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volatile matters other than alcohol.

For many years past,

yield per acre are only estimates, and it is not claimed

Substance. Colour. Density. Specific Resistance.

Shakespeare, Baptist and Congregational Pioneers (1906).

inasmuch as that differs very considerably among different

converted into quinalizarin (Alizarin Bordeaux) or

upon which the Adelphi now stands, for L. 1200 on a ninety-nine

is found written in the languages of nearly all peoples from

provincial governors for the adjudication of tribal cases.

57; Bede, Hist. Ecc. (ed. Plummer), iii. 11, iv. 12, 21;

ordinary coal-grate or by a gas-producer. A set of stirring

nature, points strongly the same way;1 while the early tradition

of the great volcano, While Tusculum and Algidus Mons mark

In France, and in Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece

F. Cristofori (Storia dei Cardinali, 1888) and others have

route from Dire Dawa to the capital. Telegraph lines connect

AKEN, a town of Germany, in the kingdom of Prussia, on the

within enormous entrenchments, forced him to surrender, and thus

anti-Caesar William of Holland, who had made himself master of

question arises whether, when a material body is moved through

critics, are signs of a racial convulsion not long after

Tell. In the south the Albian subdivision of the Gault is alone

at the same time some considerable areas have through stress

placed under the authority of the praetorian prefect of

Antiparos, Ios, Amorgos, Syros and Siphnos, were all found

One of the most singular cases connected with this subject

S. Doctor's house. s, s, s. Kitchens.

elevation of its later literature and the spiritual quality of

obtaining samples or of prosecuting offenders, it virtually

1895 415,565 1,065,470 321

great heat; hence it receives considerable application as a

about a less demand for labour, and rural depopulation was

Society. Meanwhile the invertebrate animals engaged his

poor, but responds well to fertilization. North of this

the choice of a high place in the army or a suitable escort

cases they have actually excavated. The results of all these

summer resort not only of Alexandrians but also of Cairenes.

3000. General Baldissera advanced with a large body of

Alps are represented by the glacier lakes of the Marjelensee

last quarter of the 10th century the use of chemicals acting

employed as a respectful title for any monk, as we learn from St

placid detachment from the serviceable and the necessary,

there is more rapid action; but the Portsmouth pictures

England. To Addison, further, belong those essays which (most

formed from a much larger portion of the primitive straight gut

Sonnblickscharte (Rauris to Heiligenblut), snow. . . . . . . . . . . . . .9,774

proportion of the impurity, thus partly cleaning the beer,

ACTA DIURNA (Lat. acta, public acts or records; diurnius,

part in the work of the Inventions Exhibition (London) in

background; suspicion could not fail to fall upon Alexander among

not proceeded far enough to fill the cavity, and in such

School (Methodist) for Mexican girls, of the Menaul Mission

that of Chillon, 3 m. S. on the Madrid-Badajoz-Lisbon line.

insects, spiders, annelids, crustaceans and other small

by a party to legal proceedings, whether civil or criminal,

individual measured 6 ft. 8 in. over all. In colour the

History of Greece (Eng. trans., 1898); B. Niese, Gesch.

although six others were undertaken for the objects of the

for this reason was not generally used for military purposes.

gained a sympathy which the author had failed to obtain in his

and agricultural products are exported; the chief imports

Association. The central idea appears to have been to put the

more particularly in Germany, it is called the humerale

gas take fire as they reach the surface, and if a jet of

borrowed words. Thus throughout the 18th century there was

or the timber of a roof have produced violent explosions.

(5) Cryptomonadaceae (including Chrysomonadaceae)

cases) the case itself is fitted with the igniting medium;

predominates. In such languages if signs are employed to

the Gospel from Judaism to the Greek world. As historian,

notables. Alexander III. determined to adopt the opposite

of the subject, lists of their publications and general

Esquiline, called by the chronologist of A.D. 354 Amphitheatrum

the III corps, Alvensleben had contributed in almost equal

hovels, with a small rectangular fort in a state of ruin,

its calm, dreamlike detachment and its enjoyable freedom of

Abbe used the term ``aperture stop'' for both the hole and

and may be said to refresh themselves in a kind of play.

Raccoon. South of these the mountains are marked by steep

rods of almond-blossom to the synagogues on great festival

diseased bowel and deal with it as circumstances suggest.

Rome, and to the Exarchate, and the Pentapolis. In his

success in reproducing his works. Amsler's principal engravings

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