Jb4-Morphology of Flowering Platns (Final)

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Vegetative morphology
1. Who reported that curly top virus spreads through phloem
1)Theophrastus 2)Aristotle 3) Peter Raven 4)Easu
2. The cells of region of meristematic activity of root are
1)large, thick walled & with dense protoplasm 2)small,thin walled & with little protoplasm
3)very small, thin walled & with dense protoplasm 4)very large thick walled & with
little protoplasm
3. Root hairs are arise from
1)region of elongation 2)region of root cap
3)region of meristem 4)region of maturation
4. Identify the pair of mangroove plants
1)Pistia and Eichhornia 2)Nepenthes and Drosera
3)Opuntia and Casuarina 4)Rhizophora and Avicinnea
5. Primary root is found in
1) most of the dicots 2) Gymnosperms
3) Monocots at seedling stage 4) 1, 2 & 3
6. Pneumatophores are meant for
1)Photosynthesis 2)Climbing
3)Protection from grazing animals 4)Respiraton
7. The functions of root system are
I)Absorbtion of minerals and water from the soil II)Storage of reserve food materials
III) Anchorage IV) Synthesis of some growth regulators
1) I II III & IV 2) I & III only 3)I II III only 4)I & II only
8. Nodular roots help in
1) Assimilation 2)Nitrogen fixation
3)Carbon assimilation 4)Storage of proteins
9. Nodular roots are commonly found in the members of
1)Brassicaceae 2)Solanaceae 3)Fabaceae 4)Poaceae
10. Select the correct statements from the following
I)Tap root system developed from the radicle of the embryo
II)Tap root is always under ground
III)Adventitions roots may be under ground or aerial
IV)Adventitions roots are found in monocots and dicots
1)I II III & IV 2)I II & III only 3)I & II only 4)II & III
11. Napiform storage taproot is found in
1) Brassica rapa 2)Beta vulgaris 3)Raphanussativus 4)Both 1 and 2
12. A plant with single tuberous root is found in
1)Ipomoea 2)Asparagus 3)Radish 4)Dahlia
13. Root that is developed from any part of the plant other than radicle is called
1) Normal root 2) Adventitious root 3) Secondary root 4) Tertiary root
14. Radicle or primary root is short lived in
1) Carrot 2) Turnip 3) Mustard 4) Wheat
15. Which book written by Katherine Easu refers to be Webster’s of plant biology
1) Plant Anatomy 2) The anatomy of seed plants
3) Historiaplantarum 4) Causaeplanatarum
16. Both fibrous roots and stilt roots are present in
1) Banyan tree 2) Rhizophora 3) Maize 4) Asparagus
17. Study the following lists
List - I List - II
A)Storage roots I)Avicennia
B)Pneumatophores II)Banyan tree
C)Stilt roots III)Turnip
D)Prop roots IV)Sugar cane
The correct match is
18. Fasciculated tuberous roots are present in
1) Carrot 2) Turnip 3) Sweet potato 4) Asparagus
19. Roots hairs are
1) unisiriate 2) ephemeral 3) exogenous 4) both 2 & 3
20. Generally the root of an angiosperm plant usually show the following tropic movements
1) + ve geotropism and + vephototropism 2) + ve phototropism and – ve geotropism
3) + ve geotropism and – ve phototropism 4) – ve geotropism and – ve phototropism
21. The region of root proximal to the region of elongation is
1) Region of meristematicactvity 2) Region of maturation
3) Root cap region 4) Stem
22. Shape of modified tap root in carrot is
1) Napiform 2) Conical 3) Fusiform 4) No proper shape
23. Pneumatophores are common in
1) All hydrophytes 2) All Xerophytes 3) Mangroves 4) Mesophytes
24. –Ve geotropism is shown by the modified roots of this plant
1) Banyan tree 2) Vanda 3)Taeniophyllum 4) Rhizophora
25. Velamen tissue helps in
1) Transpiration 2) Respiration
3) Absorption of water from the soil 4) Absorption of moisture from the atmosphere
26. Both taproot system and aerial adventitious roots are present in
1) Mustard 2) Turnip 3) Maize 4) Banyan tree
27. From base to the apex of the root, the correct sequence of the following regions is
A) Region of meristematic activity B) Region of maturation
C) Region of elongation
1) A, B, C 2) B, C, A 3) A, C, B 4) C, A, B
28. Stilt roots in maize arise from
1) The base of stem 2) The lower nodes of stem
3) The upper nodes of stem 4) The internodes of stem
29. study the following lists
List - I(Plantfunction) List – II(Roots are modified for performing this function)
A Ficus I Absorption of moisture from the atmosphere
B Vanda II Supporting
C Arachis III Respiration
D Rhizophora IV Nitrogen fixation
The correct match is
30. Multiple rootcap is seen in
1) Rhizophora 2) Avecinnia 3) Musa 4) Pandanus
31. Meristematic zone is subterminal because of
1) Elongation zone 2) Rootcap zone 3) Maturation zone 4) Roothair zone
32. Increased vaculation, cell extention and new cellwall depositions is the characteristic features of
1) Elongation zone 2) Rootcap zone 3) Maturation zone 4) merestimatic zone
33. Supporting roots among the following are
1) Prop roots 2) Stilt roots 3) Velamen roots 4) both 1 & 2
34. Hygroscopic roots are
1) velamen roots 2) pneumatphores 3) nodular rots 4) stilt roots
35. Number of storage taproots found in a Carrot plant in its life span is
1) many 2) 1 3) 2 4) zero
36. Rhizobium and Legume plant relationship is
1) Mutualism 2) Symbiosis 3) Parasitism 4) 1 & 2
37. Roots are absent in
1) Wolffia 2) Pea 3) Ficus 4) Monstera
38. Advetitiousroots are found in
1) Grasses 2) Monstera 3) Ficus 4) 1, 2 & 3
39. Palynology is the study of
1) Embryo 2) Egg cell 3) Pollengrains 4) Seed
40. Oldest branch of botany
1) Morphology 2) Physiology 3) Cytology 4) Genetics
41. The place where an organism grows naturally is
1) habit 2) habitat 3) form 4) Structure
42. Branch of botany used to know the course of evolution in plants is
1) Paleontology 2) Palynology 3) Morphology 4) Paleobotany
43. Holophyticnutrion is found in
1) all plants 2) all animals 3) all life forms 4) all green plants
44. Find the odd plant organ out (with regard to phases of growth)
1) Root 2) Stem 3) Leaf 4) Flower
45. Study of microscopic algae and fungi, protozoans, monerans and viruses is known as
1) Virology 2) Bacteriology 3) Microbiology 4) Molecular biology
46. Roots developed from parts of plant other than radical are called
1) Tap roots 2) Adventitious roots 3) Collateral roots 4) Nodular roots
47. In a root starting from the tip upward, the four zones occur in the following order
1) Cell division, Cell maturation, Cell enlargement, Root cap
2) Root cap, Cell division, Cell maturation, Cell enlargement
3) Root cap, Cell division, Cell enlargement, Cell maturation
4) Cell division, Cell enlargement, Cell maturation, Root cap
48. Identify the correct statement from the following
1) Root hairs are unicellular, delicate tubular structures arising from region of elongation
2) Food materials are stored in the tap root of carrot, turnip and sweet potato
3) Pneumatophores, modified roots grow positively geotrophic
4) Rhizophora grows in swampy areas
49. Adventitious roots are found in
1) Mustard 2) Carrot 3) Monstera 4) Bean
50. Fasciculated tuberous roots are found in
1) Asparagus 2) Rhizophora 3) Ipomoea 4) Bougainvillea
51. The thick roots that hang down from a Banayan tree are called
1) Stilt roots 2) Prop roots 3) Brace roots 4) Butress roots
52. Pneumatophores are present in plants which grow in
1) Sandy soil 2) Deserts 3) Water 4) Saline marshy soil
53. Parts of two plants were observed. Structure ‘A’ develops aerially and produce roots when comes in
contact with the soil. Structure ‘B’ develops from underground part of the stem, grow obliquely becomes
aerial and produces roots on its lower surface
Identify respectively the structures of ‘A’ and ‘B’
1) Sucker,Stolon 2) Sucker,Runner 3) Stolon,Sucker 4) Runner,Stolon
54. Thorns are found in
1) Colocasia 2) Bougainvillea 3) Pistia 4) Eichhornia
55. Colocasiavegetativelyreproduce by
1) Rhizome 2) Corm 3) Tuber 4) Bulb
56. A lateral branch with short inter nodes and each node bearing a rosette of leaves and tuft of roots is found
in aquatic plants is known as
1) Sucker 2) Stolon 3) Runner 4) Offset
57. Green flattened stems which perform photosynthesis are known as
1) Phylloclades 2) Bulbils 3) Corm 4) Stolons
58. Study list I and list II and match them correctly
List I List II
A – Onion 1. Tendril
B – Banana 2. Rhizome
C – Pumpkin 3. Bulb
D – Jasmine 4. Sucker
5. Stolon
1) 1 3 4 2 2) 3 4 1 5
3) 4 3 1 2 4) 3 5 1 2
59. An endosymbiont that inhabits the nodular roots of groundnut.
1) Nostoc 2) Anabaena 3)Rhizobium 4)Rhodospirullum
60. Consider the following statements :
‘A.’ Root system can also help in synthesis of plant growth regulators.
‘B.’ Stilt roots are present in sugar cane plant.
1) Both ‘A’ and ‘B’ are false 2) Both ‘A’ and ‘Bare true
3) ‘A’ is false but ‘B’ is correct 4) ‘A’ is correct but ‘B’ is false
61. Thin , wiry coiled sensitive organs useful for climbing and giving support to stem are known as
1) Hook 2) Tendril 3) Corm 4) Rhizome
62. Stem arises from
1) Radicle 2) Cotyledon 3) Plumule 4) Endosperm
63. Rhizophora and Avicenniaare
1) Epiphytes 2) Parasites 3) Mangroves 4) Xerophytes
64. Which of the following does’nt have a root modification?
1) Carrot 2) Sweet potato 3) Potato 4) Radish
65. Study the following statements and identify the incorrect statement.
1) Fibrous roots are otherwise known as Adventitious roots.
