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The best part of the senior project was meeting all the new people and learning how all

the different parts come together to make a truck. The worst part was definitely setting

everything up. It took a long time to get started but I also had to go through safety classes which

took a couple of days. I learned a couple of things doing this project. For example, I learned how

to hold and point the welding gun properly. Another thing is that safety is very important. During

safety classes, we were shown injuries from people not using simple safety procedures. The last

thing I learned was I enjoy welding when its on a big project like a truck rather than a smaller

piece of metal. The part of my Senior Project that stretched me the most would be getting

everything setup and talking to people. I have a hard time talking to new people. I felt nervous I

would say the wrong thing in the moment but I think I hid my nervousness well and pushed

through. My Senior Project has made me more confident when talking to people and helped with

problem solving when something goes wrong. This project helped me realize that I enjoy being

in this field of work. If I were to do this project again I would definitely start earlier and take

more pictures. Starting as late as I did was not a good idea. That is the same advice I will give to

next years seniors. Get it done early. I think I would grade my project a B because of how late I

did it but also the little pictures I have. I did learn a good amount about welding and people.

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