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Bluebook 21st ed.

Navya Jain, Demystifying the Myth of Independent Director, 6 Supremo Amicus 251

ALWD 7th ed.

Navya Jain, Demystifying the Myth of Independent Director, 6 Supremo Amicus 251

APA 7th ed.

Jain, N. (2018). Demystifying the Myth of Independent Director. Supremo Amicus, 6,

Chicago 17th ed.

Navya Jain, "Demystifying the Myth of Independent Director," Supremo Amicus 6 (2018):

McGill Guide 9th ed.

Navya Jain, "Demystifying the Myth of Independent Director" (2018) 6 Supremo Amicus

AGLC 4th ed.

Navya Jain, 'Demystifying the Myth of Independent Director' (2018) 6 Supremo Amicus

MLA 9th ed.

Jain, Navya. "Demystifying the Myth of Independent Director." Supremo Amicus, 6,
2018, pp. 251-261. HeinOnline.

OSCOLA 4th ed.

Navya Jain, 'Demystifying the Myth of Independent Director' (2018) 6 Supremo Amicus

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VOLUME 6 ISSN: 2456-9704

board has been said to bring a deterrent

DEMYSTIFYING THE MYTH OF effect when it comes to fraudulent activities.
INDEPENDENT DIRECTOR They have been affiliated to preventing
mismanagement, inequality, erosion of legal
By Navya Jain foundation and footage of the company.
From Symbiosis Law School, Noida They have also been titled as forerunner for
striking the balance and maintain checks in
the company. But is that all that can be
attributed with the role of an independent
ABSTRACT: director? Since every coin has two sides,
In this research paper titled "Demystifying does the coin of independent director not
the myth of Independent director", the possess another side? The other side refers
primary aim of the author is to come at to how it has failed to satisfy the purpose of
parlance with the reality of "independent" the system and proved to be burden on the
director. The concept derives its originfrom company.
the days of financial hardships and
breakdowns in USA when the investors' The definition of ID is defined under section
faith was defeated due to repeated breach of 149(6), Companies Act, 2013. An
the legalities. In the light of such situations, independent director is generally regarded as
India also chose to strengthen its budding the person who has severed all his ties with
corporate governance regime and chose to such aspects that are likely to impact the
adapt to the international standards after decision of the director. However, mere the
improvising them as per it requirement. An fact that there are no ties involved cannot be
independent director, till date, has been said to render the quality of "independence"
regarded as integral tool in the monitoring over the director. It is imperative for a
mechanism of the company. This is mainly person to possess the traits of loyalty,
because of the presence of the trait of unbiased and other managerial elements so
"independence" as compared to other as to be regarded as an independent director,
directors. But the food for thought is how far (referred as ID hereafter).
an "independent" director is actually
independent? Is he/she actually serving the To delve and develop upon the research
purpose it was intended to, at the time of proposition, the researcher shall primarily
improvising this tool? The paper intends to rely on secondary data for the purpose of
dissect and examine the myth and evaluate research. The intent is to look into the
how true it stands in today 's scenario. survey conducted, legal opinions and rely on
the national and international journals and
INTRODUCTION. books by the experts in the field to conduct a
Independent directors today are the keystone detailed study to come to the conclusion
of the corporate governance world. The inclusive of both online and offline materials
entire foundation of corporate governance This paper aims at demystifying the myth of
revolves and emerges from it. Increase in "independent director". It shall also try to
number of independent directors on the identify the other side of the coin on having

