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Statue of Idrimi – Translation

I am Idrimi, the son of Ilī-


ilimma, a servant of IM, Hebat and IŠTAR, the lady of Alalah, the lady, my lady.
In Aleppo, the house of my father, a bad thing occurred, so we fled to the Emarites, sisters [o]f
my mother, and settled at Emar. Though my older brothers lived with me, none deliberated ma
tters as I did. I thought like this: “Who indeed ... at his father’s house, but who is nonetheless a
servant among the people of Emar?”
I took my horse, my chariot, and my chariot driver. I crossed over into a desolate region, wher
e I joined the Sutean pastoralists. With them(text: him), to .... I spent the night.
The next day, I set out and journeyed to the land of Canaan. The city of Ammiya sits in the lan
d of Canaan, (and) in Ammiya dwell people originally from Aleppo (and) the lands of Mukiš,
Niye, and Amaʾe. They recognized me – that I was the son of their lord – and gathered around
me, and in that way, I was elevated in rank. For seven long years, I stayed among the habiru. I
released birds (as auguries), I inspected (the livers of) lambs, and seven years (later), the Stor
m God turned toward me.
I built ships. I loaded soldiers onto the ships, I approached the land of Mukiš by sea, and I reac
hed dry land in front of Mount Hazzi (i.e., Mount Cassius/Jebel Aqraa). I went up (the mounta
in), and when my land heard me, they brought oxen and sheep to me. In one day, as one man, t
he lands of Niya, Amaʾe, (and) Mukiš and the city of Alalah, my city, turned to me.
My brothers heard (about this) and came to me. My brothers toiled for me, (and) I protected m
y brothers.
Furthermore, for seven years, Parattarna, the powerful king, the king of the Hurrians, made en
emies for me. In the seventh of the years, I sent a message to Parattarna, the king, king of the
manda and told of the service of my forefathers – that my forefathers toiled for them so that ou
r words were for the kings of the Hurrians. It was good. They established a powerful oath betw
een them. The powerful king listened to the service of our ancestors and the oath that was bet
ween them, and he respected the “mark” of the oath. He accepted my greeting gift because of t
he matter of the oath and because of our service. I enlarged ... for (lit. of) a sacrifice, and so I r
eturned a lost house to him: I seized a previously-
abandoned hem for him oath in my status as a loyal retainer, and then I was king for Alalah. K
ings to my right and my left came up here to me, and thus I was made equal to them.
Because the city wall of the forefathers lay tumbled on the ground, I caused (bricks) to rise up
from on the ground, and I set them (bricks?) up high as the sky I took troops, went up to the la
nd of Hatti, and captured seven cities: Paššahe, Damarutla, Huluhhan, Zila, Iʾe, Uluzila, and Z
aruna. I captured these cities, and I destroyed others. The land of Hatti did not gather and com
e against me. I did what I wished. I carried off captives and took all types of goods and posses
sions. I distributed (the plunder) to my auxiliaries, my brothers, and my allies. I myself took th
eir weapon(s), though.

I returned to the land of Mukiš and entered Alalah, my city. With the captives and livestock, w
ith all the goods and possessions that I brought down from the land of Hatti, I had a house buil
t. I made my throne like the thrones of kings. I made my brothers like the brothers of kings, m
y sons like their sons, and my companions like their companions.
As for the inhabitants whose dwelling was (already) in my land, in kindness, I caused them to
reside. I housed even those who lacked a dwelling. I stabilized my land and made my cities lik
e our previous ones.

And just as our father established the signs of the gods of Alalah, I was regularly performing t
he offerings (Akk. gloss: the offerings) for our grandfather that he regularly caused to be perfo
rmed. I regularly performed these (rites), and I entrusted them to IM-nerari, my son.

Whoever removes this statue of mine – may Heaven curse him, (and) the Underworld gather u
p his offspring. May the gods of heaven and earth measure out his reign and his land for him.
Whoever alters it (the inscription?) or erases <it> – may IM, the lord of heaven and earth (Ak
k. gloss: earth), and the great gods, destroy his name and his seed from his land.

Šarruwa, the scribe, is a servant of the Storm God, Sun God, Moon God, and IŠTAR. Šarruwa
is the scribe who wrote (the inscription on) this statue. May the gods of heaven and earth keep
him alive (and) protect him. May they be good to him. May the Sun God, lord of above and be
low, lord of ghosts, be the one who revives him.

I was king for 30 years. I wrote my labors on myself. May it encourage them (the descendants
) so that they (the descendants) may pray to me regularly.

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