well as other distinctive wounds
have been observed in the field with significant tissue loss, in which flesh had been removed (Figure 1) were consid-
such as parts of fins (Fitzpatrick et al. 2006), suggesting ered in this study. Other minor marks, such as scrapes or
that survival after attacks is unusual (Strong et al. 1990, pigment discolouration — although common — were not
Chapman and Gruber 2002). Manta rays appear to be an included in the analysis as they were generally superficial,
exception, with individuals worldwide exhibiting tissue loss not always quantifiable (i.e. number of bite attempts) or of
due to predatory shark attacks (Homma et al.1999, Ito 2000, indeterminable origin (e.g. Figure 1f). Recorded bite marks
Ebert 2003). Non-lethal attacks by sharks, such as grey were placed into one of three descriptive categories based
reef sharks Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos and Galapagos on their appearance: ‘fresh’, indicated that the wound was
sharks C. galapagensis, have been observed in the wild either bleeding and/or the exposed flesh was still vascular-
on free-swimming manta rays (ADM pers. obs.) as well as ised and bright red in colour (Figure 1c, d); ‘healing’, referred
a lethal attack by a bull shark on a 2.5 m disc width (DW) to any wound where pink tissue was still visible, but scar
manta ray (Ebert 2003), but such sightings are opportunistic tissue was prominent (Figure 1e); and ‘healed’, described a
and rare. Attacks on living manta rays entangled in nets or bite mark covered entirely by scar-tissue and where red or
mooring lines by tiger sharks Galeocerdo cuvier have also pink flesh was no longer present (Figure 1b, f). The seasonal
been seen and in some cases photographed by divers occurrence of fresh bite marks was examined and normal-
(ADM unpublished data). In the absence of sufficient direct ised by dividing the total number of fresh bite injuries seen
observations, data on fresh wounds and bite marks provide in each of the calendar months by the total number of rays
the best insight into the frequency of predatory shark attacks recorded in these same months. These monthly data were
on manta rays. Beyond this, an understanding of the effect then pooled and compared with all other calendar months.
of shark attacks may be important in the interpretation of To facilitate the examination of bite mark location, the
differences in natural mortality and behaviour of different body of the ray was divided into six zones: the left and right
populations. sides of the animal, each of which contained three regions;
The incidence of non-lethal shark-inflicted wounds on the the head (Region 1), the anterior half of the pectoral fins
reef manta ray Manta alfredi in southern Mozambique was (Region 2), and the posterior half of the pectoral fins
documented over a three-year period while monitoring an including pelvic fins (Region 3) (Figure 1g). The occurrence
identified population. The aims of this study were to examine of bites marks in these six zones was recorded for each
the frequency of shark-inflicted injuries in relation to time identified individual based on visual examination and
of year, sex and body region affected; to evaluate the rate photographic images of the entire body.
at which new injuries occur over time; and to assess how Measurements of bite marks could be easily made
wounds heal after attacks. This is the first examination of while manta rays passed slowly above cleaning stations
the frequency or effect of predatory shark attacks on manta on the reef. When possible, the width and depth of both
rays. fresh bite wounds and healed bite marks were measured
(±1 cm) using a measuring tape (Figure 1a). Partial or
Material and methods multiple bite marks or those that were not distinct in shape
proved difficult to measure or quantify in the field, thus only
Study site crescent-shaped bite marks were selected for measurement
Individual M. alfredi were examined for predation injuries at and comparison.
two primary study sites over a three-year period, from March
2003 to March 2006. These field study sites were located Statistical analysis
approximately 8 km and 20 km south of the Inhambane The number and position of bite marks were examined
harbour in southern Mozambique. Both monitored reefs with respect to the sex of manta rays, using chi-square (χ2)
supported cleaning stations that were used by reef manta analysis to compare the bite mark frequencies between
rays year-round. Observations of the bite wounds on two or more groups. Yates’ correction factor for continuity
the rays were conducted at these cleaning stations as was applied to all χ2 tests for which there was one degree
individuals were easily approached and photographed of freedom to prevent Type I error (Zar 1996). Significance
(Figure 1a). was accepted at p < 0.05.