VOLUME 6 ISSN: 2456-9704

an ID in the company. The paper seeks the expertise of the director is more
understand if at all, having an ID can be a important that the independence of the
hurdle in the growth of the company. The director.
paper shall unfold tracing the history of
origin of independent director in India * LITERATURE REVIEW 2:
particularly, ponder upon what is the The article "The Independent Director:
concept of independent director, identify Has It Been Indianised Enough" written
roles and functions of an ID followed by the by Madhuryya Arindam is set in the
problems that the presence of an Indian regime. The paper begins with
independent director may bring to the tracking the reasons for development and
company and conclusion. While all this is growth of independent director. It has very
dealt with in detail, the author shall well attempted to define and portray an
simultaneously dissect and examine the evolution in the meaning of "independent
reality behind the myth of "independent" director" in context of its functions. In order
director while defining what an ID, in reality to give a holistic idea about the independent
is. director, the author has also delved with the
nomination, election and removal of the
LITERATURE REVIEWS: independent director. An additional study
" LITERATURE REVIEW1: that the paper supplies to its audience is over
The author Roberta S. Karmel in the article whether the psychological factors have any
"Is the Independent Director Model effect on the performance of such directors
Broken" begins with tracing the legislative is an intriguing element of the paper. The
growth and requirement of having an author then drops the curtains over the paper
Independent director in the Sarbanes- with her last remarks in form of suggestions
Oxeley Act, 2002 and the status of an and alternatives in which working of the
independent director around the world. The institution can be made more effective in
model of independent director is put forth presence of independent directors.
before the readers followed by the problems
faced, substantiated with the help of several * LITERATURE REVIEW 3:
studies. As per a study conducted in 2009, it
was concluded that the companies which In the research paper, "The Role of
had more number of independent directors Independent Directors in Controlled
experienced worst stock crisis. Indeed the Firms In India: Preliminary Interview
author has very beautifully laid the tussle Evidence" the authors, Vikramaditya S.
between independent and non independent Khanna And Shaun J. Mathew have
director and makes one conscious of the conducted empirical study to understand the
need to striking the balance. The paper then role of the independent directors on the
throws light on an altogether different model board. This involved conducting interviews
which is a combination of shareholder in both controlled and dispersedly
primacy and independent director. The companies. As a result, it was found that
author, who was a director herself once, most of the people didn't perceive the
through this article makes a suggestion that independent directors to play the role of a

VOLUME 6 ISSN: 2456-9704

watchdog and neither did the companies working of the company and its affairs. Such
seem to welcome their ideas. Rather it was a model of company is also called as the
found that imposing monitoring duty "family/state" model. 534 These companies
seriously proved to be detrimental in the run with the tradition of passing on the
interest of the company. In terms of liability, control of the company into its own lineage.
their compensation was found to be grossly Some of the famous examples of such
inadequate. Since the paper is set in the post companies in India are The TATA Trust,
Satyam regime, the research attempts to Aditya Birla Group, and Reliance
conclude it by briefly exploring reforms Industries Limited etc. Perhaps this resulted
undertaken to improve the current scenario. in the conflict of interest between the
shareholder's of the company and the
EVOLUTION: management, where both want to reap the
It was in the year of 2000 when SEBI issued benefits of the companies working all by
a mandate for all the large public listed themselves. This kind of situation very
companies in India to abide by the quickly became the talk of the town for the
requirement of having minimum number analysis in the field of economics and was
independent directors in their companies. named "agency problem". The corporate
The root cause of emergence of this literature defined agency problem to be a
requirement takes us to the corporate pack of three types. 535 India is said to
governance situations prevailing in U.S. and succumb to the conflict between the
U.K. during the 1990s. 532 Unlike U.S. and majority shareholders and minority
U.K., India is said to have an insider model. shareholders.
Holding organizations, banks, other
nonfinancial partnerships, and familial As an antidote to this problem "monitoring
control are predominant highlights of insider board" theory was devised. Monitoring
framework. 533 In other words, insider board theory lays down the foundation of a
corporate structure means that the new model of the structure and check
management and the board is a composition mechanism of the company which involved
of the people not independent of the the executive officers, the board dominated
company. They may be called to be the by the outsiders' helping in ensuring
parties having interest in the working of the keeping a check on the performance of the
company. Such insider structure based management. 536 Professor Melvin Eisenberg
management has technically all the control
over the structure of the board and
5 La Porta, et al. Law and Finance, The Journal of
management and has upper hand over the
Political Economy, 1113, 1115 (1998) (describing
insider systems as "characterized by the
532Daniele Marchesani, The Concept of Autonomy significance of the state, families, non-financial
and the Independent Director of Public corporations, employees, and banks as a source of
Corporations, 2 Berkeley Bus. L.J. 315, 320-322 funding and/or control").
(2005). 5 R. K. The Anatomy of Corporate Law: A
5 33
MAHER, M. & ANDERSSON, T. CORPORATE Comparative and Functional Approach, Oxford
GOVERNANCE: EFFECTS ON FIRM University Press. 22, 26. (1984)
PERFORMANCE AND ECONOMIC GROWTH. 536 Dent. G. The Revolution in Corporate
105-107 (2018). Governance, The Monitoring Board, and The

