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NEW DELHI | THURSDAY, 20 APRIL, 2023 Opinion mp 7

EDITORIAL Holistic rejuvenation
Undue adamance? By engaging locals emotionally, a young DM of Pilibhit managed to rid the river
Nexus of Good Gomti of encroachments, siltation, growing weeds etc. on a sustainable basis
he question is whether the government applied

its mind and what material formed the basis of
its decision to grant remission.” This question ne third of the this season and children would
has been raised by a Supreme Court bench population of Luc- have better times in these
of Justices KM Joseph and BV Nagarathna, which was know — state capi- grounds in times to come.
hearing a batch of petitions challenging the Gujarat tal of Uttar Pradesh 23 ponds lying along the
government’s decision to prematurely release the 11 — gets its drinking water sup- course of the river in the river
convicts sentenced to life imprisonment for gang rape ply from river Gomti. Nearly basin were also identified from
of Bilkis Bano and murder of her family members. The all the Lucknowites enjoy the the revenue records. They were
irony had unfolded on Independence Day last year view of the majestic Gomti riv- demarcated, widened, stepped
when the rapists and murderers were uncaged by the erfront. But how many have and deepened to ensure max-
state government following a remission plea filed by given a serious thought about imum possible rain water
the convicts. The extreme brutality of the cold-blooded
ANIL SWARUP the health of the river dying a harvest.
crime needs no retelling. As the court would itself put it, slow death? And how many Incorporating ownership &
“A pregnant woman was gang-raped and several people are even aware of the quiet ori- developing a tourist circuit
were killed. You cannot compare the victim’s case with gin of this tributary of river Simultaneously, a suitable
standard Section 302 cases. Like you cannot compare Ganga from the Fulhar lake in place was also identified in
apples with oranges, similarly massacre cannot be the beautiful district of terai each gram panchayat for con-
compared with single murder.” The court also observed, – Pilibhit? struction of ghat with steps.
very importantly, that “crimes are generally committed As a groundwater-fed 16 ghats in these 16 gram
against society and the community.” A particular crime river from the Gomat taal, or panchayats now hold daily
and its differing legal interpretations by the judiciary and Fulhar jheel, in Madhotanda morning yoga classes and the
the executive are not odd phenomena. But the perception Panchayat of Pilibhit District, evening Gomti aarti for vil-
of the state standing behind a bunch of criminals, rather the river travels a distance of lagers by the edge of the river.
openly, is something that is quite baffling. Law is an around 960 km in the state River Gomti now proudly runs clean and continuous in the Pilibhit District IMAGE COURTESY: WIKIMEDIA COMMONS Management committees have
objective thing, but requires subjective interpretation to before meeting river Ganga at been formed in all these vil-
attain meaningfulness. In the process of interpretation, it Saidpur in Ghazipur district. MGNREGA scheme was he and a team of few officials was encouraged. lages. Their regular meetings
can potentially be used as a shield to protect individuals The journey in the district designed, whereby work was to would travel a few kilometers Krishnaswamy, a renowned have started to maintain the
or to incarcerate them. There are certain ambiguities in of origin is only about 47 km proceed simultaneously in all to inspect the quality of work hydrologist, was taken on portion of the river flowing
the Bilkis Bano remission case that force one to take a Through his before the river silently enters 16 gram panchayats. Labourers of Gomti river rejuvenation. board as advisor for this reju- through their village.
pause and re-think the role of the state. Most importantly, extensive foot the neighbouring Shahjah- were identified in each village. He travelled a few kilometers venation project by the admin- Signages were also erected
it is completely incomprehensible as to why the state is anpur District. In this initial Getting sufficient numbers of each day talking to pradhan, istration, as he could provide along the route of the river.
using its “privilege” to refuse sharing the files of remission march, Pulkit course, the river Gomti passes labourers for the mega proj- village functionaries and vil- technical advice as a specialist Some prominent landmarks
case with the apex court. The ambiguity extends to the Khare could through 16 gram panchayats. ect was also a challenge, as the lagers who joined in hourly about the sustainability of this like the Triveni Ghat, Gomti
point where the top court can smell traces of contempt. However, this entire stretch desired rejuvenation (widen- inspection-cum-walk along project. He advised that reduc- Gurudwara and Ekhotarnath
Call it adamance, refusal or an exercise of discretion, why not only see was marred with obstacles. ing and deepening) work had the course of the river. He ing the run-off from fields Temple were identified which
does the state have to take such a rebellious stand for a the quality The flow was highly intermit- to be completed before the could not only see the quality would help in controlling the are now being highlighted as
bunch of criminals? Even for a moment, if it is agreed that tent and patchy. monsoons. Choupals were of work and the challenges first growth of weeds, which had part of Gomti tourist circuit.
the state has all rights to stick to its own interpretation, of work and When Pulkit Khare, a held in villages to enlist labour- hand, but could also gather a arrested the river flow for a sig- The ‘udgam sthal’ or the
that should be done with a certain degree of transparency. challenges first young District Magistrate of ers and issue muster rolls. They lot many solutions from the nificant length. origin pond has also been
The apex court, while demanding for the files, has Pilibhit, took up the rejuvena- were told to get associated with local wisdom of the villagers. Survey was also done developed over the past year
given the state government an opportunity to come out hand, but also tion, there was no semblance this project to garner blessings Each day, the padyatra would to ensure that no drains or into a tourist destination. Facil-
transparent. This opportunity should not be lost. The gather a lot of a river. Encroachments, silt- of ‘Maa Gomti’ from this noble begin from where it culmi- industrial waste empty them- ities of boating, eatery, enter-
bench also aptly highlighted the universal element of the ation, growth of weeds and lack work of rejuvenation. nated the previous day. selves into the river at any tainment for children and a
crime. It said that “today it is this lady, tomorrow it can many solutions of ownership were the major Finally, the Gomti river Labour turnout also point during its course in the regular Gomti aarti in the eve-
be you or me.” The remission order affects the sense of from the local problems to begin with. A plan rejuvenation work started improved as the village func- district. Grass-carp, a variety ning enthralls the tourist in
security and trust on the justice system of all the women was chalked out to tackle each simultaneously in all 16 gram tionaries held choupals in of fish, was also introduced this scenic place surrounded
in the country. So, transparency doesn’t have to be just wisdom of issue in a holistic manner. panchayats. Labourers and vil- villages to convince villag- throughout the river to dis- by sal forests.
before the court and Bilkis Bano, but before all the the villagers A gram panchayat-wise lagers thronged in numbers ers about the sanctity of this courage the weeding process The belongingness and
women in India. The second thing that arouses suspicion map was prepared for all these to see the work in action. The pious work, despite prevail- and strengthen the element of ownership towards the river
is the extent of parole granted to the convicts. The bench 16 gram panchayats by com- joy was palpable. However, it ing higher daily wage rates for sustainability. increased. 51 days later, the
highlighted that more than 1,000 days parole was granted bining the traditional wisdom began to ebb from the very manual labour. High banks of silt from 47-km stretch was covered. At
to each of the convicts, and one of them got 1,500 days and the available revenue fourth day itself. Ensuring sustainability deepening and widening were the same time, an average of
parole. The liberty shown towards the perpetrators of records. Village-level function- A WhatsApp group had As the problems identified soon piling up. This would have 2,800 people got daily employ-
heinous crimes appears questionable. Then again, last aries were taken on board and been constituted to get photo- were recurring in nature, ele- fallen back into the river to nul- ment under MGNREGA. Most
month, one of the remitted convicts was reported to a meeting with lekhpal and vil- graphs of work and the num- ments of sustainability were lify the rejuvenation efforts. importantly, the river now
be seen sharing the stage with a ruling party MP and lage secretary was held for each ber of labourers employed on essentially introduced as part Their timely removal from the stands rejuvenated.
an MLA at a government programme in Gujarat. Also, Gram Panchayat to identify the work sites from each gram of the project. Labourers were site to flatten the banks was River Gomti now proudly
one cannot forget that special reception and garlanding issue as well as the pathway for panchayat on a daily basis. The given details of the slope profile essential. On other hand, there runs clean and continuous
that the released convicts had received last year. The solution. number of labourers turning expected to be achieved dur- have been water-logging com- in district Pilibhit: from the
crimes committed against Bilkis Bano and her family had After identifying the silted up at the work site started fall- ing the work of rejuvenation plaints from several govern- Gomti ‘udgam sthal’ to the bor-
multiple strands. These strands should be separated to stretches and encroached ing from the fourth day. This to enable a healthy gradient ment schools demanding silt der of the district.
understand the gravity of the case, rather than allowing patches in every village, a was worrisome. Consistency for maintaining the river flow. for fill-up of their grounds. What Pulkit Khare and his
one strand to eclipse the other and hide the realities. It meeting of Gram Pradhans was needed for timely finish- Simultaneously, the identi- Both the issues were inter- dedicated team have achieved
was a gruesome crime against an individual. It was an and all other village level func- ing the project. It was time to fied 513 farmers having fields linked. Each village secre- is truly remarkable and in the
unacceptable and unforgivable incidence of vengeance- tionaries was called by the Dis- rethink the strategy. This was adjoining the river Gomti were tary was given a list of nearest true spirit of Nexus of Good.
driven sexual violence against a woman, as also an trict Magistrate. An emotional when the idea of padyatra also trained in methods of nat- schools with such a require- Almost all the rivers face a sim-
extreme case of objectification of the female community. appeal was made to one and all. (foot-march) struck Pulkit ural farming to reduce chem- ment and, simultaneously, ilar problem. There are huge
It was also a crime intended towards Muslims in the wake Support and ownership of the Khare. He announced that he ical pesticides and fertilizers tractors were dispatched from lessons for other districts, as
of the Gujarat riots. The case cannot be treated casually. project was sought to revive would himself travel the entire run-off falling into the river. sites to deliver filler for school the approach can easily be rep-
Before the court sits for next hearing on May 2, the their own “dying mother”. length of the river course to see Pumps were discouraged in grounds. These schools would licated and scaled.
government should shed its adamance and come out with A mega-project from the quality of work. Each day, these fields while trenching not suffer from water-logging Views expressed are personal

Imperative improvisation
files in a transparent and responsible manner.

The shooters who killed Atiq Ahmed and Ashraf
Through simplifying laws and training the workforce, India can leverage
Ahmed, two of whom are in their early twenties and the trend of outsourcing to attract investments and enhance employment

the third who is only eighteen years old, have told
police that they murdered the Ahmed siblings in order ttracting foreign it is easy to open business in
to ‘make a name’ for themselves in the criminal world. investment is an India, it is difficult to close,
The ease with which they were able to murder the pair imperative for our needs to change.
indicates serious lapses on the part of the escorting economy, which Even with respect to com-
RAAVI BIRBAL could create large-scale pliance of provisions such as
cops. The assailants had an easy time because of the
employment. While India’s minimum wages, provident
police’s laxity. The killings had an air of inevitability population is its drawback, it fund, employees’ state insur-
about them; it was just a question of how they would is also a positive to achieve this ance and other statutory ben-
pull the trigger quicker than the UP cops. The state’s aim. We have working hands. efits, the law is clear that in case
recent spate of police encounters and extrajudicial Countries overseas nowa- of non-compliance by a con-
killings must be investigated. Police, emboldened by days want to outsource busi- tractor, the principal employer
an apparent trigger-happy government, have opened nesses to a country with lower shall be responsible. This, too,
labour cost. This is because needs middle-path solutions
the floodgates to a vicious circle of killings. As a result, outsourcing companies often such as — where there is sub-
gangsters are fiercely competing for ‘glory and fame’. have access to workers who contracting to registered and
This is a concerning turn of events. The judiciary and are willing and able to work for recognised brands, especially
the Centre must strongly advise the UP & other state less than the local market rate. in cases of renowned interna-
governments to change their ways and uphold the rule This aids in having overhead tional entities, there could be
of law. costs down. exemption from such compli-
To achieve the objectives, ances. Web-based compliances
— VIJAYKUMAR H K, RAICHUR via email our legislations and proce- could be encouraged for pro-
Age-old dures need to provide the fol-
The trend of outsourcing has increasingly seen the movement of jobs from the west to developing economies
tecting the interest of workers. contract labour lowing – simplified laws and ities, but even the core and courage overseas companies mination, etc. Courts have The trend of outsourc-
system of the better trained workforce. basic ones are being delegated from investing in India. Laws been given the power to lift ing has increasingly seen the
Log on to write letters to the editor or send them to Age-old contract labour to smaller firms and factories. are ambiguous and judgments the veil and see the real nature movement of jobs from the You can also send your comments to The Editor, country needs system of the country needs This makes a powerful impact are conflicting. of arrangement. Some of the west to developing econo-
Millennium Post, Pratap Bhawan, 5 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi 110 002 a revisit. Indian a revisit. Indian laws need to on growth of smaller firms. Indian contract labour major factors considered in mies like India, Indonesia,
be made more pragmatic to MSMEs are, thus, generating system is a tripartite arrange- such litigations are — who is Brazil etc. If India can focus
laws need to suit today’s era of externalis- more employment, which is a ment, where there is a prin- the appointing authority, who on inculcating pedagogies
be made more ing work. One of the key rea- pertinent need for our econ- cipal employer for whom the pays salary, who takes disci- and practical training, it may

Tweet of the day pragmatic to

suit today’s era
sons for companies to enter
into outsourcing contracts is
to get rid of employee-related
omy. Such contracts are on a
principal-to-principal basis.
Grey areas in laws, which
work is being done, a contrac-
tor who undertakes to carry
out the work, and the workers
plinary action, makes supervi-
sions and controls operations.
The party which is seen to be
negotiate and attract better
businesses, for then we will
have a trained workforce. This
issues, apart from saving on need to be addressed for of the contractor who carry taking care of these factors is may be especially in sectors
of externalising various other counts. How- attracting more of such inter- out the task. Generally, a part saddled with the responsibil- like IT, research and develop-
Why is the Centre and the Guja-
work ever, contrary to the intention, national businesses, are those of the process, such as finance, ity. These litigations carry on ment, hospitality, manufac-
rat govt unwilling to provide the a major chunk of labour litiga- which attract litigations. Under administration, human for years and cost big to the turing, etc.
tions in courts pertain to con- the Indian laws, the key ques- resources, housekeeping, management, which is one of The crux of the issue is that
Supreme Court details on what tract labour disputes. tion in most of the litigations security, catering etc. are out- the factors dissuading compa- if our laws are clarified, and
led to the release of the #Bilkis- Over a few decades ago, pertaining to outsourced con- sourced. In such an arrange- nies to invest. In modern-day there is a better trained work-
BanoCase convicts? Surely contracting out implied only tracts is, whose baby is the ment, courts dive deep and contracting out, where com- force, we can attract massive
SAGARIKA GHOSE the call centres and BPOs. employee, principal employer examine the nature of arrange- plete product manufacturing foreign investments, thereby
this is not a matter of “national @Sagarikaghose Now, almost every sector is or service provider? Cases are ment in case of employee- is sourced out, regulations may utilising the population’s full
security” but security of life for into outsourcing, such as IT, generally filed by employees related claims. Courts in such be promulgated to keep such potential.
customer, accounting, HR, seeking reinstatement after cases examine if arrangement arrangements outside the pur- The writer is a practising
all women who are victims of manufacturing, logistics, mar- termination and also regulari- is not sham and camouflage, view of these litigations, espe- Advocate in Supreme Court
crime. #BilkisBano keting, etc. In fact, not just the sation, higher pay scales, etc. meant only to flout laws, espe- cially for foreign entities. The and High Court of Delhi.
non-core and incidental activ- These kinds of litigation dis- cially in cases of closure, ter- well-known theory, that while Views expressed are personal

Incorporating and directly descended

from THE FRIEND OF INDIA - Founded 1818
Lesson for Adani A MEMBER

To build a broad base of support for its activities and to maintain its brand and social ASIAN VOICES
Punishing libel reputation, a global company such as the Adani Group must do bridge-building
Safety for
T he settlement reached in Wilmington, Dela- diplomacy. The first step in doing corporate bridge-building is to ask the question: Who
ware, between an American voting equipment
company and the Murdoch-owned Fox News
are we? The answer will embody the mission, the reason for being there, apart from public
television channel is a landmark development that creating wealth and prosperity which is the foundation of capitalism commuters

ought to offer a template for libel actions around the
democratic world. Dominion, the voting equipment he incident when a woman
company, brought an action against Fox for out- jumped onto the southbound
landish claims made by the channel that the former tracks of a Metro Railway
was involved in a plot to steal the 2020 US Presiden- Transit (MRT) station has put
into question the safety of the coun-
tial election from Donald Trump. Fox News, which
try’s train system. This should be a
except for a brief period has blindly supported Mr wake-up call to review safety precau-
Trump, had alleged repeatedly that Dominion had tions, not only for railways, but for
switched votes (in favour of President Joe Biden), land, sea, and air transports in general.
and that it was founded in Venezuela to rig elections These safety precautions includ-
for Hugo Chavez. Dominion had sought $1.6 billion ing having platform screen doors or
in damages, but settled out of court with Fox before gates for train stations, proper bicycle
the trial could begin for a little less than half that lanes incorporated into the road net-
sum ~ a whopping $787.5 million (Rs 6,466 crore). work, and life vests in passenger ships
The proceedings ~ and the settlement reached by are some of the hallmarks of an effi-
cient and modern transport system.
Fox’s lawyers ~ have several implications. Having Unfortunately, many transportation-
coughed up nearly a third of its annual profit last related deaths, whether on the road,
year in damages, Fox will likely appreciate better the rail, or sea, have pointed to the lack of
perils of partisan journalism, especially when its such precautionary measures.
reports echo the lies that politicians of a particular This is not even the first time it
persuasion tell. While its lawyers claimed the settle- happened at the MRT ~ over the years
ment represented Fox’s commitment to “the highest many passengers have jumped onto
journalistic standards”, a more reasonable conclu- the tracks, and every time someone
sion would be that they realized the very real possi- does, the government will announce
plans to put up platform screen doors
bility of having to pay the claimed amount at the
or gates that are common in train sta-
end of six weeks, the period determined by the judge tions in Tokyo, Taipei, London, and
for the trial. As Dominion’s lawyer said after the set- other cosmopolitan cities.
tlement, truth matters and lies have consequences. This was the case in 2013 when a
He added that for democracy to endure, it was nec- male passenger committed suicide by

essary to share a commitment to facts. Other news jumping in front of a train. The Aquino
outlets that have blindly parroted the claims made arly January this year profited by “triggering the Indi- * There is always scope for incor- ing customers and suppliers. Dis- III administration estimated the cost
by Mr. Trump in his bid to re-enter the White House when India’s top indus- an giant’s price plunge,” accord- porating socially responsible trust should not linger anywhere of putting up these protective barriers
in 2024 will perhaps be a little more circumspect, trialist Gautam Adani ing to Mark Humphery-Jenner, behaviour into the business strat- along the supply chain. ~ which not only serve to prevent sui-
and subject the former President’s utterances to the completed the purchase Associate Professor of Finance, egy of a company without hurt- By building and widely dis- cides but also enable more efficient
of Haifa Port in Israel, he was UNSW Sydney, Australia. ing its financial success. seminating the mission internal-
checks and rechecks that are an essential ingredient Asia’s richest and most Investor Mark Mobius in an * An open trusted relationship ly and along the entire supply
of journalism. admirable businessman. But exchange with Business Today, between a company and its vari- chain, the corporate bridge-buil-
The implication for democracies such as India is then a sudden shark attack by a went further and said, “My feel- ous stakeholders would create der and diplomat would know ventilation within the station and bet-
that a robust and speedy justice system that pun- US-based short-seller Hinden- ing is that probably the whole better chances of weathering a where the resistance lies and how ter security control ~ to be around P10
ishes those committing libel with a charge on their burg Research Group left Adani thing about Adani was crisis when it occurs. to change attitudes and build million to P20 million per station; it
pocket book, rather than by prescribing jail terms bleeding. overblown by the Hindenburg * Companies that live primarily alliances. planned to include their installation in
for them, is more likely to force people, especially The short-seller wrapping Group. They have their reasons on their brand reputation must A good corporate value stat- that or the next year’s (2014) budget.
in public life, to control their tongues. While criminal itself in the garb of research- for if you’re shorting stock, you live up to public expectations. ement not only integrates the Nothing, however, came out of it.
defamation exists in the statute book of some states based corporate activism made want all the bad * For global com- core business of a company into Under the Duterte administra-
billions for itself. That’s what hints to come out. panies, establish- its social responsibility as a good tion, the installation of platform screen
in the United States, civil actions seeking damages doors was proposed, again, and as
short sellers do. They wager that But I don’t think the ing an early aw- corporate citizen but also dresses
are the preferred route to seeking restitution, as “the stock they are short selling reports by Hinden- areness system is the entire package as the mission with the previous administration, this
indeed they should be. This is not the case in India will drop in price. If the stock burg were complete- indispensable not of the company. did not materialize due to a lack of
where resolution of civil actions can take decades, does drop after the short sale, the ly accurate and on only for scanning The mission statement that funds or political will.
forcing aggrieved persons to invoke the provisions of short seller buys it back at a lower target.” emerging trends also embodies a company’s busi- The proposal, as expected, has
the penal code. Political personalities in India, who price and returns it to the lender. Apart from veh- and troubles but ness case must make the compa- been revived following Wednesday’s
are wont to say things they cannot possibly substan- The difference between the sell emently rejecting the also for exploring ny’s presence a social necessity, incident with Transportation Assistant
tiate, or those that are designed to cause damage to price and the buy price is the allegations, the Ad- newer opportuni- an essential part of doing the Secretary Jorjette Aquino talking of
reputations, would think twice before holding forth short seller’s profit,” according to ani Group promptly ties that may be public good. plans to pursue the recommendation
Investopedia. rationalized, reorga- arising. This is When a company focuses but with a caveat: “As long as there is
if, for instance, they knew that a few months down enough budget.” The government has
And then Hindenburg jump- nised, and restructu- NARAIN what the Adani its attention exclusively on the
the line the consequence could be a few crore rupees ed to a most outrageous conclu- red its operations, BATRA Group should marketplace, it might not pay made it known so many times that
in damages, and not a jail term of a year or two. The sion ~ a conclusion more politi- and has begun to rise have done and much heed to the non-market there is barely any money to fund
The writer, who is the author
same applies to news outlets that egregiously repeat cal than financial: “India’s future again. However, of INDIA IN A NEW KEY: NEHRU needs to do ur- environment in which it is basic public services even if, for exam-
these statements. is being held back by the Adani keeping in mind the
TO MODI, is affiliated with the
Diplomacy and International gently. embedded, and consequently, it ple, it can afford to send nonessential
Group, which has draped itself in news media’s inten- Program at the Norwich Uni-
versity Graduate College. He
* A company that might unwittingly ignore what- staff on overseas trips.
the Indian flag while systemati- se focus on the publishes the Freedom & is perceived as a ever dormant problems its early It’s the same story for bicycle
Force compromise cally looting the nation.” Under
US law, this accusatory state-
group, it needs to
rebuild its interna-
Geopolitics newsletter
and podcast
socially responsi-
ble good corpo-
warning surveillance system
lanes ~ advocates said the government
would need at least P14 billion to build

hought leaders in East Asia have stepped up ment may amount to “Actual tional reputation, rate citizen attr- The cost of neglect could be them across the country. This year’s
pressure for the ‘forced labour’ issue between Malice” or reckless disregard of which can be done with the tools acts talented people whose pres- very high, as the Adani Group has P700 million budget for the construc-
South Korea and Japan dating back to the lat- the truth or falsity of the infor- of modern corporate diplomacy. ence adds value to the company. realized. The top management tion of at least 470 kilometers worth of
ter’s occupation of the former at the beginning of mation. Today, all major global cor- * In the age of social media, com- was obsessed with the compa- lanes is but a mere 5 percent of the
There’s no evidence that the porations have competent cor- panies are under constant global ny’s market share value and its required budget to build a compre-
the 20th century to be resolved urgently. As great
Adani Group has retarded India’s porate diplomats who keep in scrutiny by NGOs and other civic leaders learned the hard way. hensive bicycle lane network.
power rivalry intensifies in East and North East Asia The construction of bike lanes has
economic growth or robbed the mind that one of the most impor- society and corporate activists Being heard when the noise is
and China emerges as the regional hegemon, South country. Or the port-to-cement tant corporate challenges of to- such as the Hindenburg Group. loud is difficult. become even more imperative over
Korean diplomat and former ambassador to the USA global conglomerate has pulled day is to make companies not * The news media is on the In the age of information the pandemic with an increase in the
Ahn Ho-young is among the leading voices arguing “The Largest Con In Corporate only financially successful, keep- prowl for “bad news” because overload, it is difficult to capture number of cyclists on the road.
that it is important for both Seoul and Tokyo to take History.” Research groups and ing the shareholders’ value in bad news makes good stories. media attention. It is important Because of the lack of protection for
steps to resolve the forced labour issue because the accounting firms are not news mind; but also make them beh- Consider this: The Financial for a corporate bridge-builder cyclists, there has been an increase in
costs of compromising will be more than offset by media companies, and they are ave as socially responsible cor- Times, Economist, The Wall diplomat to have a media strate- bicycle road crashes with an almost 50
the huge strategic gains for both sides. The least not protected by the First porate citizens. Street Journal, The New York gy, for example, on how to percent jump from 1,759 in 2019 to
problematic way to resolve the dilemma posed by Amendment. A failed company can be a Times, and other financial news- deal with negative news, and 2,606 in 2020.
Immediately following the social disaster regardless of the papers, instead of doing their which groups to focus on when In addition, based on the Metro-
the South Korean Supreme Court’s ruling in 2018 in politan Manila Development Authori-
attack, because of the global me- fact whether it is a socially resp- own research, simply began to responding to bad news. The
favour of Korean citizens rounded up to work for dia echo-chamber effect, the onsible corporate citizen or not. parrot Hindenburg’s accusations. Adani Group was not ready for ty’s (MMDA) most recent available
Japanese firms during the occupation, he suggests, Adani Group lost billions and so At the same time, a financially If the Adani Group was indulging bad news, regardless of its data, there were 2,397 bicycle-related
would be for the governments and industries of both did Gautam Adani himself. But it successful company may not be in “brazen stock manipulation authenticity. road crashes on the metropolis’ dan-
countries to create a fund to provide third-party wasn’t a bubble bust. The Adani able to sustain its competitive and accounting fraud scheme The public is rather distrust- gerous roads in 2021 and 33 of these
compensation for the victims of forced labour on Group’s setback had no signifi- position in the global market- over the course of decades,” how ful of the corporate world today. were fatal.
behalf of the defendant Japanese companies. Mean- cant effect on the $3.2 trillion In- place without building and sus- is it that these mighty and power- Many companies spin tales to co- It’s not only bike lanes. Pavements
while, since he took office in May 2022, South Korean dian stock market, one of the five taining its reputation as a good ful media outlets did not know? ver their tracks, though most of also have to be safe and walkable for
President Yoon Suk-yeol has articulated his concern most vibrant stock markets in the corporate citizen. This is an example of lazy jour- the information about them is pedestrians for road systems to be
world. Nor did global investors To build a broad base of nalism; or echo-chamber jour- already available on the Internet. more inclusive to all users. How many
at the challenge to the post-World War II rules-based
lose faith in India. The worldwide support for its activities and to nalism. Trust can be built through reaso- pedestrians have been involved in
international order. South Korea’s Indo-Pacific strat- accidents because of poorly construct-
conglomerate’s operations, maintain its brand and social The first task of a corporate nable transparency, even though
egy released in December 2022 made it clear that to which employ more than 23,000 reputation, a global company diplomat is to change the mind- a company might never be able ed sidewalks, that is if they exist at all?
prevent the disruption of the world order, South people, stand on a solid founda- such as the Adani Group must do set of the top leadership about to please all its critics. In the absence of sidewalks,
Korea would need to work with its closest neighbour, tion and include port manage- bridge-building diplomacy. how, in the long run, social res- A corporate bridge-builder pedestrians are forced to walk right on
Japan. In fact, the three new strategic documents ~ ment, electric power, mining, The first step in doing cor- ponsibility and sustainability pol- diplomat should know how the street where they are more at risk
National Security Strategy, National Defence Strate- renewable energy, airport oper- porate bridge-building is to ask icy can contribute to the compa- much transparency is strategical- of being sideswiped or run over by
gy, and Defence Build-up Programme ~ released by ations, oil and gas, food process- the question: Who are we? The ny’s financial strength. ly necessary without compromis- passing vehicles. MMDA’s data show
Tokyo around the same time as the Korean Indo- ing, and infrastructure. answer will embody the mission, The inward-looking perfor- ing the company’s integrity and there were 2,122 cases of hit and
Pacific strategy showed just how convergent both The Indian government did the reason for being there, apart mance-oriented corporate cul- endangering its trade secrets. run/hitting a pedestrian in 2021, and
not buy into the myth that the from creating wealth and pros- ture of a company must be cha- For the Adani Group to rise almost five percent or 104 of these
countries’ strategic and economic interests are. were fatal.
Adani Group was too big to fail; perity which is the foundation of nged to factor in the impact of its and shine and compete as a glob-
Against this backdrop, Seoul has in recent times and let it struggle on its own. Fin- capitalism. performance on the external en- al company, it must redefine its Budget is not the only excuse for
prioritised addressing the dilemma over the forced ancial institutions stood by the To answer the above ques- vironment. mission statement that should the lack of safety measures. The
labour issue while taking steps to manage the Adani Group. But Hindenburg by tion operationally, the following The mission must embrace answer: Who are we? What are nonobservance of safety regulations
domestic blowback. President Yoon deputed his For- short-selling the Adani Group points should be kept in mind: the entire supply chain, includ- we doing and why? has claimed many lives.
eign Minister to personally meet and hear out the
views of the victims of forced labour and their fami-
lies, and to reassure them that their pain had not LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
been forgotten. This was followed up by President
Yoon visiting Japan in March to meet Japanese Prime

Learning ability
gressing at an unprecedented rate
Minister Fumio Kishida ~ which was the first meet-
in various fields, but the formal
ing in Japan between the two countries’ leaders in education system is yet to be
twelve years. On the forced labour issue, Mr Yoon updated to keep pace.
said that Seoul would try to compensate the victims Several Western countries
through the suggested third-party fund and would SIR, Apropos the article “Educa- were brought in the field of educa- have introduced the concept of
not seek reimbursement from defendant Japanese tion in Retreat” by Devendra Sak- tion in India, the first was open learning and examination so
companies. Mr Kishida agreed to address Tokyo’s sena (11 April 2023), a quick evalu- Macaulay’s Minute on Indian Edu- that the concepts can be under-
ban on the export of materials to Korean semicon- ation of the Indian education sys- cation (1835) and the second was stood by learners rather than mere
ductor manufacturers but did not go any further tem will give us a glimpse of the the Wood’s dispatch of 1854. rote learning.
than his predecessors on the forced labour past ~ that Indians from the time Wood’s dispatch is considered to Emphasis should be laid on
of establishment of Nalanda and be the “Magna Carta” of the Eng- the development of mental cogni-
issue/third-party fund. The volatile situation on the Taxila were fond of learning with lish education system in India as tion. Learning ability is more im-
Korean Peninsula given North Korea’s highly unpre- specific interest in Mathematics it was followed by the setting up of portant than specific and limited
dictable behaviour and China’s ominous behind- and Physical Sciences. new institutions like the Universi- knowledge for modern India.
the-scenes presence make it necessary for East Asia’s During the British East India ties of Calcutta, Bombay & Madras Yours, etc., Saikat Acharya,
most affluent democracies to bury the past. company’s reign, two reforms in 1857. Now, the world is pro- Durgapur, 16 April.
Power of the PM’s words

The question of providing a stadium
SANJANA GOYAL With over three decades of my to accommodate the crowds that assem-
association with this sector and being ble to watch matches during the football
on the wheel chair myself, I have season has been before the Calcutta public
observed that the nation faces certain for over a decade, but nothing has hitherto
pressing challenges when it comes to been done, and every year the need has
divyangjans. The three most crucial grown greater. It has been generally sup-
ones are unproductivity, education posed that the Indian Football Association
and accessibility. However, in the past was unable to move in the matter owing to
decade, a paradigm shift has been the attitude of the police and the military
seen in the country under the vision- authorities. But Mr. Justice Greaves, pre-
ary leadership of our Prime Minister. siding at the annual meeting of the Asso-
With the vision of ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka ciation on Wednesday, said that the late
Vikas’, the launch of the Accessible Commissioner of Police had actually
India Campaign, on 3 December 2015, approached him with a suggestion that the
was a necessary step taken in the permission of the Government of India
direction of providing equal opportu- should be obtained for the erection of a
nity to persons with disabilities to par- stadium in the Eden Gardens. The site is
ticipate in all aspects of life and live one which the police would naturally
independently. favour, because it is easy of access from
But along with this Government all directions, so that the control of traffic
policy, it was equally necessary to ini- is facilitated. It has the further advantage
The writer - seen in the photograph - is
President, Indian Institute of Muscular
tiate a change in the narrative around of lying outside the accepted glacis of the
Dystrophy. This article has inputs from
such people or as I like to call it, “Mass Fort. The Government of India replied that
the National Centre for Promotion of Advocacy for Behaviour Change”. it was not within their power to grant the
Employment for Disabled People. Today after seven years of that radio to the fore by him in his radio address. increase accessibility for divyangjans, sharing stories of courage and initia- desired permission, suggesting instead
address, the change in the attitude of Take for example Muscular Dystro- the approach of ‘Reasonable Accom- tives, and there is no better platform that the Indian Football Association
people towards persons with disabili- phy, an inherited disorder that causes modation’ to create a level playing field than ‘Mann Ki Baat’ to initiate this should themselves "get busy." Does it

n 2015, Prime Minister Narendra ties is quite apparent in society. ‘Mann progressive loss of muscle mass, for divyangjans in the workplace, and idea. The choice of 11 as the symbolic mean that the Association may build its
Modi had a unique suggestion for ki Baat’ connects our Prime Minister which was highlighted in the 95th promoting a substantial market oppor- date signifies the concept that small stadium wherever it chooses, without
the listeners of ‘Mann ki Baat’- “I directly with the masses where he episode of Mann Ki Baat aired on 27 tunity for potential startups and inno- efforts when combined can yield sig- obtaining anybody's permission? Mr. Jus-
thought that we call or know peo- speaks extensively about the cause November 2022, where the Prime vators to enter the Assistive Touch (AT) nificant outcomes. Thus, every contri- tice Greaves expressed the hope that no
ple as handicapped since they are and this generates energy for individ- Minister talked about our institute, sector with its demand on the rise. bution towards promoting disability difficulties would be raised by the new
lacking in some ways in terms of their uals and organizations to work more Indian Association of Muscular Dys- India's presidency of the G20 with rights and inclusion is valuable and Commissioner of Police, and thereon the
body structure or whose organs do not in their respective areas. It has helped trophy that worked wonders in the theme "One Earth - One Family - should be acknowledged. Association appointed a sub-committee
function properly. However, when we change public perception about per- spreading awareness around the dis- One Future" presents an opportunity I am looking forward to the to consider the matter.
interact with them, we realize sons with disabilities across sectors, ease. Although there is a long, long to prioritize the inclusion of individu- upcoming 100th episode of ‘Mann Ki
that…God has bestowed upon them be it media, education or sports, for way to go, the renewed interest in the als with disabilities in discussions sur- Baat’ and to hear our Prime Minister’s NEWS ITEMS
some different power which we can- which several Paralymians have even lives and rights of persons with dis- rounding growth and development. words of wisdom on various issues of
not see with our eyes, but it is only
when we see them working that we
thanked the Prime Minister.
From inviting ideas for innova-
abilities is what will take us to newer
heights of success.
This would position India as a global
leader in promoting inclusivity and
national importance. I am confident
that the steps taken by the Govern- RUMOURED
realise their talent. So, I thought why
not use the term ‘Divyang’ instead of
tion that may assist the divyangjan to
increasing awareness regarding the
As this transformative ‘Mann Ki
Baat’ programme is reaching an impor-
accessibility - a noble goal to aim for as
India approaches its centenary. To this
ment, that are instilling a ‘Can Do’
attitude in all of us, will continue to
‘viklang’ in our country.”
This was the start of a revolution-
existing initiatives and policies for
them, the Prime Minister frequently
tant milestone of 100 episodes on 30
April 2023. I am hopeful that this plat-
end, it is suggested that a year-long
campaign be implemented wherein
be talked about and featured in and
through ‘Mann Ki Baat’ so that the
ary approach towards inclusivity and utilises the platform of ‘Mann ki Baat’ form will be an important medium to the 11th of every month is designated whole country can be filled with The report of the trouble in Keng-
accessibility in the field of disability and to not let the light go out on this realize the vision of an inclusive India, as a "Special Day for Disability." This enthusiasm for building an inclusive taung State is founded on a meeting held
I can confidently say that this is the important subject. Even the smallest even in times to come. Some of the day would be an occasion to com- India, fulfilling the ‘Panch Pran’ given by certain subordinate headmen of that
power of this medium, which the Prime of innovative and inspiring initiatives important subjects that require more memorate, celebrate, and support per- by the Prime Minister, as we walk into State, in which they are stated to have
Minister has realised and internalised. being taken in the country are brought awareness are ‘Universal Design’ to sons with disabilities by offering jobs, ‘Amrit Kaal’. framed representations asking to be put
directly under the British administration,
and to be no longer under the jurisdiction

