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Gym /dʒɪm/ (n) : Large hall for sport activities Phòng tập thể
Exercises /ˈek.sə.saɪz/: physical activity that you do dục Tập thể dục
to make your body strong and healthy
Aerobic /eəˈrəʊ.bɪk/ (n) : involving, Thể dục nhịp điệu
needing, or relating to oxygen
Jogging /ˈdʒɒɡ.ɪŋ/ (n) : the activity of running at Chạy bộ
a slow, regular speed, especially as a form of exercise
Warming up /ˈwɔː.mɪŋʌp/: pre-exercise activity Làm nóng cơ
Workout /ˈwɜː.kaʊt/ : a period of physical exercise thể Tập thể dục
HIT : Hight Intensity Training Luyện tập cường độ
Overtraining /ˌōvərˈtrānɪŋ / : The result of giving your body cao Luyện tập quá sức
more work than it can handle
Protein /ˈprəʊ.tiːn/ (n) : one of the Chất đạm
many substances found in food such as meat, cheese, fish,
or eggs, that is necessary for the body to grow and be
strong Carbohydrate /ˌkɑː.bəʊˈhaɪ.dreɪt/ (n) : one of Chất tinh bột
several substances, such as sugar or
starch, that provide the body with energy,
or foods containing these substances
such as bread, potatoes, pasta, and rice
Fat /fæt/ (n) : having a lot of flesh on the body chất béo
Calorie /ˈkæl.ər.i/ (n) : a unit of energy, often used as Năng lượng
a measurement of the amount of energy that food provides
Supplement /ˈsʌp.lɪ.mənt/ (n) : Something added to Thực phẩm bổ sung
complete a thing extend or strengthen the whole
Junk food /ˈdʒʌŋk ˌfuːd/ (n) : food that is unhealthy but Đồ ăn vặt
is quick and easy to eat
Fast food /ˌfɑːst ˈfuːd/ (n) : hot food such Đồ ăn nhanh
as hamburgers that is quick to cook or is already cooked
and is therefore served very quickly in a restaurant
Fresh food /freʃ fuːd/ (n) : food has not been presereved and Thức ặn sạch
has not spoiled yet
Organic food /ɔːˈɡæn.ɪk fuːd/ (n): Thực phẩm hữu cơ
not using artificial chemicals in

the growing of plants and animals for food and
other products
Cold drink / kōld drɪŋk/ : Light beverage that is cool or cold Đồ uống lạnh

Hot drink /hɒt drɪŋk/ : water having a high temperature Đồ uống nóng

Fizzing drink /ˈfɪz.i drɪŋk/ : alcoholic drink mixed with Đồ uống có ga

soda water
Alcohol /ˈæl.kə.hɒl/ (n) : a clear liquid that can Rượu
make you drunk
Vitamin /ˈvɪt.ə.mɪn/ (n) : any of a Chất hữu cơ có trong
group of natural substances that thức ăn cần thiết cho
are necessary in small amounts for the growth sức khỏe con người
and good health of the body
Falafel /fəˈlæf.əl/ : fried balls of spicy food made Bánh bột đậu chiên
from chickpeas (= pale brown round beans)
Sushi /ˈsuː.ʃi/ : a type of Japanese food consisting Món ăn truyền thống
of squares or balls of cold boiled rice, with small pieces của Nhật Bản
of other food, especially raw fish, on top or rolled inside
Paella /paɪˈel.ə/ : a Spanish dish consisting Cơm thập cẩm
of rice cooked with vegetables, fish, and chicken
Burrito /bəˈriː.təʊ/ : a type of Mexican food made Bánh bắp cuốn nhân
by folding a tortilla (= thin, round bread) thịt Mê Hi Cô
and putting meat, beans, and cheese inside it
Bacon /ˈbeɪ.kən/ : meat from the back or sides of a pig, Thị lợn muối xông khói
often eaten fried in thin slices:a bacon sandwich-a
slice/rasher of bacon-bacon and eggs
Salad /ˈsæl.əd/ : a mixture of uncooked vegetables, rau trộn
usually including lettuce, eaten either as a separate dish
or with other food
Medical checkup /ˈmed.ɪ.kəl ˈtʃek.ʌp/ : A Through Khám sức khỏe tổng quát
physical examination …
Medical record / ˈmed.ɪ.kəl rɪˈkɔːd/ : The case history of Hồ sơ bệnh án
a medical patient