2) In cucumber and pumpkin, axillary bud is modified into tendrill
3) Striga is a partial root parasite.
4) Cuscuta is a total root parasite.
66. Which is not a stem modification in the following
1) Phylloclade 2) Phyllode 3) Cladophyll 4) Cladode
67. Fleshy , cylindrical , green photosynthetic stem is found in
1) Casuarina 2) Euphorbia 3) Asparagus 4) Opuntia
68. Pulvinous leaf base is present in
1) Bean 2) Rice 3) Hibiscus 4) Nerium
69. Identify the wrong statement from the following
1) Swollen leaf base is found in members of leguminosae
2) Smilax shows reticulate venation
3) Veins act as channels of transport for water and minerals and food materials.
4) Leaves originate from shoot apical meristem and are arranged in basipetal manner.
70. Plants which show sheathing leaf base are
1) Dicotyledons 2) Monocotyledons 3) Gymnosperms 4) Cryptogams
71. The sub aerial stem found in mint
1) Runner 2) Stolon 3) Sucker 4) Offset
72. An offset with balancing roots and leaves with swollen petiole is found in
1) Opuntia 2) Eichhornia 3) Trapa 4) Dioscorea
73. A leafless epiphyte with chlorophyllous roots
1) Vanda 2) Viscum 3) Cuscuta 4) Taeniophyllum
74. The zone proximal to the region of meristematic activity
1) Root hair region 2) Region of elongation
3) Mature region 4) Root cap region
75. Phylloclade branch of limited growth is known as
1) Phyllode 2) Cladophyll 3) Stolon 4) Bubil
76. An underground stem in which leaves serve the function of storage is found in
1) Onion 2) Ginger 3) Turmeric 4) Dioscorea
77. The following branch of Botany deals with the study of a symbiotic association between phycobiont and
1) Phycology 2) Mycology 3) Lichenlogy 4) Bryology
78. Nodular roots are found in
1)Avicennia 2) Rafflesia 3) Vanda 4) Dolichos (Bean)
79. Orobanche is a
1) Complete stem parasite 2) Complete root parasite
3) Partial stem parasite 4) Partial root parasite
80. Roots with an outer hygroscopic dead tissue velamen is found in
1) Hibiscus 2) Striga 3) Vanda 4) Avicennia
81. Vascular cryptogamos are
1) Bryophytes 2) Pteridophytes 3) Gymnosperms 4) Dicotyledons
82. Identify the correct statement from the following :
1) Haustoria of Rafflesia enter into the xylem and phloem of stem of host plant.
2) Parasitic roots of Balanophora enters into the xylem of the roots of host plant only
3) Striga’shaustoria enter into the xylem tissue of root of host plant only
4) Haustoria of Viscum enters into both xylem and phloem of host plant only
83. Branch of Botany that deals with the study of achlorophyllous heterotrophic thallophytes
1) Phycology 2) Pteridology 3) Bryology 4) Mycology
84. Bubils are found in
1) Agave &Dioscorea 2) Pistia&Eichhornia
3) Opuntia& Euphorbia 4) Passiflora&Cucurbita
85. Statement I : Corm is vertically growing underground stem that stores food material.
Statement II : Stem in sugarcane is vertically growing aerial stem that stores food material.
1) Both statements are correct 2) Statement I only is correct
3) Statement II only is correct 4) Both statements are wrong
86. First embryophytes are
1) Bryophytes 2) Pteridophytes 3) Gymnosperms 4) Angiosperms
87. Study of chlorophyllous , autotrophic thallophytes is known as
1) Mycology 2) Phycology 3) Bryology 4) Pteridology
88. Identify the incorrect statement
1) Secondary roots are endogenous
2) Tertiary roots are endogenous
3) Root hairs are endogenous
4) Root hairs are exogenous and unbranched
89. Underground stem modification present in all except in
1) Potato 2) Zamikhand 3) Sweet potato 4) Banana
90. Identify the incorrect statement
1) A simple leaf bears axillary bud in its axil.
2) A compound leaf bears leaflets
3) A leaflet also has a bud in its axil
4) Leaflets are arised from base to tip of petiole in pinnately compound leaves.
Vegetative morphology
91. Katherine Esau worked in the area of:
(1) Morphology of seed plants (2) Anatomy of seed plants
(2) Taxonomy of seed plants (4) Embryology of seed plants
92. Primary, secondary and tertiary roots are present in:
(1) Tap root system (2) Fibrous root system
(3) Adventitious root system (4) All
93. Both tap and adventitious roots are present in:
(1) Maize (2) Sugar cane (3) Banyan (4) Mustard
94. Both fibrous and adventitious roots are found in:
(1) Maize (2) Sugar cane (3) Sorghum (4) All
95. Pneumatophores is the characteristic of:
(1) Xerophytes (2) Mangroves (3) Hydrophytes (4) Psammophytes
96. A single tuberous root is formed at every node opposite to the leaf in:
(1) Turnip (2) Beet root (3) Ipomoea (4) Raphanus
97. Root crops are normally
(1)Ephemerals (2) Annuals (3) Perennials (4) Biennials
98. Find out the odd plant w.r.t tuberous roots:
(1)Turnip (2) Beeta (3) Asparagus (4) Radish
99. Which of the following plant shows assimilatory roots?
(1) Trapa (2) Pandanus (3) Ipomoea (4) Rhizophora
100. Which of the following non-legume has root nodules?
(1) Casuarina   (2) Arachis   (3) Arhar     (4) Beans
101. Identify the incorrect statement of the following:
(1) Root hairs are formed exogenously from epidermis.
(2) Lateral roots are formed endogenously from pericycle.
(3) Root caps are absent in Screw pine.
(4) Root pockets are present in hydrophytes.
102. Root caps show graviperception due to:
(1) Mucilage (2) Proteins (3) Starch grains (4) Calyptrogen
103. Root hair zone is proximal to:
(1) Elongation zone (2) Maturation zone (3) Meristem zone (4) Root cap
104. Lateral roots are formed in:
(1) Root cap zone (2) Meristematic zone (3) Elongation zone (4) Maturation zone
105. Maximum growth in roots takes place in:
(1) Maturation zone (2) Elongation zone (3) Meristematic zone (4) Root cap zone
106. Which of the following is a saprophytic angiosperm?
(1) Cuscuta (2) Balanophora (3) Monotropa (4) Wolfia
107. Corms are maintained at a particular deapth inside the soil by:
(1) Sucking roots (2) Pulling roots (3) Climbing roots (4) Buttress roots
108. A fibrous root system is the best at:
(1) Absorption of water and minerals (2) Anchorage of plant in soil
(3) Formation of root nodules (4) Storage of food
109. How many of the following plants show fibrous root system?
(Musa, Mustard, Wheat, Banyan, Bean, Pea, Sugar cane, Sorghum)
(1) 6 (2) 5 (3) 4 (4) 2
110. Cabbage is a/an:
(1) Apical bud (2) Axillary bud (3) Accessory bud (4) Floral bud
111. Tuberous roots, runners and bulbils are found in
(1) Gloriosa (2) Oxalis (3) Pineapple (4) Sugar cane
112. Statement- I: Cladodes in Asparagus are the main stems modified for photosynthesis.
Statement- II: Phylloclades in Euphorbia are limited size branches modified for photosynthesis.
(1) S-I is true & S-II is false (2) S-I is false & S-II is true
(3) Both S-I & S-II are true (4) Both S-I & S-II are false
113. In gourds, tendrils are formed from:
(1) Apical bud (2) Axillary bud (3) Floral bud (4) Adventitious bud
114. Prostrate creepers which spread to new niches and involve in vegetative propagation are:
(1) Amorphophallus (2) Curcuma (3) Gingiber (4) Fragaria
115. The underground stem used as vegetable which grows vertically in the soil is found in:
(1) Gladiolus (2) Colchicum (3) Colocasia (4) Crocus
116. The lateral basal branches come out of the soil vertically and involving in vegetative propagation is found
(1) Ananas (2) Bougainvillea (3) Citrullus (4) Pistia
117. A lateral branch with short internodes, rosette leaves and tuft of roots is found in:
(1)Water lily (2) Water cabbage (3) Water hyacinth (4) 2 & 3
118. A lateral branch of base of stem which grows obliquely down to the soil to develop adventitious roots and
to become an individual plant is present in:
(1) Musa (2) Mentha (3) Ananas (4) Agave
119. A terrestrial plant to contain offsets is:
(1) Pistia (2) Eichhornea (3) Agave (4) Pineapple
120. A stem tuber in Helianthus tuberosus stores food in the form of:
(1) Inulin (2) Starch (3) Stachyose (4) Sucrose
121. In Onion, scale leaves store food after stem is formed into biconvex disc. This modification belongs to:
(1) Root (2) Stem (3) Leaf (4) 2 & 3
122. The bulbils in Agave are formed from:
(1) Axillary bud (2) Side branch (3) Floral buds (4) Internodes
123. Type of leaf base in monocotyledonous grasses is:
(1) Sheathing (2) Spongy (3) Pulvinous (4) Fleshy
124. Veins and veinlets in the lamina of a leaf are:
(1) Divided and redivided petiole (2) Divided and redivided stipules
(3) Divided and redivided vascular bundles (4) Divided and redivided buds
125. Pulvinous leaf base is found in:
(1) Dolichos (2) Mimosa (3) Ficus (4) All
126. Spongy petiole is present in:
(1) Trapa (2) Pistia (3) Eichhornea (4) All
127. Stipules protect
(1) Buds &Leaves (2) Stems (3) Leaves & flowers (4) All
128. Find out the correct statement of the following:
(1) Leaves arise from lateral meristems.
(2) Parallel venation is the characteristic of dicots.
(3) Short and hard petioles make leaves to flutter to the wind.
(4) A compound leaf does not possess leaflets on rachis.