Exposing imperialist machinations

of the Kengtaung Sawbwa. No trouble in
anticipated but the Sawbwa who was on a
visit to Rangoon after the first meeting of
the Advisory Council of the Shan States
Federation, is believed to be on his way
back to Kengtaung. Mr. Grahame, Super-
MAHIR ALI intendent, Southern Shan States, who had
gone down to Rangoon to meet Mrs. Gra-

ast month, Daniel Ellsberg, hame, who was arriving by the Bibby
announced that he had been steamer which reached Rangoon on April
diagnosed with terminal can- 15; is also returning to his headquarters in
cer and given just a few the ordinary course.
months to live. At 91, he decided
against any treatment and said he
would willingly enter hospice care FIGHTING
whenever necessary. Coincidentally,
a week or so earlier, the 98-year-old VILLAGERS UNITE
Jimmy Carter, one of the relatively less Inter-sectional fighting has broken
reprehensible former US presidents in out among the Zazud Khel Afridis of the
recent decades, had made a similar Kohat Pass, and the central villages imme-
announcement. diately abutting on the Kohat Pass road,
Unlike Carter, though, a half-cen- which normally teem with representatives
tury ago Ellsberg was designated “the of every clan on the frontier, who flock
most dangerous man in America” by thither to buy or sell rifles and ammuni-
none other than Henry Kissinger — tion, have lately worn a strangely deserted
who turns 100 next month but, as far appearance. The contending factions live
as anyone knows, hasn’t contemplat- in two portions of the same village which
ed entering a hospice. He has also are separated only by a narrow alleyway
avoided prosecution as a war criminal and the extreme range between their tow-
in the 50 years since his stint as ers is scarcely a couple of hundred yards.
national security adviser and secretary The slightest sign of movement immedi-
of state in the Nixon and Ford admin- ately draws fire. A tower belonging to one
istrations. faction was successfully mined and blown
His antipathy towards Ellsberg up by the other a few nights ago, the
back in 1971 was triggered by the lat- debris falling partly across the pass along
ter’s leaking of what became known which however normal traffic by day con-
as The Pentagon Papers. That collec- tinues unmolested.
tion of documents added up to a dev- of fellow whistleblowers, such as might be fake. US sources have hinted mous Dulles brothers conceded that of the American empire, and some of
astating critique of American aggres-
sion against Vietnam. It essentially
Julian Assange, Edward Snowden,
Chelsea Manning and Reality Winner.
that some of the statistics might have
been manipulated, but the broad
the United States had no friends — it
only had interests. In contemporary
the details in the documents are
undoubtedly intriguing. None of this, BATTLE ON EDGE
revealed that the political and military
elites had continued to pour
I doubt whether he would count Jack
Teixeira, the 21-year-old taken into
thrust of the revelations seems gen-
uine. What sets them apart from The
terms, that could be translated as an
acknowledgement that America
however, should distract any attention
from the campaign to liberate Assange, OF ABYSS
resources, including young American custody last Thursday, as a member Pentagon Papers and WikiLeaks’ Iraq prefers willing vassals over potentially who has languished in Britain’s Bel- A Body of Irregulars, entrapped in a
flesh and blood, into the Indochinese of the tribe. The Massachusetts air War Files is the focus on current fickle allies. Emmanuel Macron marsh prison for four years because of cave on the wildest part of the Irish coast
quagmire despite knowing that the national guardsman apparently had strategies and future plans rather than recently attracted considerable flak an Ame-rican extradition attempt that near Causeway in North Kerry are desper-
war was unwinnable. little interest in stirring the pot. past deeds. from his European neighbours for say- could potentially lead to a 175-year ately resisting capture. The cave was
The documents were not direct- Teixeira was merely trying to To a considerable extent, they ing, following a visit to Beijing during prison term, effectively a death sen- approached by Free State troops by a pre-
ly related to the incumbent Nixon impress fellow members of the Thug tend to confirm suspicions rather which he avoided making a song and tence. The WikiLeaks co-founder’s cipitous path, with a yawning chasm
administration, whose election had Shaker Central war gaming social than offer earth-shaking revelations. dance about the fate of Taiwan, that ‘crime’ is his role in exposing the inner underneath. The Free State soldiers
been facilitated by the Tricky Dicky media group on the Discord platform. After all, anyone who has been fol- an alliance with the US did not make workings of the American imperialist entered a crevice and tried to remove the
campaign’s successful efforts to per- Although his access to the secret doc- lowing the news ought not to be par- France a vassal state. Some of the machine, in its own words. barricade which the rebels had erected,
suade the puppet government in uments he posted online was legiti- ticularly surprised to learn that more gung-ho commentators have Teixeira may not qualify as a mem- but were fired on from the cave. One of
Sai-gon to shun the Johnson admin- mate, he must have known it wasn’t Ukrainian air defences are less than singled out the French president as a ber of the pantheon of worthy and well- them was mortally wounded and one of
istration’s pe--ace initiative in 1968. legal to share them. The available evi- solid, or that there are disputes within 21st-century Neville Chamberlain, intentioned whistleblowers, but his their officers was seriously injured. The
The war went on for another seven dence suggests he is, at best, an inad- the Russian military hierarchy, or albeit without any criticism of his far actions serve as a reminder that some- latter and two comrades were hauled up
years, expanding into vertent whistleblower. even that the US routinely spies on more troubling neoliberal tendencies times even stupidity can serve a useful to safety by soldiers on the top of the cliff
Ca--m--bodia and exacerbating the The documents eventually found the governments of some of its closest in the domestic sphere. purpose in laying bare the machina- by means of ropes, under a heavy fire
conflict in Laos. their way on to the wider internet, allies — from Ukraine to South Korea Future historians might have tions of latter-day imperialism. from the cave. Attempts to dislodge the
Over the past decade or so, Ells- promptly followed by suggestions and Israel. cause to cite the Teixeira leaks as a garrison by smoke bombs, machinegun
berg has been vociferously supportive from both Kyiv and Moscow that they A long time ago, one of the infa- minor milestone in the decline and fall Dawn/ANN. and rifle fire have so far proved unsuc-


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
ACROSS 14 Crest removed 26 Engineer from 3 Set off and 15 Very severe
8 9 from sweet piece America rounding attempted to tour restrictions and MADRAS, APR. 19
YESTERDAY'S SOLUTION of jewellery St. Lucia and heading the eastern part of punishments The Madras Government have issued
10 11 1 Town memorably
manufacturing a pie
(7) for Ecuador Augsburg, Germany (9) orders sanctioning the Tuticorin Harbour
A B S E I L S HUD SON 16 Musical biopic (9) (9) 17 Volunteers turning Scheme. The Government are assured by
A A E T O U B (6,7) produced in Australia 27 Muse are making a 4 Dark and almost up, here and now
12 13 S K A T E S H A L L OWE D 10 Rebel army leads (7) comeback, then monstrous at heart (2,7) the Harbour Engineer that the cost of the
intelligence in retreat 18 Woman from Kigali cancel tour (5) 19 Examiner in car scheme will not exceed Rs. 40 lakhs. The
from Baghdad
managed extra staff halfway through 5 Complete plan company faces rising Port Conservancy Board has already to its
14 15 16 17 A A I S I (7) (5) for banking corruption credit a sum of Rs. 3 lakhs and the Gov-
11 They’re woolly and
I N F R A D I G G L OB E 20 After excellent 28 Film’s novel agreement (9) (7)
are horribly greasy glass of beer, starting point? 6 Burn British and 21 Person used to drink ernment believe that, so far as the future
18 19 20 21 P L A I N O L I V EOY L
on the outside finish off a shot? (13) foreign currency (5) wine very early in the can be foreseen, it should be quite possi-
L S F N R 12 Hash dealer almost
(7) 7 Type of film seen in day (7) ble to finance the scheme with the even-
S P R Y T I F F S P AGE gets sent down
22 Ascetic, dispirited
one art gallery (7) 23 I’m a male with tual tonnage rate of about one rupee. The
22 23 24 25 A R O B A R Hindu leaving India 8 Actor enters without universal, elevated
(9) (5) 2 Report written brother and grandma taste (5) Harbour Engineer will be requested to
13 In Japan, no doctor 24 Men got led out up about (6,7) 25 On account of two revise and bring up to date, his estimate as
starts to access
26 27 CR E D I T MY CRO F T medical archives
for military independent 9 Two idiots initiating people performing early as possible, to make out a detailed
occupation web business one state shooting, together, love estimate for the first year's working and
(5) (9) perhaps (13) ensues! (3,2)
to work out the programme showing how
the whole estimate can be spread over a
NOTE: Figures in parentheses denote the number of letters in the words required. (By arrangement with The Independent, London)
period of five years.
=4F34;78kC7DAB30H k0?A8; !!!"


UPRTQ^^ZR^\SPX[h_X^]TTak /CWT3PX[h?X^]TTak X]bcPVaP\R^\SPX[h_X^]TTa



change. The episodes of pro-
DFFRXQW EURDGHU YLHZVµ RI YDULRXV VHFWLRQV 7KH which have been seen across the
&HQWUH·VVWDQGLVTXLWHUHDVRQDEOH:KLOHWKH&-,PD\ continents, should leave none in
mate change. This is no more
$FFRUGLQJWRD*DOOXSVWXG\OHVVWKDQSHUFHQW of us to fight the demon with all
our might.
,QWHUHVWLQJO\RQO\RQHLQ/*%7DGXOWV³ leading role in protecting the
VH[VSRXVH,QWKH6XSUHPH&RXUWGHFULPL life is in sync with the environ-
ment. Trees have been wor-
ODZNQRZQDV6HFWLRQRIWKH,QGLDQ3HQDO&RGH have been part of Indian culture,
without nature. Thus, Prime
due respect. down the rising temperature. Bhupender Yadav has strong- sions.
LQVLQXDWLQJDJDLQVWWKHDSH[FRXUW2QWKHLVVXHRIVDPHVH[PDUULDJHWKRXJKLW Prime Minister Modi in his There is a greater aware- ly raised the Indian voice in the The International Solar
KDVGHFLGHGWRSXWLWVIRRWGRZQ³DQGULJKWO\VR6D\LQJWKDW6WDWHVDQG8QLRQ7HUULWRULHV address to the World Bank’s pro- ness of the effects of climate global forums where he has Alliance, headquartered in
VKRXOGEHKHDUGEHIRUHGHFLGLQJSHWLWLRQVVHHNLQJOHJDOUHFRJQLWLRQRIVDPHVH[PDU gramme on ‘Making it personal: change among the people. highlighted that India has India, is equally playing the
ULDJHVWKH&HQWUHKDVILOHGDIUHVKDIILGDYLWLQIRUPLQJWKH6XSUHPH&RXUWWKDWLWKDV How behavioural change can One-third of Pakistan was taken several actions in the last role of a catalyst to accelerate
tackle climate change’ made force- ravaged by the super floods last few years to demonstrate the the efforts for the energy tran-
EHJXQDFRQVXOWDWLYHSURFHVVZLWK6WDWHVDQG87VRQWKHVXEMHFW,WKDVXUJHGWKH ful arguments to take climate year, which swept away a large actionable agenda for the sition. India is on course to
FRXUWWRZDLWWLOOWKHSURFHVVLVRYHU7KH&HQWUHVDLGWKDW´LWLVFOHDUWKDWWKHULJKWV action to the dinner table. This by number of people, infrastruc- world. For instance, India has source most of its energy
RIWKH6WDWHVHVSHFLDOO\WKHULJKWWROHJLVODWHRQWKHVXEMHFWZLOOEHDIIHFWHGE\DQ\ all accounts is the most logical ture, and livestock in its spate. acted with speed in the mass needs from renewable sources.
GHFLVLRQRQWKHVXEMHFWµ,WLVDYDOLGSRLQW'HFULPLQDOLVDWLRQRIJD\VH[ZDVUHYR action in the battle against climate The aftermath of the super adoption of LED lights for sav- Farmers have also shown
change. floods is still being seen in ing energy. India has already greater interest in solar pump-
OXWLRQDU\HQRXJKWRWDNHDVWHSIXUWKHUZLWKLQDVSDQRIILYH\HDUVVPDFNVRILPSD Individual ownership of cli- Pakistan in the form of the distributed 37 crore LED bulbs ing sets, which is also support-
WLHQFHRQWKHSDUWRIWKHSHWLWLRQHUV7KH*RYWLVFRUUHFWLQVHHNLQJZLGHUDQJLQJGLD mate change—which affects all food crisis, and the Islamic to the people, which will help ed by the Central scheme.
ORJXHRYHUWKHLVVXH without discriminating on country had to import wheat 8=38070B in cutting down 3.9 billion Additionally, villages are now
income, caste, creed, religion,
nationality and class—is the need
from Russia recently. A num-
ber of rivers in China and 0;F0HB?;0H430 tonnes of carbon emissions.
India has been making intense
going solar, and the people in
the rural areas are now even
?82D1<; of the hour. In fact, the
International Energy Agency in a
Latin America had died as a
consequence of climate
;4038=6A>;48= efforts in energy conservation,
as the effects of the combined
making an additional income
by selling the surplus solar
report has stated that 75 individ- change. ?A>C42C8=6C74 efforts will be seen in the sav- power in the open market.
ual actions can help cut down
almost two billion tonnes of car-
In this context, PM Modi
has given leadership to the 4=E8A>=<4=C ing of 22 billion power units.
Agriculture is a critical
India has demonstrated
that behavioural changes can
bon emissions by 2030. Global South, and the develop- C748=380=F0H sector where modern ways of make substantial contribu-
Therefore, PM Modi rightly ing nations, and has come to farming are needed to acceler- tions to achieving the global
said that we must eliminate food a crucial stage. The devel- >5;8548B8=BH=2 ate climate change goals. Over tasks on climate change. The
waste from the dining table. The
call is timely, as 15 billion tonnes
oped world must commit to its
share of responsibility with F8C7C74 seven lakh hectares of farm-
land are now covered under
people in India have now
shown that they are steps
of food get wasted annually all adequate funding for climate 4=E8A>=<4=C micro-irrigation, made possi- ahead in adapting to climate-
across the world. Here, Mission mitigation efforts in develop- ble by the targeted execution appropriate practices for the
LiFE, launched jointly by PM ing and poor countries. With CA44B70E4144= of the Central schemes and the well-being of the global com-
Modi and the UN General
Secretary in October 2022, is a
the Indian G20 presidency, the
voices of the Global South have F>AB78?438= greater awareness among the
farmers to adopt the best prac-
munity. India is truly living the
guiding philosophy of
timely intervention in effecting gained prominence on critical 8=3805>A064B tices. The Indian farmers have ‘Vasudhev Kutumbkam (the
the necessary behavioural issues, including climate set examples for the world by world is one family)’.
changes to achieve the national- change. taking measures that are in (Author is the national gener-
ly committed goals to cut down Minister of Environment, sync with the global demand al secretary of the Bharatiya
emissions to help the world bring Forest and Climate Change to cut down carbon emis- Janata Party)

0Ra^fTSUP]Rh1PiPPaX]6dfPWPcX8]SXPWPbbda_PbbTS2WX]Pc^QTR^\TcWTf^a[Sb\^bc_^_d[^db]PcX^] ?C8 ;4CC4AB C>C C74438C>A

Sir — Relevant to Atiq Ahmed and his
brother Ashraf killing the shooters, two of
whom are in their early twenties and the \P]SPc^ah_a^RTbb^UXST]cXUhX]VP]SeTaXUhX]V

third who is only eighteen years old, have cWTR[XT]cbXST]cXchfWT]^_T]X]VP]PRR^d]cP]S
told police that they murdered the Ahmed _TaX^SXRP[[h ^eTa cX\T 8] ^cWTa f^aSb QP]Zb
siblings in order to 'make a name' for them- \dbc\PZTbdaTcWPccWTXaR[XT]cbPaTVT]dX]T
455@1;;E=1B970 selves in the criminal world. The ease with [hfW^cWThR[PX\c^QT6^8P]SA18SXaTRcX^]
which they were able to murder the pair c^ cWT 1P]Zb U^a :H2 d_SPcX^] ^U cWTXa R^]
µ5DMDQNL0DKL¶DVOLPQRYHOE\%6&KDXKDQ,WLVDWDOHRIVXUYLYDOD indicates serious lapses on the part of the
escorting cops. The assailants had an easy
PD]HRIWULXPSKVDQGGHIHDWOLJKWDQGGDUNQHVV time because of police laxity. The killings \P]h Ud]RcX^]PaXTb Pc cWT QaP]RW [TeT[ [TPeTb
had an air of inevitability about them; it was \dRWc^QTSTbXaTSCWTVdXST[X]TbPaTcaXTSc^
or someone who’s spent ple, became possible not words than trying out literary just a question of how would they pull the QTU^[[^fTSX]cWT[TccTa^][hP]S]^cX]b_XaXc

F little over four decades

in Indian bureaucracy, B.
S. Chauhan is not your typi-
because she and her mother
have been beneficiaries of
state largesse. Rather, the
At the end of the book,
Chauhan contends that the
trigger quicker than the UP cops. The
state's recent spate of police encounters and
extrajudicial killings must be investigated. C
^a 4[TRca^]XR :]^f H^da 2[XT]c ^a T:H2 Xb P
cal public servant. As a career opposite is true. At the tender full documentation of Mahi’s Police, emboldened by an apparent trigger- RWTPcTSX]cWT]P\T^U:H2:H2\TP]b:]^f _a^RTbb fWTaTX] cWT Rdbc^\Tab XST]cXch P]S
bureaucrat, he took up a age of 10, at the behest of life is “still incomplete” as if happy government, have opened the H^da2dbc^\TaP]Sb^\TcX\Tb:]^fH^da2[XT]c PSSaTbb PaT eTaXUXTS T[TRca^]XRP[[h cWa^dVW
broad range of roles in his Rajan, she was packed off to announcing a sequel to this floodgates to a vicious circle of killings. As 1P]Zb\PhaTUdbTc^^_T]P]PRR^d]c^aWP[cP 0PSWPPaPdcWT]cXRPcX^]fWXRWXb8]SXPb]PcX^]
vastly long and illustrious a private boarding school in book is in the making. At one a result, gangsters are fiercely competing QdbX]TbbaT[PcX^]bWX_XUcWTR[XT]cUPX[bc^\TTc P[QX^\TcaXRT83bRWT\T
career. It is, however, Dehradun, where she was point, Mahi contemplates the for 'glory and fame'. This is a concerning \X]X\d\:H2aT`dXaT\T]cb:H2RWTRZXbcWT 2:BD1A0<0=80<k<d\QPX
Chauhan’s engagement with introduced to a new world people who truly held her turn of events. The judiciary and the Centre
Hindi literature that adds a that was far removed from her hand and walked with her on must strongly advise the UP & other state
whole new dimension to his provincial upbringing. the journey of life. Secularism, governments to change their ways and work together to check Chinese expansion 25, Mamatadi’s Government will become
personality. As a beguiling There are, of course, Mahi realises, made it possi- uphold the rule of law. in the region. Kaada - da- da-whoosh ( an expression
observer of contemporary he could recently translate his many dramatic and dark ble, and people of all faiths Vijaykumar H K| Raichur Of course, promoting democracy and implying collapse). How can a Union
life, he published his debut novel into English himself. turns of events in the book, shared her grief and happi- human rights remains an important part Minister talk about a conspiracy to topple
short stories collection, Beti Rajan ki Mahi is a com- interwoven into the main ness along the way and her life 2E<<I@E<@9D of U.S. foreign policy, and there are certain- a fully elected State Government? Both
ko Talashti Ankhein, (Eyes in ing-of-age story of a young story plot, such as, being sex- has been a “confluence and Sir — The use of the "bully pulpit" to lec- ly times when using the bully pulpit to Modi and Amit Shah, are always in an elec-
Search of the Daughter) way girl called Mahi who blos- ually abused as a child, her convergence of four largest ture other countries on democracy and speak out on these issues can be effective. tion mode. Previously kings used to annex
back in 2010, which was soms into womanhood, and infatuation with her physical religions of the world.” human rights can indeed undermine However, it is important to be strategic in the neighbouring states by indulging in
described by a fellow writer as despite temporary setbacks, education teacher at school, Rajan ki Mahi is a tale of America's foreign policy goals in some how we use this platform and to recognise wars. Now the BJP in the same way as kings
a visual treat akin to a “film achieves tremendous success coming to terms with her sex- survival, a maze of triumphs cases. While the U.S. has a long history of that there are often competing priorities want to annex opposition-ruled states.This
on paper”. Sure, real life can in her professional career. uality, figuring out the differ- and defeat, trust and deceit, promoting democracy and human rights and considerations that must be taken into is a dangerous trend in democracy.
be stranger than fiction, and These personal achievements ent kinds of love and discov- truth and falsehood, light around the world, it is important to rec- account when formulating foreign policy. PM Modi is yet to answer questions
it is perhaps this projection of became possible not because ering for herself the genuine and darkness. In this respect, ognize that other countries have their own Amarjeet kumar | Hazaribagh like the Pulwama and Adani controversy.
reality and spontaneous sto- of her hard work and sense of bonds between adults, as well the novel is an exploration of unique cultural, historical, and political PM is trying to respond to the crisis with
rytelling in Chauhan’s work duty alone, but because she as, between an adult and a the real conditions of real contexts, and may not always be receptive ?@5B1D9?><?DEC9>25>71< his chosen weapon - silence. Amit Shah is
that engulfs his readers with was, by sheer luck, surround- child. This slim and readable people. That, in our hum- to external pressure or criticism. Sir — Prime Minister Narendra Modi had a Home minister who never talks about
a sense of déjà vu. ed by a small circle of well- novel is an example of real life drum existence, we can still Furthermore, relying too heavily on claimed that 40 Trinamool Congress deteriorating law and order in BJP-ruled
Like his short stories, his wishers — particularly Rajan, where things can happen to find action, ingenuity and cre- moralistic posturing and lectures can MLAs were in touch with him and will- states. The double-engine sarkar in UP
recent part-autobiographical who provided constant men- anyone, a familiar setting ativity more than what we’d make it harder for the U.S. to build strong lead to fall of TMC after Lotus blooms in became lawless and encountered Raj. But
and part-fiction novel, Rajan torship. we’ve heard of all the time. discover in real life, provided alliances and partnerships with other the state. PM stooped too low and talked Amit Shah never uttered a single word
Ki Mahi (Mahi’s Rajan), med- Rajan ki Mahi positively This realism at once makes we seek out. And the message countries, particularly in regions like Asia openly about horse trading and toppling about UP in which alleged gangsters were
itatively focuses on issues demonstrates that mentoring Rajan ki Mahi graphic and is direct: to achieve one’s where there is growing concern about the elected Government. Now Amit Shah killed by a third party and he is maintain-
confronting the girl child and is as critical a component as evocative. Chauhan’s writing dream, one has to remain China's rising power and influence. Instead went ahead and predicted about Mamata ing stoic silence about it.
women in India. The author new opportunities for the style is direct and simple, and focused. of simply lecturing other countries, the U.S. Banerjee Government will fall. It is really Zakir Hussain | Kazipet
has been particularly sensitive youths to be able to take he is more interested in get- (The writer is a special may be better served by working to build disgusting that a Home Minister in a rally
to women's marginalisation. advantage of demographic ting the points across to the correspondent with the a multilateral coalition of countries that says" In 24 give us 35 seats. I am telling you, BT]Shh^daUUTTSQPRZcc^)
It is to Chauhan’s credit that India. Mahi’s feat, for exam- reader with the economy of Pioneer) share its values and interests, and that can there will be no need for 25, even before [TccTabc^_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\
=4F34;78kC7DAB30H k0?A8; !!!"

gggTQY\i`Y_^UUbS_] UPRTQ^^ZR^\SPX[h_X^]TTak /CWT3PX[h?X^]TTak X]bcPVaP\R^\SPX[h_X^]TTa




GHSHQGHQWRQLUULJDWLRQV\VWHPVVLQFHWKHVRLOZDVIHUWLOHDQGSURGXFHG ur politicians love grandilo- of Environment, Forest and Climate The cacophony on saving the earth, cities and towns?
O quence, especially on grand,
esoteric subjects like climate
change and sustainable devel-
opment goals. Such subjects
offer them opportunities to embark on
flights of fancy and indulge in humbug. This
helps them look and sound good; this also
Change consulted to amend the
Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972,
was the True Conservation Alliance
Foundation. In its submission, the
foundation said, “India is perhaps
the only country on earth where
farmers are prevented and inhibit-
climate change, etc., is directly pro-
portional to the rise in the air qual-
ity index (AQI) in cities, the toxic-
ity of rivers, the growth of slums and
unauthorized colonies, and the
ecological degradation of cities and
A news portal recently quoted
a member of an official expert com-
mittee as saying, “The activists are
self-proclaimed experts who don’t
have any scientific knowledge on the
subject, but they create a ruckus.
They take photos of animal catch-
diverts people’s attention from the elephant ed from protecting their crops, The third factor that has trans- ers and file frivolous complaints of
in the room—or the monkey on the bal- C74202>?7>=H livelihoods, and property as per the formed the national capital, its cruelty against them. So, the catch-
cony. stipulations of the Wildlife satellite towns, and many other parts ers don’t come. The same kind of
Consider the supreme irony: India, the >=B0E8=6C74 Protection Act 1972 that has put in of the country into the playgrounds pressure is built on the [govern-
world’s largest democracy, is the fastest-
growing major economy; it is able to
40AC72;8<0C4 place procedures for crop pest
management that are illogical,
of monkeys is animal rights activists;
in common parlance, they are
ment] agencies which want to ster-
ilise the monkeys, so they don’t par-
spend Rs 13.5 lakh crore on infrastructure 270=644C28B unsustainable, and practically referred to as just activists. They ticipate in the bidding process.”
development; it has been able to resist Paki- impossible or near impossible for a have appointed themselves as the Unsurprisingly, the tyranny of
stan’s jihadist ventures; it has the gumption 38A42C;H farmer to use to protect his liveli- saviours of animals whose rights activists continues and people suf-
to take on the much stronger China by join-
ing hands with the US, Japan, and Australia
?A>?>AC8>=0; hood.”
Further, “it is illegal for a farmer
must be protected at any cost—even
the human cost. Not a day passes
Monkeys have been terrorizing
KXPDQVDWWKDWWLPH6RWKHQZKDWFDXVHGWKHPDQWRGHVFHQGIURPVXFK (Quad); it is a globally recognized IT power C>C74A8B48= to even chase a wild boar, nilgai or when there is not a report of an Delhi-National Capital Region for
which is also making advances in latest tech- monkey off his land, let alone shoot attack by monkeys. decades. In 2007 October, a mon-
nologies; it was able to supply personal pro- 08A@D0;8CH it, even if it is destroying his crops The Government stated in key attacked Surinder Singh Bajwa,
tective equipment and vaccines to the entire
world during the worst phases of the Covid
8=34G0@88= and livelihood or posing a threat to
his life and livestock.” The plight of
Parliament long ago that over 1,900
cases of monkey bites were in
deputy mayor, resulting in his fall to
death. In that year, the Delhi High
FKDQJHG,QVWHDGRIUHYHULQJKHUDVDQHYHUEHVWRZLQJPRWKHUKHVWDUW pandemic. 28C84BC74 city dwellers has been little better 2015—that is, almost five persons Court, responding to a case filed by
HGWRH[SORLWKHUWRPHHWKLVLQVDWLDEOHGHVLUHV1RZZKHQVKHFDQWDNH But it cannot handle the monkey men- than that of farmers. And the pow- get bitten every day. Monkeys have the New Friends Colony Residents
QRPRUHQDWXUHLVUHYROWLQJWKURXJKVXFKFDODPLWLHVFDXVLQJPDVVLYHORVV ace. C>G828CH>5 ers that be have done nothing to even killed men, women, and chil- Welfare Association, ordered a ban
other buildings which house the most pow-
A8E4ABC74 improve the situation.
Even if anything good has been
dren. But when it comes to action
against monkeys, activists gang up
on feeding monkeys. The three
municipal corporations were autho-
erful Union ministries, not in the Supreme 6A>FC7>5 done for people in the Wild Life and stall that. A few years ago, the rised to find the violators.
Court and the High Court, not in or around (Protection, Amendment Act, 2022, government decided to arrange for A lot of solutions have been sug-
7KHSRLQWWREHQRWHGKHUHLVWKDWKXPDQQDWXUHLQIOXHQFHVDQGFUHDWHV the residences of the country’s most pow- B;D<B0=3 it is yet to translate into action. catching monkeys and shifting to gested, government committees
erful men and women, and certainly not
where the lesser mortals live and work.
D=0DC7>A8I43 But why blame only political
leaders? This brings us to the sec-
the forests identified for the purpose.
Activists torpedoed the project.
constituted, and court judgments
passed—to no avail. The main rea-
KXPDQVUHWXUQWRWKHLURULJLQDOQDWXUHRISHDFHSXULW\DQGORYHDQGFRQ The monkey menace continues to 2>;>=84BC74 ond reason: India’s thought leaders. They offer specious arguments; for son is that those who matter, politi-
grow because of three reasons. First and Always the first to import postmod- example, they blame humans, not cians and bureaucrats, have been
foremost is our political masters’ penchant 42>;>6820; ern pathologies from glamorous monkeys, as being intruders. apathetic to the plight of common
for claptrap, freebies, and sentimentalism.
They are convinced that rant and cant, along
346A030C8>= Western universities, they too are
more interested in saving the plan-
Monkeys are coming back to their
habitats, so there is nothing wrong
people—in fact, even to their own
plight. Monkeys, as we mentioned
7DNLQJDFXHIURPWKHZRUOGVFHQDULRLWLVKLJKWLPHWKDWKXPDQVHQGHDY with fantastic promises, have greater vote- >528C84B0=3 et than their immediate surround- about it—so goes the argument. earlier, terrorise even North Block
RXUWRFRQQHFWWKHPVHOYHVWRWKHLURULJLQDOQDWXUHRISXULW\DQGSHDFH7KLV catching potential than good governance. ings. Carbon footprints are sexy; This line of thinking is the product and South Block.
ZRXOGKHOSWKHPLQWUHDWLQJRWKHUVDQGWKHHQYLURQPHQWZLWKORYHDQGGLJ So, why bother about something as tedious E8;;064B cleaning the Yamuna is not. And and function of the fancy postmod- It is a case of systemic entropy.
QLW\DQGPDNHWKHPREHGLHQWWRQDWXUDOODZV+RZHYHULIKXPDQVFRQWLQ as, say, administrative and police reforms banishing monkeys from human ern, anti-humanism theories that It manifests in various ways. We
XHZLWKWKHLUSUHVHQWZD\VQDWXUHZLOOWDNHLWXSRQLWVHOIWRVHWWKLQJVULJKW when populist promises (however out- habitats is not just unsexy but also, infest Western academia, but that’s cannot tackle black swan events, so
landish) can help them enter high office? as we shall see, downright blasphe- another story. oxygen and medical facilities could-
VHFRORJLFDOEDODQFHDQGEULQJWKHHDUWKEDFNWRLWV Why do something substantive to make the mous in the salons where intellec- It is astonishing that few, if any, n’t be provided during the devastat-
RULJLQDOSXUHDQGERXQWLIXOVWDWHRQFHDJDLQXVKHULQJLQWKH*ROGHQ$JH environment better and the surroundings (The writer is Resident tuals lord over. in the political class have countered ing Delta wave of Covid-19. We can-
ZKHUHPDQDQGQDWXUHZLOOH[LVWLQFRPSOHWHKDUPRQ\%XWGRZHUHDOO\ of common people safe from wild animals Editor, The Pioneer, In short, our political and this pompous hoax: we, humans, not handle grey rhinos, so deadly
QHHGPRWKHUQDWXUHWRWXUQVRIXULRXV"&DQ·WZHVKRZVRPHDIIHFWLRQ when grandstanding on nebulous and Delhi. He is the author thought leaders are focused on have also intruded into the habitats smog engulfs north India with the
WRZDUGVRXUPRWKHUZKRKDVJLYHQXVVRPXFK" arcane notions like climate change and car- of There Is No Such baloney, events, and posturing. The of lions and tigers, cobras and onset of every winter.
:ULWHULVDVSLULWXDOHGXFDWRUSRSXODUFROXPQLVWIRUSXEOLFDWLRQV bon footprints suffice? Thing As Hate Speech, sharper their focus, the greater the pythons, so should these animals We cannot even handle mon-
DFURVV,QGLD1HSDO 8. One of the institutions that the Ministry Bloomsbury, 2017) degradation of the environment. also be allowed to roam freely in our keys.

veruse of antibiotics is options available for common antibiotics are a cure for all address this issue and prevent We regularly organize than 1600 nurses and 380

O a major contributor to
the rising threat of
antimicrobial resistance
infections, resulting in more
severe and longer-lasting ill-
nesses, and in some cases, can
types of illnesses, including
viral infections such as the flu
and diarrhoea, which antibi-
a potential public health crisis,
we need to increase awareness
about the dangers of overuse
campaigns to raise awareness
among the public and especial-
ly school teachers and stu-
doctors attended the pro-
gramme from all over India
and neighbouring countries.
(AMR). AMR occurs when even be life-threatening. AMR otics are ineffective against. of antibiotics and the impor- dents. Among many reasons We are now conducting the
bacteria, viruses, fungi, and can result in longer hospital This leads to the unnecessary tance of proper use. Healthcare for irrational prescribing, diag- 2nd batch of this course from
parasites become resistant to C1>755D1B70A<0 stays, the need for more expen- use of antibiotics, which in providers can play a vital role nostic uncertainties are com- April 10-14, 2023.
the drugs that were once able sive drugs, and more extensive turn increases the risk of in this by educating their bined with the non-availabil- The COVID-19 pandem-
to treat them. The overuse of medical procedures. Again, AMR. The dual threat of AMR patients about the appropriate ity or non-utilization of diag- ic has had a profound impact
antibiotics is a problem that this can increase healthcare and COVID-19 is a cause for use of antibiotics and only pre- nostic services. We have on healthcare systems, vulner-
affects all of us. This is a glob- costs. It is important to address concern in the healthcare com- scribing them when necessary. launched the first of its kinds able populations, and treat-
al issue that affects both devel- this issue because AMR has the munity as it also led to Governments can also imple- online course for doctors and ment options, leaving many of
oped and developing coun- potential to cause a global pub- increased use of antibiotics. ment policies to restrict the nurses on diagnostic steward- us feeling helpless. It is crucial
tries. AMR can have a signif- lic health crisis. Without effec- Another factor is the ease of availability of antibiotics and ship. The aims of diagnostic for healthcare providers to
icant impact on the public and tive antibiotics, common infec- access to antibiotics and free promote the development of stewardship are to improve use antibiotics judiciously and
the community in terms of tions could become deadly, over-the-counter availability new antibiotics. Our Society, patient outcomes, reduce for policymakers to take action
increased risk of infections as and medical procedures such in our country, which means the Delhi Society for healthcare costs, and combat to address both the COVID-
well as infections that are dif- as surgery and chemotherapy that people can self-medicate Promotion of Rational Use of antimicrobial resistance by 19 pandemic and the threat of
ficult to treat with antibiotics, (The writer is a professor, could become much riskier. products and foodborne ill- without proper medical advice. Drugs (DSPRUD) has been optimizing diagnostic testing, antimicrobial resistance. By
which can lead to increased department of The use of antibiotics in agri- ness. This can lead to incorrect use working at the forefront for the improving diagnostic accura- acting now, we can prevent a
healthcare costs for individu- Neuropsychopharmacology, culture and animal husbandry One of the factors that pro- of antibiotics, including incor- last 25 years to promote the cy, reducing the risk of false potential public health crisis in
als, families, and communities. Institute of Human can contribute to the develop- mote the misuse of antibiotics rect dosages and incomplete proper use of antibiotics positives, improving commu- the future. Let us all do our
As the effectiveness of Behaviour & Allied Sciences ment of AMR in animals and by the public is the lack of courses, which can contribute among all stakeholders includ- nication and collaboration, part in using antibiotics wise-
antibiotics decreases, there (IHBAS), Delhi the environment, which can awareness about the issue. to the development of AMR. ing doctors, nurses, pharma- and educating healthcare ly to preserve their effective-
may be limited treatment Government) lead to contaminated food Many people believe that We need to act now to cists and the public. providers and patients. More ness for future generations.
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APRIL 20, 2023


E STA B L I S H E D I N 1 9 24
India joins the big
A challenge and league in science
an opportunity With the dawn of LIGO-
India, which will be a
tion, came from a merger of two black late more discoveries from existing
holes 1.3 billion light years away. This optical and radio telescopes by point-
first discovery was awarded the Nobel ing them accurately minutes before
As India becomes the most populous nation part of an international Prize in Physics in 2017. the fireworks begin. Being separated
Since that first day, LIGO has geographically from the US detectors,
on Earth, three issues need urgent attention network of gravitational turned into an entirely new pair of the LIGO-India detector will enable
wave observatories, the eyes looking at the universe with the discoveries by looking for signals in
help of gravitational waves, and not blind spots in the existing network.

ndia has already surpassed or will surpass, by
world can watch the sky electromagnetic waves. From the perspective
July 1, China to become the most populous When combined with neu- of global science, it will
country on the planet, a United Nations and determine precisely trinos and cosmic rays, significantly advance our LIGO began in the US, and has turned into a new pair of eyes looking at the
Population Fund report predicted, a moment of where and when cosmic this gives us multiple ways capacity to detect new universe with the help of gravitational waves CALTECH/MIT/LIGO LAB
of examining the same astrophysical and cosmo-
tremendous opportunity and challenge for a collisions happened phenomena in space — logical phenomena. From there will be two significant addi- focus on constructing the laboratory
country still striving to provide a basic quality of life which has brought the era Rana Adhikari the standpoint of science tional benefits to India. quickly. Likewise, science educators,

to all its citizens. Three interconnected issues need he recent Union Cabinet of multi-messenger in India, LIGO-India will First, during the construction communicators, and enthusiasts in
approval for the LIGO-In- astronomy. be that rare laboratory phase, much cutting-edge fabrication India should seize the day and join the
the urgent attention of policymakers. dia project marked a great While two eyes are bet- on Indian soil that will be will be done in India. Large, ultra- effort to connect the young to this
The first is catching the demographic train. The day for global science, a ter than one, more are doing fundamental sci- high vacuum equipment, stable exciting enterprise and the extraordi-
country’s working-age population (people between great day for science in even better. ence at the global fron- lasers, atomically flat mirrors, quan- nary science that underlies it, and
India, and a triumph for With the dawn of LIGO- tier from the very day it tum sensing, and advanced control more of which is yet to come.
15 and 64 years) will grow faster than the share of Prime Minister (PM) Narendra Modi India, the world can watch starts operating. More- systems. These efforts will improve For Indian undergraduates in phys-
dependent people till 2055. But to make the best use and his science team, who have the entire sky and deter- over, since it will be a precision engineering capabilities, ics and allied fields, this is an excep-
of this working-age bulge will take a tremendous shown great imagination in reposing mine precisely where and K part of a worldwide expand modern industrial capability tional opportunity — to opt for post-
their confidence in this project in the when cosmic collisions VijayRaghavan effort, in real-time, it will in India, and create high-tech oppor- graduate research in gravitational
effort in a nation notorious for low State capacity face of many competing priorities. happened. This joint have its siblings’ intellec- tunities for new entrepreneurs and wave physics and become part of the
and limited ability to redistribute resources. To do They will not be disappointed. project with the US will tual and technical established firms. The laboratories of group that builds the laboratory and
this, the country must focus on investing in First, some background. The Laser create a new detector at resources, enabling the the department of atomic energy are begins to take data around 2030,
Interferometer Gravitational-wave Hingoli, Maharashtra. It Indian scientists to rap- already on this job, which started which is the current project’s start of
education, employment, health care and housing. Observatory (LIGO) project began in will work with the North idly master the needed after the in-principle approval in 2016. scientific operations.
Then as first-generation problems of hunger, the United States (US) as an ambitious American sites to scan the operational expertise and Second, LIGO-India will serve as a
clothing and basic amenities morph into second- effort, led by Caltech and MIT, to sky for significant gravita- take their place among focal point for enthusing an entire Rana Adhikari is professor of Physics, Cal-
directly detect gravitational waves — tional events, involving the world leaders in this generation of young Indians about ifornia Institute of Technology, US.
generation demands for jobs, elderly care and a first deduced by Einstein in 1916 from black holes and neutron Shivaji Sondhi extraordinarily complex participating in the search for under- K VijayRaghavan, is with the department
better quality of life, the State will have to keep pace the radically new theory of gravity he stars, and perhaps even area of science. (It would standing the deepest mysteries of of atomic energy and Homi Bhabha Chair
with aspiration, or risk unrest. constructed. The strongest waves that vibrations from the begin- be not at all surprising, nature as they see the discoveries at the TIFR-National Centre for Biological
LIGO was expected to detect were ning of the universe. Similar detectors indeed it is expected, that the findings issue from this new observatory on Sciences and former principal scientific
This leads to the second problem of managing predicted to come from some of the in Europe and Japan will further add from LIGO detectors will yield great Indian soil and come to grips with the adviser to the Government of India. Shivaji
interests and discontent. The nature of the dip in most energetic events in the cosmos. to the capabilities of this worldwide science that may be rewarded by ultra-sophisticated technology. Sondhi is Wykeham Professor of
the total fertility rate means that the poorer north Indeed, the first detection in 2015, network. Once the LIGO-India Nobel Prizes, including from India.) This is an exciting moment. The Physics at Oxford
almost a century after their predic- detector comes online, it will stimu- In addition to the exciting science, scientists leading this effort can now The views expressed are personal
will grow faster than the prosperous south in terms
of population, stoking more labour migration from
the northern states to the southern provinces. This
will need alert governments to devise migrant-
friendly policies and schemes to help family New FTP holds promise { AMIT SHAH } UNION HOME MINISTER

members left behind, while ensuring that economic P

resentment is managed through initiatives and
adequate employment. Similar problems against a but needs some tweaks We can win the battle against the drug
menace... Those who consume drugs
backdrop of a paucity of jobs are stirring a churn in
xport optimism underpins India’s Lanka and Bangladesh could benefit from
the caste reservation cauldron. The temptation to
exploit feelings of disquiet for political purposes
will be strong but must be eschewed.
And, finally, this will lead to a skew in political
E new foreign trade policy (FTP). The such arrangements. If implemented well,
March 31 FTP launch meeting painted with efficient export-support services, some
an ambition of $2 trillion in exports districts might be able to capitalise on the
by 2030, building on the post-Covid-19 export hubs idea.
rebound in exports — implying a compound But there are some limitations as well.
are the victims and those who sell
them are the culprits. Strict action
should be taken against such

A people.
representation. India is roughly three years away annual dollar growth of almost 15% over the There is a lack of adequate recognition of the
from the next round of redrawing of electoral next seven years, at a time when world trade context and the remarkable opportunity for
is slowing, and the world’s two largest econ- India at this juncture. Western democracies’
constituencies, though the continued uncertainty omies are turning inward. desire to contain China’s trade and techno-
around the decadal census has thrown these Despite the excitement in India, it is sober- logical progress or, more broadly, diversify
schedules in jeopardy. All governments will have to ing to see India’s recent export success in their supply chains, presents India with sig-
ensure an equitable solution to the conundrum of
balancing regional representation with political
representation at a time when the northern states
comparison to China and Vietnam. Between nificant prospects of capturing a share of the
2016 and 2022, India improved its world resultant diversification-driven investment.
goods market share from 1.6% to 1.8%, while This is not acknowledged, and nor is, there-
China’s rose from 13.1% to 14.4%, and Viet- fore, the urgency of attracting investment
Address the legacy
will make up a larger share of the population than
they do now. This can only be done if the
nam’s from 1.1% to 1.5%. India continues to be that may still be in a search mode — a mode
a leader in the export of services, particularly that may not last forever.
cross-border commercial services, as world
trade in digital services continues to climb.
Similarly, upcoming challenges are not
considered, nor their possible impact on
issue of social injustice
n his address on India’s 75th Independence read the Preamble of the Constitution. So, who
administration vows a policy of no tolerance
for anyone fuelling sectarianism or linking
demographic growth to faith or caste.
There are a few notable positives
in the new FTP — some new and
some a continuation of the old.
First, there is a continued shift from
incentives to tax remission, after
India’s trade. Important among
these are the European Union and
other countries’ carbon tax propos-
als that can hurt India’s exports in
carbon-intensive sectors, such as
I Day, Prime Minister (PM) Narendra Modi are these people who discriminate? Do they
said, “The goal of Amrit Kaal is to ascend to not believe in the Constitution, or do they not
new heights of prosperity for India and the include themselves in “we the people of India”?
citizens of India.” Recently, I was invited to Before we make lofty claims about Amrit Kaal,
speak at the All India Federation for Social Jus- we must remedy the deep fracture in our soci-
the Merchandise Exports from steel and cement; and the remarka- tice, where leaders from different parties and ety. There is no place for caste-based discrimi-

Atiq killing needs a India Scheme (MEIS) was success-

fully challenged by the United
States at the World Trade Organiza-
ble and unanticipated progress in
generative Artificial Intelligence
that may erode India’s traditional
states gathered to deliberate on the issue of nation in a modern constitutional Republic
social justice. While we shared our thoughts, I with a civilisational history of over 1,000 years.
wondered why we couldn’t discuss this critical Instead, we need to instil a sense of social jus-

transparent probe tion (WTO) in 2019.

