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Mayoral Garcia Wendy Vanessa
Camacho Cuevas Sofia Abigail
Diaz Salinas Maria Fernanda
Ramos Solano Saul

1-What's a social Social problems are a

set of situations that

problem? prevent the development

or progress of a society.
Social problems can vary

problems that
depending on the city or

country you are in, so some

are affecting
social problems are:
1. Crime

our society. 2. Hunger

3. Poverty
4. Racism
5. Gender-based violence
6. Femicides
7. Classism
8. Homophobia
9. Child abuse
Our goal is to reduce the poverty

standards in families in our

community by increasing jobs to

obtain a source of income.

1-War conflicts and violence.
2. The effects of climate change.
3. The lack of adequate medical care.1-War
conflicts and violence.
2. The effects of climate change.
3. The lack of adequate medical care.
1. High mortality.
2. Little development and innovation.
3. Development of diseases.
4. Violence and delinquency.

The marginalization index registered

in the municipality of Nezahualcóyotl
is -1,579, with a Very low degree of
marginalization, data with a higher

4- Documental
record compared to that reported at
the state level, socioeconomic
indicators that account for the

research precarious living conditions in which

lives this sector of the population
World Habitat

When was it founded?

5 You're a member of
Our organization was founded in 2010 by us only to
fight poverty

an organization. Where is it based?

Make a description of It is located in the center of Mexico City since it is

your organization, where the most people with few resources

shown, so we chose that place to make the results

include: better.

what is it focused on?

Our organization is mainly based on helping people
with few resources with financial help, pantries
and clothes mainly
Our Mission We fight inequality to

end poverty and injustice. We are

committed to living in accordance

with our values to be an

organization recognized for its

integrity. This implies that we must

transform our govermental,

management and operational

structures, as well as promote a

culture of learning and reflection.

Our Vision We are looking for a
world of hope, inclusion and social
justice, where poverty has been
overcome and all people live with
dignity and security
Personal renewal

Our goal is to reduce crime levels in
children and youth in our community by
promoting study habits, sports, and

recreational activities.
thus having as a result a calm community, in
peace and with a quality of young people
studiedaccompanying young people and
children in their learning process and re-
certification in society

Maria Fernanda Diaz
Wendy Mayoral
Saul Ramos
Sofia Camacho
Activities and Procedure:
Our activity consists of recruiting a large group of
people, either with advertising (on public roads,
schools, hospitals and workplaces) or advertising on
our social networks. We will divide them into different
low-income areas in the state. Each group will arrive
at the assigned area, and will be in charge of

distributing each food, clothing or object that will be
donated. The question is how will we manage to
donate so many things? Well, we will open a week in
our institution for all kinds of donations, likewise we
will give conferences with experts to reflect more on
this topic.

Food Clothing donation items Advertising flyers and
banners collection tents Water and food for our
Results or conclusion
Our results were excellent since it was
possible to collect what was planned

8-Proyect thanks to the local people

Our conclusion is that if a problem that

is poverty can be eliminated if the
whole society united and gave
opportunities for work and economic
support from the government

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