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UNIT # 4

The meaning of each of the words

Ad /advertisement = publicidad

Merchandise / products = mercadería

Fashion statement = declaración de moda. Clothes that you wear or something else that you
own in order to attract attention

Merchandising = comercialización. Commercial technique for establishing corrections or new

developments to a product.

Status symbol = símbolo de estado. It is something that a person has or owns that shows they
have money or importance in society

Commercial = comercial. Related to making money by buying and selling things.

Advertise = Anunciar. To make something known generally or in public, especially in order to

sell it

Sponsor = Patrocinador. (of a business or other organization) to pay for someone to do

something or for something to happen.

Slogan = Lema. A short phrase that is easily remembered.

Brand = marca. A type of product made by a company and sold under a particular name

Logo = Logotipo. A design or symbol used by a company to advertise its products

A sponsor (n) and sponsor (v)

Sponsor (v): is an infinitive verb / es un verbo en infinitivo

Sponsor (n): is used to mention the sponsor, the company/ se utiliza para mencionar al
patrocinador, a la empresa.

Merchandise and merchandising

Merchandise: is used to refer to a product / se utiliza para referirse a un producto

Merchandising: is used to promote the sale of a product / se utiliza para promocionar la venta
de un producto.

A brand, a logo, and a slogan

Brand: is used to refer to a symbol or design that identifies a vendor's product / se utiliza para
referirse a un símbolo o diseño que identifica el producto de un proveedor.

Logo: is used to refer to the emblem or graphic used by a company to promote / se utiliza para
referirse al emblema o gráfico utilizado por una empresa para promocionar

public recognition.
Slogan: is used to refer to when someone mentions a recognizable phrase / se utiliza para
referirse a cuando alguien menciona una frase reconocible.

Advertise (v), an advertisement/ad, and a comercial / un anuncio/anuncio y un comercial

Advertise (v): is used when something or someone wants to encourage the public to buy their
product./ se usa cuando algo o alguien quiere incentivar la público a comprar su producto.

Advertisement/ad: to publicize something in general or in public / dar a conocer algo en

general o en público

Commercial: is used to refer to making money by buying and selling things. / se usa para
referirse a ganar dinero comprando y vendiendo cosas.

A status symbol and a fashion statement status symbol: used to refer to when someone wants
to impress with what they wear / se usa para referirse a cuando alguien quiere impresionar
con lo que lleva puesto.

fashion statement: is used to refer to when someone wants to have someone else to admire or
admire / se usa para referirse a cuando alguien quiere tener a alguien más para admirar o

Viral Stories:

Today we're talking about viral stories and their impact. The internet is full of viral stories -
stories that we see and share, and then others reshare.

Surprisingly, viral stories are often not about celebrities. You don't have to be a famous
entertainer or a cultural icon to go viral.
Yes, I know a true story about a boy who became very viral on facebook, the boy is known as
Tilin, a person recorded how he danced while he said that Tilin, it's a funny video that many
people liked that.

Sí, yo conozco una historia real sobre un niño que se hizo muy viral en facebook, el niño es
conocido como Tilin, una persona grabo como bailaba mientras el decía eso Tilin, es un video
divertido que a mucha gente le agrado eso.

The Story of Victor Martin

Yes, I know a true story about a boy who was caught on security camera doing his homework
on the street at night under a lamp post. The boy's name is Víctor Martín, this happened in
Peru. The boy did his homework there, because his family couldn't pay the electricity bills. The
video of him went viral all over the world and an Arab businessman saw the video and decided
to go meet the boy and help him. The businessman changed his life.

Sí, yo conozco una historia real sobre un niño que fue captado por camara de seguridad
mientras él hacia sus deberes en la calle en la noche debajo de un poste de luz. El niño se llama
Víctor Martín, esto pasó en Perú. Él niño hacía sus deberes ahí, porque su familia no podía
pagar las facturas de la luz. Su video se volvio viral en todo el mundo y un empresario arabe vió
el video y decidio ir a conocer al niño y ayudarlo. El empresario le cambio la vida.


Audience Audiencia

Celebrity Celebridad

Comedian Cómico

Designer Diseñador


Entertainer Artista

Filmmaker Cineasta

Hero Héroe

Icon Icono

Model Modelo

Movie producer Productor de cine

Performer Ejecutante/interprete
I agree that some people should be famous on social media. Because there are people who are
creative and create very interesting content, such as Luisito Comunica, or on Tik Tok the
bustabrothers who create funny content, but I also think that there are people who are
famous who do not have good content. For example heavy jokes on passers-by

Exchanging and Discussing opinions

Exchanging opinions Intercambiando opiniones

As I see it Como yo lo veo
I find it/that really boring Lo encuentro/eso realmente aburrido
I really think you'd enjoy it Realmente creo que lo disfrutarías
It's not so much that, I’m not interested, it's just that No es tanto que no me interese, es solo que

Discussing opinions Discutiendo opiniones

Now, just a second Ahora, solo un segundo
That's a good point, but.... Ese es un buen punto, pero...
But the thing is, Pero la cosa es,
That's true, but..... Eso es cierto, pero.....
UNIT # 5


Coming-of-age story Historia de la mayoría de edad

Horror story Historia de horror

Personal tragedy Tragedia personal

Family saga saga familiar

Human interest story Historia de interés humano

Success story Historia exitosa

Feel good story Siéntete bien historia

Love story Historia de amor

Tall tale Cuento chino

Hard-luck story Historia de mala suerte

Mystery Misterio

Tearjerker Película sentimental


1C: Hi there. Cooper. Party of four, for seven o'clock

2S: Good evening. Um... sorry, sir, but we don't have a reservation in that name and the wait
time for a table is abput 40 minutes.