The WTO-compliant scheme,
Remission of Duties and Taxes for
strength in several professional ser-
vices, while also creating new
issue in Parliament. The reason is best known tice in citizens and ask them to follow the path
to the members of the treasury benches, who, shown by Ambedkar, RM Lohia and Periyar.
it seems, decided to stall any discussion in the Yet, it is our misfortune to be governed by a
Exported Products, operational Another limitation is the lop- House. regime that has worked against ensuring
id Uttar Pradesh (UP) Police have a foolproof

since January 2021, refunds taxes sided nature of the FTP, which While appreciable, the PM’s vision for Amrit social justice for historically marginalised
plan to transport gangster-turned-politician and duties, including those in the focuses mostly on exports. The Kaal is not holistic. It, unfortunately, falls short communities. Today, when some leaders asso-
Atiq Ahmad and his brother Khalid Azeem, alias prior stages of production. Second, spirit of mercantilism dominates, of the sincerity and genuine commitment to ciated with the Sangh parivar speak on caste,
the policy provides a framework for TG with no hint that the government is emancipation and empowerment that the they support the prevalence of the caste system
Ashraf, who were gunned down in full public view? cross-border e-commerce, a wel- Srinivasan considering a lowering of import framers of the Constitution expected from the and fail to fully acknowledge rooted inequali-
Did they do a recce of the hospital premises before come new step, doubling allowed tariff barriers. Import tariffs, leaders of independent India. The ties and the need for continued multi-
bringing in such high-profile criminals? Why did they exports up to ₹10 lakh by courier although increasing since 2014-15, Constitution proclaims to secure fold affirmative action.
per consignment. However, Indian exports rose decisively in 2018-19 (as Arvind Pana- social and economic justice, equality The project of the current adminis-
not drive closer to the entry? Were the credentials of will be limited by the importing countries’ gariya has argued) — when average duties of status and opportunity, and assure tration is fuelled by inducing caste-
the journalists who had gathered (the three assailants limits for courier consignments. If there is a increased from 13.7% to 17.7%, and the share the dignity of the individual. Today, based social and political sentiments
posed as reporters) checked beforehand? Is it usual to coordinated effort among trading partners, of tariff lines with 15% or higher duty rose we must reflect on the progress made alongside religious propaganda,
it can unleash opportunities, among others, from 19.4% to 33.2%. In 2021, the last year for in the past before taking a rhetoric- Sanjay which weakens our fight for social
allow reporters to gather around high-value targets? for South Asian regional trade and benefit which WTO tariff profile rates are available, fuelled leap of faith into an uncertain justice and encourages a culture of
Did the administration ask the court to allow health millions of micro, small, and medium enter- average tariffs and the share of higher duty future for Indians. Singh apathy. Attempts to change the
check-ups in custody to avoid taking them to a public prises (MSMEs) in the region. Third, the new tariff lines increased further, to 18.3% and Since Independence, India has Scheduled Caste and Scheduled
FTP carries forward behind-the-border 37.7%, respectively. Such widespread and sig- emerged as a significant economic Tribes Prevention of Atrocities Act or
hospital regularly? How did the three assailants reforms to reduce trade costs. It builds on nificant increases in tariffs are inimical to and scientific power, a matter of pride. Yet, demands to end reservation are dangerous
smuggle in foreign-made firearms into what should the National Logistics Policy (announced in increasing shares in global value chains. when we celebrate reaching Mars, we must ideas we must fight against.
have been a high-security cordon? How did they even September 2022, aiming to reduce logistics Tactical tweaks to FTP as the world envi- also hang our heads in shame over manual Further, a lack of interest in conducting the
costs to the world average by 2030). Increas- ronment evolves (the new FTP has no end scavengers dying in sewers. The idea of caste census is an attempt to hide from the
get access to guns? How did they get together? ing digitisation of innumerable processes date, and all changes will cumulate and be “ascending to new heights of prosperity”, with- reality of Dalit, Bahujan and Adivasi communi-
There are many questions swirling around the will improve transparency and speed, sup- notified from time to time) are necessary, but out addressing the legacy issue of social injus- ties for whom the path to social justice is
killings, which struck a blow to UP’s claim of having port traders, and help better monitoring of cannot constitute a medium-term strategy to tice, won’t serve any purpose beyond a cleverly incomplete. This is because the caste census
trade flows. prepare India to face the many impending crafted publicity campaign. would act against the Bharatiya Janata Party’s
cleaned up its law and order machinery. These Included in the new policy are a few prom- challenges. Our history of struggle for social justice Hindutva narrative, highlighting the need to
questions can only be answered by a thorough, ising moonshots, a welcome spirit of adven- The new FTP could have done better. It dates back a century, with great social reform- strengthen structural support and deliver on
independent probe. The state government has turism in trade policy. Three moonshots to does not fully recognise the remarkable ers leading the path for incremental change. our aspirations of a socially just society.
note are trade settlements in rupees, ena- opportunity that India is now presented with. But the greatest change was brought under the After more than 75 years of Independence,
announced two — one by a retired judge of the bling “merchanting trade” hubs in India Nor does it acknowledge the fact that a global leadership of BR Ambedkar when the Consti- India must leave behind the caste system and
Allahabad high court and another by a three-member (goods moving between countries without supply chain shift towards India will not hap- tution of the newly independent India abol- reaffirm faith in the Constitution. We must
special investigation team set up by the state police. touching the Indian border) and district-level pen by default. It is not explicitly strategic in ished untouchability and ushered in a new era strive towards equal opportunity for all so that
export hubs to induce more MSME exports. addressing emerging challenges, or in pro- of constitutionalism that guaranteed equality, one’s destiny is determined not by birth but by
Later this week, the Supreme Court (SC) will hear a Several countries have already opened up viding a vision to reverse protectionism. It is dignity and social justice. As we celebrate the one’s choice. Justice also means fairness, and
plea for another independent inquiry into the matter. special rupee accounts in Indian banks to doubtful if signing not-so-deep bilateral free centenary of the historic Vaikom Satyagraha in this sense, the distribution of resources
Irrespective of the way the SC rules, the murders settle transactions in ₹, potentially easing trade agreements alone could propel India’s for temple entry, it is natural to assume that we should not be affected by any morally arbitrary
pressure on the rupee. In South Asia, Sri foreign trade to the $2 trillion goal by 2030. have moved on from the discriminatory caste and one-sided reasons.
need to be investigated threadbare, and the findings Should all these issues get recognised, India system. Yet, as a Member of Parliament (MP), Gandhi said, “Casteism is harmful for the
need to be made public. Ahmad and his dreaded gang THE NEW FOREIGN TRADE may need a new FTP sooner rather than I am distraught whenever I come across news development of both the soul and the nation”.
ran riot across vast swathes of UP, terrorising ordinary later. about caste-based discrimination. A Dalit MP So, now is the time to move towards a new
POLICY, WHICH CAME INTO was denied entry into a village in his constitu- future for a socially just India that treats all cit-
people and bending the rule of law at will. But that FORCE ON APRIL 1, DOES Sanjay Kathuria is a senior visiting fellow, Centre ency in Karnataka. In Rajasthan, a young Dalit izens equally and with dignity.
cannot be an excuse to shortchange the legal process, NOT FULLY RECOGNISE THE for Policy Research, adjunct professor at George- child was killed by his upper-caste teacher for
which forms the foundation of any functional town and Ashoka Universities, and global fellow, drinking water meant for upper-caste chil-
OPPORTUNITY THAT INDIA Wilson Center. TG Srinivasan is a senior visiting dren. It is not that the people who forced Dr Sanjay Singh is MP, Rajya
democracy. Only a transparent probe can dispel this IS NOW PRESENTED WITH fellow, Centre for Policy Research Payal Tadvi in Maharashtra and Rohith Sabha, Aam Aadmi Party
miasma of scandal. The views expressed are personal Vemula in Hyderabad to die by suicide did not The views expressed are personal

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Huge disconnect between philosophy & reality

T HE notion and definition of
gender is not limited to a per-
son’s genitals, the Supreme Court
the course of the hearing: “The
notion of biological man and
biological woman is not absolute.
come in...” What was the Chief
Justice Chandrachud referring to
one might have been left wonder-
is placed above the Trinity.
While social practices have not
lived up to the Hindu ideal of gen-
The oneness of male and female
is also highlighted. Emphasis is
placed on the gender neutrality of
on Tuesday remarked, while hear- There is no absolute concept of a ing if one were not to be familiar der equality and mutual respect, the divine as well as the ambiguity
ing petitions seeking the recog- man or an absolute concept of a with the Indian thought. Hindu- Hindu way of life remains one of distinctions between men and
nition of same-sex marriage in woman at all. Man is not a defini- ism – be it a way of life or a prac- of the few in which women have women. Hindu teachings state
India. (Supriyo and anr v. Union tion of what your genitals are. It’s tice of the people of Bharatvarsha occupied and continue to occupy that every human is made up of
of India). A Constitution Bench, far more complex. That’s the point. and certainly not a religion – is some of the most respected posi- varying degrees of both feminine
led by Chief Justice of India (CJI) So even when the Special Mar- so profound that one could look tions in spiritual leadership – Fe- and masculine traits. Many ritual
D Y Chandrachud and compris- riage Act says man and woman, towards it for an answer to the male and Male as Two Halves. texts also emphasize that there is
ing Justices Sanjay Kishan Kaul, S the very notion of a man and a no- above question. One of the most Let us not bring in crimes against no difference between man and

Ravindra Bhat, P S Narasimha and tion of a woman is not an absolute profound attributes of Hinduism women etc., into this argument. woman as far as the right to per-
Hima Kohli, began hearing argu- based on what genitals you have.” is the recognition and worship of Hindu scriptures extol the quali- form Vedic rites is concerned, and
ments in the batch of pleas seek- Of course, the Solicitor General God as feminine. In fact, the ones ties of the feminine divine as well they often use gender neutral lan-
ing legal recognition of same-sex had an objection there when he living in this land always wor- as the spiritual sameness of male guage when describing God. Well,
marriage. disagreed with the observation. shipped God in female form and and female deities, while high- the Court was not wrong. There is Strong case exists for same-sex marriages
But what came as a bolt from
the blue to the conventional and
status-quoist minds is the obser-
To this, Justice Kaul added, “We
said it is not a mandatory thing
that the whole society must accept
continue to do so today. For this
ancient civilization, God’s energy
is Shakti, through its personifica-
lighting their differences in na-
ture. Female and male principles
are described as two halves of a
a huge disconnect between philos-
ophy and reality in every sphere in
India and the notion of gender is
H OMOSEXUALS are born in their condition; they do
not choose to be homosexuals; they cannot help be-
ing homosexuals. Homosexuality is not a lifestyle choice.
vation of the CJI who said during something. Changes will always tion in a Goddess. In fact, Shakti whole or two wheels of a cart. just yet another. Same sex marriages are not an “urban elitist concept far
removed from the social ethos of the country” as opined
by the government in the apex court, they merely manifest
PART - 1 the acceptance of love on all its forms. The country’s top
court has given enough indications that it is in favour of


legalizing gay unions for a good reason. It has disabused
the moral prudes and puritans of the notion that genitals or
sex organs are central to the viability of marriage. Further,
it has underlined a fact of biology that there is no absolute
concept of a man or a woman. A person shares both male
the most courageous, and ones on New Year’s Day is a now different parts of In- and female attributes and traits to be considered entirely
TALKING OF humanitarian, gift is that of curious relic of ancient tra- dia as an effective system or wholly male or female. All things considered, there is a
MANY THINGS donating an organ to anoth- ditions. of alternative medicine. In strong case for the legal recognition of same sex marriages
er person in need of it. India has some unique recognition of the follow- by the State under the Special Marriage Act.
The exchange of gifts is gifting traditions. As a gift ing indigenous systems of G David Milton, Maruthancode, TN
a universal tradition which is always given with both medicines command, and to
dates back to time immemo-
rial. To mark the commence-
hands, or only the right
hand. Sweets are often con-
provide legitimacy to those
practising them, as well as
Official apathy claims innocent lives
ment of a new relationship
or the strengthening of an
old one, a gift is often an
sidered as an appropriate
gift for any occasion in In-
their patients, the central
and state governments, re-
spectively, have the depart-
I T’S heart rending to know that 13 people died due to heat
stroke AT a public meeting held officially in Maharash-
tra. The authorities concerned should take responsibility
DR MOHAN KANDA expression of love, grati- It is customary, on occa- ment of Ayurveda, Yoga and for the deaths as they failed to take precautions to prevent
tude, and happiness. Gifts sions when gifts are in or- Naturopathy, Unani, Sid- such mass casualties. It’s well known that the mercury levels

HE act of giving a gift are often traditional, as the der, to give ‘return gifts’, as a dha and Homeopathy and are higher this year. The thousands of people attended the
creates a bond be- gifting tradition of different token of appreciation of the the departments of Indian meeting there were kept under scorching sun directly for
tween the donor and countries reflects the unique goodwill extended. Some- Medicine as parts of the hours. It’s an act of insensitivity of the authorities not to
the recipient, irrespective features of the culture of the times that is done through ministries of Health. foresee the eventuality and plan accordingly. The unfortu-
of whether it is motivated country. While the reasons a ‘lucky dip’, with the re- It does happen, once in a nate incident should be an eye opener for all.
by altruism, or obligation. for giving gifts have changed turn presents concealed way, that one receives a gift Dr DVG Sankararao, Vizianagaram
It reaffirms the relationship
between the giver and the
over time, the custom has
remained the same. While
in a container, so that the
guests can choose their gifts
which is totally out of pro-
portion to its utility or value
While gifts can take various forms and
receiver and creates an ob-
ligation on the latter’s part
to reciprocate. Also, turning
the practice varies from one
country to another, there
are many commonalities.
shapes, easily the most courageous, and
at random. The expression
‘lucky dip’ has also come to
be used to signify processes
and the maintenance of
which is exorbitant. The di-
lemma, of having to choose,
T AKING a decision to convene public meeting in this
sizzling summer is absolutely condemnable. Most of
the parties don’t think of the convenience of people that
down a gift entails a nega- Countries also send gifts to humanitarian, gift is that of donating an of choosing or deciding en- between behaving rudely, attend public meetings. Political parties only think whether
tion of that social relation- close friends and allies to organ to another person in need of it. The tirely at random. by disposing of the gift, and their moves give them political mileage or not. Nothing can
ship and is often construed mark historic moments. India has given several reconciling oneself to the bring back the lives that are lost. No compensation will give
as an insult to the donor. A gift in China is always exchange of gifts is a universal tradition gifts to the world since time expense of keeping it, is of- any relief to the bereaved families. Ruling or opposition, no
The role of ‘dana’ or gifts presented in a wrapper of an which dates back to time immemorial. immemorial. As early as in, ten difficult to resolve. parties should conduct public meetings in this scorching
is particularly relevant as it appropriate colour: gold or 700 BCE, it gave the world A humorous aside to end summer. Political leaders are there to protect public not to
shows the close intercon- silver for weddings, red for To mark the commencement of a new its first University, Thak- this part with. The President disturb their lives.
nection between gift giving, joyous occasions, and black relationship or the strengthening of an old shashila, with lecture halls, of a country was visiting K.Manoj Kumar, Huzurabad
diplomacy and statecraft. or white for funerals. laboratories, a library and another country. As a token
one, a gift is often an expression of love,
The Vedas, the Upanishads, In Italy, gifts are an essen- an observatory. Indians of goodwill, and friendship UP CM using thugs’ lingo
the Ramayana and the Ma- tial aspect of all social gath- gratitude, and happiness were also the first ones to he carried with him a chim-
habharata speak at length of
dana. The Mahabharata held
that only the charitable ideas
erings, as the guests are ex-
pected to bring a gift for the
host as a gesture of thankful- most statuesque, and well- New Year’s Day is a time
use zero as a symbol and in
arithmetic operations. The
concept of zero was invent-
panzee which he presented
to his counterpart on arriv-
al. A photograph was taken
T HE elected Chief Minister of UP in spite of having tak-
en oath under allegiance to constitution, his utterance
in the name of eliminating gangsters and goondas from
of dana have developed in ness. Wine is usually consid- known, gifts, by one country for families and friends to ed by Aryabhatta, a great of the ceremonial handing the state using the thugs’ lingo “Thokdengay’’ (will hit) to
interaction with other forms ered as an appropriate gift to another, is the Statue of gather, exchange wishes and mathematician. It is be- over of the gift. And the create fear among such elements has now turned counter-
of charitable, non‐reciprocal for most occasions, which Liberty, a colossal sculpture gifts. This tradition dates lieved that the game of chess caption with which newspa- productive. Will the panel formed by the UP government
exchanges, such as bhiksha must be from a reputed on Liberty Island in New back to the Roman Empire originated in Eastern India, pers carried that photo was: find out how they managed to come closer to victims and
(alms), dakshina (ritual pay- vineyard. Followed in India, York Harbor, and a gift from when people brought gifts to in the Gupta Empire and, in “Our President posing with how they got imported pistols? Another question comes to
ments), the Islamic ‘zakat’ too, I did the same, during the people of France. De- the Temple of the Goddess its early form, was known the gifted chimpanzee. The my mind if a similar act had happened in a non-BJP ruled
(annual obligation to give my visits for the meetings signed by the French sculptor of Fortune on ‘Kalends,’ or as Chaturanga. Ayurveda is one on the right is the chim- state and the victim had been from a different community,
charity) and the voluntary of the Food and Agriculture Frederick Auguste Bartholdi the first day, of the month an ancient system of natu- panzee!” will the BJP leaders keep quiet?
‘sadaqa’. Organization (FAO) while and built by Gustave Eiffel, it of January. The modern ral medicine, which dates (The writer is formerly N Nagarajan, Hyderabad
While gifts can take vari- in Rome. was dedicated to America on practice of exchanging gifts back to the 1st millennium Chief Secretary, Govern-
ous forms and shapes, easily Prominent among the October 28, 1886. between friends and loved BCE, and is practised even ment of Andhra Pradesh) A mockery of modern-day democracy

N CP leader and Sharad Pawar’s nephew Ajit Pawar’s ef-

A potential threat to Modi emerging

forts to succeed Eknath Shinde as Maharashtra Chief
Minister seem to be making ground with Ajit reportedly
collecting signatures of consent from lawmakers within his
party. Maharashtra seems to have become the enfant ter-
rible and a poor example of modern-day Indian democ-
BRINGING MAMATA AND KCR ON ONE PLATFORM WITH CONGRESS WILL BE A BIG ACHIEVEMENT racy, the edifice of which has been sullied by audacious
horse-trading and blatant power-mongering, orchestrated
by Eknath Shinde to dislodge the MVA government, a few
PATNA: After the success- Arvind Kejriwal and Sita- months back. By the goings-on in Maharashtra, the Indian
ful meeting with opposition ram Yechuri said that Nitish Now the way that Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, voter has been reduced to a mere donkey, and cheated by-
leaders in Delhi, Bihar chief Kumar is doing great work Mallikarjun Kharge, Arvind Kejriwal and Sitaram stander, fated to witness the erosion with folded hands.
minister Nitish Kumar is in uniting the opposition Yechuri said that Nitish Kumar is doing great Dr George Jacob, Kochi
turning out to be the biggest parties and they are with work in uniting the opposition parties and they
challenge for Prime Minister him, there is a hint of Ku- are with him, there is a hint of Kumar following
Narendra Modi in the 2024 mar following in the foot-
Lok Sabha election. How- steps of George Fernandes. in the footsteps of George Fernandes. "Nitish
ever, Nitish Kumar clari- “Nitish Kumar has made it Kumar has made it clear he wants to unite more
fied that he is not a Prime
Ministerial candidate of the
opposition parties but he
clear he wants to unite more
and more opposition par-
ties of the country and he
and more opposition parties of the country and
he is achieving success. Congress leader Rahul
Gandhi's tweet "Ham Desh Ke Liye Sath Me
might play the role of UPA is achieving success. Con-
Ladege" is the most important thing in the current Nayaka community leaders object to ac-
convener by following in the gress leader Rahul Gandhi’s tor Sudeep’s election campaign
footsteps of his senior leader tweet “Ham Desh Ke Liye political situation of the country
late George Fernandes. Sath Me Ladege” is the most MYSURU: Leaders of the Nayak Samaj community have
George Fernandes played important thing in the cur- formula,” said Shivanand that his support base in Bi- objected to Sandalwood actor Sudeep’s involvement in the
a major role in the National rent political situation of the Tiwari, vice president of the har has slipped. The politi- political campaign for any party in the upcoming assem-
Democratic Alliance (NDA) country. “Delhi CM Arvind RJD. cal credibility of Nitish ji is bly election. State President of the State Leaders’ Welfare
formation in 1998. At that Kejriwal also said publicly “When we talk about based on the support and Forum Dyavappa Nayak stated at a press conference at the
time the Congress was rul- that whatever Nitish Kumar West Bengal having 42 Lok mercy of his grand alliance District Journalist’s Association office on Tuesday that
ing at the Centre and the is doing in the country, he is Sabha seats, the Congress partners, especially the RJD. people from all political parties will contest for the 15 re-
opposition parties were scat- with him. Left parties lead- party is no way near to the While Nitish is aspiring to served constituencies of the Scheduled Tribes in the state.
tered. ers also gave support to him. TMC. In Telangana, there realize his daydream, the He further added that no matter who wins, the losers are
After the Mandal Com- I don’t know whether Nitish are 17 Lok Sabha seats and RJD wants to use this oppor- from the community, so if Sudeep campaigns in favour of
mission report, a large Kumar is following George the Congress has won three tunity to promote Tejashwi one party, it will create a wrong feeling in the race.
number of regional parties Fernandes or not but he is seats while the TRS won as the CM of Bihar,” said Mysuru district has approximately 14 to 15 lakhs of
emerged in the country. The heading in the right direc- nine seats. “So, the Con- Nikhil Anand, national Nayak Samaj community members, and currently, all po-
BJP had then asked George tion to unite the opposition gress has to drop some ego general secretary of the BJP litical parties are allowed to contest only for the H D Kote
Fernandes who was the chief parties,” said Neeraj Ku- to minimize the division of OBC wing. assembly constituency.
of the Samata Party and Nit- mar, JD-U MLC and chief votes. The same thing ap- “There is no consensus in However, the BJP party did not allow leaders from the
ish Kumar was a member of spokesperson of the party. plies to the TRS and it will favour of Nitish ji and there Mysuru section to contest and instead allowed outsiders
it, to play the role of conven- “Nitish Kumar on Friday have to compromise with are dozens of PM aspirants to compete, which was a political injustice according to
er of the NDA and he had said that the BJP has only the Congress where the lat- from different states. The Dyavappa Nayak. On this occasion, he demanded that the
managed to unite 24 parties two leaders who are acting ter has sitting MPs. The key opportunistic intention and leaders of Mysuru should re-examine the candidate for
against the Congress. like totalitarians. They have So, Nitish Kumar is clear Chandrashekar Rao on one here is the opposition par- motive of grand alliance the H D Kote constituency.
Due to that unity, George captured all constitutional in his mind to unite a large platform with the Congress ties who would agree on one parties, they will let down Recently, Sudeep and Chief Minister Basavaraj Bom-
Fernandes became instru- institutions and are targeting number of opposition par- party will be a big achieve- seat one candidate formula. each other in course of time. mai held a press conference related to the election togeth-
mental in the formation of their political opponents. ties of the country against ment but it will take time. This is the only way to defeat Prime Minister Narendra er, which drew the Nayak Samaj community’s objection.
the Atal Bihari Vajpayee They have done nothing the BJP,” Kumar said. Once they sit together and the BJP,” Tiwari said. Modi is the undisputed Sudeep had earlier made it clear that he would not enter
government in 1999. The in the interest of common “The efforts of Nitish Ku- finalize every aspect, fol- “Bihar CM Nitish Kumar leader of India and there is politics, and the actor stated that he would campaign in
NDA government complet- people. Hence you vote for mar were appreciated by the lowed by declaring the role is a desperate man and in a no one who can challenge favour of the individual, not the party.
ed its tenure of 5 years. them, you will destroy your- leaders who met him re- of Nitish Kumar as conven- hurry. Nitish ji is daydream- him in 2024. The NDA will
Now the way that Con- selves and if you vote against cently but there is so much er, then we would say that ing to become the Prime come back to power with Read more at
gress leader Rahul Gan- them you will develop your- work to do. Bringing leaders all opposition parties agreed Minister but at the same more than 400 seats,” Anand (Bengaluru edition)
dhi, Mallikarjun Kharge, selves, state and the country. like Mamata Banerjee and K on one seat, one candidate time he should remember said. (IANS)

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Volume XXVII Number 180 Illustration: BINAY SINHA

list a company if it meets the pre-specified norms and
MUMBAI | THURSDAY, 20 APRIL 2023 prohibiting it from listing its own securities. Liquidity
begets liquidity whereby an exchange may emerge

Caste consolidation dominant and, consequently, abuse its dominance.

There are governance norms that disincentivise it from
abusing its dominance. An exchange is a huge repos-
India needs politics of economic development itory of data that it may use to its advantage. However,
it cannot do so as it does not own the data, it holds

n the run-up to several crucial state Assembly elections this year, leading
them in trust. Thus, concerns, which are broadly sim-
to the Lok Sabha elections in 2024, Opposition parties seem to have found
ilar in digital markets as in physical markets, are being
some common ground to counter the might of the ruling Bharatiya Janata addressed, as they emerge, without having a separate
Party (BJP). Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge has written to Prime securities law, contract law, or competition law.
Minister Narendra Modi, demanding the release of Socio-Economic and Caste Fourth, the case for SCLDM rests on the sole
Census data, which was conducted in 2011 and covered about 250 million plank that an entity in digital markets becomes dom-
inant/monopolist faster. However, this is irrelevant

A competition law
households. The data, however, was not released. Congress leader Rahul Gandhi
as dominance ceased to be a concern two decades
has also demanded that the data be released and argued that the 50 per cent
ago with the repeal of the Monopolies and Restrictive
limit on caste-based reservations be removed. While such demands are not Trade Practices Act, 1969. Instead of prohibiting
new, the timing clearly suggests that the idea is to make the social justice project dominance, the competition law prohibits abuse of
an election issue. While it remains to be seen if it works electorally, increasing dominance. If an entity in the digital market abuses

that clicks for all

focus on caste politics is not exactly what India needs at this stage. its position, competition law should enable the com-
To be sure, the idea of a caste-based Census, potentially leading to higher petition authority to notice such abuses and deal
with them expeditiously.
reservations and changes in government spending, has significant support
The Competition Act, 2002, prohibits the abuse
among regional parties. In fact, a caste-based Census is being conducted in of dominance by a dominant enterprise, and defines
Bihar. There were demands that the decadal Census, which was postponed in Different laws for rapidly changing technology-enabled who is “dominant” and what is “abusive”. These def-
2021 because of the pandemic, collected caste-based information. It was argued initions can be modified to include any form of dom-
that the last such Census was conducted in 1931 when India was under colonial markets are neither feasible nor warranted inance in markets, whether as a SIDI, SIFI (system-
rule and there is a need to review the position for better delivery of social ically important financial institution), or otherwise,

justice. Affirmative action in terms of providing reservations in government n November 2022, the European Union enacted for physical markets and digital markets would distort and any abusive practice like self-preferencing.
the Digital Markets Act, which will become effec- the level playing field and thereby contribute to mar- However, such definitions could be obsolete as mar-
jobs and educational institutions in India has been on the basis of caste. Since tive in May 2023, to ensure fair and open digital ket failure, which the competition law aims to address. ket structure changes or new markets emerge. Some
the 2021 Census was postponed and news reports suggest it may not happen markets. In December 2022, the Standing Committee Second, digital markets are not different from abusive practices may disappear or get modified,
before the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, it could become a leading election issue. on Finance recommended the Digital Competition physical markets in terms of competition. The sources and new abusive practices may appear, requiring
While the government informed Parliament in 2021 that, as a matter of Bill to ensure a fair, transparent, and contestable of dominance, such as increasing returns to scale and amendments to the statute. To avoid frequent
policy, it had decided not to enumerate caste-wise population other than digital ecosystem for India. The government con- data repositories, are not unique to digital markets. amendments, which is time-consuming, the modern
that of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, which is done routinely. stituted a committee in February 2023 to examine Similarly, abuses like denial of markets and entry bar- practice is to specify parameters or principles of
the need for a separate law on competition in digital riers are equally prevalent in physical and digital mar- dominance and abuse in the statute, preferably with
However, politically, it’s not yet clear whether the BJP will be willing to
markets. It is really a fast catch-up. kets. The remedies, namely, ex-ante regulations and examples, and enable the regulator to list specific
concede if the issue actually becomes dominant in polls. It has so far worked The proponents of a separate competition law obligations on large enterprises, are equally relevant forms of dominance and prohibit specific abuses
successfully by capitalising on religious identity above caste and may not for digital markets (SCLDM) argue in both physical and digital markets. through subordinate legislation. Specific obligations
want to yield political space. Thus, it is possible that political discourse would that entities in digital markets enjoy A digital product/transaction often can even be imposed on dominant enterprises.
see a deepening of caste and religious fault lines. In fact, a caste-based Census increasing returns to scale, and have has one foot in the physical markets This is similar to the prohibition of fraudulent
itself would be enough to significantly deepen the social divide. The Other a wealth of data, either as a product and the other in digital markets. It and unfair trade practices (PFUTP) in the securities
or a by-product of their operations. is, therefore, difficult to define digital markets. In addition to a blanket ban on such prac-
Backward Classes, or OBCs, category, which is the main focus, is not a homoge-
This enables them to achieve a dom- markets and distinguish them from tices, the regulations have listed about 20 categories
nous group. There are a number of sub-castes and different castes are cate- inant/monopoly position quickly, physical markets to ensure that of conduct considered to be FUTP. The market
gorised differently in different states. Besides, there are demands from several giving them the power to resort to SCLDM can be applied to neatly knows upfront which conduct/practice is permissi-
dominant castes in multiple states for reservations under this category. abusive practices such as denial of demarcated markets. ble and which is not. The competition law could
Revisiting reservations could thus lead to demands that would be difficult markets and creation of entry barri- Third, newer kinds of markets adopt a broadly similar approach, where the regu-
for the Indian state to fulfil. ers. Hence the proposal is to have an M S SAHOO & CKG NAIR keep emerging with time and tech- lator facilitates building capacity in the ecosystem
SCLDM that relies on ex-ante regu- nological advancements. While one to ensure compliance with the regulations, and pro-
It is thus critical that Indian political discourse rises above caste and reli-
lations and subjects systemically may opt for SCLDM for digital markets vides informal guidance when someone wishes to
gious divides and focuses on economic development. It is nobody’s case that important digital intermediaries (SIDIs) to special because they are somewhat different from physical check if an act it wishes to do is abusive.
the poor and marginalised should not be given a fair chance. But just extending obligations. However, the premise and the proposed markets, one would need a separate competition law While considering the need for a competition law
reservations will not help. What India needs is a large number of quality jobs remedy may not be very appealing. for metaverse markets, which are apparently different for digital markets, it is also important to consider
and educational institutions at all levels. The inability of the Indian state to First, market failure typically arises from distor- from digital markets. A separate law may justify a sep- “Digital Competition Law” that digitalises the process-
provide these has been one of the fundamental reasons driving the ever- tions in the choices made by producers and con- arate competition authority, and further a separate es relating to compliance, monitoring, surveillance,
increasing demand for reservations. It might help political parties in the short sumers. The distortion occurs when an economic trademark law, contract law, securities law, insolvency investigation, enforcement, and appeals under the
activity is placed on a different level than others. law, telecom law, etc for digital markets. It would be competition law. Technology should empower the
run, but will certainly not solve the underlying problems. Resource allocation laws provide a level playing field never-ending as law-making cannot (and there is no administration of competition law to enable the com-
to all entities/sectors in the marketplace. For example, need for it) match the speed of technological changes. petition authority to stay ahead of adventurers oper-

A dispute lost an insurance company and a steel company have the One is familiar with physical stock exchanges,
same dispensation for making an initial public offer. which went digital three decades ago. A stock exchange
A pharmaceutical company and a telecommunica- may deny access to the market by denying listing to a
ating in technology-powered markets, as with others.