VOLUME 6 ISSN: 2456-9704

was an ardent advocate of this model. He argued that they are the most appropriate
emphasised on finding the useful functions monitors for the company. 539 In any case,
that a board can perform rather than making while the law provides investors with the
any unrealistic demands and the most right to cast vote and power to ensure
important function of the board was found enforcement of a policy decision, these are
of that of monitoring. 5 37 to be retained for situations of urgency. 54 0 In
general, investors have nothing like the legal
The seed for the growth of this theory is right, ability or the longing to exercise the
found to be sown from the era of Berle and type of control required for proper
Means' study. However this theory was monitoring of the agents i.e. directors of the
more of "manager- shareholder conflict company. 541 This problem ultimately led to
centred". It rightly enunciated that there is the entrustment of this monitoring
difference between ownership and control responsibility on the independent directors.
which leads to the interest of the But with the board of director comprised of
shareholders become secondary as against the insiders, it was nearly impossible to
the managers. Since the shareholders' of the expect the independent director to do his
company are generally widely spread out, task religiously. For the independent director
the managers get an upper hand when it to serve the motive of its establishment, it
comes to decision making. This thus gives was necessary that he/she must be
unbridled power to the manager leading to independent of the management. Thus, the
the abuse of his position and powers. Two composition of the board now began to
economists, Alchian and Demsetz explored gained importance.
this issue with an opinion that the party
which gets the residual income would be The corporate governance mechanism to
deemed to be the best monitoring authority. tackle this menace was long developed in
This is based on the premise that such a the era of 1970s in U.K. and U.S.A. It came
party shall reap the maximum amount if the in form of various legislations such as
monitoring is done at its best, thus giving Sarbanes- Oxely Act in U.S. and Cadbury
incentives to monitoring authority to Committee Report and Greenbury Code in
supervise the firm's conduct properly. 538 U.K. India, after suitable modifications as
They suggested that the appropriate per its conditions, decided to transplant the
authority for this is the shareholders since same into the Indian scenario. India saw a
they are the ones who are the recipients of radical shift in its economic conditions and
the residual income of the company. Since policies after liberalization in 1991 which
the shareholders' are going to be the called for change in the corporate
claimants of the residue of the company, it is governance policies of the nation. The year
of 1992 bought SEBI as a threshold to the

Director's Duty of Care. 61 B.U. L. REV. 623, 645

(1981). 539 Bainbridge, S. ParticipatoryManagement Within
5? Id. at 650. a Theory of the Firm, 21 J. Corp Law Review,657,
538 Armen, A. and Harold, D, Production, 672 (1996).
Information Costs, and Economic Organization, 540 Id. at 680.
The American Economic Review. 62, 777 (1972). 541 Id. at 682.