Identification of individual rays, bite mark criteria and Results

Individual rays were photographically identified and Bite mark appearance
re-sighted over time using their unique ventral markings During the three-year study period, a total of 571 different
(Marshall 2009; Figure 2). Observations were conducted shark bite wounds were photographed and examined.
while scuba diving during daylight hours between 7:30 and With the exception of when additional bites or tissue loss
15:00. Information about predator-mediated injuries, such occurred in areas already containing bite marks or scars,
as photographs and measurements, were collected during evidence of the original mark remained in all re-sighted
this time. In addition, individuals were sexed to enable sex- individuals over the duration of our study — in some cases
specific analysis of bite wound frequency (Marshall and almost three years (see Figure 2a–d). Even in cases where
Bennett 2010). fresh injuries healed between re-sighting events, the bite
African Journal of Marine Science 2010, 32(3): 573–580 575

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (g)


Figure 1: (a) Measuring a bite mark along the trailing edge of M. alfredi at a cleaning station; (b) multiple healed shark bite marks along
the trailing edges of pectoral fins; (c) fresh shark bite wound on the face; (d) fresh bite wound to the trailing edge of the pectoral and pelvic
fin; (e) large healing wounds; (f) healed bite marks to the trailing edge of the pectoral fins with arrow showing multiple superficial scars and
scratches on the dorsal surface; (g) regions of manta ray body used for bite distribution analysis

marks always remained visible and similar in shape and Of the 371 identified individuals, 138 (37.2%) were
size to the original wound. re-sighted on at least one occasion, with a total of 302
re-sighting events. The longest time period between the
Occurrence in population re-sighting of an individual was 945 days. Only one of the 19
A total of 371 identified M. alfredi were examined for re-sighted male rays incurred a new bite wound during the
predatory scarring between May 2003 and March 2006. study period, whereas 10 new bite wounds were accrued by
Overall, 76.3% (n = 283) of manta rays identified exhibited re-sighted female rays (n = 119).
shark-inflicted bite marks. Of these rays, 62 (21.9%) were
male and 221 (78.1%) female. The proportions of male Bite mark distribution
(70.5%) and female (78.1%) manta rays in the population Because there was no significant difference between
with predatory bites were not significantly different (χ2 = the proportion of bite injuries to the right and left sides
0.204, df = 1, p = 0.651). of the body (χ2 = 0.632, df = 1, p = 0.427), the data were
Of the 283 rays with discernible bite mark injuries, the combined in further analyses. The distribution of bites in the
number of bites per individual ranged from one to four for three remaining regions of the body was not random (χ2 =
males and from one to seven for females (Figure 3). The 1 019.52, df = 2, p < 0.001), with the majority of wounds
mean number of bite marks per individual was 1.54 ± (96.3%, n = 550) occurring on the posterior section of the
1.37 for the entire sampled population and 2.02 ± 1.22 for body (Region 3) along the trailing edge of the pectoral fins.
scar-bearing rays. The bite frequency median and mode for Tissue loss from shark bites was relatively uncommon in
the whole population was one for both sexes (Figure 3). The both Region 1 (2.1%, n = 12) and Region 2 (1.6%, n = 9).
frequency of the entire population with two or more bites There was no significant difference between males and
was 42.6% whereas for predatory scar bearing rays with females in regard to the proportion of bite wounds in each
two or more bites it was 55.8%. region (χ2 = 0.421, df = 2, p = 0.810).
576 Marshall and Bennett

(a) (c)

(b) (d)

Figure 2: Negligible changes in bite marks over time: (a) manta #061 with bite marks in January 2004; (b) same bite marks on manta #061 in
December 2006; (c) bite marks on manta #340 in October 2003; (d) same bite marks on manta #340 in November 2006

Total population were mid-body on the dorsal surface. With the majority of

Females the predatory bite marks distributed along the posterior edge

Males of the pectoral fins, the trailing section of the body at times
appeared severely mutilated (Figure 4a–d). Despite the
severity of the trauma, many of these wounds were healing
20 or completely healed at the time they were photographed.
Some of the injuries to the trailing edge of the pectoral fins
affected the pelvic fin region, resulting in the removal of one
or both of the claspers of male rays (Figure 4e–h).
Bite mark shape
The dimensions of bite marks observed throughout the study
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 varied markedly in size and shape (Figures 1, 2, 4). Identified
TOTAL NUMBER OF BITE MARKS individuals which exhibited more than one bite mark commonly
had bite marks that were different in overall size or shape. The
Figure 3: Number of bite marks observed on female and male M. maximum width of healed bite marks examined was 51 cm and
alfredi in southern Mozambique the minimum was 9 cm, with the median width of measured
bites being 29.4 cm and the median depth being 12.6 cm. The
only fresh wounds that were examined measured 24, 27 and
A closer examination of bite injuries in the third region 33 cm with depth radii of 11, 12 and 12 cm respectively.
revealed that the majority of bites (98.1%) occurred along the
edges of the pectoral fins, affecting both dorsal and ventral Wound healing and seasonality of attacks
surfaces. Of the remaining bite marks, four wounds were Of the 283 manta rays with bite injuries, 10 individuals were
located mid-body on the ventral body surface and seven observed to have fresh wounds and 24 were observed to
African Journal of Marine Science 2010, 32(3): 573–580 577

(a) (b) (c)



(g) (h)

Figure 4: Injuries to the trailing edge of the pectoral and pelvic fins; (a–d) extensive injuries to female M. alfredi including the almost complete
removal of pelvic fin area; (e–h) injuries to the trailing edges of male rays including the disfigurement or complete amputation of one or both claspers

have wounds in various states of healing. In contrast, a total

of 266 manta rays were observed to have healed bite marks.