129. Palmate compound leaf is present in:
(1) Cotton (2) Passiflora (3) Moringa (4) Silk cotton
130. Simple leaves are:
(1) Either unlobed or lobed (2) Incisions touch the midrib
(3) Either single or many midribs (4) 1& 3
131. Odd number of leaflets are present on primary rachis in:
(1) Tamarindus (2) Azadirachta (3) Musa (4) Gossypium
132. Venation in Luffa (Cucurbit) is:
(1) Convergent, Palmate, Reticulate (2) Divergent, Palmate, Reticulate
(3) Covergent, Palmate, Parallel (4) Divergent, Palmate, Parallel
133. Which of the following monocot plant shows reticulate venation?
(1) Caulophyllum (2) Eryngium (3) Smilax (4) Oryzae
134. The dicot plant which shows parallel venation is:
(1) Smilax (2) Dioscorea (3) Alocasia (4) Eryngium
135. Match the columns –I & II correctly:
Column - I Column - II
1. Stem in grasses A. Leaves
2. Eyes in potato B. Apical bud
3. Tendrils in Vitis C. Nodes
4. Spines in Opuntia D. Culm

(1) 1- D, 2- C, 3- B, 4- A (2) 1- C, 2- D, 3- B, 4- A
(3) 1- B, 2- C, 3-A, 4- D (4) 1- D, 2-A, 3- B, 4- C
136. In alternate phyllotaxy, the number of leaves at each node is
1) Two 2) Three 3) Four 4) One
137. Find the incorrect match
1) Tendrils – Pea 2) Spines – Cactus
3) Phylloclade – Australian acacia 4) Fleshy leaves – Onion
138 Phyllotaxy is
1) Pattern of arrangement of leaves on stem
2) Arrangement of veins in the lamina
3) Arrangement of sepals and petals in flower
4) Arrangement of ovules within the ovary
139. Which of the following plant shows opposite phyllotaxy?
1) Chinarose 2) Calotropis 3) Mustard 4) Alstonia
140. In ---------- phyllotaxy, more than two leaves arise a at node as in -----------------
1) Alternate, china rose 2) Opposite, Guava
3) Whorled, calotropis 4) Whorled, Alstonia
141. In Nepenthes the pitcher is a modified
1) Whole leaf 2) Leaf apex 3) Lamina 4) Petiole
142. Phyllode is found in
1) Pea 2) Cactus 3) Venus flytrap 4) Australian acacia
143. Modified petiole of Australian acacia helps in
1) Transpiration 2) Photosynthesis 3) Secretion 4) Respiration
144. Match the columns with respect to phyllotaxy

Column- I Column-II
A) Alternate I) Guava (Psidium)
B) Opposite II) Alstonia
C) Whorled III) Sunflower

145. In cactus the leaf is modified for
1) Support 2) Defence 3) Storage 4) Trapping insects
146. The flowers in the racemose are arranged
1) Acropetally 2) Basipetally 3) Centripetally 4) Centrifugally
147. The arrangement of flowers on the floral axis is termed as
1) Placentation 2) Phyllotaxy 3) Aestivation 4) Inflorescence
148. A flower is a modified
1) Leaf 2) Shoot 3) Root 4) None
149. Floral meristem is formed from
1) Shoot lateral meristem 2) Root apical meristem
3) Shoot apical meristem 4) All the above
150. In an inflorescence where flowers are borne laterally in an acropetal succession, the position of the
youngest floral bud shall be
1) Proximal 2) Distal 3) Intercalary 4) Anywhere
151. In racemose inflorescence
1) The flowers are borne laterally in an acropetal succession
2) The main axis is of limited growth
3) The flowers are borne in a basipetal order
4) The main axis terminates into a flower
152. Inflorescence axis is called
1) Rachis 2) Pedicel 3) Petiole 4) Peduncle
153. Phyllotaxy in mustard and sunflower respectively
1) Alternate, Opposite 2) Opposite, Whorled
3) Opposite, Opposite 4) Alternate, Alternate
154. A bag contains 200 leaves 10% of these belong to chinarose, 20% to calotropis, 10% sunflower
and the remaining to Alsotnia. If 6 leaves are present at each node of Alstonia, what is the total
number of nodes seen in various twigs present in the bag?
1) 80 2) 120 3) 100 4) 60
155. In which of the following examples more than two axillary buds can develop at every node
1) Guava 2) Calotropis 3) Alstoria 4) Dolichos
156. In garlic, food is stored in
1) Roots 2) Scale leaves
3) Underground stem 4) Apices of branches
157. Raceme inflorescence is found in
1) Crotalaria 2) Cassia 3) Colocasia 4) Carrot
158. All the flowers are brought to the same height in
1) Raceme 2) Corymb 3) Umbel 4) Spadix
159. Production of flowers in the inflorescence of carrot
1) Centrifugal 2) Basipetal 3) Centripetal 4) Acropetal
160. Flowers in poaceae are
1) Pedicellate 2) Pedicellate and bisexual 3) Sessile 4) None
161. Spathe of colocasia is
1) Modified peduncle 2) Modified bract
3) Modified pedicel 4) Modified brancteole
162. In Musa, the type of inflorescence is
1) Spike 2) Umbel 3) Corymb 4) Spadix
163. Onion is an example for
1) Umbel 2) Corymb 3) Head 4) Spike
164. Characterstic inflorescence of family Asteraceae
1) Spike 2) Head 3) Umbel 4) Corymb
165. Pedicallate flowers and involucre of bracts are found in
1) Raceme 2) Corymb 3) Umbel 4) Head
166. Arrangement of flowers is acropetal but opening is like centripetal. This is seen in the
inflorescence of
1) Raceme 2) Corymb 3) Spike 4) Umbel
167. The whorl of bracts present below the inflorescence of onion is
1) Involucre 2) Involucel 3) Calyx 4) None
168. The type of inflorescence in grasses is
1) Raceme 2) Spike 3) Spadix 4) Corymb
169. Head inflorescence is also called as
1) Spadix 2) Spike 3) Hypanthodium 4) Capitulum
170. Neuter flowers are found in
1) Corymb 2) Spike 3) Spadix 4) Head
171. In cauliflower the type of inflorescence is
1) Corymb 2) Spike 3) Head 4) Umbel
172. Pneumatophores occurs in
1) Rhizophora 2) Maize 3) Banyan tree 4) Carrot
173. In Bougainvillea axillary bud is modified into
1) Tendril 2) Thorn 3) Storage part 4) None
174. Edible underground stem is
1) Sweet potato 2) Turnip 3) Carrot 4) Zaminkand
175. Stem may function for
1) Storage support 2) Protection
3) Spread and vegetative propagation 4) All of these
176. Leaves originate from
1) Shoot apical meristem 2) Shoot lateral meristem
3) Root apical meristem 4) More than one option is correct
177. Pulvinous leaf base is commonly found in
1) Xerophyles 2) Grasses 3) Legumes 4) Monocots
178. The reticulate venation is commonly found in the leaves of
1) Monocots 2) Dicot plants 3) Bryophytes 4) 1 and 2
179. Rachis is present in
1) Prinnately compound leaf 2) Palmately compound leaf
3) Simple leaf 4) All compound leaves
180. In silk cotton the leaflets are attached
1) On rachis 2) At the tip of petiole 3) 1 and 2 4) None

181. “We must consider the distinctive characters and the general nature of the plants from the point of view
of their morphology”
The above lines are seen in the book
1) Causes of plants 2) Enquiry in to plants
3) Systemanaturae 4) Species plantarum
182. The growth of root is rapid in the zone(s) of
1) Region of maturation 2) Region of differentiation
3) Region of meristematic activity 4) Region of elongation
183. A monocot with clustered tuberous roots
1) Asparagus 2) Turnip 3) Carrot 4) Radish
184. The roots that fix the most abundant gas in atmosphere are….
1) Pneumatophores 2) Assimilatory roots 3) Nodular roots 4) Velamen roots
185. The roots found in the plants, which are not in contact with soil are
1) Velamen roots, breathing roots 2) Epiphytic roots, balancing roots
3) Stiltroots, pneumatophores 4) prop roots, brace roots
186. The rate of absorption of water and minerals is maximum in the zone of
1) Zone of Meristem 2) Zone of elongation
3) Zone of expansion 4) Zone of maturation
187. Solitary, adventitious tuberous root in underground that arises from node in
1) Sweet potato 2) Carrot 3) Turnip 4) Dahlia
188. Find the odd one with respect to nutrition
1) Vanda 2) Taeniophyllum 3) Tinospora 4) Trapa
189. +Ve, -Ve geotropic roots are found in
1) Banyan 2) vanda 3) Sugarcane 4) Avicennia
190. Which of the following root modification is different from other based on origin
1) Haustoria 2) Piller root 3) Nodular root 4) Velamen root
191. A monocot plant with reticulate venation, shows bulbils which are formed from.
1) vegetative bud 2) Floral bud 3) Reproductive bud 4) 2&3
192. The no.of thorns per one node in Duranta and Bougainilea respectively are
1) 1&1 2) 2&1 3) 2&2 4) 1&2
193. Match the following
Column-I Column-II
I Lateral branch arises from underground part of A Runner
stem grows obliquilyupwards
II Underground or sub aerial stems spread to new B Stolon
III Aerial branch arises from main stem arches C Sucker
IV A lateral branch of one internodal length D Offset

1) A C B D
2) C A D B
3) C A B D
4) A C D B
194. The type of phyllotaxy in Bougainvillea and china rose respectively
1) Alternate, whorled 2) Alternate, Alternate
3) Opposite, Alternate 4) Opposite, whorled
195. Choose the mis matched pair among the following
1) Sucker-banana 2) Stolon-Jasmine
3) Sub aerial runner – strawberry 4) offset – Eichhornia
196. Leaf like petiole is found in
1) Allium 2) Cacti 3) Pisum 4) Australian Acacia
197. The organs of these plants are modified to fulfill the deficiency of same element. The plants and the
organs are
1) Pneumatophores of mangroves, velamen roots of epiphytes
2) Nodular roots of legumes, trap leaves of pitcher plant
3) Balancing roots of pistia, Assimilatory roots of Taeniophyllum
4) Pneumatophores of Mangrove, Assimilatory roots of Tinospora
198. Couple of leaves at one node are found in
1) Calotropis 2) Guava 3) Alstonia 4) 1&2
199. The type of under groundstem modification in the plant having largest inflorescence
1) Rhizome 2) corm 3) Stem tuber 4) Bulb
200. What is the rootsystem in the plants that generally shows parallel venation?
1) Fibrous root system 2) Tap root system
3) Aerial roots 4) Coralloid roots
201. What is the under ground stem modification found in the plant in which flowers appear to have arisen
from same point of peduncle.