VOLUME 6 ISSN: 2456-9704

change. SEBI developed its own rules and lacuna in the corporate governance code of
regulations to prevent insider malpractices USA and subsequent enactment of
and encourage the shareholder interest in the Sarbanes- Oxley Act, SEBI again decided to
companies. In 1998, the initiators of the bring forth the reforms to strengthen the
change called for making of the governance regime. This was done with the
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and help of the Murthy committee established
recommended a Code for Desirable under the chairmanship of Narayan
Corporate Governance which was accepted Murthy. 545 The committee was required to
by several companies willingly. 542 revisit Clause 49 and provide
Thereafter in 1999, SEBI under the recommendations for changes as per the
chairmanship of Shri Kumar Mangalam set prevalent scenario. The revised version was
up a committee called as Kumar Mangalam issued on October 29, 2004. However it was
Birla Committee to raise the standards of bought into force only on January 1,
good corporate governance in case of listed 2006.546
companies. Its main objective was to review
the current standards of corporate DEFINING INDEPENDENT
governance from the shareholders' and DIRECTOR:
investors' perspective and prepare a suitable
code to suit the changing environment. 543 There is no particular definition of
independent director. However an attempt to
SEBI in a meeting held on 25" January, do so is evident in section 149, Companies
2000 considered the recommendations of the Act, 2013 whereby the legislatures expound
committee and decided to make the the nature of the independent director. For
necessary amendments to the listing the purpose of this paper, the author shall
agreement namely, introduction of clause not delve into the scope of the section but
49.544 Post the Enron, WorldCom and other throw some light on the concept of
major break downs of the companies due to Independent director across the world of
corporate governance. For the layman's
542 Asian
understanding the definition of the term
Governance Organisation.
"independent director" is evident meaning
Confederation of Indian Industry, Desirable
CorporateGovernance: A Code. (1998). thereby that such a director who has no
543 GK Today. (2015). Key Recommendations of pecuniary or any kind of relationship with
Kumar Mangalam Birla committee Report. the company, its holding, subsidiary or
[online]. associate company, or their promoters, or
Available at:
directors which may have any impact over
recommendations-of-kumar-mangalam-birla- the decision of the director is known as an
committee-report/ [Accessed 22 Feb. 2018]
INDIA (2000). Recommendations of Kumar 545 SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE BOARD OF
Mangalam Birla Committee. INDIA (2000). Recommendations of Narayan
Available at: Murthy Committee. Available at: /circulars/feb-
2000/corporate-governance 17930.html. [Accessed [Accessed 22 Feb. 2018]
22 Feb. 2018]. 546 Ibid.

VOLUME 6 ISSN: 2456-9704

independent director. 547 An independent Daniele Marchesanit, in the article "The

director is expected to make decisions' Concept of Autonomy and the Independent
based on the merit of the matter placed Director of Public Corporations" has very
before the board rather than on superfluous diligently argued the difference between the
determinants. 548 two. Citing Dworkin 5 4 , Frankfurt 555 and
Robert Young 556 the article defines
Such a director is usually non- executive and "autonomous" as a person who not only
an outsider in the management of the formulates his life plan in accordance with
company. He can also be called as an his own values and desires, but also carries
outsider since he is a non employee and non through with it. 5 57 In the present context it
management director of the company. 549 As would mean that a director is said to be
far as his liability is concerned, he shall be autonomous when he has the power to
liable only for those acts of omission or decide the goals of the company and define
commission on behalf of the company which the pathway and plan to achieve the goals
had occurred with his knowledge derived (a) and objectives so put forth by him. He must
during board process (b) with his consent or be free from all the constraints and possess
connivance in the commission of offence; or the positive qualities to achieve them. 558
(c) where he has not acted diligently or While the word independence is defined as
prudently. 550 It is mandatory for every listed free from influence of others. It is also
company to have at least one-third of the argued that the trait of independence alone is
total number of directors as independent not enough for the director to be termed as
director. 551 Such a director can hold the an independent director. This is because the
office for the tenure of five years only. After absence of the trait of autonomy shall
the lapse of these five years, he is bound to deprive such a director from any powers for
vacate the office. 552 In no event can a carrying out and fulfilling its
director be elected for the period for more responsibilities. The author has argued that
than two terms consecutively. 553 So far, it is the current definition of the independent
difficult to specify the defining trait of an director is misleading and portrays the
independent director. Some of the scholars independent director to be a person who will
argue that autonomy is the defining trait of be an effective and therefore trustworthy
the independent director. There are also director, but the requirements of the
certain scholars who beg to differ and definition are inadequate for this purpose. 559
distinguish autonomy from independence.