The writers are, respectively, distinguished professor,

Electronics tariffs must be temporary at best tions company have the same dispensation for insol- company or giving precedence to its own securities. National Law University, Delhi, and director, National
vency resolution. However, different dispensations Regulations do not allow it to do so by obliging it to Institute of Securities Markets. The views are personal

ndia has received an unfavourable ruling at the World Trade Organization
(WTO) in a case brought by several of its trading partners about Customs
duties imposed by the government on the import of telecommunications
equipment, including mobile phone handsets. India was originally taken
to the dispute resolution panel of the WTO by the European Union (EU) after
Brussels determined that the duties of 20 per cent on mobile phones, for
Looking into urban resilience
example, breached existing agreements. Other major partners and participants

ities around the world are more interconnect- issues, concentrating on livelihoods and well-being, A premium of 9 per cent to 27 per cent is required
in the supply chain, including Japan and Taiwan, subsequently joined the EU ed and densely populated than ever. While and analysing infrastructure and land-use planning in order to make the infrastructure climate-resilient.
in its complaint. The WTO tribunal determined that the ordinary Customs there are growing social and economic bene- in silos. Planning embedded in isolation and silos These factors necessitate the need to look at urban
duties were above those “set forth and provided in India’s WTO Schedule”. fits, there are also increasing vulnerabilities. Multiple cannot define the trajectory of urbanisation in an resilience with greater emphasis.
India’s case rested on various technical grounds about the updating of the prod- and multidimensional issues face a city, ranging interconnected world. People and places make up Over the past 10 years, urban resilience has been
from natural disasters to sudden and severe events cities, which frequently go through fast change. It’s more prominent in discussions of international
uct designations in the various schedules. However, there is little doubt — espe-
that threaten the population. important to approach problems and develop solu- development. It has established itself as one of the
cially given the timing of complaints about this updating, and other statements In addition, factors like excessive unemployment, tions in a place-based, integrated, inclusive, risk- fundamental tenets of sustainable urban develop-
from India’s trade bureaucracy — that these are basic protectionist measures. a lack of social safety nets, and unequal public transit aware, and forward-looking way if you want to plan ment in frameworks and goals for international
There is no immediate impact on Indian policy since the government will systems compound the effects of poverty and erode for a resilient urban future. Cities that keep resilience development, such as the Paris Agreement. The fun-
appeal this ruling, and the WTO appellate body has been rendered dysfunctional a community’s social cohesion over time, making at the core of planning and development will be able damentals of urban resilience can be categorised
by the United States’ decision to veto any nominees. Loopholes in international abrupt shocks more damaging. The new normal of to reap the benefits of resilience dividends, which into economic, social and climate resilience.
today calls for governance models that reduce risk include the ability to prevent and lessen the effects Economic resilience is based on coming up with
trade law are not unheard of. Yet, even so, the government’s determination to
and address changing issues. In this context, the of shocks and pressures on the population, infras- new fiscal frameworks for sustainability. Social
keep tariffs high at the cost of alienating its closest economic and geopolitical need is to create more adaptive mod- tructure, economy, and environ- resilience revolves around strengthening social pro-
partners is odd. After all, in political discourse, these tariffs are targeted not at els of governance that enhance the ment of the city. tection or social safety nets, and climate resilience
the EU or Japan but at China. It is also claimed that tariffs have directly led to ease of living and doing business, Furthermore, urban challenges rests on enhancing environment-friendly invest-
an increase in investment and the growth of the electronics manufacturing further strengthening the resilience like the growing percentage of ments and improved multi-level cooperation to han-
sector. It is true that mobile phone production and exports have grown in recent of urban systems. urban population (UN World dle upcoming crises.
years. But value addition has been low, barely crossing the 10 per cent level, The UN-Habitat understands Urbanisation Prospects project that The best way to build resilience to these risks is
urban resilience as “the measurable 68 per cent of the world’s population through improved urban planning and manage-
according to most estimates. As a consequence, the electronics sector continues ability of any urban system, with its will be living in cities) have ment; taking into account and addressing these
to be a major component of India’s trade deficit. Also, growth, wage level and inhabitants, to maintain continuity increased the pressure and urgency risks is a crucial component of proactive urban
job creation in the sector will remain below India’s competitors unless it intro- through all shocks and stresses while for increasing investments in urban management strategies and infrastructure devel-
duces more open policies that do not rely on tariffs and protectionism. positively adapting and transform- infrastructure. According to the opment plans. In this context, possible approaches
Efficiency improvements and coherent policies in this area that embed ing toward sustainability”. In other
words, urban resilience is the ability
CONURBATION Urban Climate Change Research
Network, nearly all cities are at risk,
could include providing essential urban services to
all urban residents with a focus on households that
India in global value chains will do far more to benefit the sector than tariffs
of a city’s systems, businesses, AMIT KAPOOR & BIBEK DEBROY and 70 per cent are already experi- are least able to handle natural hazard risks (such
that are allowed only because of the temporary dysfunction of multilateral
organisations, communities, and encing the effects of climate change. as households living in informal settlements), con-
dispute resolution. The electronics sector is not an infant industry in India people to endure, adapt to, and prosper despite the For instance, because coastal areas comprise more ducting risk-resilient spatial planning to guide new
that must be protected; it is one that has to be given the right competitive acute shocks and persistent stressors they encounter. than 90 per cent of all urban areas, most cities world- development, and collecting data on natural haz-
pressure and policy environment to become world-class. And in all this, the A city can improve its general trajectory and the wide are at risk of flooding due to rising sea levels ards and climate change, as well as geospatial data
fact that tariffs are a tax paid by Indian consumers should not be lost sight of well-being of its residents by bolstering its funda- and severe storms. In fact, over 84 per cent of the on urban assets and population. This, however,
either. Mobile phones and other electronics equipment that are now the sub- mental structures and developing a deeper aware- cities with the highest population growth, the vast equally depends on factors like participatory bot-
ness of the issues that threaten its stability to ensure majority of which are in Asia and Africa, face tom-up urban development approaches, a “sys-
ject of tariffs are bought by Indians who now have to pay higher costs. In
that a city thrives in spite of escalating difficulties. extreme climate and catastrophe risks, according to tems” approach to urban planning and adminis-
Digital India, this equipment is also input into basic economic value addition It also becomes a paradigm to address converging UNDRR. The fact that many high-risk cities are locat- tration, enhanced institutional coordination across
by many Indians. global trends like urbanisation, climate change and ed in challenging development contexts like least municipal institutions, and a strengthening of
Tariffs thus do not just reduce the welfare of consumers, but also help con- globalisation. developed countries (LDCs), low-income countries human and financial resources, which are all exam-
tribute to India becoming a high-cost and uncompetitive economy across the Urban resilience necessitates that cities examine (LICs), and small island developing states (SIDs), ples of such initiatives.
board. Indian policymakers should not be pleased that this adverse ruling their capacity and dangers comprehensively, espe- coupled with significant governance deficits and
cially by actively including their most vulnerable resource constraints, only serves to exacerbate this Kapoor is chair, Institute for Competitiveness, India, and
cannot be implemented; they should see this as a wake-up call about the need
citizens. Urban governance is frequently compart- unsettling situation. In this context, the World Bank lecturer, Stanford University; @kautiliya. Debroy is
for more economically sound, pro-manufacturing policies. mentalised, with various teams developing plans has estimated that urban infrastructure investments chairman, Economic Advisory Council to Prime Minister of
for disaster recovery, looking into sustainability are needed annually in excess of $4.5 trillion globally. India; @bibekdebroy

Bold and cheeky truths Tongue?,” “Did we invent our script

or import it?”.
Most crucially, the author hasn’t
shied away from calling a spade a spade.
leans heavily towards demystifying a
very specific strand of cultural bias and
misinformation — those of the hard
right religious and ethnic flavour.
abundance of information, as well as
the myriad of sources quoted to piece
together each chapter-length answer
can become a bit of a jumble at times.
book is a serious project. The author between the “Trojan Horse” and the No matter how disappointing the But when one is addressing the vast The readers may find themselves
breaks down some of the most obvious “Kosambian Elephant.” Mr answers might seem, he tries to keep world of misinformation and flipping back pages, trying to determine
“facts”, not into an over-simplified Schandillia’s aim here is not to decipher true to the picture his research “WhatsApp facts,” one cannot limit which sources say what.
judgement of “true” or “false” but whether these two seemingly identical assembles. oneself to such a narrow strand. The But this is not a very pervasive
carefully crafted analyses. He respects war contraptions — hollowed out For all that, the reader therefore hindrance, and mostly the author
the layers of history, science and culture mechanical war beasts used to infiltrate book definitely has Don't Forward That misses at least a manages to present an intricate and
BOOK REVIEW that helps shape the current face of or weaken the opponent — are mere its limitations. One Text! Separating Myths few chapters on
from History on Social
seriously thought-provoking
these facts. He is aware that myths or actual implements. Instead, is the scope and political facts, reconsideration of facts known and
DEBARGHYA SANYAL misinformation is not merely a he focusses on how two identical range of the Media facts about sports, less known.
deliberate and often maliciously devices, literary or actual, crop up on subjects Author: Amit about India’s Lastly, despite the seriousness of the

nce you have read through Amit blurring of lines between history and two different ends of the Eurasian themselves. neighbours, project, one must also acknowledge the
Schandillia’s Don’t Forward myth but also the tendency to ignore or continent, that too 300 years apart. The Although the Publisher: Harper demystifying humour inherent to the very idea of the
That Text! it’s hard not to miss important nuances. array of historical references, mentions author has a Collins India educational and book. That there are entire websites and
imagine an alternative blurb for the Thus, to a question like “Is Damascus and Easter eggs he cumulates to trace background in Pages:328 (Paperback) business jargon YouTube channels dedicated to
book on the lines of one of those TV- steel really from India?” Mr Schandillia the journey of the Greek horse into an computers and Prices:~399 and, most clarifying and identifying fake news,
shopping commercials. “Are you tired does not simply answer with an origin Indian elephant is fascinating. finance, he sticks importantly, doesn’t take away the ticklish nature of
of those WhatsApp forwards spreading date or trace the steel and its closest But not all of Mr Schandillia’s titular to Indian history — medicine. Can we writing a book to systematically break
misinformation? Have you gotten your metallurgical relatives to their points of questions in each chapter, are as benign that too from ancient and medieval please have a chapter at least on how the down all the misinformation one
history muddled with falsehoods? origin. Instead, he also provides a keen- as these two. From questioning the periods, venturing on to the early oil of some random flower will NOT help casually gathers through forwards on
Want to sound superior on the family eyed retelling of the various accounts Aryan invasion theory to the origins of modern only a couple of times. cure Covid-19? WhatsApp, Telegram, and other social
WhatsApp group by correcting your and historical records that help the river Sarasvati, he doesn’t shy from Mr Schandillia, who has authored an The other drawback, to a lesser media platforms.
favourite overconfident cousin? understand the journey of the steel taking on the tough questions — “Did audio series on Indian history called extent, is clarity. At times, one of the Mr Schandillia therefore takes a well-
Grab your copy of this book now!” through cultures and geographies. Hindus ever desecrate Hindu India Uncharted with the aim of making book’s most endearing qualities can aimed, bold yet cheeky shot at fake
Make no mistake, Mr Schandillia’s Another example is the parallels Temples?” “Was Urdu always a ‘Muslim’ history as accessible as storytelling, prove to be a hindrance as well: The news, and comes up not too short.
This PDF was uploade To Teligram channel_ LBS Newspaper platform ( @LBSNEWSPAPER
12 ThursdAy, 20 AprIl 2023



We need an action plan to deploy

India’s demographic advantage
India must devote more attention to children, youth and women for this economic edge to come good

One reason is that there are too many labour by training the youth for voca-
low-skilled labourers, especially in agri- tional skills in manufacturing and servi-
culture. The substantial subsidization of ces. The latter could be a flagship project
input factors—electricity, fertilizers, of the Centre dedicated to skills develop-
water, credit, among others—to this sec- ment in partnership with private firms.
tor keeps it bloated. By World Bank data, Second, the large primary education
India’s agricultural labour force share gaps created in children’s learning
was at 45% in 2020, way too large given during the pandemic need to be deci-
that the sector’s share in GDP is less than sively addressed. One option is to deliver
VIRAL ACHARYA 20%. Further, the sector operates at low a grade-by-grade national curriculum
is professor of finance at New York efficiency in terms of value addition per for a 30-day remedial summer pro-
University’s Stern School of Business and worker. Overall, this keeps the distribu- gramme and another enriched 30-day
former deputy governor of the Reserve tion of workers low-skilled and unfa- start-of-the-year boot camp for rein-
Bank of India. vourable for India being able to grow at forcement. ASER-style surveys could be

Do not let politics stoke

full potential without inducing a wage conducted at pre-summer, end-of-sum-
spiral. mer and exit-of-boot-camp stages to

edia coverage of my Brookings Labour persisting in low-skilled jobs is assess success and identify remaining
report, India @75: Replete with exacerbated by substantial education gaps to help plan further remedial
Contradictions, Brimming with gaps for the development of high-skilled action. A parallel ambitious step could be

market subnationalism Opportunities, Saddled with Challenges,

has mostly focused on India’s rising
industrial concentration. I am glad a
debate on this important issue has taken
labour, in spite of a steady improvement
in school enrolments in India since 2006
as per the Annual Status of Education
Reports (ASER), and measures for edu-
to set up ‘charter’ or ‘magnet’ public
schools in each state providing top-qual-
ity science, technology, engineering and
mathematics (STEM) education at sec-
off. Here, I wish to put forward another cating the girl child. Some of the recent ondary schooling levels, with screening
set of issues that received less attention. education gaps are undoubtedly due to based on entrance tests. Such schools
The Amul-vs-Nandini brouhaha in Karnataka is unfortunate. We must not erect internal These relate to educating our children extended school closures during covid will help create an aspirational learning
better, skilling our youth for better-qual- lockdowns. However, the biggest impact path for many less privileged children.
market barriers and pitch people against one another. Foster healthy competition instead ity jobs, and restoring the female labour of covid years has been on India’s female Finally, the call of the hour is to make
force participation rate. labour participation. As per survey data it easier for women to join and remain in
Why are these issues central to India’s from the Centre for Monitoring Indian the labour force, especially in urban
macroeconomic outlook? They affect Economy, it has declined from 18% in areas. Given that Indian companies are

ists have been waved in poll-bound Amul-vs-Nandini brouhaha is over whose inter- our ability to achieve potential output 2016 to sub-11% in 2022, and shockingly required to contribute a minimum of 2%
Karnataka, where opposition parties ests are mostly served by cooperatives sourcing without incurring inflationary pressures. to under 7% in urban areas. Even data of their net profits over the previous
Formally available statistics on listed- from the Periodic Labour Force Survey three years for Corporate Social Respon-
like the Congress and Janata Dal (Sec- milk from dairy farmers—Gujarat’s or Karna- company wage growth appear in double (PLFS) shows that female labour force sibility, the following could be made
ular) have joined pro-Kannada groups taka’s? But looking upon it as a vote-catcher digits, far in excess of the inflation rate. participation is low in an absolute sense qualifying expenses: (i) Support for enti-
in attacking the state’s Bharatiya Jan- obscures the fact that all these suppliers are As some analysts observe, this wage and also relative to most peer countries. ties that provide education to the girl
ata Party (BJP) government for letting Indian, just as consumers are. Nobody should spiral is puzzling, given the increasing These trends do not augur well for child and skilling to the young female
Gujarat’s Amul sell milk and other dairy prod- pitch those of one region against those of slack in our overall employment. India’s productivity ahead. While the population; (ii) maternity leaves and pri-
Effectively, India’s ‘Phillips curve’—a issues are too complex to fix overnight, I mary caregiver relief for spouses that are
ucts there. This, they allege, poses a threat to another. Such subnationalism violates both relationship showing that when the level propose three steps. substitutable to increase the flexibility
Nandini, a brand operated by the state’s farmer the spirit and logic of India’s common market. of unemployment is high, the rate of First, the share of low-earning farm that mothers have in resuming work;
cooperative, the Karnataka Milk Federation. If state barriers are erected, it would hurt the inflation is lower—seems to have moved labour needs to be pulled lower and and, (iii) setting up of quality childcare
Even allegations of plans to merge Nandini entire dairy ecosystem. To maximize the final up and/or steepened. This reflects a lack transformed in part into better-skilled facilities in company premises or neigh-
with Amul are being made, fuelling local pro- value derived by all stakeholders (chiefly live- of adequate skilled labour for the formal higher-earning labour. One way is to (i) bourhoods to reduce the domestic bur-
sector, which is outperforming the raise the sector’s presently subsidized dens of working women.
tests and boycott calls against Amul as part of a stock owners), we must not limit any player’s informal sector, as well as a lack of ade- costs of inputs to market prices over a India’s primary advantage in embrac-
‘save Nandini’ campaign. Things have gotten so field of opportunity. We should also encourage quate upgrading of labour skills to take period of time, (ii) allow foreign entry ing the China-plus-one challenge is the
bitter that Jayen Mehta, managing director of rivalry, as a better contested market generally advantage of prospects in the formal sec- into the sector and lift its productivity by country’s demographic profile. We must
Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federa- tends to offer superior value for money while tor. Due to this mismatch, India is creat- lowering tariffs from their currently devote more attention to our children,
tion, which runs Amul, has had to explain the also enlarging cash flows for inputs. Any brand ing too few jobs extraordinary levels of around 35%, and youth and women to realize our demo-
relative to the size of its labour force. (iii) lower the entry rate of agricultural graphic dividend fully.
brand’s intentions. Mehta said Amul plans to should be able to sell freely anywhere, be it
work with Nandini and not compete against it. Amul in Karnataka or Nandini in Kerala.
This suggests it may seek to scale up its existing Subnational political appeals need a rollback.
association with Nandini, whose resources it Indeed, we must discourage identity politics in
uses for Amul ice-cream made in Bengaluru. general for the negative economic role it plays.
Mehta also spoke of a plan of selling milk via It is ironic that a clash of brands has got spun as
e-commerce platforms, which could leave a danger. While private brands like Britannia
New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Chandigarh*, Pune* Saturday, April 20, 2013 Vol.7 No.94 `5.00 in Delhi­NCR/`6.00 outside Delhi­NCR 16

Nandini to dominate other channels (as it has exist, our dairy market has lacked competitive Q&A:Kirthiga Reddy on
Facebook’s India story >4
CORPORATE: Blackstone said to pull out of
Dell bid amid plummeting PC sales >5

long done). But the issue is still on high-flame, intensity in most parts of India. Unless a player CONTENT PARTNER
EARNINGS: Google profit tops estimates on
new mobile advertising tools >5
NATION: India continues to top list
of migrant remittances >10

with too much politics in the cauldron for all is simply too weak to survive, the spur of rivalry SENSEX 19,016.46 ®

NIFTY 5,783.10 ® DOLLAR `53.96 ® EURO `70.52 ®

Wipro profit
GOLD `25,920 ®

OIL $99.40 Æ $0.30

Saradha Group up 17% in Q4; Poverty

this froth over nothing to settle yet. can raise everyone’s game, expand consump- crisis reaches
forecast muted trap
I f the World Bank is to
be believed, India is
home to 33% of the
world’s poorest 1.2
In the coming years,
CM’s doorstep I ndia’s third largest software billion people. Extreme

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi threw his tion and prove itself a win-win for all. As milk is
services firm Wipro Ltd on poverty, as defined by the
Friday reported a better-than- bank, implies an income
expected profit for the three of less than $1.25 per

India will be the biggest

months ended March (fourth day. Outside sub-Saharan
quarter, or Q4), but its forecast Africa, India is home to
Agents and employees approached for Banerjee to re- of tepid revenue growth in the the biggest pool of this
hold protest outside turn home, the police declared
the assembly of people unlaw-
current quarter raised con-
cerns over whether the turna-
class of the poor.
It’s not as if India has
Mamata Banerjee’s

weight behind his party’s position by visiting a highly perishable, local suppliers have a supply
ful, addressing them through a round plan overseen by chief done nothing; this
residence, seek help in megaphone, and ordered them executive officer (CEO) T.K. number came down from
to leave. Though the crowd Kurien is working. 60% in 1981 to 33% in
recovering their dues thinned in fear of imminent po- Wipro’s net profit rose 2010. That is progress,
lice action, hundreds stayed 16.74% to `1,729 crore in the but it is painfully slow.
B Y R OMITA D ATTA put. March quarter from `1,481 China, in contrast,
M ANISH B ASU Eventually, the police drove crore in the year-ago period, witnessed a steep decline

supplier of workforce to
························· them out of Harish Chatterjee the company said. That beat in the percentage of
KOLKATA Street using minimum force the `1,720 crore median of 42 extreme poor, from 84%

Nandini parlour, where he proclaimed the advantage in every region. To them, it is the
he ripples from the crisis and loaded them into three po- analysts’ estimates compiled to 12%, in the same
stemming from the col- lice vans. by Bloomberg. period. One thing stands
lapse of the Saradha The stakes are high for Ban- Revenue rose 3.2% to $1.585 out—China’ relentless
Group—one of eastern India’s erjee’s Trinamool Congress billion (around `8,560 crore pursuit of growth.
biggest deposit-taking compa- party, the leaders of which today) during the quarter. It From the government
nies—reached the doorstep of were known to be close to the had forecast revenue of in Beijing down to the
chief minister Mamata Baner- Saradha Group. A bitter war of $1.58-1.62 billion for the peri- municipal authorities, all
jee on Friday as 1,000-odd words has already started be- od, when it added three more have worked hard to
agents and former employees tween Sudipta Sen, the fugitive clients contributing $100 mil- boost growth. There is no

brand to be Karnataka’s pride and “the best!” overall volumes sourced that matter, not which the world.
thronged her Harish Chatterjee chairman and managing direc- sign of that in India,
Street home seeking help in re- tor of the group, and Kunal Hunt on: A SWAT team searches a suburban neighbourhood for the TURN TO PAGE 3® especially at the level of
covering their dues. Ghosh, a Rajya Sabha member second suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings in Watertown, the states. Unless our
They started turning up from of the Trinamool Congress. Massachusetts, on Friday. US authorities on Friday locked down the state governments wake
across the state from around 11 Sen, in a recent, undated let- Boston area in the hunt for Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, 19, the younger of
ALSO SEE up to the necessity of
in the morning. Within hours, ter addressed to “marketing two brothers of Chechen background suspected in Monday’s bombings. >Mark To Market: Investors likely to lose growth, our poverty
the crowd that swamped the members and leaders”—people The elder brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, was killed in a patience >P3 reduction efforts will
street was too large for the po- who collected money for his confrontation with police in Watertown. See Page 12 >We’re not going to cut back on our salary remain mediocre.
lice to immediately disperse flagship Saradha Realty India Photo: Jessica Rinaldi/Reuters increases, says CEO Kurien >P3

Ironically, like the protests Amul is facing in brand of curd, cheese, etc, their supplies go
using force. Banerjee was not at Ltd—said his entry into the me-
home at the time. dia business was his “biggest
Appreciating the political blunder”, though he had ini-
sensitivity of the crisis ahead of
the forthcoming panchayat, or
tially thought it would be the
“guaranteed protector” of the Old Monk GROOMING BUSINESS
village council, elections in the
state, “the police exercised re-
straint”, said a government of-
“marketing members”.
The Saradha Group’s media
ventures were until a few weeks
loses ground Young, urban customers feeding
ficial, asking not to be named. ago headed by Ghosh as the ed-
to McDowell’s
growth of hair transplant clinics
Karnataka, Nandini features in some discontent into. As of now, Amul’s packages are selling at a
Though peaceful in their agi- itor and chief executive officer.
tation, they effectively laid He stepped down soon before
siege to the chief minister’s they were shut, one by one, B Y M IHIR D ALAL

home till early evening, de- over the past few weeks. More
manding an assurance that the than 1,000 journalists and tech- ························· B Y S UNEERA T ANDON, tele that includes Warne (who sidered very important, and
state government would take nicians were laid off—many BANGALORE appears in an ad for it wearing more people are spending
the responsibility of liquidating
the Saradha Group’s assets and
were not paid their salaries for
several months. M ohan Meakin Ltd’s Old
Monk, easily recogniza-
a T-shirt saying “No Hair, No
Life”), Sourav Ganguly and
money on products that do
that, especially men. Over 75%
repay depositors. The irregularities may actu- ble by the squat bottle it comes
S hane Warne has done it. Jacques Kallis (surely, there of this market is dominated by

among dairy farmers in Kerala. As Gandhi was premium over Nandini’s in Karnataka. If the
“We will be lynched in our ally stretch back for as long as in, was once synonymous with So has Michael Vaughan. must be a connection between men. Younger men, as young
homes unless we secure a com- one-and-a-half years, with dark rum in India, besides be- And, closer home, Virender cricket and hair?). as 23-24 years old, are increas-
mitment from Didi,” said an money deducted from salaries ing the largest selling spirits Sehwag. Not everyone who wants a ingly looking at getting hair
agent, looking distraught, as for income tax and provident brand in the country, enjoying So, it was no surprise that transplant is necessarily going transplants done,” says Gaurav
rain clouds gathered over Kolk- fund not having been paid to unrivalled brand loyalty. Sahil Madan, now 28, decided, bald, says Arihant Surana, who Marya, chairman of Franchise
ata and the administration de- the respective authorities, ac- A decade later, it has lost so to do something about his re- has been in the business of im- India Holdings Ltd, a company
ployed a large force to make cording to a formal police com- much ground that the venera- ceding hairline. He spent planting hair for half a decade. that specializes in franchising,
sure the crowd was dispersed. plaint filed on Friday by a large ble label sells less than one- `81,000 for the treatment and “Earlier transplants were which has clients such as Dr A,
He did not disclose his name. number of those who used to fourth the volume of McDow- says he is satisfied with the re- linked to baldness; now (peo- ADHI India and DHI India.

elected in 2019 to the Lok Sabha from this gap begins to close, the latter should work out a
A former Saradha Group em- work at the media companies. ell’s No.1 Celebration rum, sult. ple go in for them because) In 2010, the global hair res-
ployee from its Uluberia Ghosh, who remains incom- owned by United Spirits Ltd Customers such as Madan— looks also play an important toration industry was worth
branch, who also joined the municado, issued a statement (USL). young, urban, well-heeled and role,” adds Surana, currently $1.9 billion (around `10,260
protests at Harish Chatterjee on Facebook, saying he was Several industry executives just that little bit vain about medical director (India) at Alvi crore today) and India contrib-
Street, said redemption claims never a director in the group and distributors said Mohan how they look—are the reason Armani International, an uted 14% of that, according to
had swelled to at least `1,200 and that he had nothing to do Meakin largely stopped pro- why newspapers and maga- American chain of hair trans- a 2012 report by Francorp, an
crore over the past few months, with its “finance (and) ac- moting Old Monk and handed zines are replete with before- plant clinics that claims to arm of Franchise India. The
and the group’s total liability counts”. over its distribution rights to after ads for hair clinics that have re-maned some of the market grew at an average rate
was far in excess of that He said he did not persuade third parties in different re- offer anything from a treat- biggest names in Bollywood of 22% over the past three

adjoining state, the BJP has been quick to strategic response like any marketer would. Let
amount. Mint couldn’t inde- Sen to launch or acquire media gions, which led to inconsist- ment to a complete transplant. and Hollywood, a member of a years and is expected to grow
pendently verify this claim. companies and that he was ency in availability and brand “Today, we’re not just deal- royal family, a famous football by 37% between 2012 and
This person, too, refused to be roped in only after the Saradha positioning. ing with extreme cases of bald- player, and executives at For- 2015, it said.
identified. Group got into an alliance with “When you look at Old ness. We are seeing a number tune 500 companies. Analysts said hair care treat-
Shortly after 6pm, as the time Sangbad Pratidin, a Bengali Monk, there’s no work done on of young people coming to us Indeed, in recent years, ment is much more expensive
daily, of which Ghosh was an brand imagery, positioning or to improve the quality and grooming has becoming im- in the West compared with In-
This newspaper is owned by
any other marketing activity,”
said Santosh Kanekar, a former
thickness of their hair, so they
can experiment with different
portant, even to men, and a
mini-boom for everything
dia. The average cost of trans-
plantation in the US is about
There is no Markets Watch another Trinamool Congress marketing head at Diageo Plc’s styles and looks,” says Sanket from beauty salons to cosmet- $4.5 per follicle against just

demand that he also speak up for an easy path its rivalrous resilience become the narrative,
with today’s edition. Rajya Sabha member, Srinjoy Indian unit, who now advises Shah, chief executive officer at ics to hair weaving and hair $1.75 per follicle in India, the
Bose, and his family. Ghosh funds on investing in India, in- Advanced Hair Studio that has transplant centres is the result. Francorp report said.
quit Sangbad Pratidin earlier cluding the liquor industry. branches in India and the Mid- “India is passing through a And it no longer appears to
Mint is also available for R9.50 with dle East. phase where grooming is big
Hindustan Times in Delhi-NCR only
TURN TO PAGE 2® TURN TO PAGE 2® The company boasts a clien- business. Looking good is con- TURN TO BACK PAGE ®

for Nandini to operate in Kerala. Politically, the not the ‘utterly bitterly’ slugfest we’re seeing.


Corporate failures: Auditors are soft targets for blame

they are the ones who sign off on a com- Indian banks as of 31 March 2022. While the which is the case now. Moreover, corporate Add to it the social and professional stigma
BIKASH NARAYAN MISHRA pany’s accounts and are required to give an audit committee is an integral part of this boards need strong leadership from these that gets attached to individuals in the audit
appraisal of the firm’s ability to survive the financial ecosystem, its primary function is audit committees to navigate these complex profession, as they often end up as the focal
year ahead. Any large corporate failure has to oversee financial reporting and related financial reporting environments, provide point of blame games. A clear understanding
a big economic effect, especially when it is a internal controls. The independent auditor independent reassurance, and keep the of roles and responsibilities at all levels can
surprise, with little to indicate impending is responsible for expressing an opinion on company on a solid path backed by a robust change this; else, the cause of assigning

alifornia-based Silicon Valley Bank failure beforehand. With multiple partici- the fairness with which the financial state- regulatory framework. accountability will continue to slide.
(SVB) collapsed last month, making it pants overseeing different aspects of finan- ments present, in all mate- India’s macro-economic Independent audits are also fundamental
the biggest lender to go down after cial reporting, including the company’s rial respects, the financial environment is creating to taking informed and correct investment
the global crisis of 2007-08. The speed at management, internal auditors, the board position, results of opera- We must clearly multiple challenges for the decisions. This requires corporate manage-
which a bank with assets of over $200 billion and its committees, and also statutory audi- tions and cash flows in country’s audit industry. ments and boards to prepare and present
went down is alarming and raises several tors, whose responsibility should it be? Or conformity with defined define the exact This is aggravated by a nar- reliable financial statements. For this, it is
questions, including about flaws in the US’s can such failures safely be attributed to a accounting principles. rative built up around the critical that each key element that is part of
banking architecture. weak regulatory framework? There is a need to better
responsibility audit profession. It’s well this ecosystem is both empowered and

is an advisor to the Indian

Among other things, the risk manage-
ment practices in vogue at SVB are a critical
When such failures happen, revisiting and
redefining each participant’s distinct roles in
define the responsibility
and accountability of the
of all those who accepted that the availabil-
ity of trustworthy financial
To foster a business-friendly environment
Banks Association and a former
aspect that must be considered seriously.
Were these practices so poor that they could
the financial reporting ecosystem, like the
management, audit committee and inde-
audit committee as well as
the auditors, and, of
are involved information on the per-
formance of companies is
for corporations and professionals in India,
participants in the financial reporting eco-
not anticipate impending trouble? Equally pendent auditor, becomes critical. The man- course, that of the manage- in financial important to the proper system must interact with one another in the
critical is the response of the bank’s board of agement is responsible for preparing finan- ment. With multiple stake- functioning of any market process. Also, our laws and regulations on
directors, which was found wanting. When cial statements, establishing and maintain- holders involved in finan- reporting economy. In present times, professional services should keep pace with
one is in a fiduciary business like SVB had ing adequate internal control over financial cial reporting, auditors wherein questions get changing market dynamics.
been, it becomes all the more important to reporting, evaluating its effectiveness and alone cannot be held raised over the integrity of The liability mechanism for auditors
be ever ready with a crisis-resolution plans efficiently running the company’s affairs. responsible for challenges that may be faced. auditors in carrying out their duties, such needs to be addressed. A failure to address
in place, which has been a big failure in this According to data by TransUnion CIBIL, There is an imminent need to explore and scepticism has the potential of taking down this could keep high-quality talent away
particular case. India had 15,778 wilful default accounts find ways and means to improve the role the whole system. The fallout of this is evi- from the profession and result in an atmos-
SVB collapse has once again spotlighted worth $41.3 billion as of December 2022, played by the audit committee. For instance, dent in other professionals opting to apply phere of fear among auditors, who may want
the question of who should be held responsi- compared with 14,206 accounts involving audit committees need to get more involved for audit roles, citing instances of auditors to exit the profession, all of which would
ble in the event of a corporate failure. In such $34.1 billion a year earlier. The top 50 wilful and responsible by expanding their role being subject to harsh criminal proceedings compromise rule-compliance further and
cases, statutory auditors are easy targets, as defaulters owed a total of ₹92,570 crore to beyond post-facto analysis and firefighting, initiated in several cases in the recent past. impact investors adversely.
This PDF was uploade To Teligram channel_ LBS Newspaper platform ( @LBSNEWSPAPER
LIVEMINT.COM VIEWS ThursdAy, 20 April 2023
MuMbAi 13


El Niño events show a weakening Chip-making machines face a

problem of uncertain demand
effect on food output and prices Global flux has warped the usual cyclicity of this crucial industry

Data analysis reveals India’s declining vulnerability and our safety net seems strong enough for this year’s anticipated event


is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist covering
industrials across Asia Pacific.

are, respectively, the chief economic advisor
and officers of the Indian Economic Service in
the ministry of finance, Government of India

huge shortage of semiconductors
wreaked havoc in many sectors over
the past two years. There weren’t
enough machines to make the chips, either. Too many new variables have made this
To fix the problem, firms announced bil- sector’s path hard to forecast ISTOCKPHOTO

ndia’s agricultural production depends on the lions of dollars of capital spending for new
southwest monsoon, which accounts for 75% facilities. But before these have even come That’s what happened in the construction
to 90% of the total annual rainfall from June to online, there’s already a glut. Companies machinery sector; homegrown champions
September. El Niño-Southern Oscillation don’t seem too perturbed, though, nor do have improved so much that they’re finding
(ENSO), classified as a periodic fluctuation in investors. Some chip machinery maker markets overseas. Sure, chip-making gear is
sea surface temperature (SST) across the cen- stocks are trading at heady valuations. much more sophisticated and needs the
tral and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean, signifi- They are finding comfort in the backlog of kind of precision that China perhaps doesn’t
cantly affects the southwest monsoon. Conditions orders that will tide these firms through have yet. Right now, these firms are manu-
of above-normal warming of the SST are termed troughs. Those that aren’t sitting on cushy facturing for the home market, pushing out
‘El Niño’, which is further classified into weak (W), Drought impact on food prices buffers will wait it out as they’ve done in overseas businesses as they make better
moderate (M), and strong (S) categories based on Insufficient rainfall has historically pushed up WPI food inflation but the effect has been reducing. years past. SEMI, an industry association, products. That will shift the finely tuned
the extent of the SST anomaly. Inflation in drought year Inflation 1 year later WPI-based food inflation (in %)
projects a 17% drop in front-end process demand-supply balance over the next few
Research has established that El Niño conditions 25 equipment. For others that cut wafers into years and eat into Japanese players’ large
strongly impact summer monsoons across India, chips, a back-end process, sales are likely to share in China.
and most severe droughts have occurred during 20 drop 9%. The forecast downturn follows Next, what does it mean for machinery
El Niño events. However, a direct correlation record sales of chip-making equipment makers as industrial technology evolves and
between El Niño conditions and agricultural pro- 15 that rose to $107.6 billion in 2022. end-market demand changes? Days of con-
duction is difficult to establish, as variables such as A complex cycle is getting even trickier to sumers buying loads of PCs and smart-
quality of seeds, usage of fertilizer, availability of predict. Usually, companies forecast phones (because of unprecedented demand
irrigation facilities, etc, significantly impact our 5 demand two years in advance, ordering during covid) are clearly numbered, given
production. 1968-69 tools and building factory shells without fill- cutbacks from the likes of Samsung. The
Since 1950, there have been 26 El- Niño and 16 0
ing them with machines. The chip cycle bigger and more lucrative wins will come
drought events in India, but not all El- Niño events 1965-66 1972-73 1979-80 1982-83 1986-87 1987-88 1991-92 2002-03 2004-05 2009-10 2014-15 2015-16 turns every three to five years. Every time, from large-scale decarbonization transi-
resulted in droughts. For example, 2006-07, an -5 it’s consistent, falling for a few years and tions. Power chips, for instance, are being
El-Niño year, received normal monsoons, while -10
bouncing back up, even if the exact timing, pushed aggressively in China as they are a
1997-98, despite being a strong El- Niño year, depth and speed of the rebound is harder to key semiconductor used in EVs and other
Note: S: Strong El Nino effect, M: Moderate effect, W: Weak effect Source: Government data
resulted in excess rainfall. Barring these excep- determine, says Peter Hanbury of Bain & emerging sectors that Beijing is focused on.
tional years, 14 out of 16 times, a drought was SATISH KUMAR/MINT
Co. In downturns, cash costs are so low Firms like Zhejiang Jingsheng and Naura
led by El- Niño events, adversely impacting food foodgrains, contributing to negative food inflation. One, in recent decades, some literature has companies keep running plants, but future Technology are developing equipment to
production and inflation. Two, post-1991-92, food inflation remained in shown weak correlations between monsoon rain- capital gets cut. Firms have worked out how make these components. Meanwhile, com-
Preliminary analysis using data from 1950-51 to single digits, barring 2009-10, indicating reduced fall and the El Niño index. to deal with predictable variables and are panies such as Japan’s Screen Holdings
2021-22 shows that the average deviation of total peak levels. One reason could be that the other Two, over the years, the percentage of total food- immune to ups and downs. The broader report that in the Chinese market, invest-
foodgrain production from trend levels is maxi- external shocks mentioned earlier, like war, oil grain area under irrigation has tripled from 18% in upward trajectory keeps manufacturers ment appetite outside restricted areas is
mum in cases of strong El Niño conditions (-8.75 shocks, etc, dissipated. Moreover, there was a 1950 to 54% in 2020. With better irrigation facili- churning out equipment that will sooner or “still active.”
million tonnes or MT), followed by moderate (-6.81 structural shift in terms of a higher share of the ties, micro irrigation and the use of quality seeds, later get installed in fab units. Capital intensity (including some help
MT) and -1.75 MT for weak El Niño conditions. agriculture-allied sector (livestock) in gross value the share of rabi-season crops in India’s total food- Or that’s how it used to be. There is now from government subsidies) for the broader
We aim to answer three essential questions added (GVA). However, this was more pronounced grain production increased from 34% in 1966-67 a new and meaningful set of variables to chip-making equipment market has contin-
by mapping WPI food inflation data across El-Niño from 2005-06 onwards. The allied sector, less to 50% in 2021-22. Studies have shown that the consider. Those range from export restric- ued to rise as technology is refined and cus-
events (W/M/S): (i) Whether the variability in food prone to climate adversaries, supported agricul- impact of ENSO on rabi is lower than on kharif pro- tions on Beijing, significant investments tomer needs get more sophisticated. Higher
inflation due to El-Niño has changed; (ii) Whether tural growth for most of the years. The share of the duction, which provides a cushion to overall food- made by Chinese producers to huge gov- raw material prices have also eaten into
the inflation peaks have subsided in the last couple crop sector in GVA declined from 65% in 1991-92 to grain production levels in uncertain times. ernment subsidies and incentives handed profitability. Unfazed, chip machine makers
of decades, and (iii) whether the carry-over effect 54.8% in 2021-22, while that of the allied sector It is reasonable to conclude that the impact of El out by the US and Europe, along with geo- are expecting an uptick in 2024. The quick-
of drought in the successive year has moderated. increased from 35% to 44% during the same Niño events on food production and inflation has political tensions and rising tech costs. est growth will come from Europe, the US
Three significant trends emerge from our period. Post-2005-06, growth in the crop sector certainly declined, owing to the lower frequency Executives at one of the largest machinery and Japan, SEMI notes, as capacity rises.
analysis: remained at around 2.7%, whereas the allied sector of these events in the last two decades, with most makers, Lam Research, called the broader For now, some firms are turning to solu-
One, between 1965 and 1991, food inflation in has grown on an average of 5.3%. falling in the weak or moderate category. More- changes in the industry “an unprecedented tions that have worked in the past. They’ve
drought years was in the double-digit range, per- Three, the standard deviation of food inflation over, over the years, the resilience developed on business environment” during the com- delayed projects and postponed payments.
sisting into the following year. In addition to the pre-1991-92 was 8.19, which dropped to 3.86 in the account of private investment in agriculture, the pany’s earnings call in late January. Fore- Others are pushing out expansion plans.
years being a drought year, other idiosyncratic post-1991-92 period. This reduced variability is use of heat-resistant crops, greater mechanization, casts that don’t take these factors into The industry association said last month
factors also played a role in the price rise, including due to strong El-Niño events dominating the initial advanced weather information dissemination, account—or underestimate their impact— spending will be down 22% this year, worse
the war in 1965, crude oil-price hikes in 1973-74 drought years, with 5 out of 6 strong El-Niño government interventions in reforming agricul- are likely to be far too optimistic. than previously expected just four months
and 1979-80, the 1991-92 balance-of-payments events occurring before 1992 and only one since tural marketing, adequate buffer stocks and preci- So it’s worth considering the following ago. Yet, companies aren’t cancelling plans
crisis, and global inflation. Among these years, then. This has contributed to the moderation in sion-based irrigation has created a safety net for blind spots. First, what if Chinese compa- outright, hoping that cyclicality will play
1968-69 was an outlier with negative inflation, carry-over effects of El-Niño on food inflation. agriculture against such climatic distortions. nies, which currently buy over a quarter of out. That will muddy forecasting further.
mainly due to uneven rainfall distribution across Other significant reasons that support the argu- We hope India’s safety net is strong enough for global chip equipment, end up making their With even more looming uncertainties,
states. Moreover, with the advent of the green rev- ment of reduced pressures from El Niño events in this year’s anticipated ENSO. own products (even if lower-tech to begin chip-machine makers could do with a
olution, there was a jump in the production of recent years are as follows: These are the authors’ personal views. with), while shutting out Japanese players? deeper reassessment. ©BLOOMBERG