1. Thì hiện tại hoàn thành: dùng để diễn tả 1 hành động bắt đầu từ quá khứ, kéo dài
đến hiện tại và có thể thiếp tục ở tương lai.
Cách dùng ‘FOR’, ‘SINCE’ trong thì hiện tại hoàn thành:
· For + Khoảng thời gian ( for ten years, for three months, for along time,…)
· Since + Mốc thời gian ( since last Sunday, since last year, since I
was young,….)
Ví dụ:
FOR à I have learned/learnt English for 10 years.

SINCE à She has taught French since she graduated from University.

2. Cách dùng “May, might, will”:

May + infinitive Might +infinitive Will + infinitive

+ Dùng để đưa ra sự + Dùng để diễn tả 1 khả + Dùng khi đưa ra 1 quyết

xin phép : năng trong hiện tại : định tức thì không có kế
VD: May I have another VD: we had better phone hoạch trước :
cup of coffee? tomorrow, they might VD:I will drink coffee, please.
asleep now.
+ Diễn tả khả năng + Một lời hứa :
trong tương lai : + Diễn tả 1 khả năng VD: I promise I will
VD: Marry may become trong tương lai : arrive on time.
a good student. VD: He might be a winner in
the next match. +Diễn tả lời yêu cầu, đề nghị
+ Đưa ra đề nghị giúp đỡ . : VD: Will you help me
VD: May I help you,Sir? carry this suitcase, please?

+ Diễn tả một dự đoán chắc

chắn sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai :
VD: The shop will
open tomorrow.

Chú ý :
- May, might, will là những
động từ khiếm khuyết,vì
vậy cần đi kèm động từ
nguyên thể không To.
- Không dùng dạng rút gọn

của might not và may not.

1. If you enjoy dance classes like Zumba, and you also want to get rid of your anger, you
may find .......... useful. It is a mixture of boxing, pilates and dance.
A. piloxing B. dance C. boxing D. pilate
2. When it comes to the end of a long day, what could be better than a paddle board on the
ocean? Paddle boarding might look easy, but it is a .......... sport.
A. tough B. rough C. relaxing D. sailing
3. One of the causes of children’s obesity is their habit of eating too much .......... food
which is processed or canned with unhealthy ingredients.
A. cooked B. stewed C. boiled D. junk
4. Doctors advise us to eat more fruit and vegetables as they are low in fat and can help
us to ………. weight.
A. lose B. gain C. miss D. take
5. Junk food is children’s favourite, however, it is .......... due to its high amount of fat and
A. unhealthy B. healthy C. good D. harmless
6. People who have a healthy .......... with lots of fruits, vegetables and more fish including
a portion of oily fish every day can live longer.
A. diet B. processed food C. cuisine D. junk food
7. Knowing how to cook is a one of the most useful skills we can learn. If we are able
to cook, we can eat healthy dishes made at home with fresh .......... instead of having
to buy unhealthy pre-cooked or frozen meals.
A. portions B. factors C. ingredients D. proportions
8. You can live longer if you have a healthy ..........: getting at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep
everyday; taking time for daily relaxation and recreation which is also helpful to the
body and mind.
A. lifestyle B. possession C. working practice D. working habit
9. In the supermarkets, it is easy for consumers to find many kinds of .........., a non-
alcoholic, flavored, carbonated beverage commercially prepared and sold in bottles.
A. soft drink B. tonic C.liquor D. whisky