1)Rhizome 2) Corm 3) Stemtuber 4) Bulb
202. Reproductive leaves are found in
1) Bryophyllum 2) Acacia 3) Allium 4) Alstonia
203. Stolons are found in Nerium, What is the phyllotaxy in the plant?
1) Alternate 2) Opposite superposed
3) Opposite decusselte 4) Whorled
204. The type of inflorescence in Musa and Tridax are respectively
1) Head, capitulum 2) Spadix, Corymb
3) Spadix, Head 4) Spike, Head
205. Stem tendrils and leaf tendrils are respectively found in
1) Watermelon, cucumber 2) Cucumber, Grape wine
3) Grape wine, cucumber 4) Water melon, pea
206. In citrus, Duranta and Bougainvilea the thorns are modified
1) axillary buds 2) leaves 3) Stipules 4) Terminal bud
207. Foliar stipule is found in
1) Allium 2) Acacia 3) Opuntia 4) Pisum
208. The lid in pitcher is a modified
1) lamina 2) leaf apex 3) stipule 4) Petiole
209. Older flowers with longer pedicles and yonger flowers with shorter pedicles are found in the
inflorescence of
1) Umbel 2) Head 3) Spadix 4) Corymb
210. From base to apex female zone, sterile zone, male zone, Appendix are found in the inflorescence of
1) Spike 2) Corymb 3) Spadix 4) Head
211. The flowers in grasses are
1) Bracteate 2) Sessile 3) Bisexual 4) All the above
212. Spathe and Scape are present in respective inflorescences
1) Umbel, spadix 2) spadix, umbel 3) Head, umbel 4) Umbel, Head
213. Carrot is classified in the family
1) Apiaceae 2) Meliaceae 3) Solanaceae 4) Malvaceae
214. The axis of inflorescence is called as
1) Peduncle 2) Pedical 3) Petiole 4) Funicle
215. In a Bougainvillea plant all the leaves are fallen, but no.of thorns are 16, How many leaves were present
on the plant earlier?
1) 8 2) 32 3) 16 4) 4
216. In florescence with sessile flowers is observed in
1) china rose 2) Helianthus 3) Cassia 4) Mangifera
217. In the capitulum the position of Ray floret and disc florest respectively are
1) Centre, periphery 2) Periphery, centre 3) base, apex 4) apex, base
218. Opening of flowers in the inflorescence of carrot
1) acropetal 2) Basipetal 3) Centripetal 4) Centrifugal
219. Thorns and alternate phyllotaxy are found in
1) Duranta 2) Calotropis 3) Opuntia 4) Bougainvillea
220. Adventitious buds produce adventitious roots in the leaves of
1) Acacia 2) Nepenthes 3) Bryophyllum 4) Potato
221. Common character found in Australian Acacia and pea is
1) Palmately compound leaf 2) Pinnately compound leaf
3) Expanded green petiole 4) Tendrilar leaflets
222. Potato tuber is modified stem, because it
1) Bears adventitious roots 2) lacks nodes
3) isnongreen 4) bears axillary bud
223. An example for storage fibrous roots and cladophylls is
1) Asparagus 2) Russus 3) Causuarina 4) Allium
224. In Neem leaf
1) Leaf is pinnately lobed, simple
2) leaf lets are present at the tip of petiole
3) Bud is found in the axil of leaflet
4) Bud is found in the axil at petiole
225. Modified petiole in Australian Acacia helps in
1) Photosynthesis 2) N2 fixation 3) Trapping of insects 4) Protection
226. In opposite phyllotaxy
1) a pair of leaves arise at each internode 2) a pair of flowers arise of nodes
3) a pair of leaves arise at each node 4)more than two leaves arise at a node
227. Match the columns with respect to phyllotaxy
A. China rose i) Opposite
B. Guava ii) Whorled
C. Alstonia iii) Alternate
The correct match is
1) A – i, B – iii, C – ii 2) A – iii, B – i, C – ii
3) A – iii, B – ii, C – i 4) A – ii, B – i, C - iii
228. In Australian acasia, the leaves are
1) small and long lived 2) large and short lived
3) small and short lived 4) large and long lived
229. In Pea, the tendrils are
1) modification of stem 2) modification of flower
3) modification of root 4) modification of leaf
230. Find the plants from the following in which the entire/complete leaf is not modified
A) Australian acasia B) Pea C) Cactus D) Onion
The correct answer is
1) All except C 2) C only 3) A and D 4) All
231. Read the following statements
I) A flower is a modified shoot
II) Shoot apical meristem always changes into floral meristem
III) In a flower, internodes bear leaves and the nodes bear floral appendages
IV) In a flower floral appendages are produced laterally at successive nodes
How many of the above statements are correct?
1) 4 2) 3 3) 2 4) 1
232. In cymose inflorescence
1) The flowers are borne in a centripetal order
2) The flowers are borne in a basipetal order
3) The flowers are borne on leaves 4) The flowers do not have thalamus
233. In racemose inflorescence
1) The main axis continues to grow 2) The main axis terminates in a flower
3) The main axis is of limited growth 4) The flowers are borne in a basipetal order
234. Consider the given figure with respect to inflorescence and choose the correct answer.

The correct answer is

1) The main axis terminates in a flower 2) The main axis is of limited growth
3) The flowers are borne in a basipetal order 4) All are correct
235. The flower is the reproductive unit in
1) all the plants 2) all the organisms 3) angiosperms 4) all cryptogams
236. Study the given box
Pea, gulmohur, Cassia, Canna, mustard, Datura
How many of the given plants show both modified leaves and bilateral symmetry
1) 3 2) 1 3) 4 4) 2
237. Which of the following statements is correct?
1) If the calyx and corolla are not distinct, it is called perianth and found in china rose
2) In lily the calyx and corolla are distinct
3) A typical flower has four different kinds of whorls arranged successively on thalamus
4) A flower having only stamens is bisexual.
238. A flower with bilateral symmetry is
1) Exemplified by mustard 2) Exemplified by Canna
3) Exemplified by Datura 4) Exemplified by Cassia
239. Study the given statements
Statement I: A bisexual flower can be actinomorphic
Statement II:A unisexual flower can be actinomorphic
Find correct answer from the following
1) Statement I and Statement II are true 2) Statement I and Statement II are false
3) Statement I is true but Statement II is false 4) Statement I is false but Statement II is true
240. Read the given matches and select the correct one
1) Bisexual flower –androecium is absent
2) Unisexual flower – both androecium and gynoecium are present
3) Bracts – reduced/modified flowers
4) Tetramerous – floral appendages are in multiple of 4
241. The reduced leaves found at the base of pedicel are called
1) Bracts 2) Bracteoles 3) Pedicel 4) Sepals
242. Asymmetric flower is found in
1) Canna 2) Cassia 3) Lily 4) Chilli
243. Given below are the function of four kinds floral appendages. Choose the true one with correct order of
floral appendages from inside to outside of the flower
1)protection, attract insects, reproduction, reproduction
2)attract insects, reproduction, protection, reproduction
3)reproduction, attract insects, reproduction, protection
4)reproduction, reproduction, attract insects, protection
244. Gulmohur has
1) irregular flower 2) insectivorous leaves
3)zygomorphic leaf 4) zygomorphic flower
245. Read the following statements and choose the correct statement
1) A flower may be trimerous when it has 3 bracts
2) A receptacle is reduced perianth
3) The stalk of the flower is called thalamus
4) A mustard flower can be divided in to two equal radial halves in any radial plane passing through the
246. In the hypogynous flower
1) the gynoecium occupies the highest position
2) the ovary is said to the superior
3) androecium, corolla and calyx are situated above the gynoecium
4) more than one option is correct
247. Half inferior ovary is not found in
1) Plum 2) Rose 3) Cucumber 4) Peach
248. In guava, the phyllotaxy and ovary respectively are
1) alternate and inferior 2) whorled and superior
3) opposite and half – inferior 4) opposite and inferior
249. Match the following
A) Superior ovary i) Brinjal
B) Perigynous flower ii) Ray florets of sunflower
C) Epigynous flower iii) Rose
The correct match is
1) A – i, B – iii, C – ii 2) A – i, B – ii, C – iii
3) A – ii, B – iii, C – i 4) A – iii, B – i, C – ii
250. The flower is hypogynous in
1) China rose 2) Peach 3) Guava 4) cucumber
251. “The margin of thalamus grows upward enclosing the ovary completely and getting fused with it, the
other parts of flower arise above the ovary”. The given statement is applicable to
1) superior ovary of cucumber 2) inferior ovary of mustard
3) inferior ovary of cucumber 4) half inferior ovary of plum
252. The outermost whorl of a typical flower is generally
1) protective 2) photosynthetic 3) not useful 4) more than one option are correct
253. If the sepals are free, it is called
1) polysepalous 2) gamosepalous 3) bracteate 4) ebracteate
254. Calyx protect the flower generally in/at
1) always 2) bud stage 3) fruiting stage 4) forming of a leaf
255. Corolla is composed of
1) petals 2) sepals 3) stamens 4) carpels
256. The pollination process is unique to flowering plants. The floral appendages that are useful in pollination
and production of pollen respectively are
1) corolla and stamens 2) calyx and corolla
3) androecium and corolla 4) androecium and gynoecium
257. In gamopetalous corolla
1) the sepals are fused 2) The petals are fused
3) the petals are free 4) the sepals are free
258. In plants, the shape and colour of corolla
1) vary greatly 2) is universal 3) is same 4) all are correct
259. Aestivation is the mode of arrangement of sepals or petals in floral bud with respect to the
1) same members of the same whorl 2) other members of the other whorls
3) other members of the same whorl 4) same members of the other whorl
260. In Calotropis
1) the accessory organs of the flower, in a whorl just touch one another at the margin, with over lapping
2) the accessory organs in a whorl of the flower, just touch one another at the margin, without over
3) sepals and petals do not show any particular direction of aestivation
4) the standard petal overlaps the two lateral petals
261. In which of the following aestivation patterns one petal is completely inside, one petal is completely
outside and in remaining petals, one margin is inside and another margin is outside?