Should machines explain themselves better than we do?

els derive their conclusions? Are these bereft needs to think consciously to perform a task nation provided by the technical team to brands, were given access to an AI-based
BIJU DOMINIC of all biases? A McKinsey study found that of expertise. This task can be performed establish that the system complies with forecasting model. The employees turned
organizations which establish digital trust non-consciously. But what happens if an applicable laws and regulations. out to be likelier to overrule models they
among consumers through practices such as expert tries to think consciously about his or Explainability helps improve risk mitiga- could understand because there were mis-
making AI explainable are more likely to see her performance? No doubt, this will tion. Data from the black boxes of ill-fated takenly sure of their own intuitions.
their annual revenues and earnings grow in improve its explainability. But the moment aircraft that met with accidents have helped Those in the know of the intricacies of

n 3 June 1997, during a warm-up double digits. So is AI explainability a a human tries to bring one’s non-conscious better understand the causes of those acci- human behaviour will not be surprised that
match between Brazil and France, desired goal? But the more important ques- learning to the conscious dents and prevent similar explainability affects the adoption of AI sys-
Roberto Carlos stunned the world tion is whether the very humans who insist level, s/he tends to ‘choke’. crashes. But should more tems. The feeling of ignorance among the
with one of the most spectacular free kicks in on the explainability of AI systems can By insisting on bringing in Humans can’t explainability be at the cost masses that an elite Latin language created
football history. It was a 30-yard kick. Carlos explain themselves. better explainability to AI of better efficiency? in the West and Sanskrit did in India went a
took a long 20-yard run-up to take that kick. For a long time, it was assumed that algorithms, would we quite explain Despite recent develop- long way in enhancing popular acceptance
The ball was kicked at 136kmph. The ball human behaviour is the result of conscious, ‘choke’ its efficiency? ments in neuroscience, we of superiority held by a priestly class in these
curved around the entire French defence. rational processes. So any explanation There is no doubt that
themselves are far from explaining the societies. Feelings of ignorance and of

is chief evangelist, Fractal

Goalkeeper Fabien Barthez thought the ball
was going off-field into the crowd. So he did
humans gave of why they behaved the way
they did was almost always considered a suf-
techniques which enable
AI-system explainability
and asking AI ‘why’ of any human action.
Humankind has pro-
expertise are closely linked. If so, are we
compromising better adoption of AI systems
Analytics, and chairman,
FinalMile Consulting.
not move. But the ball curved back swiftly
and magically into the goal. Soccer experts
ficient explanation of that behaviour. But
with the arrival of neuroscience, this belief
can more quickly reveal
errors or areas for
systems to do it gressed not by improving
human explainability, but
by improving their explainability?
There is a part of human behaviour that is
and even physicists have studied in detail started to change. Now it is evident that improvement. This would may hold their by taking on more account- considered explainable. Behaviours that are
every aspect of this kick. But years later, in an 99.99% of the 11-million-bits processing make it easier for machine- ability for actions. Can we performed strictly as per instructions, for
interview with ESPN Brasil, Roberto Carlos capacity of the human brain works at a non- learning operation teams adoption back focus on making AI systems example, where the directives in themselves
said, “To be honest, until this day I don’t conscious level. So most human behaviours tasked with supervising AI more accountable for the provide a clear explanation of what is done.
know how I did that.” are performed below the thresholds of con- systems to monitor and quality of their output than In human history, the generation of strict
Explainability is the capacity to articulate sciousness. It is quite clear that humans are maintain those systems efficiently. It is making its algorithms more explainable? instruction-led behaviour is called slavery.
why a person or system reached a particular not capable of explaining why they did what believed that explainability helps organiza- A study by academics at Harvard Univer- Are today’s growing cries for explainability
decision. As businesses are increasingly they did. Think of Roberto Carlos’s kick. tions mitigate risks. AI systems that run afoul sity, Massachusetts Institute of Technology of AI systems, then, reflective of a desire to
relying on artificial intelligence (AI) systems The early stages of any human learning of ethical norms, even if inadvertently, can and Polytechnic University of Milan sug- keep AI machines enslaved to humans? Will
to make decisions, there is a growing insist- involve conscious processes. As the learning ignite intense public, media and regulatory gests that excessive explanation of AI sys- human-imposed chains of explainability
ence that AI systems should be explainable. progresses further and as the person scrutiny. If the algorithms are explainable, tems can create some unique problems. curtail the freedom of AI systems to freely
What data do they use? How do these mod- becomes an expert, this individual no longer the legal and risk teams could use the expla- Employees at Tapestry, a portfolio of luxury express their innovative abilities?
This PDF was uploade To Teligram channel_ LBS Newspaper platform ( @LBSNEWSPAPER
4 . bl . think

THURSDAY ­ APRIL 20 ­ 2023


₹ in a sweet spot as $ loses lustre
The RBI need not worry about protecting the rupee while framing its monetary policy now 
Dark horizon POINT
equity markets in April. The rupee has
also strengthened towards the 82 mark
BLANK. and the RBI has been able to mop up the
A brewing El Nino poses a challenge to the monsoon dollar inflows to bolster its forex
t is a little too early to cheer the India What’s more, there is a consensus

I Meteorological Department’s (IMD’s) early­stage
building that the RBI could begin to

n May 2022, when the RBI began reduce rate hikes soon. According to
forecast of a normal South­West monsoon this the current rate hike cycle with a Bloomberg’s forecasting model, rate
year. Experience over the last decade suggests that the sudden 40 basis points hike in hikes are expected to continue in the
actual quantum of rains can vary widely from this repo rate, there was much upcoming policy meetings of most
squirming all around. For the countries including the US, the EU and
forecast. IMD’s April forecasts had projected a normal Indian central bank had emphatically the UK. But overnight rates are
monsoon (quantum of rainfall at 4 per cent plus or stated just a month before that the indicating a rate cut in the next policy
minus long­period average or LPA) in eight of the last surging inflation was transitory and that meeting in India and Japan. 
there was no need to begin increasing This bodes well for India’s growth,
ten years, but the decade saw four excess monsoon rates yet. which is already the fastest in the world.
years and three below­normal/deficient years. The reason for the RBI’s volte face Corporate earnings will also benefit,
was clearly the US Federal Reserve leading to improved flows into equity
The early forecast can be a particularly meeting scheduled on the next day, markets. Other factors working in the
inaccurate predictor of monsoon behaviour when the Fed was expected to announce rupee’s favour include weakening crude
in years where El Nino is a factor. In 2014 and a rather large hike in the Fed Funds rate. oil prices leading to lower merchandise
The RBI was slightly behind the curve imports, strong services exports and
2015, a brewing El Nino diminished rains to then since the US Fed began its rate hike NRI remittance from overseas.
88 and 86 per cent of the LPA while IMD had cycle in February and FOMC projections
predicted 95 and 93 per cent, respectively. had signalled a series of aggressive rate FPI FLOWS INTO DEBT
The Australian Bureau of Meteorology hikes in 2022. Stock and bond markets Foreign portfolio flows into debt tend to
had turned turbulent from the last be more sensitive to policy rate
pegged the probability of an El Nino quarter of 2021 in expectation of the movement and the pause in rate hikes or
developing this year at twice the usual levels, rate hikes and foreign portfolio a reversal could lead to money flowing
and warned that it will likely develop by investors had already pulled out out of Indian debt. But most emerging
August. The IMD has cited Indian Ocean ₹1.34­lakh crore out of the Indian equity markets are now moving towards a
and bond market in the first four months pause in rate hike cycle or even a
Dipole conditions and low snow cover in the of 2022.  reversal. The hunt for higher yield is
Northern Hemisphere as possible mitigants The sharp appreciation in the dollar in likely to bring foreign investors to
to El Nino. But as El Nino has led to sub­par the first quarter of 2022 had led to emerging market debt, as risk aversion
monsoons for India on 10 out of 15 occasions turmoil in currencies of emerging abates. 
in the past, it is a factor that needs watching.  economies and the rupee was not spared This is already evident in the
either. The RBI had to act fast to numbers. FPIs have net purchased $292
More than the aggregate quantum of maintain the spread between US and million of Indian bonds in 2023 implying
rainfall showered by the South­West Indian bond yields to buttress the rupee.  that they are not too concerned about
monsoon, it is the spatial and temporal But the tables have been turned on the RBI’s decision. This is because there is
spread of rains that is crucial to India’s dollar since then and the rupee is now in still a spread of over 300 bps in the real
a much stronger position. This implies yield of the sovereign bonds of the US
agricultural prospects and inflation outlook. that the RBI need not worry too much against inflation is taking a toll on Valley Bank has made Fed realise the and India. 
Last year, though the monsoon helped by a La about shielding the rupee while framing growth with GDP growth projected at problems with aggressive monetary Also, FPIs had been aggressive sellers
Nina lavished rainfall at 106 per cent of LPA, the monetary policy, going ahead. 1.3 per cent in 2023, down from 2.1 per tightening, making it slow the pace of its of Indian debt between FY19 and FY21
deficient rains in the key growing regions of cent in 2022. Federal Reserve Chairman rate hikes. This has led to the dollar with average net sales of ₹46,000 crore
THE DOLLAR WEAKNESS has been reiterating in the FOMC losing ground against the euro and other in these three years. This has resulted in
Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal and Bihar led to The US dollar index, which captures the meetings that there is marked slowdown reserve currencies. US treasury yields a considerable reduction in the FPI
significant shortfalls in kharif sowing. Excess movement of the dollar against a basket in consumption and output because of have also paused their upward march. holding of Indian government and
rains in October from a late­staying monsoon of major currencies, raced up from 95 in the rate hikes.  Three, though Fed is beginning to corporate bonds. So, FPI pull­out from
also inflicted damage on the standing crops of the beginning of 2022 to 113 by On the other hand, the growth slacken the pace of its rate hikes, other the debt market is not a material threat
soyabean, cotton, pulses and paddy. For the September 2022 as the Fed rate hikes outlook for Euro zone and China has central banks such as European Central anymore.
sent treasury bond yields shooting been improving with the pandemic Bank and Bank of England are The tide appears to be turning in
current year, IMD expects the Southern higher. Five­year US treasury bonds abating. This has reduced the relative continuing to hike rates aggressively, favour of emerging markets at large and
peninsula, East Central India and the traded at 4.2 per cent in October 2022, allure of US denominated securities. making these currencies appreciate for India in particular as the dollar
Northeast to receive normal or above­normal up from 1.6 per cent in January 2022. Two, the banking crisis in the US against the dollar.  begins losing ground and the US
rains, while Northern and Western India Higher yields along with strengthening triggered by the collapse of the Silicon grapples with the consequences of its
currency made global funds move into TIDE TURNS FOR RUPEE monetary policy. Global investors are
(Gujarat, Maharashtra, Telangana and dollar­denominated assets, leading to a As the dollar loses its mojo, the rupee is likely to once again turn their attention
Haryana) are expected to see patchy rains. sell­off in emerging market currencies RBI’s  decision  to  pause gaining ground. The rupee is the towards emerging markets as risk
This could have implications for rice, oilseed including the rupee. second­best performer against the aversion ebbs.
and sugarcane output. As IMD’s forecasts on But the dollar is losing its lustre, with rate  hikes  has  made  FPIs dollar since the beginning of this year. This makes the task of the RBI easier
spatial distribution have proved spot on in the dollar index currently down 11 per turn  net  buyers  in  Indian The RBI’s decision to pause rate hikes in as it can formulate policy based on the
cent from its September peak. Several the recent monetary policy has worked needs of the Indian economy without
recent years, policymakers would do well to factors have contributed to this equity  markets.  Markets  are in favour of the rupee with foreign having to worry about FPI outflows and
prepare farmers in these specific States and slowdown. One, the US Fed’s war hoping  for  a  rate  cut  soon. portfolio investors turning net buyers in a run on the rupee.
crops well in advance. In terms of temporal
spread, farmers have become accustomed to
adjusting their sowing patterns to early and
late onset monsoons. But deficient rains in
July and August could prove damaging to
crop prospects. A late­developing El Nino will
The FPO route to making farming worthwhile
aggravate this risk. 
The above factors are reasons why Strengthening farmer producer organisations will raise farmers’ bargaining power and help them achieve economies of scale
mandarins of the Agriculture and Consumer
Affairs ministries need to keep a close eye on prerequisite, by strengthening the prices through exports. For this,
M Srikanth Farmer Producer Organisation (FPO) agricultural value chains may be
IMD’s monthly forecasts and nowcasts, as the model through formation of federations, developed by following the ‘One District
monsoon progresses. The Centre needs to

griculture in India is not a viable which will ensure their collective One Product’ model. 
work on improving the reliability of its option given fragmented bargaining power and achievement of Access to institutional credit: As per a
agricultural output estimates to avoid landholdings (average economies of scale. report on FPOs from Azim Premji
knee­jerk policy interventions on landholding size is 1.08 hectares), Convergence of SHGs and FPOs: By University, 919 FPOs received financial
rain­fed agriculture (around 50 per taking a cue from the self­help group assistance of ₹403 crore in FY 2021­22
agri­commodities that compromise farmer cent), climate change, lower model, the concept of FPO was from various credit agencies with an
interests, when sudden supply shortfalls disbursement of institutional credit to introduced in 2003. Though a few FPOs average loan size of just ₹43.85 lakh.
stoke CPI inflation. The Monetary Policy farmers, high cost of cultivation, and such as Sahyadri Farms, Yogeswara and This loan amount is inadequate since
Committee, which has predicated its recent exploitation by various agents.  Maha FPC Federation are successful in their average size is more than 750
Besides, the Minimum Support Price certain pockets, they are yet to take off LIMITED SPREAD. FPOs are yet to take members in most of the cases. As more
rate pause on cooling inflation, may also need (MSP) model in India resulted in skewed on a pan­India basis. Data show more than half of formal credit is granted to
off on a pan­India basis
to closely monitor the monsoon’s progress to cropping pattern and other adverse than two­thirds of FPOs are in seven other than small and marginal farmers,
decide on its future course of action. implications, namely, unbridled States: Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, it is imperative to improve access to low
exploitation of groundwater, soil Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, other hand, the country is exporting cost institutional credit to this group.
alkalinity and chemicalisation of Bihar and Karnataka. Therefore, there is water­guzzling crops like rice, wheat and Seamless market linkages: A few
farming. Hence, the following policy a need to converge SHGs and FPOs as sugar, which has ecological costs. To FPOs supply to e­commerce retailers
POCKET RAVIKANTH initiatives may come handy. done in some parts of Uttar Pradesh. For ensure food, nutritional and financial such as JioMart, Grofers, Big Basket,
Input credit to farmers: Input instance, mango orchards may be looked security to the farmers, diversifying to etc., either directly or through agri
subsidy to farmers may be given on after by farmers right from ‘roots to crops such as millets, pulses, oil seeds, start­ups. This may be complemented by
seeds, pesticides, and fertilisers so that fruits’; SHG women, preferably from the and spices may be incentivised. The crafting a marketing strategy through
MSP can be phased out gradually. respective families, may process the FPOs may be trained in commodity procurement of agri­produce at
Besides, labour from MGNREGS may be mangoes for pickles, jelly, juice, etc. derivatives to market their produce farm­gate in all districts through the
provided to farmers, especially the small Diversification of crops: India has without resorting to distress sale. public­private partnership model.
and marginal, to reduce their cost of been importing edible oil, pulses, Focus on exports: Indian farmers may
cultivation. Before phasing out MSP, cashew and spices, losing precious be encouraged to grow commercial The writer is Director, Centre for Agri­Business
empowerment of farmers should be a foreign exchange in the process. On the crops in order to obtain remunerative Management, MANAGE, Hyderabad. Views are personal

LETTERS TO EDITOR Send your letters by email to or by post to ‘Letters to the Editor’, The Hindu Business Line, Kasturi Buildings, 859­860, Anna Salai, Chennai 600002.

Police reforms of various recommendations of the Financial inclusion creation, thanks to the principle of and the value of the accounts have

This refers to the timely and lively Prakash Chand Committee on police Rural entrepreneurs are crucial to credit multiplier, and thereby witnessed steep growth. 
editorial ‘Policing the police’ (April reforms.  the growth of a developing country aggregate demand, employment, The financial empowerment of the
19). There can’t be two views about Kumar Gupt like ours. Also, they aid in reducing income and output in the economy. marginalised sections of society is
the fact that the recent unsavoury Panchkula, Haryana unemployment and poverty. They Finance is the life blood of business. fast improving, in addition a lot of the
developments in Uttar Pradesh bring will also help reduce migration and Banks in the private and public exchequer’s funds have been saved
to the fore the issue ofl the ong Uplift of Rural India economic disparity in rural areas. But sectors should judiciously utilise due to direct benefit transfer
awaited police reforms.  It refers to ‘Rise of rural such entrepreneurs suffer from their financial resources to not only enabled through these accounts.
As regards the political, entrepreneurs’ (April 19). The inadequate finance and lack of optimise their profits but also fulfil The scheme has also created an
administrative and judicial aspects of success of women’s self­help groups training. There is a need for another the social and economic need of enabling environment for the growth
policing, their highly shows that Rural India can rise to Integrated Rural Development giving loans to small­ and of financial literacy. However, a major
complex/inter­woven character great heights if rural­oriented Programme with a high degree of medium­scale entrepreneurs, portion of the accounts are
could be a major prohibitive factor schemes are monitored well and financial inclusion. including start­ups, at nominal rates operative merely to pass on direct
towards any positive change on the entrepreneurs given support till they NR Nagarajan of interest. This can help India in a big benefits, defeating the objective of
part of various stakeholders. find their feet. Sivakasi, TN way to achieve the status of a financial inclusion. Banks
It is not uncommon to observe cops Finance is the backbone for any developed nation. mustremove the hurdles that keep
displaying utmost sense of duty and business, hence it must be made Laudable scheme S Ramakrishnasayee the accounts inoperative. They must
alertness when performing VIP duty. available adequately. If business is It is interesting to note that the total Chennai also strive to include more excluded
But sadly, the same is lacking while started in rural areas, it will give a balance in the bank accounts under segments to make financial inclusion
dealing with ordinary citizens.  boost the rural economy. Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana has Many benefits more robust and meaningful. 
Such differentiated treatment calls Bal Govind crossed ₹2­lakh crore (April 19). This Since the launch of the Jan Dhan VSK Pillai
for the immediate implementation Noida means enhancement of credit scheme in August 2014, the number Changanacherry, Kerala

Published by N. Ravi at Kasturi Buildings, 859 & 860, Anna Salai, Chennai­600002 and Printed by N. Vaidyanathan at Dangat Media Pvt Ltd, No. 22, Dighe MIDC, Vishnu Nagar, TTC Industrial Area, Dighe, Navi Mumbai­400701 on behalf of THG PUBLISHING PVT LTD., Chennai­600002. Editor: Raghuvir Srinivasan (Editor responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act).   ISSN 0971 ­ 7528

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THURSDAY ­ APRIL 20 ­ 2023

Auditors under fire INDIA IN
An escrow account for auditors’ fee is an option SMITHA RADHAKRISHNAN

icrofinance continues
Mohan  R  Lavi to attract global and
domestic investments.

egulators all over the These investments
world are penalising ensure that the
auditors with monetary “financial inclusion” of marginalised
fines and barring them from groups remains a lucrative enterprise for
accepting audits for a certain the dozens of microfinance institutions
period. APAS in Germany levied a (MFIs).
fine on the auditors of Wirecard Just a decade ago, the microfinance
— a fintech firm. The Financial sector attracted much media attention
Reporting Council (FRC) in the due to coercive loan recovery practices
UK penalised the auditors of SIG and even suicides in Andhra Pradesh. 
Plc.  Yet, today, the coverage of MFIs is
AUDITORS. Under scrutiny
Ever since its establishment, entirely divorced from the real lives of
the Public Company Accounting those it supposedly served, as news
Oversight Board (PCAOB) in the coverage focuses on abstract numbers
US has penalised many audit observed that “the financial and policies. However, the sector
firms and auditors. Indian statements of BGL during the continues to exert considerable moral
regulators have not been investigation period were not authority because of its focus on poor
watching silently from the prepared and presented in women. 
sidelines. The National Financial accordance with various But do MFIs provide women with the

It’s a myth that MFIs
Reporting Authority (NFRA) in prescribed accounting support and services they need? 
India penalised the auditors of standards”.  India’s microfinance industry has not
Café Coffee Day and Dewan However, it was observed that only drifted away from serving women,
Housing Finance Ltd (DHFL).  the auditors for various years did but seldom considers their real needs.
The Securities and Exchange not issue a Their functioning often reinforces

empower women
Board of India (SEBI) noted qualified/adverse/disclaimer of gender inequality. 
violations in the work done by the opinion on the financial The industry profits from unpaid
auditors of Brightcom Group. The statements of BGL in accordance labour of women borrowers, who
APCID remanded a partner of an with SA 700. Further, as per the organise groups and leverage personal
accounting firm to judicial Auditor’s Report for the FYs information to ensure debts are paid. 
custody for admitting to 2018­19 and 2019­20, the In conversations this writer had in
negligence in the audit of a company was having branch Bengaluru, women leaders leveraged CORRECTING PERCEPTIONS. Microfinance sector exploits poor women in 
popular chit fund. The charges operations in the US. position in the community to create
against the auditors in each of In terms of Section 143 (3)(b), groups tailored to the requirements of complex ways, and is not a financial inclusion success story
these cases were almost similar — (c) and (d) of the Companies Act, MFIs, ensuring the required number of
varying degrees of negligence 2013, the Auditor’s Report had to better­off and poorer women,
while performing their duty. provide certain entrepreneurial women, renters, and
Being an auditor of a company statements/disclosures in respect homeowners.  in the Indian media is positive. The companies not only profit from the of debt and managers of household
could top the list of the riskiest of books of account and audit of This variety of social profiles are association between MFIs and women’s labour and money that women finances. 
professions to pursue in the such branch which were not required for MFIs to create reliable empowerment persists because of how borrowers pay, but also co­opt to Women are often grateful to MFIs for
present times. The latest provided. groups in which the risk is spread out.  the privileged classes, both inside and legitimise themselves as helpmates to giving them loans for medical
sensation — ChatGPT — will also These developments are going Yet MFI workers themselves lack the outside India, view women borrowers. the poor, rather than moneylenders. emergencies at lower interest rate than
not help. It will answer a lot of to have repercussions on the intimate knowledge required to form MFI borrowers overwhelmingly come They claim to help women start the local moneylender. But what they
questions on auditing in detail but profession. The number of such groups from scratch in from precarious circumstances, but are sustainable enterprises that will lift need is access to basic, reliable
will not be able to sign an Audit students opting for an accounting neighbourhoods already flooded with often not poor, even if they live in them out of poverty. healthcare. 
report. course is already on the decline — subprime debt. MFIs profit from the neighbourhoods in which exploitation In not a single conversation that this
a trend that is expected to unpaid services of such women leaders.  and destitution are commonplace. Yet, LOSING TRACK writer had with MFI leaders was there
NEGLIGENT AUDITORS continue resulting in a shortage of Though microfinance is supposed to those outside the slum seldom take the We have lost track of the core question any interest in ensuring that women
The negligence that the auditors. On their part, some help women in their entrepreneurial time to understand the tremendous of whether small, high­interest financial borrowers had access to the social
regulators charged the auditors auditors would refuse risky audits activities, women often take loans to diversity of circumstances within it. products respond to the needs of the supports they needed to thrive.
with were not minor offences. in case the management do not tide over expenses such as school fees, Instead, they are viewed as a working­class women the industry An equitable path forward for the
Audits were accepted agree with the views of the auditor medical expenses and paying off earlier homogenous group made of small­scale claims to serve. As in so many other industry requires meaningful regulation
disregarding independence on certain transactions — leading loans. MFIs profit from this as well. As entrepreneurs or moral mother­workers industries, financial speculation, that brings women clients and their local
requirements, audit files were to a demand/supply mismatch. long as a borrower repays her debt, she who work for the benefit of the family. shareholder interests, and an allies to the table to strategise toward a
found to have been tampered with Going forward, auditors would be can take out a larger loan next year, a MFIs and small finance banks (SFBs) interdependence between state and fairer future for working class women in
after the regulators sought audit more careful in their situation that allows the MFIs to have amplify these understandings by market­led interests has created policies India. 
evidence, professional scepticism documentation and reporting.  larger profit margins. Even privileged publicising “success stories” of clients and practices that circumvent the MFIs have accomplished something
was not maintained to highlight However, it is a fact that women workers within MFIs have that amplify the role of a high­interest question of what women borrowers historic by creating trusting
certain fraudulent transactions auditors would be completely limited options for career growth. loan in a woman’s success. MFIs require as citizens.  relationships with poor, working class
and in certain cases, elementary independent only when they are Women workers often carried a heavy manipulate the complexity of women’s The question of what women and rural women who have historically
audit procedures were not carried not dependent on the client for emotional load, helping other women stories in order to elevate the borrowers really need in their lives been excluded by the banking sector.
out.  their fees. The ICAI/SEBI/NFRA pay off debts they couldn’t afford.  transformative role of the loan in a becomes relevant to MFIs only while The time has come to re­evaluate the
For instance, in the UK, the should get together and think of Each month, they struggled to pay off borrower’s life. designing training programmes or new regulations and motivations by which
FRC concluded that the auditors establishing some sort of an the other member’s debt. Some of the In other words, exploitative financial consumer finance products. And in they abide, diversify their internal
of SIG Plc failed to obtain and escrow mechanism for the more unsavoury activities associated those cases, the question is more about personnel, and participate in a
document audit evidence over the payment of audit fees at least for with loan repayments remain hidden whether women borrowers will engage, conversation about how to alleviate the
testing of rebate terms and the listed entities. The developments from official records as MFIs continue to It  is  time  to  reboot  the not whether it would serve their short­ struggles of borrowers across the
testing of rebate debtor balances.  over the last few years will provide investors with lucrative profit microfinance  sector  and and medium­term goals. The significant country.
They also failed to exercise certainly force auditors and audit margins due to high levels of on­time disconnect between the image MFIs
sufficient professional scepticism firms to embrace professional repayment. bring  in  meaningful project and the reality of their financial The writer is the Luella LaMer Professor of Women’s
by not investigating signs that the indemnity insurance policies regulation  that  empowers operations is made possible by the Studies and Professor of Sociology at Wellesley
balances of rebate debtors may without any hesitation. POSITIVE MEDIA IMAGE incredible kindness and resourcefulness College. This article is by special arrangement with the
have been overstated. In the case These realities exist in plain sight and working  class  women  of women borrowers, who have, in Centre for the Advanced Study of India, University of
of the Brightcom Group, SEBI The writer is a chartered accountant yet, the overwhelming portrayal of MFIs in  India contemporary India, become the bearers Pennsylvania.

India to have 2.9 m more people than China by mid­2023, UN estimates
April 20, 2003 Reuters would surpass China this month, but the report said. “The Indian survey
the global body's latest report did not findings suggest that population
All clear for IUC regime: TRAI 
ndia is on its way to becoming the specify a date. anxieties have seeped into large
The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has said that there is not world’s most populous nation, UN population officials have said it portions of the general public,” Andrea
going to be any further postponement of the interconnection usage charge overtaking China with almost 3 was not possible to specify a date Wojnar, the agency's India
(IUC) regime, and it is to come into effect from May 1 as announced earlier.  million more people in the middle of because of uncertainty about the data representative, said in a statement.
this year, data released on Wednesday from India and China, as India’s last “Yet population numbers should not
Govt firms up steps to deal with strike  by the United Nations showed. census was held in 2011 and the next, trigger anxiety or create alarm. Instead,
The Union Government on Saturday initiated moves on taking back­up India’s population is estimated at due in 2021, was delayed by the they should be seen as a symbol of
measures to deal with the transporters’ strike which completed six days and is 1,428.6 million, or 1.4286 billion, Covid­19 pandemic. Although both progress, development, and aspirations
threatening to assume alarming proportions. “We are consulting the States on against 1.4257 billion for China in the nations will account for more than a POPULATION GROWTH. Slowing if individual rights and choices are
how to tackle the situation… what the States can do and what they will require United Nations Population Fund’s third of the estimated global population down  PTI being upheld.”
from us,” according to an official with the Road Transport & Highway Ministry.  (UNFPA) ‘State of World Population of 8.045 billion, population growth in While India had done many things
Report’ this year. both has been slowing, albeit much decade, government data shows. right in tackling population growth,
Threshold limit hiked for FII/NRI investments  The US is a distant third, with an faster in China than India. Apublic survey by UNFPA for the “we need to make sure that girls and
The RBI has enhanced the threshold limit for FII/NRI investments in Indian estimated population of 340 million, Last year, China’s population fell for 2023 report found the most commonly women are not pushed into early
companies having equity base of Rs 1,000 crore and above. The threshold limit the data showed in a report that reflects the first time in six decades. held opinion in India, as well as in marriages and pregnancies, which limit
has been reset at 0.5 percentage point below the sectoral cap against the information available until February. India's annual population growth has Brazil, Egypt and Nigeria, was that the their aspirations,” said Poonam
earlier limit of 2 percentage points, said an RBI release. Threshold limit is the Population experts using previous averaged 1.2 per cent since 2011, down population in each country “was too Muttreja, an official of the voluntary
limit at which foreign/NRI investors have to seek RBI permission for further data from the UN have projected India from 1.7 per cent in the previous large and fertility rates were too high”, group Population Foundation of India.
purchase of equity in the same company. 


01. Lamellibranch shellfish (6)  01. A lawyer's head of 01. Shellfish, one is told, may substitute for brawn (6)  01. He's coping with a pen­pusher, this legal
04. Sacredly obscure (6)  office (8,5)  04. It is allegorical if my cane has lost its tip (6)  employee (8,5) 
09. Canadian/American waterfall (7)  02. Coquille shellfish (7)  09. A right, once more, to turn back to the Falls (7)  02. It is a shellfish the edges of which one will cut in
10. A set pack­down in rugby football (5)  03. Dash, impetuosity (4)  10. Credit is given, in total, to the rugger pack (5)  curves (7) 
11. A seabird (4)  05. Muslim women's 11. The innocent victim is a bird (4)  03. Impetuosity shown in polite language (4) 
12. Space (4)  double­veils (8)  12. The chamber Othello retired to (4)  05. Such cover­ups in the Muslim world render 
13. Be mistaken (3)  06. Trey in cards (5)  13. Further research shows how wrong it will go (3)  Sam shaky (8) 
15. Support, stay (4)  07. All­embracing (13)  15. Support an actor may have in hand (4)  06. A number equal to none in terms of company (5) 
16. A take­off, satirical sketch (4)  08. Castrated cock  16. Squadron­leader joining the outfit for take­off (4)  07. Sort of full cover motorist takes out for 
19. Long, crisp lettuce (3)  bird (5)  19. Lettuce, price of which is reduced (3)  school (13) 
21. Metal, fineness measured in  14. Snake­killing  21. Or it may be the centre of the archery target (4)  08. Table bird has its head covered (5) 
carats (4)  animal (8)  22. Ring the changes with an expression of delight (4)  14. My French greylag is not a bird but a mammal (8) 
22. Give a broad smile (4)  17. Changing direction (7)  24. One Muse was found in a corner at Olympus (5)  17. This point, critical in one's life, may be 
24. The Muse of amatory lyric poetry (5)  18. Thromboses (5)  25. They spell out the ends for miner, it might appear (7)  going off (7) 
25. End­stations (7)  20. A step indoors (5)  26. It is the heart of the nut we are told that sounds 18. Blood coagulates with carbon ­­ masses of it (5) 
26. Edible part of nut (6)  23. Song in set form from higher than major (6) 20. With this case one expects to get a rise (5) 
27. To accomplish by craftiness (6)  opera (4) 27. New lag may turn to fix it (6)  23. Mme Callas didn't begin with this bit of opera (4)

ACROSS 1.  Brickbat  7.  Delft  8.  Rampart  9.  Incisor  10.  Erne  12.  Gum­tree  14.  Satanic  17.  Gale  18.  Bellini  21.  Coroner  22.  Trade  23.  Restored 
DOWN 1.  Bargee  2.  Imminent  3.  Knap  4.  Acting  5.  Plus  6.  Starve  7.  Decimal  11.  Concise  13.  Retainer  14.  Sabots  15.  Chicle  16.  Feared  19.  Leap  20.  Fret

This PDF was

uploade To Teligram channel_ LBS Newspaper platform ( @LBSNEWSPAPER ... . . . . . . BM­BME
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Laws are spider webs through
which the big flies pass and the little ones get caught.
SINCE 1928


Clubs & club-dons: The modern raj legacy
colloquial usage of the word, please shown-off. Members may feel that has the net worth (wealth), network generic lineage (for a fee). It does not
Mirror to suit yourself. Yet rarely do we call- they are above the rules and norms (friends amongst members), the oth- matter whether the members are ca-

The mote in the Society

them-out or their (poor outlier) be-
haviour in other places. We see such
boorish behaviour even in school
that apply to others, which can lead
to unethical or illegal behaviour.
This can create a sense of impunity
er missing link is the “power” &/
“influence” in the network they min-
gle in, daily. The elections will usual-
pable or honourable. Similar behav-
iour is seen as entitled behaviour in
many of alumni clubs. The sense of

govt’s own eye

parents groups, where oneupman- that is not only harmful to individu- ly bring the usual pre-election bo- elitism and egalitarianism is com-
Srinath Sridharan ship (or oneupwomanship) is at dis- als but can also undermine the in- nanza for the restaurants / banquet mon that they are above other mere-
play. Few parents who think that tegrity of institutions and systems. halls / bars in the local neighbour- mortals. No wonder the children of
they lord over the others. This be- Sadly, bad behaviour is also tolerated hood as they become “election cam- those club-members have almost an

omorbidity is an excellent scapegoat. The dis- hy is the concept of exclu- haviour pattern can be seen in any almost, out of respect for age or po- paign locations”. All candidates will obligation to continue the family
trict authorities of Raigad in Maharashtra sivity appealing? Is it be- homogenous group. sition or not wanting to get drawn use the usual sloganeering, includ- legacy. This can manifest in a num-
blamed it for the death of 13 persons who at- cause of the teeming Almost in every club or into undue argumentative nonsense ing the horrible spelling mistakes ber of ways, including condescen-
crowds everywhere that we see gymkhana, there would be the syn- or even backlash from having just and the have their best photo on the sion towards those perceived as
tended the Maharashtra Bhushan award function held around us across our cities? Why is drome of few members wanting made powerful enemies. Club poli- campaign: “We will uplift the club fa- “outsiders” or a lack of empathy for
in the Kharghar area of the district. All the victims of there a clamour for everything ex- only specific brands of club-sodas tics is no different or less intense cilities”, “we will inspect previous people from different backgrounds
sunstroke, who either died or were admitted to various clusive or elite? There surely is a for their daily tipple; some of the than the corporate world, or ideolo- committee expenses”, “we will push or with different life experiences.
hospitals, suffered from conditions like old age, dia- trend in India to become a member members are also like the vintage gy based politics. for transparency, democracy”, and In modern society, there are a
of almost every exclusive club or furniture, rooted into the ground — Rules are broken openly with tacit whatever else that sounds nice and growing number of exclusive clubs
betes and high or low blood pressure. In other words, group. With growing wealth (includ- many even have their fixed spot in and cohorts that exist, ranging from
they were not physically strong enough to withstand ing disproportionate distribution of the dining area or the bar for they Modern society seems to behave as if we are entitled to private schools and social clubs to
the 42°C heat. For the lakhs of people who assembled to
witness the award being conferred on Appasaheb
it) and the modern human interest
in flaunting it as a means of boost-
frequent it daily and have been for
years. Yet they will be insensitive
special treatment, just because we are socially, gated communities and elite profes-
sional organisations. While these
Dharmadhikari by Home Minister Amit Shah, there ing their own self-respect, does one and take offence that someone else economically better than a few others around us groups may provide certain benefits
see acquisition of select-club mem- could be seated there before them, to their members, they are also often
was no protection from the searing heat. Of course, for berships, special privileges and ex- that particular afternoon or associated with a sense of entitle-
the VIPs on the stage, there was a roof to protect them clusive offers as a pastime? Ofcourse evening. Each of the clubs also has understanding with the ‘elected of- good. Of course the candidates also ment and exclusivity that can be
from direct heat and pedestal fans to keep them cool. with wealth created and no worries its members’ fiefdoms — no offence fice bearers’ not to be disturbed. In- will mention that they will increase concerning. These attitudes can be
One report said that the government had spent a whop- about the basic bread, butter, jam meant if they can be called as ‘club cluding the cheap thrills of privi- club corpus, promote sports and oth- harmful and contribute to social di-
and caviar if you so will, what next? dons’ for lack of better phrase. Some leged parking, not in the designated er facilities for members, etc. vision and inequality. Therein lies
ping Rs 16 crore on the programme. Modern society seems to behave as using their “I am a founding mem- zone. Breaking rule and ordering There can be no other powerful their social adjustment troubles
The people were kept in the open so that the govern- if we are entitled to special treat- ber” card; many using “am ceo of food or liquor or smoking in non-des- opiate than power. Else it’s not logi- with the success of Gen-next who
ment could shower rose petals on them from the sky. ment, just because we are socially, this company” card; few using “have ignated places. Or asking for playing cal for any individual who is a are not from those institutions or
Also, drone-cameras could be deployed to take photo- economically better than a few oth- been representing the club in bridge privileges overruling other mem- known entrepreneur or retired bu- club affiliation. The India that
graphs and videos from the sky. In other words, the ers around us. No wonder we are see- competition for decades” to so on. bers’ bookings etc. And many such reaucrat and wealthy to seek to “win emerged out of post-licence-era, still
ing circles becoming smaller to Yet they all forget one thing — that culprits opening claiming that they a club election“. Is it a dire need to has the vestiges of such members,
tragedy was created deliberately, though nobody would bring focused attention and to in- in a club, of any type, all members have been doing so since time imme- hold their “Darbar”? Is it that they who act as pricey princelings. After
say that such a toll was expected. The worst blunder crease discretionary network. Typi- are equal, whether they paid Rs morial, as if that makes a wrong, want to be seen as the special & priv- all, they can’t run their durbar in a
the organisers committed was to hold the function at cally we use the phrase “old boys’ 10,000 decades ago to become a mem- right! Correct? ileged? Or is it that they are part of place or ecosystem that’s common to
noon when the sun would be the hottest. Ideally, the network”, especially to depict the ber or paid many lakhs recently. One Elections with mega-budgets seen the “raja & praja” mental makeup? many others. So much for privilege-
privileged group in the corporate would think that such homogenous in the local clubs would make politi- Many of these clubs, which started asymmetry in the 21st century
meeting should have begun in the late afternoon and world. We see, hear and watch with group of people would not have “spe- cal parties shy away from the con- as sporting locations or social com- democracy. How do we cope with
concluded by sunset. Instead of accepting its failure, trepidation of such special cohorts. cial among equals”. More impor- cept of budgeting itself. Where those munities in local areas, have long ex- such ‘tyranny of privilege’?
the district administration has blamed the people No wonder, the word ‘don’ suits tantly, in a nation with many a large budgets for fancy wooing budg- ited those principles. It’s now based
themselves for the tragedy, saying that they suffered many of them, meaning ‘person of chasm between haves & have-nots ets come from, cannot be a mystery. on social and wealth hierarchies, Dr Srinath Sridharan is a corporate
from comorbidities. importance’. Well, if any one recog- across many dimensions, privileges It’s easier to answer the “why” they where memberships can be bought adviser and author of Time for Bharat.
nises themself to mean the (other) have to be cherished, rather than want such electoral glory. When one and the privileges based down the He tweets @ssmumbai
When Covid-19 struck the nation and thousands of
people began to die, there was a deliberate attempt to
downplay the enormity of the spectre then too. And
when it became necessary to provide compensation to
the victims of Covid-19, doctors began to mention in
the death certificates the cause of death as asthma,
Climate-spoofing cities for the future
heart failure, renal collapse etc. They were right as all jargon and catchphrases that make Every other decade the high priests are a multiple of their small town crunching might indicate, it is im-
deaths can be attributed to the failure of one or more
organs of the body. What the certificates did not men-
City them sound sufficiently important,
networked and most importantly,
of the temples of Urbanism conjour a
new vision to reinvent the great sink-
counterparts. But a good indication
of it would probably be walking, its
possible that small, human powered
transport scale communities, pooled
tion was that the organ failures were induced by Covid-
19. Therefore, the villain of the piece was Covid-19. The
Scapes convincing.
Written by large multi-million dol-
holes that are our cities. Some years
ago, there was the SEZ. More cur-
last square kilometre to assess the
quality of life its teeming millions to
into clusters can be more energy-con-
suming than the colossuses we have
lar international organisations, foun- rently it is the “Smart City Project” make any meaningful discovery. for cities globally.
13 who died and multiples of them who were provided  Henri Fanthome dations educational stalwarts. Re- that is failing to be even averagely in- Team City will argue the case of The sad part is by the time that
medical treatment would not have suffered, if the gov- ports and op-eds filled with quadru- telligent. And the future, from the re- culture and art and history and her- point has been arrived at, govern-
ple hyphenated description of urban cent buzzwords I have gathered, is itage, but the truth, especially in the ments and real estate and the finan-
ernment had the common sense not to expose lakhs of

omewhere online I came across futures, that impress and confound probably going to be called Global Cli- large metropolitan cities of India cial markets have invested too much
people to sunstroke. Blaming them for comorbidities is an article that talked of Urban- average mortals like myself. mate Resilient Urban Reimagination that seem to grow unabated, swal- to allow these cities, they are the
to rub salt into their wounds. ism, and the beautiful opportu- Each second article or report will Project! lowing in hinterland after hinter- proverbial gift that keeps on giving.
nity cities offer us to combat climate carry climate, smart, resilient, green Sinkholes that suck the money and land, is that reality is for a special Mammoth cities, in decline, plugged
change. Yes. The beautiful opportuni- and infrastructure, in different se- the joie de vivre of millions who keep chosen few. into all manner of life support to sus-
Parliament’s failure to blame ty to combat climate change! quences and in newer permutations these money machines going, in a A larger share of the population of tain the coffers.