10. When having a toothache, patients shouldn’t stay at home and self suffer. It would be
better if they could go the dentist for some ........ to cease their pain.
A. painkillers B. medical care C. aspirins D. antibiotics
11. I didn’t know what had happened. When I saw her, she told me that she had
fallen down the stairs, and her leg was ..........
A. mashed B. broken C. crashed D. sore
12. The doctor advised me to use the salty water to clean the injury and gave me some
.......... to prevent the infection.
A. antibiotics B. vitamins C. prescriptions D. minerals
13. Restaurants must do all medical precaution as carefully as they can in order to ensure
the food .......... to attract more potential customers and keep regular ones.
A. safety B. guarantee C. insurance D. saving
14. My arm hurts. I think I need to go to the hospital for a/an .......... to make sure there is
nothing serious with my bone.
A. check B. bandage C. X-ray D. medicine
15. After a sleepless night with a bad cough, I decided to take the .......... to the drugstore
to get some medicine.
A. prescription B. medical care C. health insurance D. advice
16. I don’t feel well. My throat is sore, and my nose is running. I think I’ve caught ..........
A. temper B. flu C. fever D. temperature
17. I’m so tired because I have been writing a report since early morning. I think
all I need is a sofa to take a ..........
A. stop B. nap C. care D. check up
18. My nephew came back home ealier than usual, and his forehead was as hot as a
boiling egg. He must have had a high ..........
A. disease B. temperature C. blood pressure D. heart attack
19. I think I have flu. I’ve got a/an .......... in my whole body. I feel very tired and dizzy.
A. sore B. pain C. hurt D. injury
20.I am sorry, I can’t speak. I’ve got a……….. throat.
A. painless B. sore C. swelled D. painful
21. Sitting for hours in front of the computer screen every day makes your .......... worse.

A. obesity B. headache C. eye-tiredness D. eyesight
22. Don’t eat too many cakes or sweets, otherwise, you’ll spoil your .......... .
A. appetite B. taste C. smell D. sense
23. Thanks for inviting me to the concert, but the music is not really my cup of ……….
A. milk B. tea C. water D. lemonade
24. These hamburgers are so delicious that she is eating like a ……..

25. The criminal was caught at the scene of crime, sentenced by the court and put into
.......... right after the trial.
A. orphanage B. charity C. guardhouse D. prison

1. He ………… as a security guard for this company since he graduated from his
A. worked B. has worked C. was working D. works
2. She has not listened to that music ………… she was a teenager.
A. since B. when C. for D. during
3. I don’t recommend driving in the morning because there’s too ………… traffic.
A. more B. most C. much D. many
4. We hope that you ………… all of the evidence before making your final decision in this
A. considered B. will consider C. have considered D. considers
5.People ………… out that if you have a healthy lifestyle, you can live longer.
A. work B. worked C. have worked D. are working
6. Before ………… the envelope, please be sure you have closed all of the
documents listed in your orientation packet.
A. seal B. sealing C. is sealed D. was sealed
7. If Tom’s uncle went to bed one hour earlier, he ………… feel better.

8. This policeman ………… such a strange thief before in his whole life.
A. have never met B. never have met C. never has met D. has never met
9. There are many ways to keep fit such as swimming, doing gymnastics, running, and
so on, but I ………… time to join yet.
A. haven’t had B. didn’t have C. don’t have D. will have
10. I think I have learnt something very important in life ………… Africa.
A. when I travel to C. since I travel to
B. since I travelled to D. when I travelled to

11. Many people believe that laughing every day ………… you live 7 years longer
because it reduces stress.
A. makes B. made C. make D. is making
12. Paul is very busy at work, so I’m not sure he ………… to our party today.
A. come B. has come C. might come D. is going to
13. Jack ………… go to the fitness center this evening because he has to complete some
A. couldn’t B. won’t C. didn’t D. wouldn’t
14. They moved to Australia last December, so they ………… there for nearly a year.
A. were B. are
B. have been D. will be
15. The mass media, which provide people with a lot of information and news,
………… to raise people’s awareness of lifestyle choices recently.
A. helps B. help C. have helped D. has helped
16. We need all the help we can get and would like everyone in the office to assist us in
…………. this job completed on time.
A. to get B. getting C. get D. got
17. Jacky Chan has not eaten junk food …………. he was eight years old.
A. since B. for C. from D. during
18. I wonder if I ………… have a little more alcohol, some more fish and vegetables.
A. will B. must C. might D. should
19. David Beckham, who used to be a very famous British footballer, ………… many
charity programs so far.
A. has done B. will do C. does D. is doing
20. My next door neighbor is the boy who ………… several provincial prizes in English
competitions for many years.
A. have gained B. has gained C. gains D. gain
21. Doctors advise that if you want to see changes to your health, you ………… to
make big changes to your lifestyle.
A. have needed B. are needing C. needed D. need
22. Most ………… the people who responded to the survey were pleased with the new
A. for B. of C. from D. to
23. After you have had a chance to look over the enclosed documents, please return
………… to the front office.
A. they B. their C. them D. theirs
24. I haven’t seen Jack all day. He ………… be at work today.