1) 2) 3) 4)
262. Twisted aestivation is found in
1) Cassia 2) lady’s finger 3) cotton 4) (2) and (3)
263. Among mustard, Datura, bean, gulmohur, Canna and Cassia the number of plants have zygomorphic
flowers with imbricate aestivation is
1) 2 2) 1 3) 4 4) 3
264. Overlapping pattern take place from posterior side of the flower to anterior side is found in
1) Datura 2) pea 3) lady’s finger 4) Cassia
265. Study the given list
A. Variation in the length of filaments B. Papilionaceous corolla
C. Superior ovary D. Actinomorphic flower
Of the above which are applicable to mustard?
1) A and D only 2) A, B and C 3) B and C only 4) A, C and D
266. Staminode is a
1) sterile carpel 2) sterile stamen 3) sterile gynoecium 4) sterile flower
267. An anther is
1) single lobed 2) bilobed 3) (1) or (2) 4) (1) and (2)
268. In pea
1) two bundles of carpels are present 2) stamens show vexillary aestivation
3) flowers are asymmetric 4) standard petal is largest
269. Monoadelphous condition is found in
1) rose 2) china rose 3) pea 4) Citrus
270. Find true statement with respect to Salvia
1) all filaments of stamens have same length
2) there is variation in the length of filaments with in a flower
3) androecium is composed of corolla
4)the stamens have no filaments and the anthers are sessile
271. Mustard and Argemone are more closely related in this aspect
1) Aestivation 2) Placentation 3) Merosity 4) Union of stamens
272. Ovary is not unilocular in this type of placentation
1) Marginal 2) Free central 3) Axile 4) Basal
273. Characters present in mustard flower among the following list are :
unisexual flower,tetrandrous stamens, tetramerous flower, zygomorphic symmetry, parietal
placentation, hypogynous flower
1) 3 2) 4 3) 5 4) 2
274. After fertilization, the _______ develop into seeds and the __________ matures into fruit
1) Ovary, Ovule 2) Nucellus, Ovule 3) Ovule, Nucellus 4) Ovule, Ovary
275. Apocarpous gynoecium is present in
1) Datura 2) Delonix 3) Lotus 4) Pyrus
276. Odd one w.r.t. symmetry of the flower
1) Cassia 2) Mustard 3) Datura 4) Chilli
277. Number of characters that don’t match with the fruit of coconut is
i) One seeded ii) Stony endocarp
iii) Pericarp is well differentiated into epicarp, mesocarp and endocarp
iv) Pericarp contains edible portion
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4
278. The technical term used for the androecium in a flower of Citrus is
1) Polyadelphous 2) Monoadelphous 3) Diadelphous 4) Polyandrous
279. Which one of these is an example for a zygomorphic flower with diadelphous stamens and marginal
1) Pea 2) Lemon 3) Brinjal 4) Cucumber
280. Statement I: Ovule is attached to a flattened cushion like placenta
Statement II: Placenta is located in the ovule cavity
1) S-I is correct, S-II is incorrect 2) S-I is incorrect, S-II is correct
3) S-I and S-II are correct 4) S-I and S-II are incorrect
281. Drupe fruit develops from
1) Multicarpellary, apocarpous, superior ovary
2) Monocarpellary, superior ovary
3) Monocarpellary, inferior ovary
4) Multicarpellary, inferior ovary
282. The landing platform for pollen grains is
1) Ovary 2) Style 3) Stigma 4) Ovule
283. When placenta forms a ridge along ventral suture of the ovary and the ovules are borne on this ridge
forming two rows, the type of placentation is
1) Marginal 2) Axile 3) Parietal 4) Free-central
284. A characteristic feature of ovary of mustard is
1) Presence of false septum 2) Axile placentation
3) Epigynous 4) All of these
285. Which fruit is not used in inducing parthenocarpy?
1) Papaya 2) Grapes 3) Pomogranate 4) Watermelon
286. Stamens fuse with members of accessory whorls in
1) Lily 2) Brinjal 3) Pea 4) 1 and 2
287. None of the pericarp layers is edible in case of
1) Grape 2) Mango 3) Cocos 4) Cucumis
288. A true fruit is a
1) Developed ovary 2) Developed ovule
3) Fertilized and developed ovary 4) Fertilized and developed ovule
289. Pericarp in fleshy fruits
1) Never dehisces 2) Differentiated 3) Fleshy at maturity 4) All are correct
290. A cymose inflorescence does not have
1) Peduncle 2) Definite growth
3) Acropetal arrangement of flower 4) Flower at the tip
291. A single seeded fleshy fruit formed from a single flower is observed in
1) Cocos 2) Mustard 3) Datura 4) Citrus
292. Stamens in a flower are of different lengths in
1) Hibiscus 2) Salvinia 3) Mustard 4) Both 2 and 3
293. Zygomorphic symmetry due to papilionaceous corolla is observed in this plant
1) Chilli 2) Bean 3) Cassia 4) Datura
294. Placentation found in unilocular ovaries
1) Marginal 2) Basal 3) Parietal 4) All of these
295. Simple fruits develop from
1) Single flower with apocarpous gynoecium 2) Single flower with syncarpous gynoecium
3) Many flowers of an inflorescence 4) Only monocarpellary gynoecium
296. Parthenocarpic fruit develops
1) without fertilization 2) from thalamus
3) after fertilization 4) into fruit having many seeds
297. This placentation type cannot be identified in the cross section of ovary
1) Marginal 2) Basal 3) Free-central 4) Parietal
298. Parthenocarpic, seedless true fruit among the following is
1) Apple 2) Strawberry 3) Banana 4) Cashew nut
299. One of the following character is not found in racemose inflorescence
1) Peduncle continues to grow
2) Flowers are borne laterally in an acropetal succession
3) Flowers open in centrifugal manner
4) Peduncle is branched or unbranched
300. The ovary showing parietal placentation is initially
1) Two chambered 2) Single chambered 3) Multichambered 4) Any of these
301. Gynoecium occupies highest position while the other floral parts are situated
below it, in case of the flowers of
1) Mustard 2) China rose 3) Brinjal 4) All of the these
302. Placenta and pericarp are both edible portions in
1) Apple 2) Banana 3) Tomato 4) Potato
303. Placentation with a single ovule is
1) Axile 2) Basal 3) Free central 4) Parietal
304. Persistant part of flower even after fertilization is
1) Corolla 2) Androecium 3) Style 4) Ovary
305. Ovules on central axis are seen in
1) Axile placentation 2) Free central placentation
3) Parietal placentation 4) Both 1 and 2
306. The fourth whorl of flower is with
1) Petals 2) Stamens 3) Carpel(s) 4) Sepals
307. How many plants in the given list show axile placentation?
Pea, Mustard, Dianthus, Tomato, Argemone, China rose, Primrose, Lemon,
1) 1 2) 3 3) 5 4) 6
308. Syncarpous gynoecium has two (or) more
1) Free carpels 2) Fused carpels 3) Free ovaries 4) All of these
309. Edible portion of mango is
1) Epicarp 2) Endocarp 3) Mesocarp 4) Placenta
310. Fibrous coir is obtained from which part of the coconut?
1) Epicarp 2) Mesocarp 3) Endocarp 4) Seed coat
311. Plant with axile placentation and monoadelphous stamens is
1) Lemon 2) China rose 3) Pea 4) Ground nut
312. In family fabaceae, 5 petals form a unique association in which 3 different elements participate which
are standard, wings and keel. What is the number of these elements?
1) 1, 2, 2 respectively 2) 2, 1, 2 respectively
3) 1, 1, 3 respectively 4) 2, 2, 1 respectively
313. Arrangement of ovules within the ovary is known as
1) Aestivation 2) Placentation 3) Both 1 and 2 4) Cohesion
314. Perigynous flowers with apocarpous gynoecium is seen in
1) Bean 2) Pea 3) Rose 4) All
315. Only one petal or sepal with both the margins outside (overlapping) is observed in
how many aestivations ?
A) Valvate B) Twisted C) Imbricate D) Vexillary
1) One 2) Two 3) Three 4) Four

316. Dry indehiscent fruits are

I) Drupe II) Caryopsis III) Cypsela IV) Legume
1) Only I 2) II & III 3) Only II 4) All the above
317. Bulk of the seed in caryopsis fruit is formed of
1) Endocarp 2) Scutellum 3) Embryo 4) Endosperm
318. There are 10 schizocarpic fruits of Acasia, 3 with seven constrictions each, 2 with five constrictions
each, 3 with nine constrictions each, others with six constrictions. All together how many seeds with
six constrictions. All together how many seeds are seen in 10 fruits of Acasia
1) 20 2) 40 3) 60 4) 80
319. Select incorrect match from the following
1) Pericarp – fruit wall2) Apocarpous – Aggregate fruit
3) Pseudocarp (false fruit) – Parthenocarpic fruit
4) Dehiscent – legume
320. Identify the set of plants that produce dry indehiscent fruits
1) Bean, Mango, Tridax, Coconut 2) Pea, Coconut, Cashewnut, Castor
3) Rice, Cashewnut, Tridax, Triticum 4) Cotton, Pea, Tridax, Cashewnut
321. Peduncle is edible in
1) Pyrus and Mango 2) Ananas and Annona
3) Citrus and Cocos 4) Ficus and Ananas
322. Two plants A and B produce Dry fruits that former is with stony pericarp and later is with pappus
like calyx
1) A – Tridax, B – Cashew nut 2) A – Caryopsis, B - Tridax
3) A – Cashew nut, B – Tridax 4) A – Tridax, B – Caryopsis
323. Identify the plant with fruit developing from spadix inflorescence
1) Annona squomosa 2) Artocarpus 3) Tomato 4) Ficus
324. The part of bean seed which stores reserve food materials is
1) Plumule 2) Radicle 3) Endosperm 4) Cotyledons
325. Aleurone layer is a
1) Protective layer of embryo 2) Part of monocot embryo
3) Protein rich layer of endosperm 4) Diploid in nature
326. Match the following
Column-A Column-B
A Oryza sativum I (False Fruit) Fleshy thalamus
B Citrus sinensis II Endosperm
C Pyrus malus III Cotyledons
D Pisum sativum IV Juicy succulent placental hairs of placenta
327. Given below are the names of some plants
Guava, Cucumber, Peach, Rose, Plum, Brinjal, China rose and Mustard.
