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Computer viruses

A computer virus is a malicious software program that is designed to replicate itself and spread
from one computer to another. It can cause damage to files and data on the infected computer, as
well as cause problems with the overall performance of the system. There are several types of
computer viruses, each with its own characteristics and effects.

Types of Computer Viruses:

1. File Infectors: This type of virus infects executable files such as .exe, .com, .bat, etc.
When a user runs an infected file, the virus executes and infects other files on the system.
2. Boot Sector Viruses: These viruses infect the boot sector of a disk, which is responsible
for starting up the operating system. When the system is started, the virus is loaded into
memory, and it can infect other disks and files on the system.
3. Macro Viruses: These viruses infect Microsoft Office documents that contain macros.
When the document is opened, the virus executes and can spread to other documents on
the system.
4. Worms: These viruses spread rapidly across networks and the internet, causing damage to
multiple systems. They can replicate themselves and spread without any user interaction.
5. Trojan Horses: These viruses disguise themselves as harmless software, such as a game
or utility. When the user installs the software, the virus is installed as well, allowing it to
perform malicious activities on the system.

Effects of Computer Viruses:

1. Data Loss: A virus can corrupt files and data on the infected computer, resulting in data
2. System Instability: A virus can cause the system to crash or freeze, making it difficult to
3. Slow Performance: A virus can consume system resources, causing the system to slow
down and become unresponsive.
4. Identity Theft: A virus can be used to steal personal information, such as passwords and
credit card numbers.
5. Network Disruption: A virus can spread across a network, causing disruption to other
computers and devices connected to the network.

Preventing and Protecting Against Computer Viruses:

1. Install Antivirus Software: Antivirus software is designed to detect and remove viruses
from the system. It should be installed on every computer and updated regularly.
2. Use Firewalls: Firewalls can prevent unauthorized access to the system and block
malicious traffic.
3. Keep Software Updated: Software updates often include security patches that address
known vulnerabilities in the software. Keeping software up to date can prevent viruses
from exploiting these vulnerabilities.
4. Be Careful with Email Attachments: Viruses can be spread through email attachments.
Be cautious when opening attachments from unknown sources.
5. Back Up Data: Regularly backing up data can help minimize the damage caused by a
virus. If the system is infected, the data can be restored from the backup.

In conclusion, computer viruses can cause significant damage to a computer system, resulting in
data loss, system instability, slow performance, and network disruption. There are several types
of viruses, each with its own characteristics and effects. Preventing and protecting against
viruses involves installing antivirus software, using firewalls, keeping software updated, being
careful with email attachments, and regularly backing up data. By taking these precautions, users
can reduce the risk of infection and minimize the damage caused by a virus.

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