A. wouldn’t B. won’t C. may not D. shouldn’t 25. She ………… doing

Judo in Hanoi club when she was 7 years old.
A. started B. has started C. starts D. was starting

1. You are calling the dentist’s office to make an appointment. What would you say?
A. I want to see your doctor.
B. I’d like to have my dental implant considered.
C. Good morning, I’d like to schedule a check-up.
D. I’d like to have my routine check-up.
2. Which is the best response to the question: “How long have you lived here?”?
A. I was born and grew up here. B. I didn’t grow up in this place.
C. I have lived there no more. D. I have lived here for 20 years now.
3. You are at the doctor’s office. How can you respond to the question: “What’s the
matter with you?”?
A. Well, I have a terrible headache. B. I’ve got this problem for so long.
C. I can’t stand this pain killer. D. That’s my matter.
4. You are talking about the food trend. How can you respond to the question: “What’s
an example of the latest food trend?”?
A. Food trend is a difficult question.
B. It is the latest news about food trend.
C. Well, more and more people are eating insects nowadays.
D. I don’t like the the food trend these days.
5. You are the receptionist at a doctor’s office. The phone is ringing. How can you
answer a phone call from a customer?
A. Hello. Who are you? B. I am speaking.
C. Can I make an appointment? D. Good afternoon. How can I help you?
6. How do you respond to the question “How long have you had this problem?”?
A. I have had it for a few weeks now. B. I had never had this problem.
C. I have had some problems recently. D. It has become a big problem.
7.The doctor asks “How long have you had a sore throat?” How can you reply?
A. I had this for a long time. B. I have had it for two weeks now.
C. It was a long time ago. D. I haven’t had it since I left.
8. -Doctor: “Did you go to hospital”?

- Patient: “............................................”
A. No, I was in the hospital at that time.
B. Yes, I went hospital with my father.
C. Yes, they went to the wrong hospital.
D. No, my husband said it was fine.
9. Your friend says to you: “I’ve got this marvelous new running machine.” You reply:
A. Well, you are very kind to say that.
B. Really? So how does it work?
C. It’s a nice present for me.
D. Oh, you’re so funny to say so.
10. How do you respond to the question: “How much time do people spend on eating in
their lives?”?
A. It takes a lot of time to eat. B. Eating this dish takes a lot of time.
C. About 70,000 hours. D. About half an hour to have a meal

Reading passage 1: Choose the best answer

Exercise your brain. Exercise is essential for good health. It keeps the body young and
helps the brain to grow. However, physical exercise is no longer enough. Scientists have
discovered new ways of increasing our brain power. Take their advice – you’ll think
faster and you’ll be more intelligent.
Watch less TV. When you watch television, your brain usually switches off. If you must do
it, try to watch interesting, informative programmes to keep your brain active.
Don’t miss breakfast. It’s the most important meal of the day. Children who have
fizzy drinks and sugary cereals before they go to school get lower marks on tests of
memory and attention. Eat baked beans for the best results!
Increase your vocabulary. This will help to make a good impression on those around you.
Try to learn five new words every day. Write the words on cards and look at them three or
four times during the day. By the end of the year, you will know over 1,500 more words.

Laugh. Scientists have proved that people think more creatively after they’ve watched a
comedy show. They feel more active and interested in life around them.
Learn something new. Study a new language or join a drama club. Doing new activities
will stimulate your brain and make it more powerful. If you don’t have time for this, try
doing crosswords – or brushing your teeth with your other hand!

1. Children will get better marks in tests if they have ……………. for breakfast.
A. cereals B. baked beans C. fizzy drinks D. milk
2. You’ll be more creative if you …………….
A. laugh B. think C. watch TV D. do exercise
3. Your brain power will improve if you …………….
A. brush your teeth. B. go to the theatre.
C. learn new things. D. do physical exercise.