I had to read that a few times to con- and combinations with other more But given the absolute transforma-
y now the five-member Constitution bench of vince myself I didn’t need new glass- recent buzzwords that are trending Every other decade the high priests of the temples of tion of engineering and logistics
the Supreme Court hearing the petitions that
seek legal sanction for same-sex marriage
es or a new therapist.
I can fully appreciate pleasure of
in the development and urban sec-
Urbanism conjour a new vision to reinvent the great services and the IT industry, one
could easily imagine a future without
would have realised how complicated the issue is. So- writing, and writing well, and I can Given the size of projects and ex- sinkholes that are our cities the need for cities as they have been
say this, since I am new to writing as penditure earmarked by govern- for the last 200-odd years.
licitor General Tushar Mehta questioned even the
a columnist — writing can get us car- ments for urban development, there It is — or perhaps it is not — sur-
court’s right to hear the case, arguing that Parliament ried away; it isn’t hard to get lost in is little doubt that these are never- never-ending cycle of work, sleep, these cities still grapple for decent liv- prising that since the onset of the in-
alone had the right to deliberate on the issue, a point your own brilliance at the use of the ending opportunities — whether you and weekends to make money to live ing conditions, accessible transport dustrial revolution, which is essen-
the Bench headed by Chief Justice DY Chandrachud English language, especially when are on the building side or the pro- in over priced real estate to spend to work and the hope of saving for tially from where modern city plan-
rejected outright. Because of the delicate nature of the you are in the flow, and you have a posing side of the business. So it is their waking hours travelling to and their children’s futures. ning takes it roots (not culture, or
hero-like image of yourself holding not surprising to find them singing from work to pay for the things they And again it is useful to note, that art, or religion or pastries) the na-
case, many religious, cultural and social organisations up a beacon for humankind, but “op- praise and serial renames JNNURM don’t need to buy. this group (at an estimated 65% or ture of the city has remained un-
want to be heard before the court takes a final decision. portunity” was not the word I expect- or the Smart City Mission, but I guess Apparently the per capita carbon more) are actually not much of a rel- changed.
If conceded, this will force the court to go into the per- ed to see. that comes with the territory and the emission in cities is going down, evant argument — cities were never Urbanism requires faith! Belief,
sonal laws and the scriptural texts that sanctify them, Over the last few months I have mood of the moment! which seems to be driving a renewed meant for the working class, they sadly has no room for objectivity. Be-
been thinking about cities, sustain- Domain publication and research eagerness to push for more ur- were there to provide an easily acces- lief and the first principles don’t re-
which can be an interminable process.
ability, emissions and the prospects of across the globe indicated that over banised cities? What are the bench- sible work force and keep things eco- ally go hand in hand, and there in lies
The apex court wants to look at the possibility of in- an urbanised future. And recently 50% of the world’s human population marks? And what are they based on? nomically viable. a 200 years of Human history. To the
cluding same-sex marriage within the ambit of the have chanced upon articles floating now lives in cities. And together are Less than London? And Paris? Or Are cities better places to live in? If Urbanist, Urbanism is religion!
Special Marriage Act that allows inter-religious and in- around talking about “Greening the responsible for about 70% of the Buenos Aires? you compare them to a village with PS. The title is not a typo!
ter-caste marriages. In India, same-sex relationships City” and “Net Zero Cities”. Business greenhouse gas emissions we have no There is a tipping point, beyond poor internet, bad roads, and non ex-
journals, op-eds and keynote address- choice but to live with. which a city stops being efficient, istent healthcare the answer is a self Henri Fanthome, an architect who
have already been decriminalised. In that case too, it es that have been waxing eloquent But the question to me really is — in stops being live-able and is actually evident Yes! But is that the standard trained at the SPA, lives and works out
was the judiciary which took the initiative and not Par- about a bright and green urban fu- the 21st century, are cities even a good unviable. Where the combined costs we are going to work with? of Mehrauli, Delhi and writes about
liament. Today, same-sex marriage is permitted in ture, peppered with current industry idea? of infrastructure and energy spends Whatever the creative number- design and urban spaces
many countries across Europe and America. The gov-
ernment’s argument that only a biological male and a
Akshaya Tritiya LETTERS
4pm but people arrived much earlier and
naturally the heat was too much to take. In the
biological female can marry is tantamount to denying he news is heartbreaking, and a textbook
last few days Thane and nearby areas were
the rights of those who cannot procreate but still want — Dr S Ainavolu TO THE EDITOR experiencing a heat wave — something that
definition of insensitivity of the ruling class
to lead a family life. The fear that it would destabilise their followers. Given that every
the organisers should have taken note of. Some

the whole social set-up is unfounded, as decriminalisa- kshaya Tritiya is one boon to get when the family Heartbreaking tragedy solace should have been provided to the
newspaper was blanketed with Dharmidikari's
social and environment-related work, the
of the pancha-maha- is in a deprivation condition, t was shocking to read about the tragedy, in
tion of homosexuality has not turned the society up- attendees, and in fact the function should have happening of this tragedy shows the
muhurtas in a calen- living spartan life in the which many people succumbed to heat stroke
side down. It is Parliament’s failure to respond to new been held later, at about 5pm. This would have government’s disconnect with the life of the
dar year, meaning five great forests. The other reference and more have been hospitalised, after a helped. But the heat wave appeared to have ordinary Maharashtrian. Without doing any
situations that forces the judiciary to intervene. ‘times to start’. It is deemed of abundance or ‘Akshaya’ mammoth function in which Union Home not been taken into consideration at all. Simple
that the muhurta when cho- we get in Puranas is that of Minister Amit Shah conferred the ‘Maharashtra verification, announcing sanction of hard-
pandals would have done a good job of earned tax rupees is an insult to the thinking
INDIA 75 YEARS AGO sen properly, shall help the sage Jamadagni’s blessed Bhushan 2022’ award on reformer Appasaheb covering the direct heat, but...
FPJ Archives desired help from the sur- Kapila cow. Sage Gadhi’s Dharmadhikari (Apr 17). It was a government citizenry. So, while I mourn for the death, I am
APRIL 19, 1948 rounding eco-system and this daughter Satyavati (married
Maya Bhatkar, Mumbai ashamed of this entire episode.
function and hence the safety of the
helps complement one’s ef- to king Ruchika) was blessed participants was the government’s duty. Many Marcus Dabre, Palghar
forts. ‘A+kshaya’ literally by Sattvic natured Jamadag- people have lost their lives. The responsible III
means, the one which is not ni instead of a boy with a officials should be booked for culpable
G overnments and other organisations need
to think twice before organising functions
ceasing/diminishing. The Kshatriya nature. When sage homicide and action should be taken against t was quite inappropriate to hold a ceremony
Tritiya which is the third day Jamadagni hosted a sumptu- them. It was carelessness on the part of the in the scorching summer heat. The death of in the scorching sun. Had this ceremony been
in the waxing lunar calendar ous meal for the army of government to have organised such a massive several people due to sunstroke is a sad live on television and the footage
in the month of Vishakha is Kartyaveeryaarjuna, it was event in the open grounds at the height of reminder that human lives do not matter shown in villages and towns in closed places,
associated with this ‘ak- an example of abundance. summer. The organisers had claimed that nearly much in the nation. Who is going to take such an unfortunate incident would not have
shaya’ act and is celebrat- Other Puranic refer- 20 lakh people had attended the mega-event responsibility for these entirely avoidable occurred. The organisers should have been
ed as Akshaya Tritiya. ences to abundance are and Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde deaths? Many others are quite badly affected. aware that there is currently a heat wave. There
Never-ceasing or posi- Kamadhenu and even proudly proclaimed how it had broken The presence of Amit Shah and other BJP is no doubt that the incident will be politicised,
tively stated ‘abun- Kalpavruksha, both previous records. leaders of Maharashtra at the awards function but the public should learn from it.
dance’ is the concept of which emanated makes them complicit. The CM of Ravindra Bhagwat, Kalyan
Bhagwan Thadani, Mumbai Maharashtra has been quick to announce ex
associated with Ak- from the Sagara-
gratia payment; governments are quite Dear reader,
shaya Tritiya.
Due to the pos-
madhenu is II generous when it comes to taxpayers’ money. We are eager to know your opinions, comments and
suggestions. Write to with the title of the
In this case the organisers need to pay for the
itive feeling associated with the divine cow that provides Bhushan award ceremony letter in the subject line. Using snail mail? Send your letters
the day, like Vijaya Dashami ‘everything’ and Kalpavruk- planned very meticulously but the heat medical expenses. to The Free Press Journal, Free Press House, Free Press
during the Sharad-Navara- sha is the wish-fulfilling tree. was ignored totally. The function was at Anthony Henriques, Mumbai Marg, 215 Nariman Point, Mumbai 400021.
tris, this day often assumes Akshaya Tritiya day needs
the starting point of new ven- to be spent living the concept MIKA’S MATRIX
tures or even rejuvenated ef- of real ‘Akshaya’ and what
forts. Many marriages and one needs to do to attain the
other ‘shubha-kratus’ (auspi- same. Having infinite is not
cious functions) happen on Akshaya, but having a sense
the day of Akshaya Tritiya. of ‘spreading’ and ‘connected
Zooming into the Panchanga inclusion’ is Akshaya. Mak-
or deep diving into the indi- ing the collective conscious-
vidual horoscopes often take ness richer is the best step
the backseat on this day. forward toward reaching ‘Ak-
One of the abundance-re- shaya’. Akshaya Tritiya can
lated references we come be the best day to begin.

PRISONER DIES IN NIZAM JAIL across in Puranas is the ‘Ak-

shaya Patra’ given to Yud- Prof S Ainavolu is a teacher of
VICTIM OF LATHI-CHARGE hishtira by Surya. The out-
come was it could feed any
tradition and management. He
is with VPSM, Navi Mumbai.
Gulbarga (Hyderabad), April 18. Bhimsen Rao Desai, a detenu number of visitors as long as Views are personal. You can
in the Central Jail here, died on the midnight of April 15/16 at the the hostess has not cleaned it read more at
Central Jail Hospital. It is stated that Desai was injured in a lathi at the end of the day. What a
charge made on political prisoners on Thursday (April 15)
pg 5


20 APRIL 2023

Factor same-sex couple’s

interests, hear all parties
he Supreme Court of India is seized of a matter which is compli-
cated by its simplicity — legalising same-sex marriage. In a
civilised world and a society which is supposed to be run by a
Constitution that upholds individual liberty, a simple amendment
in the civil marriage law acknowledging the changes that human society
passes through and the nuances it appreciates as its understanding of
human nature gets better and better would have been sufficient to let citi-
zens of marriageable age live in whatever relationship they wanted.
But India, that is Bharat, is a bit complex when it comes to interperson-
al relationships such as marriage. Religion, caste, language and other
interest groupings jostle to seek a role in people’s lives. Any attempt to
update them as to how these are irrelevant is resisted by someone or the
other who feels threatened by the resulting changes. No surprise then that
when it comes to same-sex marriage a government led by right wing
morals would not hesitate to tell the whole world that to its mind it is an
“urban elitist concept”.
Articles 14 and 15 of the Indian Constitution
While dealing with together form one of the best guarantees of
the entry of women human freedom. The whole document is a
treatise written with a view to protecting the
in the Sabarimala single individual against society and its vari-
temple, the Supreme ous manifestations such as the state and gov-
Court relied on the ernment. The two articles, which ensure
India’s political topography LETTERS
concept of everyone’s equality before the law and pro-
tects each person against discrimination
constitutional based on all conceivable factors, offer an ade-
morality, instead of quate platform for building more protections,
shibboleths, to if need be. And the scope of Article 21, which
reassert the primarily ensures the right to life and liberty,
starts to look a bit different is an unedifying spectacle.
The blow hot, blow cold
tactics of Ajit Pawar are
not new. It has made the
BJP respond to all rumours
concept of equality has already been expanded to cover human
dignity, irrespective of sex, gender and sexual
Can the BJP ignore
Public scepticism about the
of his joining it as an NCP
social justice and incorruptibility of Indian ploy to create rift while the
Thus, a constitutional court has every right to look into the laws related
to individual choices and the contention of the Union government that it
Shikha Mukerjee issues by
politicians is unlikely to
decline regardless of how
Shiv Sena sees it as a bid
falls squarely in the legislative realm looks untenable. The judiciary has promoting divisive loud and how long Mr Modi to upset the MVA alliance.
been called to adjudicate on the issue only because of the failure of the politics based on promises to clean up the Though the man himself
executive and Parliament to align the laws to the changing times. The system. Public doubts
Supreme Court has made its position safer by saying it will not visit the religious identity about the independence of
has refuted all rumours and
personal laws of different religions regarding marriage but will examine by stealthily asking investigations and the questioned the Maharash-
the scope of the Special Marriages Act, 1954, a law that gives two eligible the states to dig agencies that carry out tra government on its

citizens the right to marry irrespective of their religious affiliation or lack s hard as the Chandrashekar Rao of the out fake Aadhaar these investigations are
thereof, to see if it can cover not just “man” and “woman”. Narendra Modi- Bharat Rashtra Samithi not going to abate because responsibility for deaths
While dealing with the entry of women in the Sabarimala temple, the led Bharatiya find common cause in the
cards? trust in the efficiency and caused due to sunstroke,
Supreme Court relied on the concept of constitutional morality, instead of Janata Party social justice movement. independence of the admin-
going by societal moorings, to reassert the concept of equality. However, may try and The second national con- istrative system is very doubts will persist about
it was resisted by a section of the people who felt that certain rituals have convince the masses that ference on social justice will go forward. How much low. Every incident, not his true intentions. The
the strength of tradition and should not be tampered with. A larger con- the more things seem to organised by M.K. Stalin of of this change will be necessarily as blatant a present deputy CM of
sultation with every stakeholder would have helped prepare a social back- change, the more they the DMK is an issue that reflected in the May 10 failure of the police in
ground so that it would have wider acceptance. It is welcome if the Union remain the same, the unites all political parties, Karnataka election is still Prayagraj, as the killing of Maharashtra has already
government is enlisting the states in this process with an open mind to inevitability of change and other than the BJP. Mr uncertain, but it will have gangsters Atiq Ahmed and experienced the folly of
find a progressive outcome that can match developments all over the its effects on the political Kharge’s letter to Mr Modi picked up sufficient his brother Ashraf while
world. Any other motive could be self-defeating. topography of India are demanding that the post- momentum by the time the handcuffed and in police swearing in Junior Pawar
undeniable. poned Census of 2021 be elections in Chhattisgarh, custody, merely confirms and have the rug pulled
There is the obvious sepa- immediately done and the Madhya Pradesh, to the public that the rule of under his feet. In all this,
ration of the Congress numbers of the 2011 survey Rajasthan and Telangana law is getting weaker with
dynasty from the top job in of caste status be immedi- come around at the end of every passing week. Eknath Shinde must be the
Apple revolution in India? the party and the appoint-
ment of a rather astute and
rooted politician,
ately released all add up to
a push to refresh a secular,
inclusive and positive
the year.
Should Mr Modi engage
with the Opposition on
Standing together in soli-
darity against the per-
ceived intimidation and co-
unhappiest man in the
state not knowing which

he opening of Apple’s own stores in Mumbai and New Delhi symbol- Mallikarjun Kharge, as the agenda as a priority issue what lies at the heart of the ercive tactics of the Nar- way the cards will fall.
ises India’s arrival in the big league of economies, especially in a party president, who con- that can well expand the Constitution, the idea of endra Modi government is
post-pandemic scenario. It’s not as if Apple’s iconic products were trary to sceptics, has a political discourse into a the Republic and secular reassuring for all political
Anthony Henriques
not available in India through their widespread dealer network all these mind of his own. There is demand for equality, rights politics, namely social jus- parties. This sense of soli- Mumbai
years. It’s just that another milestone has been crossed in one of the globe’s also the biggest financial and justice, and affirmative tice, he will be mauled. If he darity needs to be quickly
biggest marketing successes reaching our metros with flagship stores to scandal in India, which action to end all forms of now chooses to ignore what
the Congress and the rest of
transformed into a commit-
ment to a common agenda
flaunt their presence. rocked the global markets, discrimination.
Everyone may not love India but the Indian economy, the fifth biggest in because this is an intercon- By seizing the lead on the Opposition have laid on of government of a poten- THE CENTRAL government’s deci-
the world now, virtually demands attention from the world’s best. nected world, that has putting social justice cen- the table, he will be sav- tial Opposition alliance. sion to revoke the Overseas Citizen of
Regardless of whether it has become any easier doing business with and in sparked speculation about tre-stage in our politics, the aged. The question is Being anti-Modi or anti- India (OCI) status of Kannada actor
India, the world’s best are itching to be visible in a bustling consumer mar- how Gautam Adani and the parties ideologically whether Mr Modi reverse BJP is not a winning propo- and social activist Chetan Kumar, bet-
ket of aspirational Indians prepared to go beyond comfortable price points Adani Group acquired opposed to the BJP have the tide and push the politi- sition. The Opposition ur- ter known as Chetan Ahimsa, is as
to own lifestyle products that are more than mere devices. astonishing amounts of unveiled an agenda that cal discourse back into gently needs to flesh out wrong and ill-motivated as was the
Apple may command only a four per cent share of the Indian smartphone money in an equally aston- has the potential to obliter- familiar channels, like what it can offer to voters decision to arrest him last month. The
market but, as Tim Cook admitted, anything is possible. The iPhone and ishingly brief period. And ate the ever-deepening rooting out corruption and beyond a slogan: “Modi action against the actor shows the vin-
the Android, the MacBook and the laptop are not as dissimilar as apples then, there is the Prime divide between religious cleaning up politics, mis- Hatao, Desh Bachao”. dictive attitude of the ruling establish-
and oranges that they cannot be compared. Apple has, however, ticked a Minister’s complete communities and trans- sions that he has been pur- To convince voters to ment against persons who are critical
box by manufacturing or, to put it more accurately, assembling their silence. form the politics of identity suing since 2014. Can the make the Opposition’s of the government, its policies and ide-
iPhones in the country and exporting them in sizeable numbers for a pos- The political discourse in into a challenge to the BJP ignore social justice fight against Mr Modi and ology. The OCI status of a person is not
itive inflow that offsets the outflow in terms of import of parts. India today is neither led BJP’s version that had till and discrimination issues the BJP their own, with all a gift or largesse from the government
India’s potential as a host of smartphone assembly lines for the world has nor dominated by Prime now dominated the dis- by promoting divisive poli- its attendant risks and hid- to a person but is a legal entitlement of
grown manifold since the pandemic and Apple’s retail stores come at a Minister Modi or the BJP. course. By changing the tics based on religious den costs, the ideologically a person of Indian origin.
time when its big assembling partner Foxconn is mulling major expansion Parties which are ideologi- terms on which identity identity by stealthily ask- opposed political parties, Sankar Paul
here. Having had to keep tariffs high thus far to protect the domestic cally opposed to the BJP, politics can be discussed, ing the states to dig out fake especially the Congress, Chakdaha, West Bengal
mobile phone market from being flooded with Chinese devices, India namely the Congress and the Congress and the anti- Aadhaar cards, question- have to connect with the
would have to press its post-pandemic advantage to get the majors like
Samsung and Apple more involved in ‘Made in India’ process as the bene-
some powerful regional
parties, are shaping a dif-
BJP Opposition has put
Prime Minister Narendra
ing the citizenship status of
people living along the
electorate on issues that
are immediate, intimate
fits in terms of jobs and revenue from smartphone exports are obvious. ferent narrative and lead- Modi in the dock, for defer- Bangladesh border? and crucial for voters as INDIA IS ON its way to becoming the
About three decades ago, the sceptics were wondering if India needed ing an alternative dis- ring the Census, dithering The BJP could try and individuals. The rising world’s most populous country, over-
mobile phones and high speed connectivity. The mobile revolution has far course. The leading lights on the caste census and divert attention away from costs of living, fewer oppor- taking China with almost three million
overtaken them and a time has come when India need not just be a con- of the formalisation of a weakening the once power- the social justice-discrimi- tunities for employment, more people by mid-2023, data released
sumer of Apple’s lifestyle gadgets, but also a serious contributor to their process of forging opposi- ful appeal by the BJP to the nation agenda if it were worsening terms of on Wednesday by the United Nations
manufacturing chains. tion unity, Mr Kharge and Hindu majority to confident that its populari- employment are all urgent showed.The report estimates India’s
Janata Dal (United) leader mobilise. ty is baked iron hard into issues that affect the lives population at 1.4286 billion as against
Nitish Kumar, have desc- While Mr Modi has been the body politic. If it is un- of every voter. The ques- 1.4257 billion for China. India has no
ribed their recent New working hard to revive the certain about the strength tion is: can the Congress recent official data on how many peo-
THE ASIAN AGE Delhi meeting as “histo- BJP’s core voter interest in of its appeal, because in the and the regional parties ple it has because it has not conducted
ric”, but the process had the message that he is Mr two terms that Narendra prevail on voters to listen a census since 2011. Its once-in-a-
KAUSHIK MITTER K. SUDHAKAR been underway for several Clean, in contrast to the Modi has been in power to their solutions to their decade census was due to be held in
Editor Printer & Publisher
months. gang of conniving and cor- there has been an accumu- everyday problems, with- 2021 but was delayed due to the coron-
THE ASIAN AGE office is located at: The corrosive “Jai Shri rupt Opposition party lead- lation of grievances leading out getting distracted by avirus pandemic. Critics say the gov-
New Delhi: Jawaharlal Nehru National Youth Centre, 219 Deen Dayal Upadhyay Marg, New Delhi-110002. Phone: Ram” politics of Hindutva ers, starting with Rahul to discontent, then the the “M” factor in Indian ernment is deliberately delaying the
(011) 23211124. is being edged off the cen- Gandhi and including advantage, for now, is with politics? census to hide data on contentious
Published and Printed on behalf of and for
tre-stage as the partners of Abhishek Banerjee of the the Congress and the issues such as unemployment ahead of
◗ Deccan Chronicle Holdings Limited, Jawaharlal Nehru National Youth Centre, 219 Deen Dayal Upadhyay Marg,
New Delhi 110 002 at BFL Infotech Ltd., C-9, Sector-III, Noida -201301. the United Progressive Trinamul Congress, the Opposition. Shikha Mukerjee is a national elections next year.
◗ London: Quickmarsh Ltd, 8th Floor, Block 2, Elizabeth House, 39 York Road, London, SE1 7NQ. Alliance and new friends Opposition has altered the Political leaders accusing senior journalist in Bhagwan Thadani
RNI Registration number: 57290/94 like Nitish Kumar and K. terms on which the fight each other of being corrupt Kolkata Mumbai

n the first week of April this year, an inci- about incidents of physical and emotional abuse example, Germany, cannot become an Arab meant no harm.
dent came to light, circulating widely in the of children and young people. country.” However, today, what was and are known as
social media and creating controversy in In 2016, the #MeToo movement in the United In 2018, at a conference in Malmo, Sweden, “acceptable” gestures of love and affection, espe-
India and globally. States gained visibility globally as a movement home to a large immigrant population, he said: cially towards children, are being called into
A video recording of His Holiness the Dalai against sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and “Receive them, help them, educate them… but, question, with good reason. The issue of body
Lama was released publicly, highlighting an rape culture. People spoke out about their expe- they should develop their own country. Europe integrity requires consent before an act of affec-
interaction between a young boy and His riences. The women and child rights move- belongs to the Europeans.” tion or love, no matter how innocent it is, is
Anita Anand Holiness. At a meeting in February 2023, His
Holiness exchanged words with a young boy in
ments have highlighted not just the abuse but
how to deal with it. From laws to consciousness
In 2019, in a BBC interview, he said, laughing:
“If a female Dalai Lama comes, she should be
offered. Adults assume that it’s okay to caress,
hug and kiss children, as a sign of affection.
the front row. The young boy then asked if he raising and the Internet and the media, there is more attractive.” Reading this, I thought, how Children often cannot refuse these gestures as
could hug His Holiness. The boy went up to the greater awareness. And sometimes, it is sensa- true. Most people respond better to attractive they don’t have the emotional maturity or confi-
Dalai Lama, who asked him for a kiss on his tionalised. women, leaders or not. However, it was a politi- dence to resist.
cheek first. They boy obliged, and they hugged. The Dalai Lama, spiritual leader of Tibetan cally incorrect thing to say. The incident calls for forgiveness as His
Then, the Dalai Lama asked for a kiss on the Buddhists and a Nobel Peace laureate, is a well- His Holiness’s office issued a statement apolo- Holiness deserves it. His overwhelming good-

A ‘human error’ by mouth and, sticking his tongue out, indicated

the boy do the same, saying: “Suck my tongue”.
This act drew sharp criticism from child rights
advocates and others who felt it was inappropri-
known and respected global leader. His charis-
matic personality and infectious sense of
humour and laughter have been captured on
and off stage. People from far and near seek an
gising for any offence caused by these comments
and put it down to misunderstood jokes. “It
sometimes happens that off-the-cuff remarks,
which might be amusing in one cultural context,
ness and contribution to the world necessitates
On forgiveness, the Dalai Lama has said:
“Forgiveness does not mean ignoring what has

Dalai Lama: Let’s ate behaviour. Some called it child abuse. Some
in the Tibetan and non-Tibetan community
protested vehemently, saying it was a custom-
audience with him in his hometown and head-
quarters in Dharamsala.
I have not met the Dalai Lama personally. I
lose their humour in translation when brought
into another. He regrets any offence that may
have been given.”
been done or putting a false mask on reality. It
means seeing the reality of the situation as it is.
Forgiveness allows us to let go of old grievances

be ready to rethink ary practice among Tibetans, as a gesture of love

and playfulness on the part of elders towards
children. The Dalai Lama, on April 10, apolo-
gised if his words had caused harm to the child
have read his works, heard his speeches and
read articles about him. I admire his commit-
ment to non-violence, despite criticism from
parts of the Tibetan community calling for an
Misinterpreted or not, there’s an expectation
someone of His Holiness’ standing would say
and behave in ways that are considered “appro-
priate”. But maybe that’s too much to expect. He
and free ourselves from their burden.”
English poet Alexander Pope in 1711, in the last
two lines of a poem, wrote: “to err is human; to
forgive divine”. We can forgive His Holiness for

cultural traditions and the family.

“Tongue meeting” could be a common cultural
practice among Tibetans. However, many cul-
independent Tibet by any means.
His Holiness is aging and will be 88 this July. It
is possible he has and will continue to say and do
is human and prone to error. He could be forgiv-
en for these comments and acts.
In response to the outcry on the recently
what he thought was an innocent gesture. But as
His Holiness himself said: the reality of the situ-
ation means being mindful of the need to evalu-
tural practices once deemed innocent, have of things that will be inappropriate, as people of his released videotape on the social media, His ate traditions and their relevance to the present
late been reviewed to reflect current realities. age often do. Holiness’ supporters in India have demonstrat- times. We cannot and must not defend them.
Increasing instances of child abuse by religious In 2016, in an interview with German newspa- ed peacefully asking the media to apologise for
leaders, once kept in the dark or hushed, are per Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, he said calling out his actions. They claim it has been The writer is a development and
now out in the open. People are speaking out there were “too many refugees” in Europe. “For blown out of proportion and that His Holiness communications consultant



Exercise improves brain health

Past forward

with chemical signals

he attitude to the past is one of the crucially dis-

T tinguishing marks of a people, a nation, and a

civilisation. No two nations or civilisations are
likely to have identical ways of perceiving their past. In
his essay, “History, Change and Permanence” (1979),
the sociologist and linguist, Madhav Deshpande, put for-
ward an insightful hypothesis about India’s relation with
its past. He pointed out that Indian scholars of ancient
texts often tend to project the present onto the past. If
some modern ideas are found in some ancient text or hysical activity is fre- hippocampal neurons. To un-
practice, it was concluded that all that is present was also
present in the past. Deshpande argued that in the process
of justifying the present by invoking the past, “often an
P quently mentioned as a
way to improve both
physical and mental health.
cover more of the pathway
linking exercise to better
brain health, they next fo-
imaginary past was built to justify the concrete present.” Researchers at the Beckman cused on the role of astro-
The essay was not discussing fantasy-based claims of Institute for Advanced Sci- cytes in mediating this rela-
plastic surgery on the basis of the Sushrut Samhita or ence and Technology discov- tionship.
aeronautical accomplishments on the basis of ‘vimana ered that it may also directly "Astrocytes are the first
vidya’. Deshpande was commenting on learned inter- improve brain health. They responders in the brain before
pretations of the past. His argument is endorsed by sev- investigated how the chemi- the compounds from muscles
eral other sociologists. Milton Singer, after studying a cal signals released by mus- reach the neurons," Lee said.
community in southern India, observed that the process cles during exercise promote Perhaps, then, they played a
of osmosis of any cultural experience by Indian com- neuronal development in the role in helping neurons re-
munities requires seeking at least a nominal sanction of brain. spond to these signals.
established traditions. Traditionalising modernity helps, Their work appears in the The researchers found
in his view, giving a ritual status to it. Read together with journal Neuroscience. that removing astrocytes
the Sankhya view of time-progression in cycles from a When muscles contract from the cell cultures caused
golden era, a satyayuga, to a degraded kaliyuga, these during exercise, like a bicep the neurons to fire even more
observations may explain why practically every genera- working to lift a heavy electrical signals, suggesting
tion in India’s post-shastra past of two thousand years weight, they release a variety that without the astrocytes,
has felt that its own time has been one of a steady dete- of compounds into the blood- the neurons continued to
rioration. In the backdrop is imagined some bygone stream. These compounds grow -- perhaps to a point
grand era of ethical and social order. That is a view that can travel to different parts of where they might become un-
the material or social view of history may not find ra- the body, including the brain. manageable.
tional. The researchers were particu- "Astrocytes play a criti-
larly interested in how exer- cal role in mediating the ef-
Without overlooking the simplification of the great cise could benefit a particular fects of exercise," Lee said.
social complexity, these large generalisations may help part of the brain called the "By regulating neuronal ac-
in understanding why the social discourse in India has hippocampus. based treatments for a variety on their own, releasing their imaging to track cell growth sign of robust growth and tivity and preventing hyper-
always hinged around the perceived imperfection "The hippocampus is a of conditions including chemical signals into the cell and multi-electrode arrays to health. Within a few days, the excitability of neurons, astro-
against some imagined perfection in the past. At the pop- crucial area for learning and Alzheimer's disease. culture. record neuronal electrical ac- neurons started firing these cytes contribute to the bal-
ular level, the tension between the two translates into a memory, and therefore cogni- To isolate the chemicals The research team added tivity, they examined how ex- electrical signals more syn- ance necessary for optimal
great sentimental attachment to the past, or an enigmat- tive health," said Ki Yun Lee, released by contracting mus- the culture, which now con- posure to these chemical sig- chronously, suggesting that brain function."
ic longing for things afar, the para(the other, alien, and a Ph.D. student in mechanical cles and test them on hip- tained the chemical signals nals affected the hippocam- the neurons were forming a Understanding the chem-
distant) and its superlative form param, as in paramartha science and engineering at pocampal neurons, the re- from the mature muscle cells, pal cells. The results were more mature network togeth- ical pathway between muscle
or paramishwara. The longing in the heart for escaping the University of Illinois Ur- searchers collected small to another culture containing striking. Exposure to the er and mimicking the organi- contraction and the growth
one’s material and tangible world into other intangible bana-Champaign and the muscle cell samples from hippocampal neurons and chemical signals from con- zation of neurons in the brain. and regulation of hippocam-
realms, or other frameworks of reality that are imagined study's lead author. Under- mice and grew them in cell other support cells known as tracting muscle cells caused However, the researchers pal neurons is just the first
to have been in existence in some remote and vague standing how exercise bene- culture dishes in the lab. astrocytes. Using several hippocampal neurons to gen- still had questions about how step in understanding how
past,has been a common pattern of sentiment permeat- fits the hippocampus could When the muscle cells ma- measures, including im- erate larger and more fre- these chemical signals led to exercise helps improve brain
ing most social classes and castes in India. therefore lead to exercise- tured, they began to contract munofluorescent and calcium quent electrical signals -- a growth and development of health.