How many of the above plants will have hypogynous, perigynous and epigynous flowers
Hypogynous Perigynous Epigynous
1) 3 4 2
2) 1 4 4
3) 3 3 2
4) 2 3 2
328. Monocot seeds are mostly endospermic except few like
1) Orchids 2) Rice 3) Wheat 4) Maize
329. The placenta is attached to developing seed near the
1) Testa 2) Hilum 3) Micropyle 4) Chalaza
330. Statement – I: Seeds of most of the members of monocots are endospermic.
Statement – II: Endosperm is found in mature seeds also.
1) Both Statement I and II are correct
2) Both Statement I and II are incorrect
3) Statement-I is correct and Statement– II is incorrect
4) Statement-I is incorrect and Statement– II is correct
331. Which of the labels in the diagram given below are incorrectly matched

1) A and D only 2) B and C 3) A only 4) A, D, E and F

332. Caryopsis of maize shows
1) The seed coat is membranous and generally fused with the fruit wall
2) The endosperm is bulky and stores food.
3) Scutellum and aleurone layer is present
4) More than one option is correct
333. Match the following with respect to placentation
Column-A Column-B
A Axile I Dianthus, Prime rose
B Parietal II Sunflower, Marigold
C Free-central III China rose, Tomato, Lemon
D Basal IV Mustard, Argemone

334. An aggregate fruit is one which developed from
1) Multicarpellary syncarpous gynoecium 2) Multicarpellary apocarpus gynoecium
3) Complete inflorescence 4) Multicarpellary superior ovary
335. A composite fruit with leafy bracts
1) Sorosis of pine apple 2) Sorosis of Jack
3) Fig of ficus 4) Custard apple
336. How many of the plants in the list given below have composite fruits that develop from
Lycopersicon (Tomato), Solanum tuberosum, Artocarpus, Ficus, Ananas sativus
1) Four 2) Five 3) Three 4) Two
337. Ovary is one chambered but become two chambered due to formation of the false septum in
1) Mustard 2) Tomato 3) Lemon 4) Pea
338. Indehiscent fruit is seen in
1) Tomato 2) Wheat 3) Mango 4) Coconut
339. Type of fruit seen in a plant with whose seeds the carrot grass is imported as a seed contaminant
1) Legume 2) Caryopsis 3) Nut 4) Cypsel
340. Choose correctly matched option
1) Nut – stony endocarp 2) Cypsela – single seeded dry fruit
3) Caryopsis – single seeded fleshy fruit 4) Lomentum – Single seeded schizocarpic fruit
341. Fleshy aril (Third integument) represents edible portion in
1) Guava 2) Grape 3) Litchi 4) Lemon
342. Edible part of coconut is
1) Seed coat 2) Pericarp 3) Endosperm 4) Mesocarp
343. Which one of the following is an example of drydehiscent fruit
1) Citrus 2) Coconut 3) Rice 4) Datura
344. What do we eat in Cashewnut?
1) Fleshy cotyledons and thalamus 2) Whole seed
3) Whole fruit 4) Fleshy calyx
345. The fruit that develops from a single ovary of a flower is a
1) Simple fruit 2) Composite fruit 3) Aggregate fruit 4) False fruit
346. The seed in which endosperm is completely used by developing embryo is
1) Perispermic 2) Albuminous 3) Endospermic 4) Non-endospermic
347. In banana, the edible part is
1) Epicarp of berry 2) Testa and tegmen of albuminous seeds
3) Mesocarp and endocarp 4) Mesocarp of caryopsis
348. Aggregate fruit develops from
1) Multicarpellary ovary 2) Multicarpellary syncarpous ovary
3) Multicarpellary apocarpous ovary 4) Whole inflorescence
349. The fruit in which mesocarp is fleshy and endocarp is stony is known as
1) Pome 2) Berry 3) Drupe 4) Pepo
350. Wind-dispersed seeds and fruits tend to have
1) Barbs or hooks 2) Hair or wings 3) Sticky surfaces 4) Rounded, compact shape
351. The edible part of cucumber is
1) Mesocarp 2) Endocarp 3) Mesocarp, endocarp and placenta
4) Pericarp and thalamus
352. Dry indehiscent one seeded fruit derived from inferior bicarpellary ovary is known as
1) Cypsela 2) Nut 3) Cremocarp 4) Legume
353. When the pericarp is fused with testa and the fruit contains a single seed, it is called
1) Caryopsis 2) Achene 3) Cypsela 4) Nut
354. What is the fruit of a ‘fig’ plant?
1) Berry 2) Aggregate fruit 3) Syconous 4) Pepo
355. The characteristic fruit of family Gramineae is
1) Achene 2) Capsule 3) Cypsela 4) Caryopsis
356. Edible portion of Fragaria (Strawberry) is
1) Thalamus 2) Pericarp 3) Placenta 4) Both 1 and 3
357. A true fruit is that, in which
1) Calyx surrounds the fruit at maturity 2) Thalamus is well developed
3) Ovules are well developed 4) Well developed ovary after fertilization
358. In Jack fruit, the edible part is
1) Perianth and seed 2) Thalamus 3) Cotyledons 4) Mesocarp
359. Developement of fruit without fertilization is known as
1) Parthenogenesis 2) Parthenocarpy 3) Apospory 4) Apogamy
360. How many plants in the list given below have composite fruits that develop from an inflorescence-
cashew nut, tomato, radish, fig, pineapple, apple, tomato, Jack fruit?
1) Four 2) Five 3) Two 4) Three
361. Which of the following are the example of stilt roots
1) Monstera and Rhizophora 2) Maize and sugar cane
3) Vanda and Monstera 4) Wheat are Banyan
362. Sweet Potatoes are
1) Modified stems 2) Modified tap roots
3) Modified adventitious roots 4) Modified buds
363. Which of the following is not correctly matched?
1) Tendril of pumpkin-extra axillary bud 2) Thorn of citrus-Axillary bud
3) Tendril of grapevine-Leaf tip 4) Asparagus-Storage adventitious roots
364. The subaerial stems of Jasmine and Chrysanthemum are examples of
1) Stolon and Runner 2) Stolon and sucker
3) Runner and stolon 4) Sucker and stolon
365. Tunics are associated with
1) Bulbil 2) Bulb 3) Tuber 4) Corm
366. Which of the following produces tap root and adventitious roots?
1) Maize 2) Banyan 3) Asparagus 4) Sugar cane
367. Fleshy green cylindrical structures of “Euphor-bia” are
1) Phyllodes 2) Succulent leaves 3) phyllocladees 4) Scale leaves
368. Match column-I and Column-II and choose the correct answer
Column-I Column-II
I) Pistia A)scape
II) Rhizophora B) Compound leaf without rachis
III) Silk cotton C) Pneumatophores
IV) Onion D) Rosette of leaves and tuft of roots at node
1) I-D,II-C,III-B, IV-A 2) I-C, II-D, III-B,IV-A
3) I-B, II-D,III-A, IV-C 4) I-D, II-A,III-B, IV-C
369. The edible protion of stores Onion comprises
1) Stem 2) Tunica 3) Fleshy leaf bases 4) Scape
370. Bougainvillea, Euphorbia and Turmeric possess modified stem which are
1) Thorn, phyllode and corm respectively 2) Spine, phyllode and rhizome respectively
3) Thorn, cladode and corm respectively 4) Thorn, phylloclade and rhizome respectively
371. Adventitious roots are
1) Those arising from any part of plant other than radical
2) Found only in monocots
3) Found in bryophytes also
4) All of the above
372. Root pockets act as balancers and found in
1) Hygrophytes 2) Free floating hydrophytes
3) Fixed floating hydrophytes 4) All of the above
373. Secondary growth and lateral roots are found in which part of root?
1) Calyptra region 2) Root hair zone 3) Zone of mature cells 4) zone of elongation
374. Haustoria help in survival of
1) epiphytes 2) saprophytes 3) Parasites 4) all of these
375. Tap roots are common in
1) Monocots 2) dicots 3) Weeds 4) grasses
376. Which one is a fleshy root?
1) Ficus benghalensis and Solanum tuberosum
2) Raphanus sativus and Daucus carota
3) colocasia and Allium
4) Chrysanthemum and Tecoma
377. An underground stem without adventitious roots is
1) Potato 2) Onion 3) Colocacia 4) All correct
378. The eyes of potato are nodes. These eyes in potato contain
1) Buds 2) Roots 3) Seeds 4) All correct
379. Which is not a rhizome
1) Colocasia 2) Lotus 3) Ginger 4) Turmeric
380. Bulb of Allium cepa (onion) is
1) Underground modified bud with reduced discoid stem and without adventitious roots
2) Underground shoot with reduced stem and fleshy leaves
3) Both 1 and 2 correct
4) Underground root
381. A thick fleshy underground horizontal main stem is
1) Corm 2) Tuber 3) Sucker 4) rhizome
382. Stolon differs from runner in being
1) Shorter 2) longer 3) Underground 4) capable of arching
383. The needle like cladodes of Asparagus are metamorphosed stem for
1) Reducing transpiration 2) Increasing photosynthesis
3) Protecting plant from browsing 4) None
384. Phylloclade is found in
1) Opuntia, Casuarina, Euphorbia 2) only Cacti
3) Cacti, Asparagus 4) Opuntia and Ruscus
385. A nongreen stem branch that grows obliquely or sometimes grows horizontally inside the soil and then
comes out of the soil as a branch is called
1) Stolon 2) Sucker 3) offset 4) Rhizome
386. The underground modification of stem is basically for
1) Respiration 2) Perennation
3) Vegetative reproduction 4) anchorage
387. Pneumatophores are common in halophytes of saline swampy soil of sea shores for
1) Respiration 2) Guttation 3) Both 1 & 2 4) Vivipary
388. Which plants bears hygroscopic (epiphytic) roots?
1) Vanda 2) Crocus 3) Trapa 4) All of the above
389. The main functions of the root system are
1) Absorption of water and minerals 2) Poroviding a proper anchorage to the plant parts
3) Storing reserve food material and synthesis of plant growth regulators (PGRs)
4) All of the above
390. Match the columns I and Ii, and choose the correct combination from the options given
Column I Column II
a. The cells of this region are very small, thin 1. Region of
walled and with dense protoplasm meristematic activity
b. The cells of this region undergo rapid 2. Region of
elongation and enlargement elongation
c. The cells of this region gradually 3. Region of
differentiates and mature maturation
1) a-1, b-2,c-3 2) a-2, b-3,c-1 3) a-3,b-2,c-1 4) a-2,b-1,c-3
391. Which of the following region of root is responsible for the growth of the root in length?
1) Region of meristematic activity 2) Region of elongation
3) Region of maturation 4) Root cap
392. Fill in the blanks:
a. The ……1….roots of carrot, turnip and …..2….. roots of sweet potato and asparagus, get swollen and
stores food.
b. Rhizophora growing in…..3….. areas in which many roots come out of the ground and grown
vertically upwards
c. Adventitious roots are found in …..4….., Monstera and ……5…..