Reading passage 2: Choose the best answer

Tea had a reputation for being both safe and almost always beneficial. However, scientists
are now suggesting that tea may not be as safe as we had previously believed. Tea contains
caffeine, and caffeine has been linked to sleeplessness and to the unpleasant jumpy feeling
some people get when stressed. More seriously, there is a link between miscarriages, and
pregnant women are advised to reduce their intake of tea until after their baby is born. Due
to its critical side-effects, some people who like tea choose to be safer and drink a beverage
from which the caffeine has been removed, decaffeinated tea, but many claim that it simply
doesn't taste right. The reasonable thing to do is probably moderation; continue to enjoy a
cup of tea, but don't have too many!

4. As it is pointed out in the passage, tea used to be considered to be …………….

A. having no damaging effect on people's health.
B. more dangerous than alcohol.
C. causing jumpy feeling if drunk excessively.
D. the only drink which people enjoyed in the morning.

5. According to the passage, tea can be dangerous because it …………….

A. causes people to suffer from stress more than ever.

B. reduces miscarriages if it is drunk too much by a pregnant woman.
C. may bring about many illnesses that cannot be cured easily.
D. may cause losing your baby before he/she is born.

6. The writer points out that the best solution is to drink …………….
A. decaffeinated tea. B. instant coffee.
C. tea in moderation. D. other beverages like hot chocolate.

Reading passage 3: Choose the best answer

All viruses are made up of two kinds of substance. First, all viruses contain proteins.
Proteins are chemical substances that occur in all living creatures. A particle, or molecule,
of a protein consists of a long chain of substances called amino acids. There are about 20
different kinds of amino acid in proteins. These can be arranged in any order on the protein
chain. Different kinds of plants or animals contain proteins with different arrangements of
amino acids. The protein generally forms the outer coat of a virus. This outer layer of
protein encloses the second kind of substance found in all viruses - nucleic acid.

7. Which of the following information is FALSE according to the reading passage?

A. proteins are found in all viruses.
B. There are about 20 different kinds of amino acid in proteins.
C. The arrangements of amino acids in proteins of all kinds of plants or animals are
the same.
D. It is the protein that forms the outer coat of a virus.

8. What is the second kind of substance found in all viruses?

A. Amino acid
B. Nucleic acid.
C. Proteins
D. An unknown chemical substance


For each question there are three pictures and a short recording. Choose the correct
answer A, B, or C for each question.

1. What time is the swimming lesson today?

2. Which subject does the boy like best?

3. Which T-shirt does the boy decide to buy?

4. Who will be on the stage next?

5. What time will the pie be ready?

6. Which photo does the girl dislike?

7. What should the students take on the school trip?


You will hear an interview with a teenager called Simon about going to an indoor
climbing centre that has a climbing wall. For each question, choose the correct answer A,
B or C.

1. Simon’s mum decided to take him to the climbing centre because ……….....
A. she had enjoyed going there.
B. her friend had recommended it.
C. Simon had been there with his school.
2. Before he went to the centre, Simon was ……….....
A. worried about going climbing there.
B. interested in seeing the climbing wall.
C. disappointed to hear it was all indoors.

3. What did Simon think about the climbing wall ?

A. He thought it looked very high.
B. He was afraid he might fall.
C. He found the foot holes helpful.

4. Why was Simon unhappy with his first climb?

A. He was slower than everyone else.
B. He found it hurt his arms.
C. He didn’t get to the top.

5. What does Simon feel he learnt from climbing at the centre?

A. how to improve his fitness
B. to think before he does something
C. the best way to work with other people
You will hear a recorded message about an arts festival. For each question, choose the
correct answer A, B or C.
6. The festival takes place from ……….....
A. 12 to 18 May.
B. 12 to 20 May.
C. 12 to 28 May.

7. What is on at the Theatre Royal on 19 May?

A. Jazz
B. Opera
C. Classical music

8. During lunchtime jazz concerts at the Corn Exchange they sell ……….....
A. soft drinks and sandwiches.
B. wine and sandwiches.
C. soft drinks and light meals.