Literature & Health Little Flute
Thou hast made me end-
Dutch intel agency calls China Astonishing shooting stars less, such is thy pleasure.
"biggest threat to economic security" This frail vessel thou
emptiest again and again,
and fillest it ever with
fresh life. This little flute
of a reed thou hast carried
over hills and
dales, and hast
b r e a t h e d
etherlands intelli- Netherlands and is con- rule of law in the country.
BY: MOSTLYINSPACE A.K.A. PRIYA BALA we call them meteors. So, Meteors are what
people commonly refer to as shooting stars.
through it
N gence agency and
Service warned
about the increasing inter-
stantly trying to steal these
In the AIVD 2022 re-
Meanwhile, the Chinese
Foreign Ministry, reacting
to the Netherlands intelli- S
ome people believe that wishing after
seeing a shooting star can make their
wishes true, we are not sure about
They only last for a second. When a lot of
meteoroids come into contact with the
earth's environment and start burning, we
melodies eter-
nally new. At
nal and external threats port, the officials said that gence claim, called Dutch it.But, we do find shooting stars fascinating. call it a meteor shower. Because a lot of me-
against the rule of law and
also called China "the
the threats to the country
have increased due to the
"irresponsible for relevant
Dutch authorities to frame
Although stars and planets are the easi-
est things to see in the sky but these are not
teors are seen in the sky.
So, Isthese burning rocks falling through the immortal touch of thy
biggest threat to the war in Ukraine, spying ac- such mutually beneficial the only things out there. A lot of rocks are space are dangerous? The answer is No.
Netherlands' economic se-
curity," Anadolu Agency
tivity and cyberattacks,
according to Anadolu
cooperation as an issue
about security."
also floating in space. Some of these space
rocks are so tiny as dust particles and some
Most of the meteoroids are only the size of a
grain of sand and burn up before they reach
hands my little heart loses
Speaking at the press
Earlier, the Dutch
While responding to a
media query during the
are as large as boulders.
But, why we are reading about them?
the earth. Very rarely, a part of a meteoroid
may survive through our atmosphere and
its limits in joy and gives
conference on the report,
Erik Akerboom, Monday,
government said that they
have imposed restrictions
press conference on Tues-
day, Chinese Foreign
Because shooting stars have nothing to do
with stars. Surprised!! But it is true. They
make its way to land, that piece is called a
birth to utterance ineffa-
director-general of the
General Intelligence and
on the export of chip man-
ufacturing equipment and
Ministry's Spokesperson
Wang Webin said, "This
may appear to have the same glow and shine
as the stars but they are not falling stars as
Activity- Some meteor showers happen
at the same calendar time. One meteor show-
ble. Thy infinite gifts
Security Service (AIVD)
said that China is the
raw materials used in chip
making to China.
could sour the atmosphere
for bilateral cooperation
we think.
There are small pieces of rocks called
er going to happen on the 21st and 22nd of
April 2023. Its name is the Lyrid meteor
come to me only on these
biggest economic threat to
their country.
The report also said
that radical ideologies,
and does not serve the in-
terest of the Netherlands,"
meteoroids and when they enter the earth's
environment they start burning because of
shower. It will be shown after midnight or
predawn. So, save the date for this meteor very small hands of mine.
He further stated that terrorist threats, cyber-at- as per the statement re- the friction between the meteoroid and the shower.
China is targeting new
technologies in the
tacks, sabotage and organ-
ized crime undermine the
leased by Chinese Foreign
earth's environment. When meteoroids enter
the earth's environment and start burning,
YouTube channel- mostlyinspace
Insta id- fearless_star007
Rabindranath Tagore

Large animals travel more slowly since they can't keep cool
ccording to a new ries. This becomes even searchers attribute this to example, this approach can

A study led by Alexan-

der Dyer from the
German Centre for Integra-
more challenging in a hu-
man-dominated world char-
acterized by increasingly
the fact that larger animals
require more time to dissi-
pate the heat that their mus-
be applied to predict
whether an animal might be
able to move between habi-
tive Biodiversity Research fragmented habitats and cles produce while moving, tats fragmented by human
(iDiv) and the Friedrich limited food and water re- and therefore, they must development, even when
Schiller University Jena, sources under climate travel more slowly to avoid the details of its biology are
Germany, published in the change. Dyer and his col- overheating. They conclude unknown."
open-access journal PLOS leagues developed a model that any animal's traveling Last author Dr. Myriam
Biology, an animal's travel- to look at the relationship speed can be explained by Hirt from iDiv and the Uni-
ling speed is limited by how between animal size and jointly considering how ef- versity of Jena adds, "We
effectively it sheds the ex- traveling speed, using data ficiently it uses energy and anticipate that large animals
cess heat generated by its from 532 species. While sheds heat. are potentially more sus-
muscles. larger animals should be "The new study pro- ceptible to the effects of
An animal's capacity to able to travel faster due to vides a way to understand habitat fragmentation in a
travel is a crucial part of its their longer wings, legs or animal movement capaci- warming climate than pre-
survival and dictates where tails, the researchers found ties across species and can viously thought and there-
- and how far - it can mi- that medium-sized animals be used to estimate any ani- fore more prone to extinc-
grate, find food and mates, typically have the fastest mal's traveling speed based tion. But this needs further
and spread into new territo- sustained speeds. The re- on its size," says Dyer. "For investigation."
This PDF was uploade To Teligram channel_ LBS Newspaper platform ( @LBSNEWSPAPER
6 Thursday, April 20, 2023

Editorial Delhi

It is a new assault on India’s liberty

n April 6, 2023, the Union government result in a loss of safe harbour. amendments made to the IT Rules do not caveat
introduced a new set of measures with Among other things, the rules required social the restraints they place in any manner. Instead,
The caste imperative a view to crushing fake news and
misinformation on the Internet. These
media platforms, in particular messaging
services, to provide technological solutions that
they confer on the Fact Check Unit limitless
powers to decide what information is false and, in
Caste census, even if morally flawed, can introductions came through an amendment would enable them to identify the first originator the process, compel social media intermediaries
help in targeting of quota benefits   made to the Information Technology of any information on their service, where to act based on these findings.
(Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Suhrith demanded by government, under a set of given

ith  the  Congress  party  joining  the Code) Rules, 2021, or IT Rules. The amendment Parthasarathy circumstances, or where mandated by an order Open­ended and undefined
chorus for an updated caste census, grants to the Union Ministry of Electronics and of court. Given the implication of this on In its landmark judgment in Shreya Singhal vs
is an advocate
there seems to be an emerging con­ Information Technology (MeitY) unbridled power end­to­end encryption, and as a result on our Union of India (2015), the Supreme Court, in
practising in the
sensus  among  the  political  opposition  on  the to create a “fact check unit”, which will identify Madras High Court right to privacy, the IT Rules has been subject to striking down Section 66A of the IT Act, held that
need for this exercise. While the parties commit­ false or misleading online content that concerns several sets of challenges, with petitions now a law that limits speech can neither be vague nor
ted to reservations in the northern belt — the SP the central government’s business in any manner. pending consideration in the Supreme Court of over­broad. The amendment to the IT Rules
and the RJD in particular — have made this de­ Should social media intermediaries fail to prevent India. suffers on both accounts. First, the notification
mand as a reaction to the expansion of reserva­ users from hosting or publishing information that fails to define fake news. Second, it allows the
tion  benefits  to  economically  weaker  sections have been flagged as false by the fact check unit, Restrictions through executive diktats government’s fact­check unit to make
among  “forward”  castes  using  income  criteria, they stand to lose their “safe harbour” immunity. The amendments introduced this month bring declarations on the veracity of any news “in
the  Congress’s  pivot  towards  supporting  this In other words, any protection that online with them a new assault on our liberty. To be respect of any business” that involves the state.
stems from the party’s new political emphasis on platforms might have enjoyed against criminal sure, misinformation or fake news — whatever The use of open­ended and undefined words,
expanding  its  support  base.  With  the  Mandal prosecution will be withdrawn. one might want to call it — is rampant on the especially the use of the phrase “any business” —
Commission report of 1980, that was based on Internet. Its effects are unquestionably in a nation such as India, where the state has
caste census data of 1931, still remaining the basis The consequence deleterious. But what might the solutions to this wide­ranging reach — indicates that the
of identifying backwardness and determining the The upshot of the new regulation is this: the problem be? There is the oft­cited passage from government will have an effective carte blanche to
extent of reservation to the OBCs, the need for a Union government gets to decide for itself what Justice Louis Brandeis’s classic 1927 opinion in the decide what each of us can see, hear, and read on
comprehensive census that provides data to sup­ information is bogus and gets to exercise United States Supreme Court case, Whitney vs the Internet.
port, or evaluate existing reservation quotas, or wide­ranging powers of censorship by compelling California, where he wrote that “if there be time Any workable and constitutionally committed
to assess demands for them remains pertinent. intermediaries to take down posts deemed fake to expose through discussion, the falsehoods and campaign against fake news would have looked
Such a diligent exercise would also serve a legal or false. In a democracy, where information is fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of first towards a comprehensive parliamentary
imperative  allowing  the  government  to  answer free, and where the right to freedom of speech is education, the remedy to be applied is more legislation on the matter. And a legislation
the  Supreme  Court’s  call  for  quantifiable  data. constitutionally guaranteed, the new law must speech, not enforced silence...”. But given the emanating out of such a process would have
But  counting  castes  is  not  easy.  An  inherent strike us as deeply abhorrent. structural inequalities in society, we know that a tethered limitations on speech to the grounds
weakness is evident in how the government de­ The IT Rules derive their authority from the resolution of this kind is not always helpful, that stipulated in Article 19(2). It would have further
scribed the Socio­Economic and Caste Census in Information Technology Act, 2000, a law which, speech by itself can be harmful, and when it is, it ensured that the government cannot act as an
2011: as being riddled with infirmities that made at its inception, was meant to provide “legal demands intervention from the law. arbiter of its own cause. In France, for example,
the data collected unusable. Data here recorded recognition” for electronic commerce. Through Equally, though, we must be cognisant that not where legislation exists to counter the spread of
46  lakh  different  castes,  sub­castes,  caste/clan section 79, the Act provides a “safe harbour”, by all problems are capable of easy legislative misinformation during elections, the declaration
surnames, which required adequate parsing be­ granting immunity to intermediaries, so long as solutions. Certainly, thoughtless censorship is is made not by government but by an
fore being used for proper enumeration. The sur­ these entities observe “due diligence” in never an answer. What is worse, in the case of the independent judge.
vey’s hurried conduct, without utilising the Cen­ discharging their duties under the law, and so IT Rules, restrictions flow not through legislation, A proper, lawfully enacted statute would have
sus Commissioners and the Office of the Registrar long as they follow other guidelines prescribed by but through executive diktats. And these also demanded a decision on whether a directive
General properly, also rendered it problematic. the state. An intermediary under the law refers to commands militate against substantive to remove misinformation is the only solution to
A more thoroughgoing exercise would entail any person who receives, stores, or transmits constitutional guarantees. Article 19(1)(a) grants to fake news, or whether there are other, less
an  adequate  consolidation  of  caste/sub­caste electronic records — it would include Internet every citizen a right to freedom of speech and restrictive alternatives available — for instance, in
names into social groups based on synonymity service providers, search engines, and social expression. That right can only be limited many cases, a government faced with what it
and  equivalence  of  the  self­identified  group media platforms. For example, WhatsApp, Signal, through reasonable restrictions made by law on believes is deceptive news always has the power
names  revealed  by  respondents  in  the  census. Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are all what the one or the other of the grounds stipulated in to provide its own version of the facts, without
Marking these groups against the OBC/SC/ST lists law construes as intermediaries.
The  amended Article 19(2), namely, in “the interests of the calling for an erasure of other accounts.
for  each  State  would  build  a  useful database, When the IT Rules were introduced in 2021, in IT  Rules  will sovereignty and integrity of India, the security of The amendments to the IT Rules are not only a
which  can  be  utilised  in  the  decennial  Census. supersession of a previous guideline, it was not  only the State, friendly relations with foreign States, product of pure executive instruction but also
The data obtained this way can be used to parse already riddled by controversy. Divided into two diminish  the public order, decency or morality or in relation to eschew each one of these considerations. The
aggregated socioeconomic information for these distinct parts, the rules sought to regulate right  to contempt of court, defamation or incitement to consequences are chilling. Intermediaries faced
groups.  But  with  the  government  having  post­ intermediaries through MeitY and the digital an offence”. with the threat of prosecution will naturally weed
poned the long­delayed 2021 Census and not ac­
news media, including over­the­top (OTT) media As is plain to see, fake news and out information deemed false by the Fact Check
quiescing  to  the  demand  of  including  caste authority  and
services, such as Netflix and Amazon Prime, misinformation are not grounds on which speech Unit. It will only remain for the state to tell us
counts,  questions  remain  whether  an  effective through the Union Ministry for Information and speak  truth  to can be limited. No doubt, if a piece of information what the truth is. The rights of the press, and
caste census is possible. There is of course the Broadcasting. Insofar as intermediaries are the  power  but is proven to be false and has a direct bearing on indeed of the common person, to question
risk of reification of caste identities even as the concerned, the IT Rules imposed a series of also  erase  civil one of the grounds stipulated in Article 19(2), authority, to speak truth to power, will be
constitutional order seeks to build a casteless so­ onerous obligations, a breach of which could liberties  such speech can be limited through law. But the diminished, and our civil liberties obliterated.
ciety. But with caste­based identification still pre­
dominant, such a census seems politically imper­
ative, even if morally flawed, for the purpose of
addressing socioeconomic inequities through fa­
cile reservation quotas that confer income bene­
fits and a degree of social justice without actually
advancing the cause of a truly casteless society.
India-UAE cooperation to sow regional food security
he United Arab Emirates (UAE), whose millets — nutritious, drought­resistant, Asia and Europe to serve as India’s food export
Old friends food security has been built on imports
from global markets, is now focusing on
sustainable, crops — that demonstrate the
resilience focus that India offers to the global food
gateway to West Asia and the Africa region, and
further beyond. Given the food corridor’s
While strengthening ties with Russia, the twin objectives of food access and readiness security dialogue. In the realm of food security, incredible commercial potential, several
to confront supply chain crises. India, the world’s India’s G­20 presidency seeks to address the three UAE­based companies have expressed interest in
India must make its stand on war clear  second­largest food producer, is an essential Cs, of “Covid, Conflict, and Climate” (to borrow constructing a supporting logistics and

rowing and balancing India­Russia trade partner in the UAE’s ambition to strengthen food Abdulnasser from India’s External Affairs Minister S. infrastructure pipeline to accelerate trade and
ties dominated the agenda of Russian De­ security. The India­UAE food security partnership Alshaali  Jaishankar’s address last year), issues pernicious reinforce the food corridor.
puty Prime Minister Denis Manturov’s In­ stands to benefit from multiple points of is the Ambassador of to food security in India and across the globe. The Dubai Multi Commodities Centre, the
dia visit and the Inter­governmental Commission convergence. the United Arab UAE’s largest free trade zone, launched Agriota,
on  Trade,  Economic,  Scientific,  Technological Emirates to India What the UAE brings to the table an agri­trading and commodity platform to link
and Cultural Cooperation meet he chaired with Many capabilities Seen together, India brings to the table an Indian farmers to food companies in the UAE.
External  Affairs  Minister  S.  Jaishankar.  They India has built its status as a global agri­export incredible wealth of food sector experience and Agriota gives millions of Indian farmers the
hailed the surge in bilateral trade (up by 2.6 times powerhouse using its vast tracts of arable land, a the ability to operationalise the world’s largest opportunity to directly reach out to the entirety
in the past year, and at about $45 billion), sur­ highly favourable climate, and a large and food supply chains — formidable capabilities that of the UAE’s food ecosystem (processing
passing the 2025 target. Both sides noted the pro­ growing food production and processing sector. are strengthening the India­UAE food security companies, traders, wholesalers) and stock their
blem of trade imbalance, calling for more market Along with serving global markets with its partnership in a variety of ways. During the I2U2 products in Emirati stores. Alongside this
access and the use of “national currencies” to cir­ diversified agri­produce, India has, in recent (India, Israel, the United Arab Emirates and the initiative, a consortium of UAE­based entities are
cumvent sanctions. Mr. Manturov suggested that years, acted as a humanitarian provider of food to United States) summit in July last year, the UAE investing up to $7 billion in mega food parks,
Indian companies could increase exports in road developing countries, demonstrating awareness committed $2 billion in investment towards contract farming and the sourcing of
construction and pharmaceuticals. Mr. Jaishan­ of its evolving role in advancing regional and constructing food parks in India (in Madhya agro­commodities in India. The initiative will
kar  said  that  Indian  businesses  should  guard global food security. India has also made major Pradesh and Gujarat), while the signing of a food include mega food parks, logistics and warehouse
against “over­compliance” when it comes to in­ budgetary outlays towards setting up massive security corridor on the Comprehensive hubs, and fruits and vegetable hubs.
creasing trade with Russia, due to concerns over food parks, with due emphasis on modern supply Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA)’s
western sanctions. They also referred to progress chain management spanning farm gate to retail sidelines (with logistics partner DP World) has The benefits
in negotiations for an FTA between India and the outlet. These investments, complemented by taken forward India’s envisioned presence on the There is much that India stands to gain from the
Eurasian Economic Union, that was launched in how India has placed its food sector to benefit global food value chain, beyond the UAE. UAE’s private sector projects spanning its
2017. Its signing could catapult trade, which has from bilateral trade agreements, reflect the The corridor could potentially commence a agricultural and food processing sector. Those
been the laggard in bilateral ties dominated by country’s strong and sustained intent to make the route for foods made and processed in India, projects will generate lakhs of non­farm agri­jobs,
defence, nuclear and space cooperation. most of its agri­capabilities in the global food beginning their outbound journey on the Indian while enabling farmers to discover better prices
While the impetus in trade and the effort to ba­ marketplace. Multiple  points coast of the Arabian Sea, passing through the for their products. Bolstered by the UAE’s
lance  imports  and  exports  with  an  important In parallel, India runs the Public Distribution of  convergence UAE, and towards major international markets. infrastructural capabilities, India’s agricultural
partner (Russia) are welcome, it is hard to ignore System, the world’s largest food subsidy will  ensure  that With its ability to establish high volume trade of products will have more resilient and diversified
the  circumstances  surrounding  these  develop­ programme, providing nearly 800 million India  is  an foods, the corridor stands to emerge as a pathways to the global marketplace.
ments. Since Russia’s war in Ukraine began last citizens with subsidised grains, providing its essential  partner world­class template of successful agri­trade for India’s G­20 presidency offers an opportune
year, and western sanctions drastically cut Rus­ people with the reassurance of daily, affordable in  the  plan  of India, while also unlocking greater productivity, moment for both India and the UAE to showcase
sian exports, Moscow has turned increasingly to meals. Equally laudable is India’s ‘Prime efficiency and growth for its millions of workers viable strategies and frameworks that can forge
the  United  Arab
India and  other  countries  including  China that Minister’s Overarching Scheme for Holistic and employees. the basis of food security in the Global South. As
have not joined the sanctions to export resourc­ Nutrition (POSHAN) Abhiyaan’, the world’s Emirates  to For the UAE, the benefits go beyond it sets the global developmental agenda, India can
es. India’s oil imports from Russia (a negligible largest nutrition programme for children and strengthen  food maintaining and diversifying its food reserves, look to leverage and strengthen trade pathways
0.2%), have jumped since the war to a massive women. As a part of its G­20 presidency, India is security  in  the and trade linkages could enable the Emirates to with the UAE to forge a sustainable, inclusive,
28% of its total oil intake, contributing to trade as promoting the consumption and farming of Global  South  leverage its strategically placed location between efficient, and resilient future of food.
well as a growing deficit. While the Ukraine Fo­
reign Minister’s accusation that India has “blood”
on its hands by buying Russian oil is overstating LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
the case, the impression that New Delhi is “bene­
fitting from the war” is gaining traction in west­ Court versus state on the state especially after would happen if efforts are Civil society organisations the best interests of all in the open ground under a
ern countries, which must be noted, especially as The remission of the 11 the state has said that “it made to weaken the It is true that civil society stakeholders. It is important blazing sun. Rajaji arrived,
Mr. Modi will soon visit Japan, Australia, the U.S. convicts in the Bilkis Bano was indeed applying its judiciary. organisations in India have for the government to saw our plight, just said
and France, and also welcome Mr. Putin for the gang­rape and murder case mind but was claiming Syed Sultan Mohiddin, been facing challenges in engage with civil society “my blessings to you all”,
SCO summit in Delhi in July. Mr. Jaishankar’s con­ is a dark moment in India’s privilege” — exemption Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh recent years, restricting and consider their and walked away. We could
tention that India­Russia ties are among the “stea­ democracy (Page 1, “It’s from disclosing information. their ability to operate and perspectives in only admire his empathy for
diest of the major relationships of the world” is Bilkis today, it can be A.P. Thiruvadi, This is an extraordinary also having a chilling effect decision­making. us. 
well­made, especially at a time of global turmoil anybody tomorrow: SC”, Chennai case involving blood­chilling on their work. Regarding Varadarajan C.M., A.R. Ramanarayanan,
and shifting alliances, and provides the basis for April 19). It is an acts against women and the government’s approach, Chennai Chennai
the warm welcome to Mr. Manturov. What is har­ unpardonable act on the These are times where the children. The remission it is not uncommon for
der  to  explain  is  that  no  public  comment  was part of the government to legislature and the granted to the convicts is an governments to take a Heat literacy
made  by  any  Indian  leader  during  any  of  Mr. have granted them this. executive are working hand act that has shocked many unilateral approach to The Editorial, “Tragic
Manturov’s meetings in Delhi, about the original How could the severe in hand and a large section in the nation. This is also an decision­making. However, failure” (April 19), reminded
reason for the current turmoil and its global eco­ trauma of the survivor and of the media also seems to issue that concerns the this approach can limit the me of an event during my Letters emailed to
nomic impact: Moscow’s decision to launch at­ families have been ignored? be dancing to the tunes of safety and rights of women. scope for diverse schooldays, in the early letters@thehindu.
tacks on its neighbour, and the bombing of civi­ The top court of the land the powers that be. One A.G. Rajmohan, perspectives, leading to 1960s. Rajaji was to address must carry the full postal
lians, that has continued for over a year. needs to come down hard shudders to imagine what Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh decisions that may not be in us and we had assembled address.
Thursday, April 20, 2023 7

Karnataka elections: which way now? The menace of paper leaks in Gujarat
Recruitments are marred by the fact that they are manned by the ruling party

onsidered as the When Mr. Yediyurappa faced ways. First, by putting up fresh
Bharatiya Janata Party’s the heat in the party for faces, thus pre­empting electoral
(BJP) bastion in South corruption charges in 2011, he backlash against its dented Last year, in its report, the
India, the Hindu Right’s chose to break away and formed a candidates. More than 60 new STATE OF PLAY Gujarat  State  Law  Commis­
rise in Karnataka is the result of a new party, Karnataka Janata faces have been fielded this time. sion (GSLC), in a severe indict­
systematic ideological campaign Paksha (KJP). In the 2013 Secondly, by adopting a Mahesh Langa ment of the State government,
over the years by its various Shaikh Mujibur Assembly election, the KJP polarisation strategy to alter the had recommended bringing a
organisations with a message, Rehman  received 9.8% of the vote share anti­incumbency narrative. Ever stringent law to curb the me­

“Hindu Navella Ondu” (Hindus are teaches at the Jamia and six seats.  since the incumbent BJP n  April  16,  the  Bhav­ nace of paper leak in recruit­
one).  Millia Central government grabbed power in July nagar  Police  in  Guja­ ment exams. 
As early as 1985, a “Dharm University, New Delhi. Vulnerable to fragmentation 2019, the communal pot in rat lodged a first­hand Headed by former Supreme
Sansad” in Karnataka’s Udupi He is the author of a Mr. Yediyurappa’s decision to Karnataka has been boiling. This is information  (FIR),  busting  a Court  judge  M.B.  Shah,  the
town had called for the opening of forthcoming book, revolt and the exit by former Chief particularly true after Mr. Bommai State­wide  racket  that  pro­ Commission  had  stated  that
the Babri Masjid. Muslims and Shikwa-e Hind: Minister Jagadish Shettar and took over as Chief Minister in 2021.  vides  dummy  (or  imposter) “rampantly  increasing  inci­
Christians are described as “anya Political Future of former deputy Chief Minister candidates  for  attending  go­ curb  the  activities  of  paper dents of paper leak in recruit­
Bharatiya” (the other Indians), or Indian Muslims Laxman Savadi demolishes one Polarisation strategy vernment recruitment exams leaks and restore the sanctity ment  exams  in  Gujarat  is
“anya komu” (the other religion) big myth about the BJP’s The decision to withdraw 4% and  board  examinations  on in  the  recruitment  pro­ creating  difficulty  amongst
in parts of local media. And yet, discipline. The party is indeed reservation for Muslims is part of behalf  of  other  candidates  in cess.  The  Gujarat  Public  Ex­ youth  who  seriously  prepare
even as a bastion, Karnataka is no vulnerable to fragmentation like this strategy — together with hijab the State.  amination (Prevention of Un­ for such exams”.
Gujarat, whose key architect has the Congress or the Left parties. It and other issues. And yet, this So  far,  the  police  have  ar­ fair  Means)  Bill,  2023,  has “One of the reasons behind
been Narendra Modi as its Chief is, thus, possible that the BJP polarisation strategy might not be rested  six  persons,  including prescribed maximum punish­ paper leaks is the involvement
Minister (2001­2014).  might split in the future, though it able to neutralise such a high four  masterminds  out  of ment of 10 years of imprison­ of  influential  people  in  the
In 2008, the BJP formed the is not easy to predict precisely anti­incumbency this time. Similar which  three  are  government ment and fine not less than ₹1 State government, but unfor­
government in Karnataka for the when or how. Moreover, the strategies were deployed in employees,  and  two  others crore for indulging in “organ­ tunately  they  are  never
first time, but the party became Congress party’s decision to Himachal Pradesh in 2022 by who have been arrested are al­ ised crime” of paper leak. Ac­ caught,” the report stated. 
the second largest party in the embrace disgruntled BJP leaders making the Uniform Civil Code so  government  employees, cording  to  the  Bill,  its  provi­ According  to  Gujarat  Con­
Assembly as early as 1994, the to its fold opens possibilities for its (UCC) a big issue during the who had appeared as impos­ sions  are  applicable  to gress  spokesperson  Manish
year it won 40 seats, a few more saffronisation — similar to the campaign, but it did not work. ter candidates.  examinations  conducted  by Doshi, who has been tracking
than the Congress party’s 38 seats.  Gujarat Congress, which led to Such failures in their strategy to In the FIR, the police have various agencies in the State.  recruitment exams conducted
further consolidation of the Hindu fight anti­incumbency (for booked 36 persons and stated “It is the need of the hour to by  various  State  entities,  all
Disparate outcomes majoritarianism in the State.  instance, in Himachal Pradesh in that  the  accused  used  to bring  a  stringent  law  against agencies  recruiting  the  staff
In 2019 parliamentary elections, Just as the BJP is not a washing 2022 or Rajasthan in 2018) has not charge  from  ₹5  lakh  to  ₹10 paper  leak.  Due  to  the  ab­ are corrupt. “In Gujarat, peo­
the BJP swept several States where machine for corruption, discouraged the BJP from lakh for finding a dummy and sence of a special law, accused ple  linked  to  the  Rashtriya
it had lost in Assembly elections. the Congress party is not a deploying it time and again. facilitate entry of that dummy in paper leak cases were tak­ Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and
In some instances, Indian voters washing machine for ideological The BJP has, once again, chosen into  the  examination  hall  for ing advantage of loopholes in the  Bharatiya  Janata  Party
do vote differently in Assembly purity. not to field a single Muslim taking the examination on be­ the prevalent law,” Minister of (BJP)  are  appointed  heads  of
elections as opposed to Parliament The BJP has quite successfully candidate in Karnataka despite the half of the original candidate. State for Home Harsh Sanghvi various recruitment agencies.
elections even if they are held returned to power recently in Prime Minister’s announcement to The dummy candidates were said, while introducing the Bill They  are  involved  in  the  rig­
simultaneously, as is the case in Gujarat, overcoming reach out to Pasmanda Muslims paid ₹25,000 per paper.  in the State Assembly.  ging. All recruitment agencies
Odisha. But these disparate anti­incumbency, which it faces in recently.  The  police  have  claimed The State government was are epicentres of corruption in
outcomes could also be partly Karnataka in a big way. Two things Such deliberate exclusion of that  the  racket  in  Bhavnagar prompted to bring the law af­ the State,” Mr. Doshi said.
explained by the nature of the BJP that helped the BJP in Gujarat may Muslim candidates from the flourished since 2012.  ter  it  came  under  severe  flak Giving  the  example  of  the
party’s organisations at the not work in Karnataka. Firstly, the electoral fray by the BJP In fact, for more than a de­ following  a  paper  leak  in  the RSS/BJP­affiliated people man­
State­level — often shaped by its Congress party gave a walk over to represents an institutionalised cade,  with  almost  dozen  in­ recruitment  for  the  junior ning  the  recruitment  agen­
state leadership.  the BJP in Gujarat by orchestrating form of polarisation strategy. stance of paper leaks of diffe­ clerk  exam  in  January  this cies, Mr. Doshi said former Ah­
Neither B.S. Yediyurappa nor a self­destructive silent campaign, On May 13, if the results help rent  recruitment  exams,  the year. The exam was called off medabad Mayor Asit Vora was
Basavaraj Bommai could be which is not the case with the D. elect a non­BJP government in State’s  recruitment  exams leading to State­wide protests the  chairman  of  the  Gujarat
compared to Mr. Modi on this Shivakumar­led Congress in Karnataka, it is likely that the new have  been  marred  with  con­ by youth. A total of 9.5 lakh as­ Subordinate  Services  Selec­
score, which explains the key Deliberate Karnataka.  government might not last a troversies  regarding  paper pirants  were  to  take  the  re­ tion  Board  (GSSSB),  which
difference. Furthermore, both Mr. exclusion of Secondly, in Gujarat, Prime complete term and might meet the leaks,  corruption  or  rigging cruitment  examination  for had  conducted  the  exam  for
Yediyurappa and Mr. Bommai are Muslim Minister Modi converted the entire fate of the H.D. Kumaraswamy the  recruitment.  Since  2015, 1,181 vacant positions.  head clerks in which the pap­
dynasts, and have never had candidates from campaign in a direct fight between government. The message from the State, which boasts about In the last decade, recruit­ er was leaked. Mr. Vora had to
political appeal in the Hindu Right the electoral him and the Opposition parties, the hegemonic BJP to Indian its  governance  and  adminis­ ment  exams  were  cancelled resign  after  the  exam  was
social base the way Mr. Modi has. fray by the BJP which is not the case in Karnataka. voters seems to be: no matter who trative acumen, has not been for chief officer of municipali­ cancelled. 
Since the early days, the BJP Moreover, the Nandini­Amul you elect, the BJP would form the able to hold even one recruit­ ty,  teachers  in  government The  State  needs  to  streng­
represents an
wanted to be recognised as a party controversy is spreading government.  ment  exam  without  a  paper schools, clerks for district pan­ then its agencies in charge of
with a difference. In the ongoing institutionalised unprecedented anti­Gujarati This is a sad irony for a country leak controversy.  chayats and State administra­ recruitment  by  appointing
election campaign, it is attacked form of sentiments as well. that would like to be globally To  deal  with  the  menace, tion,  forest  guards,  and  even professionals instead of man­
by rival parties as a “40% polarisation Among others, the BJP grapples applauded as a mother of the  State  government,  this nurses  for  the  health  depart­ ning  them  with  ruling  party
commission party”.  strategy with anti­incumbency in two democracy. year, enacted a special law to ment after paper leaks.  functionaries. 

World’s largest producer of milk hits a dry patch F RO M T H E A RC HI V E S

Milk prices are ruling high as supply is constrained by lumpy skin disease and high fodder costs

and  Dairying  Parshottam  Rupala Three chances for IAS
contradicted  him  and  ruled  out
stagnation in milk production and candidates
Jasmin Nihalani the government's decision to con­
sider import of butter and ghee.  New Delhi, April 18: It has been decided by the

n  March  2022,  a  full­cream In FY22, India produced 221 mil­ Government of India, in consultation with the
packet of Amul milk cost ₹60/ lion  tonnes  of  milk,  about  5.3% State Governments and the Union Public Service
litre. The one­litre pouch now higher  than  in  FY21.  While  there Commission, that the number of chances for the
costs ₹66. Since 2021, milk prices has  been  a  rise  in  the  absolute Indian Administrative Services examination to
in India have been on a boil. Prices quantity of milk produced, the y­ be held in September­October, 1973, be
have been hiked across brands and o­y growth has slowed. It peaked increased from two to three for the three
the recent hike in February 2023 at 6.6% in FY18. Chart 3 shows the categories of services: Indian Administrative
was  Amul’s  fifth  increase  since milk produced (in million tonnes) Service/Indian Foreign Service; Indian Police
2021.  and the y­o­y growth. Service and other Class II Police Services; and
In April 2023, the average price According  to  Mr.  Singh,  the Central Services Class I and II. The notice for the
for a litre of milk in India was ₹57, country’s milk production in FY23 Indian Administrative Service examination to be
which is about 12% higher than ₹51 would either be stagnant or grow held in September­October, 1973, has already
in  April  2022.  The  average  milk at 1%­2%. Multiple factors have re­ been issued by the Union Public Service
price  is  the  highest  in  Lucknow sulted  in  the  stagnation  of  the Commission on March 10, 1973. The rules for the
and Guwahati at ₹66/litre and ₹65/ country’s milk production. Initial­ examination have also been notified by the
litre, respectively. Southern cities ly, dairy farmers faced a demand Department of Personnel and Administrative
such  as  Bengaluru  and  Chennai slump  due  to  COVID­19.  As  de­ Reforms in the Gazette of India dated March 10,
have relatively lower milk prices.  mand recovered, the outbreak of 1973. The candidates desirous of appearing at
In the past year, Ernakulam saw lumpy  skin  disease  hit  the  cattle the Indian Administrative Service and other
the  highest  rise  in  milk  prices  at and buffalo herd, resulting in low­ examinations may obtain the application form
19%,  followed  by  Mumbai,  Luck­ er milk yields. High prices of fod­ from the office of the Union Public Service
now  and  Jaipur  which  saw  over der  have  also  raised  the  cost  of Commission on a payment of one rupee. The
10% rise. Chart 1 shows the aver­ production.  closing date for the receipt of applications in the
age retail price for a litre of milk in According  to  an  answer  in  the office of the Commission is May 7, 1973. The
the month of April for the past six Lok Sabha, 32.8 lakh cattle were af­ decision to allow three chances in the IAS and
years. fected by the disease and 1.86 lakh other examinations to be held this year is a
The  Central  Bank’s  monetary succumbed  to  the  disease.  Rajas­ purely transitional measure. The final position
policy  committee,  which  met  in than, the second largest producer will be known next year when the question of
the  first  week  of  April,  said  in  a of milk, saw the highest number of any changes required in the examination for
statement  that  high  inflation  in cases  and  cattle  deaths.  Close  to other services will be examined.
milk was one of the reasons driv­ 50%  or  15  lakh  cases  and  76,000
ing retail inflation. While retail in­ cattle deaths were reported in Ra­
flation slowed to 5.66% in March, jasthan, as shown in Map 4. While
milk  inflation  continued  to  tread the fodder inflation based on the A HUNDRED YEARS AGO APRIL  20,  1923
higher.  In  the  same  month,  milk wholesale  price  index  eased  to
inflation was at 9.24%, close to the 17.13% in March, the figure has re­ Egyptian situation
levels last seen in February 2015. mained  in  double  digits  for  14
Chart 2 shows the retail inflation months now, as shown in Chart 5. London, April 19: Official circles in London have
and inflation in milk (liquid, litre) Finally,  coming  to  Mr.  Singh’s no information in regard to the alarmist rumour
since January 2015.  remarks  about  the  possibility  of that a revolt is imminent in Egypt. They point
At  the  same  time,  there  have import of dairy products, it must out that what is occurring in Egypt is apparently
been concerns over the country’s be  noted  that  India  is  the  largest a dispute between the King and his Cabinet in
stagnant milk production in FY23. producer of milk in the world and which Britain does not participate. Apart from
On  April  5,  Secretary  for  Animal accounts for 24% of the milk pro­ four points reserved for when Egyptian
Husbandry  and  Dairying  Rajesh duced  worldwide.  As  shown  in independence is declared, Egyptians are free to
Kumar Singh said the country was Chart 6, India last imported a sig­ form their own Constitution and, as far as is
facing stagnation and that the go­ nificant  quantity  of  milk  in  FY12. known, it is believed that the Cabinet is making
vernment  would  consider  all  op­ Since  then,  milk  imports  have progress in the matter. Indeed, a draft
tions, including the import of but­ slumped. While India continues to constitution has existed for some time. Britain’s
ter  and  ghee  if  the  situation import  whey,  butter,  cheese  and rights in Egypt are protected by power to
remained unchanged.  curd  in  relatively  higher  quanti­ declare martial law, which will be retained until
However, days later, the Union ties, the share of milk in India’s im­ the Egyptian Government passes an Indemnity
Minister  for  Animal  Husbandry port basket is significantly lower. Act covering the operations of the war.
Delhi Thursday, April 20, 2023
● ●

Text&Context 0 
Road Ministry to The films at the first Cost to modernise The number of years it Federal workers start
construct highways in international film power supply in took Nagaland to get one of the largest
FY24: MoRTH festival in Delhi Hamirpur, Himachal its first medical college strikes in Canada 

12,500 200 156 60 1.5

kms. The films. The festival crores. The Himachal years. Informing that the In lakh workers. The Public
Secretary organised by the Delhi Pradesh Power Board said State got approval from the Service Alliance of Canada
of the government and that the funds would be National Medical said that the strike was called
Ministry of Road Transport and Highways scheduled from August 17 to 25, will screen spent on construction of new sub­stations Commission, Medical Assessment & Rating after talks with the government failed to
(MoRTH), Alka Upadhyaya, informed that films and documentaries of all genres and modernising transformers. The Board, Health Minister P. Paiwang Konyak produce an agreement on wage issues. The
the Ministry plans to maintain the pace of except those that “disrespect our nation”, superintending engineer said that this will said that the college will begin with 100 strike comes as tax returns are due.  AP
highway development across India.  PTI according to officials.  PTI end power supply related problems.  PTI students from the 2023­24 session.  PTI COMPILED BY THE HINDU DATA TEAM

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The price of a lie: the Fox News settlement

Why did the U.S.­based conservative news channel opt to settle with election technology firm Dominion Voting Systems? What are the other lawsuits against Fox News? What
were the claims brought against the broadcaster by the firm and how did they impact the 2020 U.S. elections?