54? Companies Act, 2013. § 149.

548 Unitrin, Inc. v. Am. Gen. Corp. [1995]A.2d 651 54 Dworkin, G. (1998). The Theory And Practice Of
(Del), p.1361. Autonomy. Cambridge [u.a.]: Univ. Press.
549 Supra 1. 5 Frankfurt. (1998). The Theory And Practice Of
550 Mittal, P. (2014). Independent Directors. [ebook] Autonomy. Cambridge [u.a.]: Univ. Press.
Delhi: FCS PKMG Law Chambers. Available at: 556 Young, R. (1986). Personal Autonomy: Beyond
http://Annexure-E.pdf [Accessed 22 Feb. 2018]. Negative and Positive Liberty. Routledge.
551 Companies Act, 2013. § 149(3). 55 Supra note 15.
552 Companies Act, 2013. § 149(10). 558 Ibid.
53 Companies Act, 2013. § 149(11). 559 Supra note 15.

VOLUME 6 ISSN: 2456-9704

The learned author of the paper suggests an dependent on their positions and lose the
alternate definition as stated below 560 independence that is felt to be critical to
good corporate governance, since outside
"The definition should require that directors play a central role in overseeing
a director be free from management. 56 1 Another major contradiction
compromising ties and have the comes through the wordings of the
motivation, skills, and other legislation whereby the legislators mandate
characteristicsnecessaryfor him to both that the "independent director" should
be effective. It should also account have no pecuniary relation with the company
for structural and procedural but be provided with the remuneration for
elements that may affect the their work. The Ministry's Guidelines
director's ability to act. Only a recommend that independent directors be
person who satisfies all of the paid "adequate sitting fees" based both on
conditions for autonomy will be the company's net worth and turnover.5 6 2 For
reliable as a director who will set no man would work in a company and
his own objectives and effectively devote all his time and efforts, unless he is
pursue them to satisfy his derives benefit out of it none of the
obligations under the law. independent directors are independent of the

company in real sense.

However, the researcher totally agrees to the
opinion of the learned author. The researcher ROLES AND FUNCTIONS OF
strongly feels that if the independent INDEPENDENT DIRECTOR:
directors' role and definition was not made
to be as stated above, it would override the The literature and code in corporate
concept itself. As soon as the director finds governance has defined various roles of an
the element of motivation to work effectively independent director. It includes addressing
and efficiently in the company the purpose of the governance related problems, being
choosing a person "who has no interest in the
company" is defeated. Applying the
561 Radonjid, D. (2012). INDEPENDENT
Maslow's hierarchy of needs and motivation
where he opines no work, no motivation GOVERNANCE PARADIGM (PROS & CONS
formula and states that an unsatisfied need OF INDEPENDENT DIRECTORS). Annals FLB
will always motivate person to work to Belgrade Law Review, Year LX, [online] 3.
achieve it, none of the independent directors Available at:
can be called to be independent in real sense.
02012%20p%20096-112.pdf [Accessed 25 Feb.
As soon as the word "purpose", "motivation" 2018].
56 2
or "remuneration" is attached with this KHANNA, V. and MATHEW, S. (2010). THE
concept, it inherently defeats the idea of an ROLE OF INDEPENDENT DIRECTORS IN
"independent director". In event where CONTROLLED FIRMS IN INDIA: PRELIMINARY
INTERVIEW EVIDENCE. National School Of India
director's remuneration becomes genuinely
Rev, [online] 22(35). Available at:
lucrative, some directors might become too HTTP://
lsc/abstracts/pages/papers.aspx[accessed 15 jan.
560 Ibid. 2018].