9. What is on at the cathedral?
A. music
B. poetry
C. films

10. you can’t you a credit card if you book ……….....

A. by post
B. by fax
C. by telephone


Listen to the audio and complete the extracts below.

Extract 1
To get healthy, you need a (1) …........... of things. You need the right diet. You need to
exercise. You need to sleep seven or eight hours. Then there are other things (2) ….......... to
lifestyle: how many friends you have, how happy your (3) …............ are. These are really
important and they affect your general health. In this person's case, there are some (4)
…............ he can make. For example, he needs to do some exercise. I understand that his
back gives him (5) …........... which is quite common in someone of his age. But he could
really help himself by doing more activity.

Extract 2
I = Interviewer S = Sue
I: Sue, what are the latest food (1) …...........?
S: We have lots of interesting developments, and even possible (2) …..........for
world problems related to food.
I: Great. So can you kind of ...
S: Well, the key question is always what to eat, and here we may see some changes,
things that you might not (3) …........... as food groups.
I: Can you give an example?
S: An example is insects.
I: As a food group?
S: Well, in Latin America, Asia and Africa, people have eaten insects for thousands of
years, but it's only now that we in the West are seeing what a good food (4) …............ they
are. Insects are rich in (5)…..........., low in fat, and easy to farm.


Part 1: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as
the sentence printed before it.

Example: They moved to this house two weeks ago.

Answer: They have lived in this house for two weeks.

1. She has painted this building for five days

She started ………………………………………………………….…………………
2. I have known Katie since last year.
I have……………………….…………for one………………………………………..
3. She hasn't read a novel by Joan Brady before.
This is the first …………………………………………………………………………
4. How long have you been drawing this plan?
When …………………………………………………………………………...………
5. They are going to build a new house for their parents next year.
They intend…………………………………………………………………….………
6. It is likely that he will win the race.
He might ………………………………………………………….…………………….
7. When did you start playing the violin?
How long …………………………………………….…….…………….…….………..
8. They last had a family reunion two years ago.
They haven’t ……………………………………………………………………………
9. She hasn’t acted in a comedy for five years.
The last time ……………………………………………………………………….……
10. Jack started to date with Sally when they were third-year students.
Jack has ……………………………………………………………………….………….

Part 2: Writing emails

1. Read the email from Susan

From: Susan
To: Tom
Subject: Thank you

Hi Tom,

Thank you very much for the birthday present. I really need a new computer game,
so it is perfect. You're very kind. Also, you played the guitar and sang so beautifully
at my birthday party. All my friends and I admire you.

Next week we are going to take final exams at school, right? Good luck in your
exams. I hope we’ll pass all the exams with good marks.

Speak to you

soon. Susan

Respond to the email as if you were Tom. You should write an email of about 70

2. Read the email from James Aley

From: James Aley

To: Joan Auton
Subject: Making a speech at a special meeting

Dear Ms Auton,
I am pleased to inform that you have been selected to make a speech at a special
meeting in London next month. You are expected to talk about your experience
and secret of your great success in sales.

There will be about two hundred sales representatives from many different
countries. Several of them are going to share experience in sales, too.

I hope you will have an impressive talk then.

James Aley

Sales Director

Respond to the email as if you were Joan Auton- a sales representative. You should
write an email of about 70 words.



1. Do you like playing sport? Why/ Why not?

2. What sport do/ don’t you want to play?
3. What is the best time to play sport?

Describe a sport game that you watched or played. You should say:

1. What sport game was it?

2. When and where was it?
3. Who won?
And explain the reasons why you like/ don’t like that sport game


1. Why do people like playing sport?

2. What should be considered when trying a sport?
3. What should be avoided when playing sport?


1. What do you do to keep fit and healthy?

2. What kind of food is your favourite?
3. What kind of food shouldn’t we eat frequently?

Describe the time when you had to go to the doctor. You should say:

1. When was it?

2. What happened to you?
3. What did the doctor do?
And give some advice that should be done in the same situation.


1. Why should we do periodically medical check-up?

2. What should be done to improve our medical system?
3. Should we privatize hospitals? Why/ Why not?


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