1) 1-tap,2-adventitious, 3-marshy,4-grass,5-carrot
2) 1-adventitious,2-tap,3-swampy,4-grass,5-banyan
3) 1-adventitious, 2-tap,3-swampy,4-turnip, 5-grass
4) 1-tap,2-adventitious, 3-swampy,4-grass,5-banyan
393. Pneumatophores are useful in
1) Respiration 2) Transpiration 3) Guttation 4) Protein synthesis
394. What is the arrangement of root zones starting from root tip?
1) Root cap, cell division, cell enlargement and cell maturation
2) Root cap, cell division, cell maturation and cell enlargement
3) Cell division, cell maturation, cell enlargement and root cap
4) Cell division, cell enlargement, cell maturation and root cap
395. Select the group of plants that possess stilt roots
1) Zea mays, Rhizophora mangal 2) Pandanus odoratissimus, Ficus benghalensis
3) Rhizophora mangal, Hedera helix 4) Ficus benghalensis, Pisum sativum
396. Select the mismatched pair
1) Taproot system - Dicots
2) Fibrous root system- Monocots
3) Fasciculated roots - Curcuma
4) Stilt roots - Sugarcane
397. Match column I with column II and select the correct option from the given codes
Column I Column II
(type of fleshy taproot) (Example)
A.Conical i) Brassica rapa
B. Fusiform ii) Daucus carota
C. Napiform iii) Raphanus sativus
D. Tuberous iv) Sweet Potato
1) A-ii,B-iii,C-i,D-iv 2) A-iii,B-ii,C-i,D-iv 3) A-ii, B-i,C-iii,D-iv 4) A-ii, B-iii,C-iv,D-i
398. Select the incorrect statement out of the following
1) Assimilatory roots capable of photosynthesis are present in Tinospora and Trapa
2) Haustoria of Cuscuta make connections with both xylem and phoem tissues of host
3) Reproductive roots of Ipomoea batata help in vegetative propagation
4) Epiphytic roots of Vanda possess well developed root caps and root hair.
399. Root caps are absent in
1) Xero phytes 2) meso phytes 3) Hydro phytes 4) both 1 and 2
400. Characters are present in dicots
1) Taproot system
2) Adventitious root system
3) Fibrous root system
4) 1 and 2
401. In one of the following examples more than two axillary buds can develop at every node
1) Guava 2) Calotropis 3) Alstonia 4) Dolichos
102. The following modification is not related to leaf
1) Tendril 2) Spine 3) Scale 4) Thorn
403. Incorrect match of the following is
1) Sheathing leaf base – Monocots 2) Pulvinous Leaf base - Legumes
3) Fluttering of leaf blade – Long pedicel 4) Exposing the lamina to sun light - petiole
404. Odd one w.r.t. number of leaves at each node is
1) China rose 2) Mustard 3) Alstonia 4) Sun flower
405. Statement-I: In silk cotton, many leaflets are arranged at the tip of petiole.
Statement-II: Palmate compound leaves are present in silk cotton.
1) Both Statement I and Statement II are correct
2) Statement I is correct, Statement II is wrong
3) Statement I is wrong, Statement II is correct
4) Both Statement I and Statement II are wrong
406. Mismatch of the following w.r.t. to leaf modifications is
1) Pea – Tendril 2) Cactus – Scales
3) Garlic - Storage 4) Australian acacia - Photosynthesis
407. Leaf is not modified in
1) Onion 2) Pea 3) Silk cotton 4) Pitcher plant
408. In Cyathium the ratio between female to male flower is -
1) one : one 2) one : many 3) many : one 4) many : many
409. Flowers are sessile in
1) Raceme 2) Spike 3) Corymb 4) Umbel
410. Blastophaga lays its eggs in a
1) Female flowers of fig 2) Male Flowers of fig
3) Gall Flowers of fig 4) All Flowers
411. Inflorescence is the
1) Group of flowers 2) Arrangement of flowers
3) Arrangement of flowers on the floral axis 4) None of the above
412. In a racemose the flowers are
1) Of separate sexes 2) Of the same sex
3) Arranged in basipetal succession 4) Arranged in acropetal succession
413. Leaf tendrils are found in
1) Watermelon 2) Pea 3) Vitis 4) Hibiscus
414. Insectivorous plants grow in the soil which is deficient in
1) Calcium 2) Nitrogen 3) Water 4) Magnesium
415. The plant that stores food reserves in leaves
1) Mango 2) Sweet potato 3) Onion 4) Sugar cane
416. All the leaves modified in to spines in
1) Opuntia 2) Onion 3) Oxalis 4) Orange
417. The term ‘phyllotaxy’ means
1) arrangement of parts of flower in a whorl 2) type of inflorescence
3) classification of plants 4) arrangement of leaves on the stem and branches
418. Rigidity is provided to the leaf blade by
1) Petiole 2) Margins 3) Veins 4) All
419. A stalk by which leaf attaches with the stem is called
1) Petiole 2) Pedicel 3) Peduncle 4) Rachis
420. In Nepenthes, the pitcher is modified
1) Leaf tip 2) Leaf lamina
3) Lower part of lamina 4) Petiole
421. A pair of leaves at each node is seen in
1) China rose 2) Mustard 3) Guava 4) Nerium
422. Identify correct statement about spine:
1) Bears leaves and flowers 2) Bears a bud in its axil
3) Reproductive organ 4) Modification of stem
423. Arrange the modification of Nepenthes leaf in sequence from base to apex
1) Tendril, Phyllode, Pitcher 2) Pitcher, Tendril, Phyllode
3) Tendril, Pitcher, phyllode 4) Phyllode, Tendril, Pitcher
424. Leaf is not modified in
1) Onion 2) Pea 3) Silk cotton 4) Pitcher plant
425. Type of leaf modification associated with phylloclade
1) Hook 2) Thorn
3) Tendrils 4) Scale leaves or Spines
426. It is not easier to distinguish lobed simple leaf and palmately compound leaf because both have
1. lamina dissected up to midrib 2. lamina divided to leaflets
3. axillary bud in the axil of petiole 4. undissected lamina
427. In the given below vegetative features which one helps to distinguish a dicot from monocot when only
arerial parts are available?