VOLUME 6 ISSN: 2456-9704

"watch dog" or monitoring the activities of sought to as an effective middleman to

the company on behalf of public resolve the conflicts in the company. 56 8
shareholders, serving as a strategic advisor to
the controlling shareholder etc 563 however Independent director is generally presumed
there is no one role carved for the to maintain a check on the development
independent director to play. There are policy and strategies of the company. They
several assumptions with regards to the role do so by critically examining the
of the independent director and one of them performance and acts of the management and
is monitoring the related party transactions ensure that the actions fall within the
although not barred by law, may nonetheless purview of their power regime. They are a
erode shareholder value if conducted without part of the system of reporting and
following proper valuation practices. 564 An accountability and provide for proper
independent director is expected to act as a internal control and audit requirements. 569
guard of the minorities and build up the Since they are independent of the
confidence of the shareholders' on the management, their decisions are less
company. 565 They are also expected to bring susceptible to mala fide and prejudice. They
onboard their specialist knowledge and question the working of the business and
business connections and thus make the challenge it in the event of any
board more efficient. 566 Presence of an discrepancies. In nutshell, they are the
independent director on board helps in advocates of sustainable development of the
bringing diversity, effectiveness and balance company and believe that the growth of the
to the blood of the company. They are called company and the stakeholders go hand in
to be the "conscience keepers" who could hand. 570
guide the company towards the right path.56 7
Due to the presence of the trait of The new act categorically emphasize on
"independence", an independent director is appointment of an independent director as a
member or as a chairperson in various
committees. 571 Unlike earlier, an
independent director is supposed to keep
563 Supra Note 28. himself updated with the workings of the
564 OECD Principles of Corporate Governance. company. He/she must be regular at annual
Principle IV.D.6, "One of the functions of the board general meetings and discuss the problems
of directors is to monitor and manage potential faced by the non-executive team of
conflicts of interest of management, board members management. The code described in schedule
and shareholders, including misuse of corporate
IV of the Act, 2013 clarifies the role,
assets and abuse in related party transactions."
5 65
Batth, C., Nayak, D. and Sarangi, D. (2016). Role function and duties of the director in detail.
of Independent Directors in the Changing Business
Scenario in India. International Journal of
Scientific Research and management, 4(2).
5 66
Arindam, M. (2013). The Independent Director:
Has It Been Indianised Enough. NUJS Law 568 Supra note 31.
569 Ibid.
Review, 6(231).
567 Mittal, P. (2011). Role of Independent Directors
570 Ibid.
In Corporate Governance. NUJS Law. Rev., 4. 571 Ibid.