Of the total 571 bite marks recorded during the study, 1.9% 0.10 31
(bites per number of rays)

(n = 11) were classified as fresh, 6.3% (n = 36) were healing

and 91.8% (n = 524) were healed. Only one of the 10 manta 0.08 13
rays with fresh wounds had more than one fresh bite. Of the
24 manta rays with healing wounds, 18 (75%) had a single 64
healing wound at the time of sighting, three (12.5%) had two
healing wounds, two (8.3%) had three healing wounds, and a
single individual (4.2%) had four healing wounds. 0.04
Several manta rays bearing fresh bite wounds were noted
to have healed on subsequent sightings. In these instances, 0.02
fresh wounds took no more than 225 days to completely 153 168
16 6 1 12 3 28
heal and in one instance a bite completely healed within 126
days. Additionally, during the study period, four identified MONTH
rays were re-sighted 148–246 days after the initial sighting
with new, yet healed, bite marks. Figure 5: Normalised occurrence of fresh shark bites by calendar
When data from the three-year study period were month. The number of individuals identified in each of the calendar
combined, fresh shark-inflicted injuries were seen in six of months is shown
the 12 calendar months (Figure 5). With only 11 fresh bite
marks recorded during the study, no significant seasonal
effect could be determined; however, the attacks did not Mozambican coast exhibits a high incidence of non-lethal
exclusively occur in any one month or season. shark attack bite injuries with about three-quarters of the
sampled population affected. The incidence of visible, shark-
Discussion mediated bite marks in this population appears higher than
in other documented populations of reef manta rays around
Occurrence of bite marks in the population the world where predatory scars, like bite marks, appear
The examined population of M. alfredi off the southern less common and are estimated to occur in <5% of identified
578 Marshall and Bennett

populations (Ito 2000; B Acker, Yap Divers, Micronesia, pers. size or species of the attacking shark may potentially be
comm.; MH Deakos, The Hawaii Association for Marine misleading. Bite wounds made when a manta ray is small
Education and Research, pers. comm.; G Stevens, Save may change in size and shape as it grows. While confirming
Our Seas Foundation, pers. comm.; ADM and MBB, both that notches out of dorsal fins in killer whales Orcinus orca
unpublished data). are permanent, Bigg (1982) also reported that the shape of
None of the bite injuries appeared to change markedly in the notch could elongate, becoming shallower, as the fin
shape or size during our study. However, it was noted that grows over time. As such, inferences of shark size derived
scrapes and tooth rake marks that were not included in the from analysis of the size of healed bite wounds should be
study generally disappeared or changed in colour or shape made with caution.
within the study period.
Predator identity
Bite mark distribution and method of attack Comprehensive analyses of shark diets have shown that about
Bite mark evidence from this study suggests that sharks most one-third of the 149 species studied consumed chondrich-
commonly attack M. alfredi from the rear of an individual, with thyans, with rays featuring prominently in the diet of species
over 96% of bite injuries occurring on the posterior section of in which over 10% of their intake comprised chondrichthyans
the body. Whereas direct comparisons are difficult, reports (Cortés 1999, Heithaus 2001a, Simpfendorfer et al. 2001). In
indicate that many cetaceans and other marine mammals all, 13 species of large predatory sharks that are known to
sustain shark bite injuries to the posterior body, with sharks consume chondrichthyan fish as a part of their normal diet
most frequently approaching from the rear to avoid both (Cortés 1999, Heithaus 2001a, Compagno et al. 2005) are
visual and, in the case of odontocetes, sonar detection present off the eastern coast of Mozambique (Compagno
(Long and Jones 1996, Long et al. 1996, Naessig and 1984, Cliff and Wilson 1994). However, dietary data from
Lanyon 2004). Manta rays, with their laterally placed eyes stomach analyses of some of these species, including
and elongated pectoral fins, may have a blind spot posteri- sandbar shark Carcharhinus plumbeus, shortfin mako Isurus
orly, making approaches from the rear potentially easier for oxyrinchus and blacktip shark C. limbatus, suggest they may
predators. During the three-year study period, only a single not target large prey such as manta rays (Cliff et al. 1990,
attack on a manta ray by a grey reef shark was observed Stillwell and Kohler 1992, Dudley and Cliff 1993). Thus, the
in Mozambique in 2003. The shark approached from potential attackers of manta rays in this region include: grey
the rear of the animal, but was not able to secure a hold reef sharks C. amblyrhynchos, silvertip sharks C. albima-
on the posterior margin of the pectoral fin, resulting in an rginatus, Java sharks C. amboinensis, bull sharks C. leucas,
unsuccessful attack. oceanic whitetip C. longimanus, dusky sharks C. obscurus,
Only one of the manta rays showed evidence of multiple tiger sharks Galeocerdo cuvier, great hammerhead
fresh bites, indicating that a single bite wound may be the Sphyrna mokarran, great white Carcharodon carcharias,
most common result of a shark attack. However, 25% (n = and bluntnose sixgill Hexanchus griseus. Of these species,
6) of all individuals with healing wounds had two or more C. amblyrhynchos, C. leucas, G. cuvier and Carcharodon
bites in a similar stage of healing, with a single individual carcharias have been seen at or in the vicinity of the study
having four distinct bites healing at the same time. It was reefs in Mozambique. Of the 11 potential shark candidates,
impossible to determine, however, if these bites came from only C. leucas have been reported to have manta ray
the same shark or were inflicted during the same attack. remains in their stomachs (Cliff and Dudley 1991) and G.
Multiple healing wounds on M. alfredi may simply reflect cuvier and C. amblyrhynchos have been observed attacking
the susceptibility of injured rays to further predatory attacks or consuming manta rays (Ebert 2003, ADM pers. obs.).
from sharks other than the initial attacker, particularly if the From the size of the bite marks on M. alfredi in southern
initial injuries were severe, debilitating (e.g. damage to an Mozambique it is likely that no one species of shark is
eye), or acted as an attractant (e.g. trailing blood) making responsible for the injuries sustained by this population.
an individual more conspicuous or attractive to predators. From the characteristic shape and size of many of the bite
marks it is likely that G. cuvier is responsible for some of
Bite wound sizes the observed wounds, whereas large C. leucas, common
Bite injury dimensions based on direct measurements and in this region, is a likely candidate for inflicting other large
qualitative assessments of photographic images clearly bite wounds. Both these species are known to attack large
indicated a large range in bite size and shape. This strongly prey, including other chondrichthyans (Randall 1992, Ebert
suggests that different-sized sharks and most likely different 2003), and show considerable geographical variation in their
species of sharks were responsible for the observed bite diet, often based on the abundance of prey items at a given
marks. location (Heithaus 2001a).
Whereas fresh wounds presumably provide the best
indication of the minimum size of the jaws used to make Frequency of injuries
a bite mark, in the current study the vast majority of bite As only quantifiable injuries with removed tissue were
marks did not fall into this category. Ashhurst (2004) considered in this study, the reported frequency of shark-
reported that elasmobranch cartilage cannot repair itself inflicted wounds on manta rays should be considered a
and while none of the bite marks during the short study minimum estimate. However, the data presented do reflect
period were noted to have altered dramatically in size the proportion of individuals in the observed population
or shape, using ‘healed’ (= old) bite marks to infer the that were involved in serious attacks by sharks. There are
African Journal of Marine Science 2010, 32(3): 573–580 579