1. Root system 2. Phyllotaxy 3. Venation 4. Aestivation
428. Modified leaves perform photosynthesis in
I) Opuntia II) Asparagus III) Australian acacia IV) Nepenthes
1) I, II, III & IV 2) I & III 3) III & IV 4) II, III & IV
429. Unisexual, sessile flowers are found in the inflorescence of
1) Tridax 2) Cocos 3) Colacasia 4) All
430. Choose the mis-match from the following:
1) Acropetal arrangement of sessile flowers – Oryza
2) Spadix with three kinds of flowers - Colocasia
3) Inflorescence with unisexual and bisexual flowers – Tirdax
4) Flowers with different lengths of pedicels – Onion
431. Umbel differs from head in being
1) a racemose type of inflorescence
2) an inflorescence having flowers arranged in centripetal order
3) an inflorescence having pedicellate flowers
4) an inflorescence with involucres
432. Identify the right combination:
1) Carrot – Tuberous root – Head inflorescence
2) Onion – Bulb – Corymb
3) Colocasia – Rhizome – Spadix
4) Bougainvillea – Thorns – Cymule
433. Leaves originates from
1)Lateral meristem 2) Axillary bud
3) Shoot Apical meristem 4) Secondary meristem
434. When leaflets are arranged laterally all along the length of rachis, the leaf is
1) Simple 2) Palmately compound
3) Modified 4) Pinnately compound
435. Plant in which leaves are small and short lived
1) Pisum 2) Australian acacia 3) China rose 4) Silk cotton
436. Main photosynthetic organ of Nepenthes
1) Upper petiole 2) Lower petiole 3) Modified lamina 4) Leaf apex
437. Opposite phyllotaxy is observed in
1) Neem 2) China rose 3) Guava 4) Alstonia
438. Function of petiole is
1) Hold the leaf blade 2) Leaf blades to flutter in wind
3) Bringing fresh air to leaf surface
4) All of the above
439. A simple raceme inflorescence, differ from simple spike by
1) Having pedicels 2) Lacking pedicels
3) Arrangement of flowers 4) Opening of flowers
440. In Bryophyllum, the buds that arises from the notches of margins of leaves are called
1) Apical buds 2) Axillary buds 3) Adventitious buds 4) Terminal buds
441. Plants growing in arid region modify their leaf to
1) Reduce transpiration 2) Promote photosynthesis
3) Undergo vegetative propogation 4) Provide mechanical support
442. A bud is absent in the axil of
1) Simple leaf 2) Compound leaf 3) Leaflets 4) Both 2 and 3
443. Solitary flowers are formed when
1) Shoot tip transforms into a flower
2) Peduncle ends in a flower as in Jasminium
3) Peduncle growth is indefinite
4) Apex of inflorescence axis continues to grow
444. In pea plant which part is modified into tendrils
1) Axillary bud 2) Terminal bud 3) Entire leaf 4) Terminal leaflets

445. Drupe of Mango develops from
1) Monocarpellary superior ovary 2) Multicarpellary inferior ovary
3) Monocarpellary inferior ovary 4) Bicarpellary superior ovary
446. Juicy hair of Lemon develop from
1) Epicarp 2) Mesocarp 3) Endocarp 4) Seed coat
447. The false Septum present in
1) Dianthus 2) Mustard 3) China rose 4) Lemon
448. Largest and edible vegetative bud is
1) Onion 2) Agave 3) Cauliflower 4) Cabbage
449. Find the incorrect pair
1) Gulmohur – inbricate aestivation 2) Canna – asymmetric flower
3) Brassica – Tetramerous flower 4) Sun flower – Free central placentation
450. Twisted aestivation is found in
1) China rose 2) Cotton 3) Lady’s finger 4) All
451. The term “apocarpous” is related to
1) Dianthus 2) Argemone 3) Lotus 4) Sun flower
452. Plants with perigynous flower
1) Guava, cucumber and sunflower 2) Peach, plum and Rose
3) Chilli, Brinjal, Gulmohur 4) Pea, Guava, Mustard
453. The characteristic feature of bean flower
1) Actinomorphic flower with vexillary aestivation
2) Zygomorphic flower with tetradynamous stamens
3) Zygomorphic flower with vexillary aestivation in corolla
4) Vexillary aestivation and Monoadelphous stamens
454. A typical flower has four different kinds of whorls arranged on end of the stalk or pedical, called
1) Peduncle 2) Thalamus 3) Receptacle 4) Both 2 and 3
455. Match the columns I and II, and choose the correct combination from the options given
Column-I Column-II
a. Calyx and Corolla 1. Bisexual
b. Androecium and gynoecium 2. Unisexual
c. Calyx and Corolla are not distinct 3. Accessory organs
d. A flower having either only stamens or only carpels 4. Reproductive organs
e. When a flower has both androecium and gynoecium 5. Perianth
1) a-4, b-3, c-2, d-1, e-5 2) a-3, b-4, c-5, d-1, e-2
2) a-3, b-4, c-5, d-2, e-1 4) a-4, b-3, c-2, d-5, e-1
456. The mesocarp is fibrous in
1) Drupe 2) Berry 3) Pome 4) Pepo
457. If a flower cannot be divided into two similar halves by any vertical plane passing through it is called
1) Actinomorphic 2) Zygomorphic 3) Asymmetric 4) Both 2 and 3
458. Match the columns I and II, and choose the correct combination from the options given
Column-I Column-II
a. Sepals free 1. Gamopetalous
b. Petals united 2. Gamosepalous
c. Petals free 3. Polysepalous
d. Sepals united 4. Polypetalous
1) a-3, b-1, c-2, d-4 2) a-3, b-4, c-1, d-2 3) a-2, b-1, c-4, d-3 4) a-3, b-1, c-4, d-2
459. The mode of arrangement of sepals or petals in a floral bud with respect to the other members of same
whorl is known as
1) Aestivation 2) Placentation 3) Cohesion 4) Adhesion
460. Match the columns I and II, and choose the correct combination from the options given
Column-I Column-II
a. Valvate aestivation 1. Lady’s finger
b. Imbricate aestivation 2. Cassia
c. Twisted aestivation 3. Colotropis
d. Papilionaceous aestivation 4. China rose
5. Pea
1) a-2, b-1&4, c-3, d-5 2) a-3, b-2, c-1&4, d-5 3) a-5, b-3, c-2, d-1&4 4)a-2, b-3, c-1&4, d-5
461. Match the columns I and II, and choose the correct combination from the options given
Column-I Column-II
a. Epipetalous 1. Pea
b. Epiphyllous 2. China rose
c. Monoadelphous 3. Lily
d. Diadelphous 4. Citrus
e. Polyadelphous 5. Brinjal
1) a-2, b-4, c-1, d-5, e-3
2) a-5, b-3, c-2, d-4, e-1
3) a-1, b-5, c-2, d-3, e-4
4) a-5, b-3, c-2, d-1, e-4
462. Match the columns I and II, and choose the correct combination from the options given
Column-I Column-II
a. When stamens united into more than two bundles 1. Epipetalous
b. When stamens are attached to the petals 2. Epiphyllous
c. When stamens are attached with perianth 3. Diadelphous
4. Polyadelphous
1) a-3, b-1, c-2 2) a-4, b-1, c-2 3) a-3, b-2, c-1 4) a-4, b-2, c-1
463. In monocot seeds, one large and shield shaped cotyledon called as
1) Coleoptile 2) Coleorhiza 3) Scutellum 4) Radicle
464. Epipetalous is condition of
1) Placentation 2) Stamens 3) Position of ovary 4) Aestivation of petals
465. Which of these is an example for zygomorphic flower with imbricate aestivation?
1) Canna 2) Cassia 3) Cucumber 4) Catotropis
466. Match the column I and II, and choose the correct combination from the options given
Column-I Column-II
a. Basal 1. Primrose
b. Marginal 2. Marigold
c. Free-central 3. Lemon
d. Axile 4. Argemone
e. Parietal 5. Pea
1) a-2, b-5, c-1, d-3, e-4
2) a-3, b-2, c-4, d-5, e-1
3) a-2, b-5, c-4, d-3, e-1
4) a-3, b-4, c-5, d-1, e-2
467. A flower which can be divided into two exactly equal halves by any vertical division passing through
centre is
1) Zygomorphic 2) Hypogynous 3) Actinomorphic 4) Epigynous
468. When stamens are fused by their anthers and the filaments are free, the condition is called
1) Monadelphous 2) Synandrous 3) Syngenesious 4) Epipetalous
469. In a multilocular ovary, ovules are borne on the entire inner surface. This placentation is called
1) Superficial 2) Marginal 3) Parietal 4) Axile
470. Stamens with free anthers but filaments fused into a number of groups are
1) Polyadelphous 2) Diadelphous 3) Monadelphous 4) Adelphous
471. The fruit is a mature or ripened ovary, developed after fertilisation. If a fruit is formed without fertilisation
of the ovary, it is called a
1) Parthenocarpic fruit 2) Parthenogenic fruit
3) Apomictic fruit 4) False fruit
472. Drupe fruit is found is
1) Mustard and Argemone 2) Sunflower and Marigold
3) Mango and Coconut 4) Pea and bean
473. The endospermic seed is
1) Pea 2) Bean 3) Gram 4) Castor
474. In mango the pericarp is well differentiated into an outer__a__ epicarp, a middle __b__ mesocarp and an
inner __c__ endocarp.
1) a-thin, b-stony hard, c-fleshy 2) a-fleshy, b-thin, c-stony hard
3) a-thin, b-fleshy, c-stony hard 4) a-stony hard, b-fleshy, c-thin
475. The arrangement of ovules within the ovary is known as
1) Aestivation 2) Placentation 3) Cohesion 4) Adhesion
476. In coconut fruit, the hard shell is
1) Endocarp 2) Fused structure of mesocarp and endocarp
3) Fused structure of epicarp and mesocarp 4) Epicarp
477. Ovules occur along the ventral suture over a ridge in two rows in placentation
1) Marginal 2) Pariental 3) Axile 4) Free central
478. Other florals develop below the base of ovary in a flower called
1) Epigynous 2) Hypogynous 3) Agynous 4) Perigynous
479. Arrangement of sepals and petals with respect to each other is
1) Venation 2) Vernation 3) Aestivation 4) Phyllotaxy
480. The position of ovary is below sepals, petals and stamens. The flower is
1) Epigynous 3) Perigynous 3) Hypogynous 4) Metagynous
481. Maize/Wheat/Rice grain is
1) Fruit 2) Seed 3) Embryo 4) Dried bud
482. Tetradynamous condition has
1) Six stamens, two short and four long 2) Six stamens, two long and four short
3) Six stamens, two short in outer whorl and four long in inner whorl
4) Four stamens, two short and two long in outer and inner whorls respectively
483. Free central placentation is found in
1) Dianthus 2) Argemone 3) Primrose 4) Both 1 and 3
484. Perigynous flowers are found in
1) China rose 2) Rose 3) Guava 4) Cucumber
485. Axile placentation is present in
1) Lemon 2) Pea 3) Argemone 4) Dianthus
486. Among china rose, mustard, brinjal, guava, cucumber, how many plants have superior ovary?
1) Two 2) Three 3) Four 4) Five
487. When the margins of sepals or petals overlap one another without any particular direction, the condition is
termed as
1) Valvate 2) Vexillary 3) Imbricate 4) Twisted
488. Placenta and pericarp are both edible portions in
1) Potato 2) Apple 3) Banana 4) Tomato
489. Testa of a seed is produced from
1) Ovary wall 2) Hilum 3) Outer integument of ovule 4) Funicle
490. Germination of seed within fruit is
1) Ovipary 2) Vivipary 3) Hypogeal 4) Epigeal
491. Polyembryony commonly occurus in
1) Banana 2) Tomato 3) Potato 4) citrus
492. Apomixis is identified in
1) Asteraceae 2) Solanaceae 3) Fabaceae 4) Malvaceae
493. Embryo may enter a state of inactivity is called
1) Polyembryony 2) Dormancy 3) Both 1 and 2 4) None of these
494. The ovary after fertilization converted into
1) Embryo 2) Endosperm 3) Fruit 4) seed
495. The ovule integaments gets transformed into
1) Seed 2) Fruitwall 3) Seed coat 4) Cotyledous
496. Apomixis is a type of reproduction that results in the development of a
1) New seed with fusion of gametes 2) Embryo from nucellus
3) New seeds without fusion of gamets4) Embryo from endosperm
497. Shoot system arises from
1) Radicle 2) Plumule 3) Epiblast 4) Scutellum
1) 4 2) 3 3) 4 4) 4 5) 4 6) 4 7) 1 8) 2 9) 3 10) 1
11) 4 12) 3 13) 2 14) 4 15) 2 16) 3 17) 3 18) 4 19) 4 20) 3
21) 2 22) 2 23) 3 24) 4 25) 4 26) 4 27) 2 28) 2 29) 3 30) 4
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