VOLUME 6 ISSN: 2456-9704

PROBLEMS FACED DUE TO an independent director in the organisation

PRESENCE OF INDEPENDENT since the potential pros are already widely

Having an Independent director on board, Even U.S., the birthplace of this reform does
has become a mandate in today's corporate not give a clear picture as to how much have
governance regime. After a massive this reform contributed in the improvement
breakdown of companies like WorldCom, of the corporate governance. 574 For this
Enron etc the legislatures were said to be purpose the author prefers to resort to an
practically living their worst nightmares. interview conducted by Vikramaditya S.
Public had lost its faith in investing in the Khanna and Shaun J. Mathew 575 in 2010
corporations. The legislatures had no option wherein the directors themselves threw some
but to work on this issue with immediate light on their role and real time experiences.
effect. The role, structure and function of the Time and again, numerous directors, have
Board in a company were required to be expressed strong sentiments regarding their
revamped. This led to the emergence of the "expected" role as a watchdog in the
"monitoring board" which further lead to the company. They have admitted that they're
introduction of the independent director. The reluctant in doing so where there's a scope
growth of an independent director in the for reputational damage and incurring
corporate regime has already been discussed liability. There have been instance where
above. 572 The concept of independent they have been served with arrest warrants
director was introduced with the hope of for the reason that they were acting as a
securing the coming future and rights of the whistle blower in the company, which
public in the corporate world. It was ideally was expected to be their role.
expected that independent director would Speaking of the role of the director, they
prove to be a whistle blower in a company. have also revealed that they are not playing a
This paradigm shift came with multiple very significant role in the board when it
disclosures and financial controls over the comes to being an advisor. The "ritual" of
company and the corporations had to adopt it independent director giving advice to the
or elucidate the reason for not doing so. 573 board is adhered to, but it's always the
Most of the companies across U.S., U.K. and promoter's choice that prevailed. There have
India quickly adopted this change. But the been some instances as well where heated
real question that arises whether this reform boardroom conflicts have lead to
actually serves its purpose? Whether the abandonment of the independent director. In
introduction of the independent director the event where the independent director is
actually helps in improving the corporate not able to exercise its tools and powers to
governance performance of the company or deter promoter's inappropriate activities,
is it a mere burden on the stakeholders and they prefer resigning from the company
the company? For the purpose of this paper, I expecting that this may send a "watchdog's"
shall only limit myself to the cons of having signal to the general public.

572 Refer heading in the paper "Evolution". 574 Ibid.

573 Supra Note 27. 575 Supra Note 28.

VOLUME 6 ISSN: 2456-9704

With the end of this paper, the author has

The interview also revealed the extent of discovered that the concept of "independent
"independence" of the independent director. director" does not exist per se. No director is
Each director who was interviewed, at least independent of the firm in literal sense.
once has been approached by the promoters' Some or the other tie will always exist
directly without following a selection between the company and the director. The
process. The reason for the same was that the author believes that the concept like this can
board cannot simply have strangers put never exist in reality. It is difficult to have a
together to arrive at a conclusion in welfare director become independent of the company
of the company. In order to do that while having a pecuniary relation in form of
efficiently the board needs to be collegial in remuneration, and prestige connected with
nature. Some directors have also expressed the company. As long as there is a relation
their grief in terms of insufficient updates on between the two, the director can never be
timely performance and development of the said to be independent. Noting this, there
company. While the rest of the directors who will never be a situation where person may
got access to such resources submitted that work selflessly for a company without
they were poor in quality and insufficient. anything in return. Thus, the author finds no
hesitation in negating the concept of the
Apart from this interview, there are more "independent" director completely.
studies which throw light on the cons of
having an independent director on board and Also it is extremely difficult to find someone
suggest that independent director are not a fulfilling the requisites of an ID i.e. presence
sure shot solution to the problem and prove of integrity, probity and high ethical
to be a burden on the company. Scholars standards. It is a rare and difficult chance to
have argued that lack of experience amongst find an appropriate a candidature with these
independent director causes them adopt a qualities coupled with suitable qualifications
conservative approach when it comes to and interest in being an independent director.
decision making. It is also submitted that Thus it is that same few selected group of
since they have "artificial interest" in the people who perform the task of independent
company they are not willing to take risks. It director in the companies.
is not so easy to take a strong stand in favour
or against the presence of independent With regards to the limitations of having an
director. Bearing in mind that we are ID, so far, the author has found no reason as
considering only the element of to why should one deter from keeping an
"independence "of these directors, it would "independent" director in his/her company.
be too early to jump to any conclusion. Considering this, when a pseudo-
Nevertheless, if improvised and empowered independent director can be so great help to
independent director can be a powerful tool the companies, there is no doubt as to what
against frauds and law evaders. wonders an ID is capable of doing. Therefore
it is strongly believed that there's an ardent
CONCLUSION: need there and vast scope of improvement in
this concept so as to make it a full proof

VOLUME 6 ISSN: 2456-9704

device against the menace. So far it is a boon

with minimal effect but it definitely has
potential to widen its effects.

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