only a few studies that estimate predation frequency or reproductive behaviour (Ainley et al. 1981, Le Boeuf et al.
comment on the rates of non-lethal predation injuries in 1982, Heithaus 2001a).
known individuals or populations. For marine mammals, The high incidence and severity of the shark-inflicted
Nasseig and Lanyon (2004) reported single scars appearing injuries to M. alfredi in southern Mozambique may also
on three humpback whales Megaptera novaeangliae over play a role in the daily cleaning behaviour of individuals
periods ranging from about one to five years and Heithaus in this population, with wound healing and the preven-
(2001b) estimated that more than one shark attack per tion of secondary infection potentially playing a factor in
dolphin would be expected over a 20–30 year lifespan. the amount of time individuals need to spend on cleaning
Although it is not possible to determine from such a short stations (Heithaus 2001a, Marshall 2009). While additional
observation period the rate of shark predation on M. alfredi and certainly longer-term observations are needed to clarify
in southern Mozambique, fresh shark bite injuries were not and quantify interactions between manta rays and sharks
commonly observed. As shark-inflicted bite marks appear in Mozambique, this study provides an interesting prelimi-
to be permanent in manta rays, with bite scarring accumu- nary look at the occurrence and potential repercussions of
lating over an individual’s lifespan, the rate of predation predatory behaviour in this region.
in the observed population may not be as high as initially
expected (Heithaus 2001a). Data from our study do suggest, Acknowledgements — This research was conducted as a part of a
however, that individual M. alfredi in this region will likely be research programme at the University of Queensland with funding
the victim of a shark attack during the course of its lifetime, and logistical support provided by the Save Our Seas Foundation,
the University of Queensland, and Casa Barry Lodge in Mozambique.
but cannot be determined what proportion of these attacks
We thank Simon Pierce for his assistance with data collection in the
would result in fatalities.
field and Pete Kyne for his guidance and advice. All experiments
carried out in this study comply with the laws of Mozambique and the
Effects on local manta ray population research ethics of the University of Queensland.
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