3C: I don't understand. Can you check again, please?

4S: Sure. Yes, sir. I'm afraid we don't have your reservation.

5C: There must be some kind of mistake. I called and booked the table last week.

6S: I'm very sorry.

7C: Is there someone else I could speak to about this?

8S: I can ask my manager.

9C: That'll work. Thank you

1C: Hola. Cobre. Fiesta de cuatro, para las siete

2S: Buenas noches. Um... lo siento, señor, pero no tenemos una reserva a ese nombre y el
tiempo de espera para una mesa es de unos 40 minutos.

3C: no entiendo ¿Puedes comprobarlo de nuevo, por favor?

4S: Claro. Sí, señor. Me temo que no tenemos su reserva.

5C: Debe haber algún tipo de error. Llamé y reservé la mesa la semana pasada.

6S: Lo siento mucho.

7C: ¿Hay alguien más con quien pueda hablar sobre esto?

8S: Puedo preguntarle a mi gerente.

9C: Eso funcionará. Gracias

History of Cantuña

I know about the history of the legend of Cantuña, it says that a worker made a deal to build
the church of San Francisco in a short time, but to achieve this, he made a deal with the devil
and in exchange he would have to give his soul. The deal was to build the church before dawn.
When he was about to finish the church, worried Cantuña hid a stone and thus deceived the
devil by finishing on time and kept his soul.

Yo sé sobre la historia de la leyenda de Cantuña, esta dice que un obrero hizo un trato para
construir la igelsia de San Francisco en corto tiempo, pero para lograr esto, él hizo un trato con
el diablo y a cambio tendría que dar su alma. El trato consistia en construrir la igleisa antes del
amanecer. Cuando ya estaba por terminar la iglesia, Cantuña preocupado escondia una piedra
y así engaño al diablo por terminar a tiempo y se quedó su alma.
be held up ser detenido

cheer up animar

End up Terminar

get together reunirse

give up darse por vencido

go ahead avanzar

hang out with Pasar el rato con

let someone down dejar a alguien

look forward to esperar

make up constituir

mess up estropear

split up separar

Reaccionar a un problema
Reacting to a problem
No entiendo
I don't understand
¿Te importaría echar otro vistazo?
Would you mind taking another look?
¿Puedes comprobarlo de nuevo, por favor?
Can you check again, please?
Debe haber algún tipo de error.
There must be some kind of mistake

Pidiendo una solución

Asking for a solution
Debe haber algo que puedas hacer.
There must be something you can do.
Me gustaría hablar con el gerente, por favor.
I'd like to speak to the manager, please.
¿Hay alguien más con quien pueda hablar sobre
Is there someone else I could speak to about this, please?
esto, por favor?

Accepting a solution
Aceptar una solución
That'll work
Eso funcionará
I'm glad it's/that's settled
Me alegro de que esté/eso esté arreglado

1: Let me give you a hand with that

2: No, really, I can manage

3: Please, I insist. I'd really like to help you prepare for the dinner party tonight

4: No, it's all good. I like cooking.

5: How about setting that table? Let me give you hand with that.

6: Ok. Thst'd very nice of you. I really appreciate it!

1: Déjame darte una mano con eso.

2: No, de verdad, puedo arreglármelas.

3: Por favor, insisto. Realmente me gustaría ayudarte a prepararte para la cena de esta noche.

4: No, todo está bien. Me gusta cocinar.

5: ¿Qué tal poner esa mesa? Déjame darte la mano con eso.

6: Está bien. Eso sería muy amable de tu parte. ¡Realmente lo aprecio!

Making offers Haciendo ofertas

Would you like (to sit down) Te gustaria sentarte)

Let me (share my umbrella with you). Déjame (compartir mi paraguas contigo).

Let me give you a hand with that Déjame darte una mano con eso.

Can I help you with (anything else)? Puedo ayudarte con algo mas)?

Refusing offers Rechazar ofertas

I'm OK. Thanks anyway Estoy bien. Gracias de cualquier manera

You don't have to do that no tienes que hacer eso

I can manage lo puedo manejar

Nope, it's all good nop, esta todo bien

Accepting offers Aceptar ofertas

OK then, thanks. Bien entonces, gracias.

That's very nice kind of you. Eso es muy amable de tu parte.

Thanks, I really appreciate it. Gracias, realmente lo aprecio.

In my city, a project was created to decorate the murals of the buildings, the main objective is
to improve the appearance of the city with natural colors, plants of different species will be
used and placed to form striking figures. When people look at these murals they will feel good
and comfortable, the appearance of the city will be natural and safe for citizens.

En mi ciudad se creó un proyecto para decorar los murales de los edificios, el objetivo principal
es mejorar la apariencia de la ciudad con colores naturales, se utilizarán plantas de diferentes
especies y se colocarán para formar figuras llamativas. Cuando las personas miren estos
murales se sentirán bien y cómodas, la apariencia de la ciudad será natural y segura para los

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