EXPLAINER U.S. law, the strength of this evidence is THE GIST

said to have given the Dominion lawsuit
sufficient ammunition to cross, according
Narayan Lakshman to reports, the “legal threshold in 쑽
defamation cases known as ‘actual Fox News, the U.S.­based
The story so far:  malice’ — established when defamatory conservative news channel,

ox News, the U.S.­based statements are ‘made with knowledge of has agreed, before trial began,
conservative news channel, has its falsity or with reckless disregard of to pay $787.5 million to settle
agreed at the 11th hour before whether it was true or not.’” claims brought by election
trial began, to pay $787.5 million technology firm Dominion
to settle claims brought by election What are the broader implications?  Voting Systems.
technology firm Dominion Voting In a sense the Dominion settlement
Systems. The firm accused the reflects the limits of the First Amendment 쑽
broadcaster of knowingly spreading false of the U.S. constitution. As the discussion The election voting firm has
information about the company after the around the concept of ‘actual malice’ alleged that Fox News and its
2020 election, to support propaganda shows, there is a high standard of proof parent company, Rupert
that the election was stolen from former under U.S. law required to establish Murdoch­owned Fox
President Donald Trump in favour of the defamation. Indeed, Fox News said earlier Corporation, caused damage
current President Joe Biden. There are that “Dominion’s lawsuit is a political to the voting company’s
several other lawsuits that Fox News crusade in search of a financial windfall, business and threatened its
faces, relating to falsehoods propagated but the real cost would be cherished First staff by implicating them in a
false conspiracy about rigged
about the 2020 presidential election, Amendment rights.”
elections designed to sabotage
which could be equally damaging to the However, the point is that it was the
the prospects of Mr. Trump
news channel, and which now stand on very same lies about the “stolen election” entering the White House.
firmer ground in light of the Dominion that made it possible for Mr. Trump and
settlement.  his associates to play a role in fuelling the 쑽
January 6, 2021, riots leading to the If the case had gone to trial
What are claims against Fox News? assault of the Capitol buildings in before a jury, it would have
The actual settlement agreed between Washington.  exposed the inner workings of
Fox News and Dominion is a little less In that context, had the propagandistic the broadcast network to even
than half of the amount originally claimed messaging of Fox News remained more scrutiny.
by Dominion, which was $1.6 billion. It unchecked it would likely presage an even
claimed this amount on account of its more drastic return to the sort of yellow
allegation that Fox News and its parent Reaching a settlement: Reporters surround the attorneys for Dominion Voting Systems outside the journalism seen in the late 19th century,
company, Rupert Murdoch­owned Fox New Castle County Courthouse in Wilmington, Del. during a news conference on April 18. AP such as the Hearst newspapers that is said
Corporation, caused damage to the voting to have egged on the Spanish­American
company’s business and threatened its comments on the settlement other than lies about the election that they likely did war in the 1890s.
staff by implicating them in a false to say, “We acknowledge the Court’s not believe themselves. The settlement with Dominion is also
conspiracy about rigged elections rulings finding certain claims about Yet the strongest factor, likely to have likely to have a strong bearing on several
designed to sabotage the prospects of Mr. Dominion to be false,” and that the made a settlement appear to be the best other lawsuits that Fox News is facing for
Trump entering the White House. settlement “reflects Fox’s continued option for Fox News, is the fact that the same reasons — spreading election
The Dominion lawsuit claims that commitment to the highest journalistic Dominion had managed to gather an related falsehoods designed to aid Mr.
during the weeks following the election standards.” extraordinary amount of evidence in Trump’s cause. 
day in 2020, leading Fox News anchors However, it is likely that if the case had terms of internal documents of the media Among these is a case brought by
engaged on their shows with Trump allies gone to trial before a jury, it would have house. The documents showed not only Smartmatic, another election technology
who falsely claimed that Dominion’s exposed the inner workings of the widespread organisational dysfunction company, which has filed a $2.7 billion
voting machines had been deliberately network to even more scrutiny. In forcing but also clear proof that many insiders at defamation lawsuit against Fox News; and
programmed to deduct votes away from a level of accountability at Fox News, a Fox News knew that the Dominion a case brought by a former Fox News
Mr. Trump and, in parallel, boost the trial would have turned the spotlight on election conspiracy theory was complete producer, Abby Grossberg, saying that
numbers under Mr. Biden’s column. the channel’s senior­most anchors fiction and had no basis in reality. Reports Fox’s lawyers pushed her to “give a
including the likes of Tucker Carlson and suggest that the documentary evidence in misleading deposition in the Dominion
Why did Fox News opt to settle? Sean Hannity, and grilled them with hard this regard pointed to Fox News’ highest case and alleging a hostile and
Fox News has not made any public questions on why they opted to spread ranks including Mr. Murdoch. In terms of discriminatory work environment”

Why is a star-planet pair

exoplanets detected being found to THE GIST
possess magnetic fields, planetary
scientists have never been able to identify
such fields on smaller, rocky exoplanets — 쑽

emitting radio signals?

until now. Dr. Pineda said that if the latest YZ Ceti b is a rocky, earth­sized
findings are confirmed by further exoplanet rotating around a
research, they will confirm their method’s small red dwarf star, YZ Ceti,
ability to lead to the “magnetic barely 12 light­years from
characterisation of exoplanets”. This is Earth. 
What is YZ Ceti b? How have astronomers detected radio signals from this planet which is 12 light years away? important because the survival of a
planet’s atmosphere may well depend on 쑽
its having, or not having, a strong Astronomers deduced that the
Prakash Chandra observations before they could detect the What does this mean for YZ Ceti b? magnetic field, since the field protects its radio signals detected were a
radio signals from the star YZ Ceti, which YZ Ceti b has a small orbit — astronomers atmosphere from being eroded by the result of the interaction
The story so far:  seemed to match the orbital period of the determined that the planet takes just a charged particles from its star. between the planet’s magnetic
field and the star.

n alien world called YZ Ceti b planet YZ Ceti b. From this, they deduced couple of earth­days to circle its star.
has suddenly become the that the signals were a result of the Since the mid­1990s, astronomers have What happens next?

cynosure of astronomers. YZ interaction between the planet’s magnetic found hundreds of planets orbiting stars Curiously, Mars orbiting the sun at a ‘safe’
Ceti b is a rocky, earth­sized field and the star. similar to the sun. To have an atmosphere distance has a similar story to tell. Both Such signals can only be
exoplanet rotating around a small red and sustain water, a planet has to be at a Mars and Earth were very much alike produced if the exoplanet
dwarf star, YZ Ceti, barely 12 light­years Why does the magnetic field matter? certain distance from its star (in orbits billions of years ago, with a lot of water orbits very close to its parent
from Earth. Astronomers have detected a Just as energy surges from the sun said to be in the star’s “Goldilocks zone”), and similar atmospheric systems. But in star and has its own magnetic
repeating radio signal from this sometimes disrupt telecommunications or it will get burnt. Earth, for example, spite of this, life started on one planet field to influence the stellar
wind and generate the signals.
exoplanet, suggesting the presence of a on earth and damage orbiting satellites, would have been a lot more like Venus if it while the other became cold as the solar
magnetic field — one of the prerequisites intense bursts of energy from the YZ Ceti had been just a little closer to the sun or winds stripped it of most of its
for a habitable planet — around it. star­exoplanet exchange produce cold like Mars if it had been any farther. atmosphere. Will the story of YZ Ceti b be
spectacular auroral lights. “We get to see Astronomers believe nearly 30% of all star the same? “We are hoping to get
How was the discovery made? this indirectly in the form of the radio systems discovered could potentially have additional observations on this target,” Dr.
The discovery was made by Jackie emission we receive,” Dr. Pineda said. “Goldilocks zones”. Pinade said. “Longer­term monitoring is
Villadsen from Bucknell University, These radio waves, strong enough to important to confirm these results and
Pennsylvania, and Sebastian Pineda from be picked up on earth, confirmed the How common are such magnetic further investigate the properties of the
the University of Colorado, Boulder, using existence of an exoplanetary magnetic fields? radio signals.” But one thing is certain:
the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array radio field. Such signals can only be produced if With such overwhelming numbers, it these findings will help astronomers learn
telescope in New Mexico. They published the exoplanet orbits very close to its always stood to reason that strong more about rocky worlds in the deepest
their findings in the journal Nature parent star and has its own magnetic field planetary magnetic fields should be reaches of space running rings around
Astronomy on April 3. to influence the stellar wind and generate common outside the solar system. their parent stars.
They had to make multiple the signals. Nevertheless, despite many of the larger Prakash Chandra is a science writer.
Thursday, April 20, 2023 9


Know your
K. Subrahmanian

Why are sensitivity readers looking at old “Mr. S. V. Negeswara Rao, Pailavari Street,

Kothepet, Vijayawada, wants to know the
difference between ‘How come you aren’t

books through a modern lens? at school today? and ‘Why aren’t you at

school today?”
“ ‘How come’ means ‘how did it
happen?’ How did it happen that you
Will it be better to leave the stories and novels of writers like Agatha Christie, Ian Fleming, Arthur Conan Doyle, Hergé and Roald Dahl with their aren’t at school today? or how is it that
you aren’t at school today? This has a
regressive views as they are to give the reader a sense of the time in which they were written and published?   rather friendly tone. There is some
concern for the absentee. ‘Why aren’t you
at school today’ is a straightforward
Mini Anthikad Chhibber their original covers, David Brawn, and chauvinist about the books, that they Where will the rewritings end? Will question. Very often it has an
Publisher Estates (HarperCollins U.K.) logically should be preserved as an Tonga, be written out of Arthur Conan authoritarian or accusatory tone. But it
he news of Agatha Christie’s said, “Christie often projects racist intellectual curiosity.  Doyle’s The Sign of Four? And how about

can also have a friendly tone if the right
novels being revised by attitudes on to her characters for Anthony Horowitz, who wrote three the opening scene in the book where kind of intonation is used.”
sensitivity readers is distressing dramatic effect, as a way of making them continuation James Bond novels — Trigger Holmes shoots up “a seven per cent “Mr. H. S. Krishnaswamy, 9,
to put it mildly. Following hot appear more unsavoury.” Mrs. Allerton, Mortis (2015), Forever and a Day (2018) solution” of cocaine and asks Watson if he Mariamman Koil, Tiruchi, wants to know
on the heels of the reworking of Roald who till then seems not so bad, comes and With a Mind to Kill (2022) in an would like a shot?  the pronunciation of ‘desert’.”
Dahl, Ian Fleming and most recently PG across as quite the nasty little lady after interview said the novels need to be read It would be better to leave the books as “The ‘sand­covered waste­land’ is
Wodehouse (what ho!), the works of the her comment on the children.  in their historical context. Using the they are to give the reader a sense of the called a desert. The first ‘e’ is pronounced
queen of crime being put through a 21st While Miss Marple is the definitive example of Live and Let Die (which has time. Colonialism was a fact of life in like the ‘e’ in ‘bed’ and the second ‘e’ like
century prism is self­defeating.  proper English lady, in Hercule Poirot, come in for sensitivity snipping), Christie’s earlier novels.  the final sound in China. The ‘s’ is
Christie has created the ultimate outsider, Horowitz speaks of the ratcheting tension The James Bond novels were an escape pronounced ‘z’; ‘r’ is silent. The stress is
Filtering words who plays on the insular English and their of Bond being dragged over a coral reef for an England reeling under post­war on the first syllable. 
The title of Christie’s 1939 novel, And distrust of “foreigners” for his own gains. towards the end of the book. “There is so shortages, which could explain Bond’s Have you heard of the Sahara desert? 
Then There Were None, was changed in the If at all anything has to be changed in a much in the Bond world, which is so great inflammatory views on race, gender and ‘Desert’ is also used as a verb in the
1940 U.S. edition for containing a racial Christie novel, it should be in the 1971 and so wonderful. Let us celebrate that.”  sexuality.  sense of ‘to go away from, to leave
slur. The rhyme, which forms a pivotal Miss Marple mystery, Nemesis, and its Unfortunately, Fleming, Christie and Cocaine was considered a medical someone in a wrong or cruel way’. 
plot point, was also changed accordingly. problematic views on rape. One cannot Dahl are not alive to rewrite their books miracle during the time of Sherlock They deserted the village because of
John le Carré’s critically acclaimed 1963 imagine Professor Wanstead’s “Girls are from a prism of today.  Holmes. It was supposed to be a divine drought.
spy thriller, The Spy Who Came in from the far more ready to be raped nowadays” However, Hergé sought to right his drug with many medical professionals He deserted his wife. 
Cold, however, features the original being okay in any era.  wrongs with meticulous research. This is singing its praises including a young When it is used as a verb, the first ‘e’ in
rhyme and also identifies Liz Gold whose Incidentally, though Fleming’s James evident from how the intrepid boy Austrian, Sigmund Freud.  ‘desert’ is pronounced like the ‘e’ in ‘bid’,
features “hesitate between plainness and Bond novels have some racist reporter goes from blowing up a poor So when we read of Holmes rolling his the second ‘e’ is pronounced like the ‘i’ in
beauty” as Jewish.  descriptions excised, others including the rhinoceros with dynamite in Tintin in sleeve back and considering the track ‘bird’. The ‘s’ is pronounced ‘z’ and the ‘r’
Though Christie’s novel did not suffer reference to Koreans in Goldfinger (1959) Congo to his deep friendship with the marks on his arm, we can see it as a is silent. The stress is on the second
with the changes, the same cannot be said and Japanese in You Only Live Twice (1964) Chinese boy, Chang, who he goes to reflection of the time and not as a syllable.”
about the new revisions. In her 1937 are not. And even more troubling is the rescue in Tintin in Tibet. glamourisation of drug abuse. The “Mr. K. Vasudevan, Kothari Electronics
novel, Death on the Nile, Mrs Allerton’s retention of the “sweet tang of rape” line television show, Elementary, which has and Industries Ltd., Hosur, wants to know
rant about the children, “they come back in the very first James Bond novel, Casino Objectives of reworking  brought Holmes to New York and gender whether the word ‘indigenisation’ is
and stare, and stare, and their eyes are Royale, which turned 70 on April 13, 2023.  What exactly do these sensitivity switched Moriarty and Watson, features correct as he does not find it in
simply disgusting, and so are their noses, reworkings hope to achieve? Is it to say Holmes in rehab and Watson as his sober dictionaries. He says he finds only
and I don’t believe I really like children” ‘Intellectual curiosity’  that these writers were all forward companion.  ‘indigenous’ in dictionaries.”
has been changed to “They come back While offering thrills, chills and a thinking and did not have problematic Rather than editing out words and “‘Indigenise’ and ‘indigenisation’ are
and stare, and stare. And I don’t believe I multi­billion dollar movie franchise, the views on anything? Or that the world was phrases, the books would be better both found in dictionaries published
really like children.”  James Bond novels are products of their a wonderful place? Also, there is the served if they come with a disclaimer that recently. These words are used frequently
In an interview ( on the reprinting of 25 time with dreadfully regressive views. question of what is troublesome to which they reflect the attitudes of the times they these days. ‘Indigenise’ means ‘to adapt
Agatha Christie novels with facsimiles of There is something so decidedly racist reader, across gender, time and place.  were published in.  or subject to native culture or influence’.”
Published in The Hindu on September
29, 1987

Please send in your answers to 

The first few decades of the 20th century laid the foundation for quantum mechanics.
Today’s quiz is about the knabenphysik
Vasudevan Mukunth another electron with the same Questions and Answers to the previous day’s daily quiz: 1.
four quantum numbers. Name X. The first recorded encounter killing in Andhra Pradesh was of this
X X local hero in the Rampa Rebellion of 1922. He was a revolutionary
QUESTION 1 QUESTION 4  who waged an armed campaign against the British colonial rule in
Knabenphysik is German for One was viciously persecuted by India. This 2022 Telugu film showcased the life of this hero. Ans:
“____ _______”. The physics of an anti­Semitic physics Alluri Sitarama Raju, RRR
this period was called thus movement in the 1930s, was part 2. This Indian underworld don took a taxi to Wadala and was killed
because it was dominated by of the Nazi nuclear research in an alleged encounter there. His life inspired this film. Ans:
young male physicists. Fill in programme, and shared his last Manya Surve, Agneepath
the blanks. name with a character’s 3. In Gujarat, this person was taken away by the police and killed
X pseudonym in the TV show three days later in 2015 near Ahmedabad. This Union Minister was
QUESTION 2  Breaking Bad. Who? accused and acquitted in the case. Ans: Sohrabuddin Sheikh,
The physics of this time was so X Amit Shah
male­dominated that there was QUESTION 5 4. This Delhi Police operation resulted in the deaths of two
only one woman at the famous Enrico Fermi and Paul Dirac terrorists and one police officer, following five serial blasts in 2008.
1927 Solvay Conference. Who? created rules to describe the It was made into this 2019 thriller film starring John Abraham.
X properties of subatomic particles X Ans: Batla House encounter  For feedback and suggestions for 
QUESTION 3  that follow X’s precept (above). Visual question: Visual: Identify the two people. Ans: Veerappan, Actor Text & Context, please write to
One of the knaben was X, who Name the Indian who helped She worked in the knabenphysik period, figured out nuclear Rajkumar
found that any system will create the rules for particles that fission, was left out of a Nobel Prize, and had an element Early Birds: Indra Sharma| Poonam Jaswal| Prem Ram| Garima with the subject ‘Text & Context’
exclude an electron if it has ignore it. named for her. Who? WIKIMEDIA COMMONS Singh
There is nothing in the world so
irresistibly contagious as Charles
laughter and good humour Dickens


� �

or obvious reasons, Karnataka state government has performed remarka-
Assembly elections have become
The Karnataka government has performed remarkably bly well. In the light of an improved fiscal
INDIAN EXPRESS IS NOT AN extremely important. Voting is well on the social development front. In the need to do situation and the need to do more for the
INDUSTRY. IT IS A MISSION. just around 20 days away, and it more for the vulnerable sections, it has gone the extra mile vulnerable sections, it has gone the extra
— Ramnath Goenka is pertinent to ensure that voters mile. Take the case of the former Devada-

are empowered to make an en- sis. The state government has increased
lightened choice. In the pre-2000 their pension from `500 (under the Con-
era, people used to routinely say that post- gress government) to `1,500 per month,

MILMA VS NANDINI: acquisition of power, all parties govern in

a similar fashion. The performance of most NEEDS BJP’S MODEL thereby helping more than 30,000 former
Devadasis. Again, for old age homes, the

CONSUMERS MUST parties in governance used to be almost

equally good or equally bad.
BJP government has increased mainte-
nance funds from `8 lakh to `15 lakh. Sen-


But post-2000, the situation changed. ior citizens in Karnataka also have a reason
Former PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee intro- to be more happy. Here, the old age pension
duced ‘Good Governance’ as an important for people above 65 years under the Sand-

factor to be considered while comparing the hya Suraksha Scheme has now been en-
wo dairy wars are happening in two southern states—Ker- performance of competing parties. Later, hanced from `600 to `1000. Similarly, under
ala and Karnataka—involving three dominant milk coop- with Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi
eratives. Nandini, a brand owned by the Karnataka Milk helm, ‘Politics of Performance’ entered the VINAY President, ICCR and Scheme, while the Central government
political lexicon of India. SAHASRABUDDHE senior BJP leader gives `6,000 per head, Karnataka has been
Federation (KMF), is facing a threat from Amul, owned by
Way back in 2014, it was thanks to his sug- providing an additional assistance of `4,000
the Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation, in its gestion that the Public Policy Research Cen- to each of the beneficiaries.
home state. The Karnataka-based cooperative is accused of en- tre (PPRC) in Delhi conducted an objective Karnataka’s performance in service de-
croaching into the market territory of neighbouring Kerala and analysis of the performances of political livery, too, merits attention. Karnataka
violating the principles of federalism by the Kerala Cooperative parties governing different states. The per- has the second highest number of Jan
Milk Marketing Federation (KCMMF), which owns the brand formances of state governments ruled by Aushadi Kendras in the country, with 1,052
Milma. KCMMF criticised KMF for opening its outlets in Kerala, the Left parties, Congress, regional parties stores providing generic medicines at
and the Bharatiya Janata Party were subsidised rates.
claiming it violated the dairy sector’s cooperative spirit. compared for a period of 20 years between In 2010, Karnataka launched the Vajpay-
The warring state-run milk cooperatives do not disclose that 1991–2011. This report made some insight- ee Arogyashree scheme (VAS), a social
milk is in short supply in the country and is becoming increas- ful observations: ‘With its strong commit- health insurance scheme focused on
ingly expensive for the average citizen. Prices have surged ment towards a responsive government, the increasing access to tertiary care for house-
over 15% in the past year, prompting India, the world’s largest BJP’s model of governance focuses on serv- holds below the poverty line. Researchers
milk producer, to look at importing some dairy products as ice delivery through legal mechanisms and in public health studies point out that
application of e-governance. The Madhya VAS has “led to a substantial reduction in
milk output has remained more or less stagnant. The total
Pradesh Public Service Delivery Guarantee mortality driven by increased tertiary
production stood at 221 million tonnes in 2021–22 and fell to Act, e-governance initiatives of BJP-ruled care utilisation as well as use of better
208 million tonnes last year. While the ongoing dairy wars states like Sakala (Karnataka) and Swagat quality facilities and earlier diagnosis.
should be seen in the context of falling production, let’s analyse (Gujarat) have been widely recognised and Second, it significantly reduced the finan-
who stands to gain and lose. appreciated.’ In yet another conclusion, the cial burden of receiving tertiary care.
The milk trade has two main players: consumers and milk report said ‘All BJP-ruled states have shown Third, these benefits of social health insur-
remarkable and consistent economic ance were achieved at a reasonable cost to
farmers/producers. The entry of additional aggregators and
growth. As evident above, BJP-ruled states society and taxpayers.”
processors will benefit farmers, and competition among proces- have been consistently above 8% growth SOUMYADIP SINHA The proof of the pudding is in eating.
sors will enhance the value proposition for consumers by mak- rate for GSDP.’ Similarly, it is the effective implementation
ing available quality products at reasonable price levels. Region- Today, this is relevant even in Karnataka position in the league of states with a high 7.8% as against 6.8% of the Government of that marks the success of ‘Good Govern-
alism to ward off competition is not new in the market, but it is as except for the BJP, no other contesting revenue surplus. The fiscal deficit of the India. All this indicates that projects and ance’. It must be noted that perhaps BJP is
better served when supply is abundant. If Nandini had surplus party has the courage to talk about ‘Politics state is estimated at 2.6% of the GSDP for programmes are not just on paper, but be- the only party that has an established prac-
milk in its home state and dumped it at a lower rate in Kerala, of Performance’. Prudent fiscal manage- 2023–24, which is well within the 3% limit ing implemented on the ground. tice of monitoring the performance of its
ment, smart administrative measures to prescribed under the KFR Act. The state’s Similarly, Karnataka has been acting as state governments. PM Narendra Modi and
it would hurt the latter’s milk sector. However, Kerala is already ensure effective last-mile delivery, and en- performance in sectors like agriculture, a great investment magnet due to its admin- party president J P Nadda sit continuously
a milk-importing state. Moreover, since transporting milk over suring that the ‘most deprived are consid- manufacturing and services has been re- istration model. Notably, it was the top re- for several hours assessing and evaluating
long distances is not economically feasible, Nandini and Amul ered as the most deserving’, in keeping with markable thanks to strict governance. cipient state with 38% share of the total FDI how development governance is taking
will likely focus on selling value-added and premium milk prod- the principles of Antyodaya, are the three Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai, during equity inflow ($83.57 billion) in FY 2021–22. shape in BJP-ruled states. It is not for no
ucts in other states to improve margins, rather than plain va- critical dimensions of the performance of his budget speech a few months back, had During the calendar year 2021, Karnataka reason then that when BJP talks about Sab-
nilla milk, an essential commodity and very price-sensitive. The the BJP government in Karnataka. rightly claimed that for the first time, the bagged an FDI of $18,554.29 million. In com- ka Saath, Sabka Vikas, it doesn’t sound hol-
Let’s examine the fiscal conditions. With capital and revenue expenditure had been parison, Tamil Nadu received $3,023.33 mil- low. Karnataka can’t afford to lose the mo-
entry of Amul, Nandini and even Aavin (from Tamil Nadu) will
a revenue surplus of `402 crore estimated 76% till January and that number was not lion, Telangana received $1,584.59 million, mentum gathered by development. True,
force Milma to stay competitive and improve its quality and for 2023–24 compared to a revenue deficit achieved by any government in the past. Kerala received $310.67 million, and And- BJP needs to win Karnataka but that Kar-
efficiency. Let the market decide who survives and who doesn’t. estimate of `14,699 crore in the 2022–23 Notably, Karnataka is second in GST collec- hra Pradesh $178.09 million. nataka needs BJP is equally true.
Why should consumers bear the cost of protectionism? budget, Karnataka has now consolidated its tion and the state’s growth rate stands at On the social development front, too, the (


Congress’ progress
he imperceptible fear that the people’s voice is being Apropos of Modi cannot say no progress
blanked out across the country gained some degree of va- made in Congress rule (Apr 19). As the CM
lidity in Bengaluru, where activists who took out a silent of a Congress-ruled state, Bhupesh Baghel

protest to save the city’s iconic Sankey Tank were slapped oreign Direct Investment (FDI) feels rightly piqued about BJP claiming no
with criminal cases. Seventy citizens who had turned up flows were subdued in most parts progress was made during Congress rule. He
of the world after the first quar- lists many development steps which Congress
for the march in February to protest the felling of around 60
ter of 2022. According to the Unit- governments either initiated or begun. But
trees to build a flyover, face charges for wrongful confinement, ed Nations Conference on Trade DR BISWAJIT DHAR K S CHALAPATI RAO he cannot deny the rampant corruption,
unlawful assembly, and obstruction of public way. Police fre- and Development (UNCTAD), Former Professor, Jawaharlal Senior Research Fellow, Academy inefficiency and shortcomings in their
quently summoned a functionary of the NGO ‘’ and this slack in FDI inflows will con- Nehru University and Vice President, of Business Studies, Delhi execution. Indeed, we have come a long way
other citizens for questioning, and allegedly also issued veiled tinue this year. The most proximate reason Council for Social Development thanks to the Modi dispensation.
threats to make them give up their activities. Citizens met the for these downward trends was the uncer- C S Hayavadana Rao, Bengaluru
tainty caused by Russia’s invasion of been one of the major objectives of succes- tal. Information Technology Enabled Serv-
police commissioner to protest against such high-handed behav- Baghel’s views
Ukraine. But another significant factor in- sive governments since the economic re- ices (ITES) was the most popular among
iour, and the case has now been moved to another police station fluenced the direction of capital flows, forms were initiated three decades ago. The foreign investors; 18.6% FDI inflows were Kudos to the Chhattisgarh CM for lucidly
for a fair probe. The project is now on the back burner but will namely, the progressively stronger quanti- present government’s flagship programmes, routed to this. outlining the achievements of Congress
be revived once the Assembly elections are done. tative tightening pursued by the US Federal the Make in India initiative as well as the Several commentators have argued that and other non-BJP governments. One must
The legal team of the Sankey Tank campaigners who claim Reserve (Fed). With the central banks in more recent Production Linked Incentive FDI inflows to host countries are largely de- understand that the first PM took the reins
they are concerned that the project would jeopardise the envi- several advanced countries opting to follow (PLI) Scheme, were no exceptions. pendent on the motivations of the foreign in a very tough situation and so development
ronment and biodiversity of Sankey Tank is looking to the Kar- the Fed, foreign investors’ decisions were However, investments in India’s manu- companies. This implies that the extent of was slow. Over a period of time, every other
influenced by higher interest rates in these facturing sector have not been the priority openness of investment regimes in the host PM did his/her best to take the country
nataka High Court for relief. They are bolstered by a similar countries. Most emerging economies wit- of foreign investors despite the fact that the countries are necessary but not the suffi- forward. PM Modi has the right to criticise the
case in which the Bombay High Court recently quashed an FIR nessed a slowdown in FDI inflows during country’s investment regime is now among cient conditions for attracting foreign in- policies of previous governments but can’t
against, which was engaged in the ‘Save Aarey’ this period of uncertainties. the most liberal among all major econo- vestment. The decisions of foreign inves- simply say nothing has been achieved.
protests in Mumbai, again on the felling of trees. The court cited The global trends have been reflected in mies. In fact, the manufacturing sector has tors, the argument goes, are dependent on N Nagarajan, email
the “democratic right of a citizen of this country to put forth India as well. During the current financial been attracting less than a fourth of the to- the existence of large markets, but more
year, FDI inflows were significantly off the tal foreign investment in recent years. importantly, on the existence of strategic Shifting loyalty
his viewpoint, to object, to protest, to persuade...”. It said that
high of $82 billion that the country wit- assets in the host countries. The pattern of Jagadish Shettar shifting his loyalty to the
attempts to book criminal offences amount to invading citizens’
nessed in 2020–21, which happened despite FDI inflows into India resonates with the Congress after being denied a party ticket
rights. It should come as a relief to Bengaluru’s citizen activists, the Covid-induced downturn. According to above-mentioned arguments. ITES and sev- has exposed his personal disappointment,
who have termed the police action as an “abuse of law”. the latest data available from the Reserve eral other segments in the service sector leading to an erosion of value-based politics
Increasingly and disturbingly, the common citizen has to turn Bank of India, for the first ten months of have witnessed large inflows due to the for the sake of power. Those who sit among us
to the courts to redress grievances on democratic rights, with the previous financial year (April–Janu- presence of an efficient workforce that can and undermine our interest at the same time
the authorities quickly cracking down on dissent. This is espe- ary), gross FDI inflows were $61.5 billion— be regarded as the strategic asset. Since the are more venomous than those who openly
significantly below the $70.5 billion received beginning of the current millennium, In- oppose us. BJP should curb the malafide
cially so when the issue is political, as in the crackdown on stu-
in the corresponding period of 2021–22. It dia’s ITES has been able to extend its busi- activities of dissenters.
dent activists, the incarceration of journalists, or the bulldozing may be pointed out that in 2020–21, the year nesses in the global marketplace and it is R Pichumani, Kumbakonam
of dissenters’ homes. This is certainly not expected in a country in which FDI inflows reached the record PTI now evident that foreign investors are uti-
which calls itself the “biggest democracy” and even the “mother level, inflows during April-January were lising this workforce to expand their pres- Population boom
of democracy”. The government, which prides itself on strong almost $73 billion. In other words, the in- For several years, foreign investors ence in India’s service sector. It is appalling to hear that India is the
action, should adopt moderation in such matters, for the country flows during April-January of 2022–23 were have found India’s service sector Despite the slowdown in FDI inflows, one world’s most populous country at over 142 cr,
belongs to everyone. Sadly, such swift suo motu action is not almost 17% below the level recorded during very attractive, investing several of the positives is the change in the top overtaking China by 2.9 million. It is high time
the same period in 2020–21. sources. For more than a decade and a half, we take measures including family planning
visible regarding hate speeches. The continuous suppression of A better indicator of the investment cli- times more in this sector compared the two countries that contributed most to to handle this trend, which thwarts all
dissent is bound to lead to self-censorship and, consequently, will mate can be gauged from the trends vis-à- to the manufacturing sector FDI inflows were Mauritius and Singapore. development schemes.
imperil democracy. vis “direct investment in India”, which ex- With Mauritius, the problem was that of Sundaram Govind, Aluva
cludes repatriation of foreign capital or The PLI scheme’s introduction has not round-tripping, a phenomenon that was
divestment by foreign companies from the changed this pattern. Data for April to De- fuelled by the fact that investors could get Arjun’s accolades
Q U I C K TA K E gross FDI inflows. During April-January of cember of 2022–23 shows that the manufac- away by avoiding paying any taxes. While Playing only in his second game in IPL after
2022–23, direct investment into India was turing sector had attracted less than 21.7% India was not taxing outflows of capital warming the bench for two seasons, Arjun
FIGHT CAMPUS DISCRIMINATION $37.6 billion, or 18.6% lower than the in-
flows during the corresponding period in
of the total FDI inflows. Though the share
of the manufacturing sector was relatively
from India, Mauritius was offering a tax-
free regime, which the investors were tak-
Tendulkar has already impressed everyone
with his left-arm seam bowling. In the match

he government backs zero tolerance of discrimination to 2021–22. These indicate the increased trend less, more than 82% of these inflows were ing advantage of. This problem was ad- against SRH, he won plenty of accolades for
check the spate of student suicides in IITs. Half the victims of repatriation of foreign capital from In- in the high technology sector, with chemi- dressed and FDI inflows from Mauritius bowling a tight last over, conceding just five
dia. Since 2021–22, divestments by foreign cals and pharmaceuticals industries ac- have declined. During April-December runs and picking up his maiden wicket in IPL.
hail from SC/ST communities. The government is also per- companies have increased to above $24 bil- counting for nearly half of the inflows. The 2022-23, Singapore remained the largest R Sivakumar, Chennai
turbed by nearly 10,000 students from these sections dropping lion, a trend that could be maintained in the electronics industry, which had attracted source, and the US was the second largest.
out of Central Universities, IITs and IIMs. Suicides and dropouts previous fiscal year. During April-January large inflows during the past couple of What are the takeaways for the govern- Talent development
are related problems driven by the diminishing self-confidence of 2022–23, divestment of foreign compa- years, saw relatively less inflows during the ment from these trends in FDI inflows? The The article, Talent tougher to build than
of students facing hardships and alienation without remedy. nies as a ratio of gross investments was three quarters of the previous fiscal year. most important of these is to create strate- factories (Apr 19), makes for interesting
A holistic policy executed by equal opportunity cells on the 39.2%, an increase of nearly 5% from the For several years, foreign investors have gic assets in the manufacturing sector so as reading. The author is right to compare
previous year’s level. In 2022–23, the ratio of found India’s service sector very attractive, to get foreign investors interested in invest- development of talent to responsible and
campuses can better protect these students. Faculty and staff
divestment to gross investments was almost investing several times more in this sector ing in this sector. This is where the govern- sincere parenting. In every organisation, this
must be held accountable for prejudicial environments in 20% higher than this figure for 2020–21. compared to the manufacturing sector. Dur- ment should focus its attention. does not only fall on the HR department but
classrooms, hostels and canteens. A 24x7 grievance redressal Attracting foreign companies to beef up ing April-December 2022–2023, FDI inflows ( equally on the CEO as well.
system is a must. the country’s manufacturing sector has into the service sector were 74.6% of the to- ( A M Chakravarty, Hyderabad


Chairman of the Board: Manoj Kumar Sonthalia Editor: Santwana Bhattacharya
Resident Editor (Odisha) Siba Kumar Mohanty* Printed and Published by R.K.Jhunjhunwala on behalf of Express Publications (Madurai) Private Limited, at Shop Room No.9, First Floor, Sambalpur Press Club Building, Near Ainthapali Chowk, Jharsuguda Road, Sambalpur and printed by him at The Samaja, No.D2/1, 2 & 3, IDCO’s Industrial Complex, Bareipali,
Sambalpur – 768150. Sambalpur Vol. 7, No.91. RNI Reg. No. ODIENG/2017/73113 Phone: 0663-2541217. * Responsible for selection of News under the PRB Act Copyright: Express Publications (Madurai) Private Limited. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any manner, electronic or otherwise, in whole or in part, without prior written permission is prohibited.

State versus individual

THE TRIBUNE established in 1881
Eviscerating democracy of liberalism opens the door to its subversion
to restrict individual rights. Witness
the forcible closing of shops selling
meat during Ram Navami in numer-

Remission in Bano case ous locations. Once the state inter-

venes extra-judicially in these matters
without challenge, it can begin to do so
Apex court gives fresh impetus to wheels of justice in other matters too. If the civil society

is enfeebled and media is muted, chal-
SENSE of revulsion was palpable when the 11 men sentenced SHYAM SARAN lenging the state’s arbitrary exercise
to life imprisonment for the gangrape of Bilkis Bano and the FORMER FOREIGN SECRETARY AND SENIOR of authority becomes more difficult.
murder of her family members during the 2002 Gujarat riots FELLOW, CENTRE FOR POLICY RESEARCH
Three, there is growing opacity of
were feted with garlands and sweets as they walked free last year. The state functioning. We have a resurfac-

Supreme Court’s striking observations on a petition questioning EMOCRACIES remain dem- ing of the controversy over the Pulwa-
their premature release have given fresh impetus to the wheels of jus- ocratic as long as they ma incident which took place on the
tice. More important is the strong message being sent about adher- scrupulously adhere to two eve of the 2019 elections. There have
ence to standards of legal morality. As it asked the Gujarat govern- indispensable attributes — been similar controversies about other
ment about the reasons behind its decision to grant remission, there transparency and accountability, which serious national security emergencies.
was a reminder that for heinous crimes that affect society at large, the are inextricably interlinked. Account- PILLAR: In a democracy, an independent judiciary is the most vital safeguard. ANI The last occasion when the state
power of clemency must be exercised keeping in mind public inter- ability is enabled by transparency. turned the spotlight on itself was after
Democracy recognises that states, by the 1999 Kargil War, with the then PM
est and the gravity of the offence. A massacre, the judges observed,
their very nature, tend to be predatory, National security rests on transparency and accountability Atal Bihari Vajpayee setting up the
cannot be compared with a single murder.
In 2006, the apex court had quashed the remission granted to a
seeking to accumulate power at the because they enable constant review and remedy and early Kargil Review Committee under the
expense of the people — thus the chairmanship of K Subrahmanyam, a
murder convict in Andhra Pradesh for being a ‘good Congress work- important principle in a democracy of warning about emerging threats and challenges. former Secretary of Defence Produc-
er’, setting a high benchmark. It had then said that the President or holding the state accountable to the tion and a highly respected security
Governor cannot exercise their powers of granting clemency on the people and not the other way round. analyst. The report was made public
grounds of religion, caste and political affiliation and doing so would The state and its functionaries, whether ler and Auditor General of India. But it of free and fair elections. But there and uncovered many infirmities in our
be tantamount to utter disregard of the rule of law. The ruling’s res- in a democracy or an autocracy, will is not just independent institutions are warning signals. national security management and
onance is being felt in the Bano case. On March 27, the Supreme always seek to avoid being accountable which ensure that the state is both One, the discourse around democra- resulted in several critical reforms.
Court had issued notices to the Centre and the Gujarat government, for their actions to the people in whose transparent and accountable. An inde- cy itself is changing. This is reflected This admirable display of state trans-
terming the offence horrendous and wondering whether the same interest they claim to function. They pendent media and a vibrant civil soci- in the effort to de-link democracy from parency went missing in the wake of
standards had been applied to other jailed murderers. They have not cannot be expected to turn the spotlight ety may be even more important in liberalism. This is a trend visible in the Mumbai terrorist attack in 2008.
shared the remission files, indicating their intention to challenge the on their own violations of law, regula- holding the state to account. other democracies too. Liberalism is The then government opted for an
directive to produce these. tions, and norms of good governance. The holding of free and fair elections centred on individual rights and the internal inquiry, knowing that those
Hence the need for the state to submit at regular intervals is undoubtedly an responsibility of the state to uphold who were responsible for major lapses
The restorative justice process allows perpetrators to seek amnesty
itself to independent scrutiny from the indispensable component of enforcing these rights. Community-based enti- were unlikely to indict themselves.
after being made to understand the trauma of the victims or their families,
outside. Only transparency enables accountability on the holders of state tlements and injunctions cannot be Ironically, it is the national security
and exhibiting remorse. In the Bano case, just the opposite could be true. people to hold state functionaries power. But in the absence of other safe- used to abridge individual rights. The argument which is often adduced by
The release of the convicts sets a bad example of remission of a sentence. accountable for their actions. guards, it may become difficult to sus- Constitution is a testament to liberal the state to maintain a cloak of opacity
In democracies, there are constitu- tain electoral exercise alone as a guar- democracy and if we swear by it, we over government decision-making. In a
tionally empowered institutions which antor of democracy. Any ruling cannot, at the same time, denigrate lib- democracy, national security is as much
seek to impose transparency and political dispensation, having har- eral values. Liberalism evolved histor- the business of people as it is of the state

Oz varsities cautious accountability on the state. An inde-

pendent judiciary is the most impor-
tant of such safeguards. The elected
nessed the instruments of a predatory
state, will be inherently inclined to sub-
vert democratic elections when these
ically in diminishing the power of the
state vis-à-vis the individual. Eviscer-
ating democracy of liberalism opens
and it is necessary for the state to
apprise people of the nature and scale
of national security threats and the
Students must know that flouting visa norms is detrimental Parliament itself has bipartisan com- threaten to undermine its continuance the door to its subversion. There is no measures being taken to meet them. It

mittees which have the power to seek in power. So, elections are not enough such thing as an ‘illiberal democracy’. is not possible to judge the state’s per-
IVE universities of Australia have cracked down on the surge of information from the state and its unless backed by an array of strong Two, the inevitable outcome of weak- formance in upholding national securi-
Indian students entering their country with the primary motive agencies and evaluate their function- institutions and arrangements. ening individual freedoms is the grow- ty if there is denial of access to informa-
of seeking residency rather than studying. Not surprisingly, the ing in enhancing public interest. Even India remains a vibrant democracy. ing precedence accorded to communi- tion relating to this domain.
main suspects are applicants from Punjab, Haryana, Gujarat, UP and if a strong political opposition does not One may celebrate it as the ‘mother ty-based entitlements and the The future of Indian democracy rests
Bihar. In a blot to the region, these campuses have started screening always exist to keep a ruling political of democracy’, as PM Modi has done reluctance to uphold the rights of indi- on transparency and accountability.
the applications for study visa from these states with greater caution, dispensation on its toes, the parliamen- on numerous occasions. The key vidual citizens against the claims of National security rests on them
if not rejecting them outright to curb this practice. The higher the tary committees have a tradition of attributes of a democracy are mostly community jurisdiction, despite the because they enable constant review
number of non-genuine students found in an institute, the more its subjecting the state and its institutions in place in India and have matured in latter having no legal sanction. The and remedy and early warning about
‘risk rating’ is downgraded by the Australian government. to scrutiny. Other institutions also play the 75 years of democratic function- ‘hurt sentiments’ of any communal emerging threats and challenges. They
While it is understandable that youngsters should explore all important roles, such as the Comptrol- ing, including the successful holding group are usually enough for the state are neglected at our own peril.
prospects to get world-class education and equip themselves for the
best jobs, it is equally important that they realise that it pays only if
they follow the rules. Punjab and Haryana must hold awareness cam-
paigns to educate them about the plight of illegal migrants in foreign
countries. Plus, the applicants must not depend solely on agents for
filling in the forms for colleges and study visas. They must check the
websites of these institutions and go through all the rules and regu-
In search of a loyal caddy
lations before taking the plunge. They must also weigh the value of Satish K Sharma Months after taking to golf, when I phones then. I was wondering what to So, I tried the behavioural approach
these courses back home in case they need to return. The pasture is had failed to win any prize, my do, when a boy — barely inches big- by being nice to my caddy. It did win
not as green as imagined.
The trend of students overstaying their visas or flouting the visa rules
for work in foreign shores reflects poorly on them and impacts the lives
of genuine students. It also diminishes the country’s image in the inter-
A SK a golfer to choose between
an understanding spouse and a
steady caddy and you would
have him in a hole. For, there is still
relief from a difficult partner, but there
greater half said, ‘Why do a thing if
one can’t do it well?’‘Good ques-
tion,’ I said. ‘My game is fine. But I
don’t have a steady caddy. ’
A committed caddy is the holy grail
ger than a golf bag — came and said,
‘I’ll be your caddy today. ’
‘Why? Where is Mukesh?’ I asked.
‘He’s not well. He sent me in his
place,’ the boy replied, struggling to
me the goodwill of the average cad-
dies, but the really good ones weren’t
impressed. I realised they preferred
to work with good players. The chal-
national fora. Boys and girls seem to be hell-bent on going abroad, lenge, therefore, was to lower my
through hook or crook. Even their parents are willing/forced to put all is none from a sloppy caddy. that eludes most club-class golfers. lift the golf bag. This happened when handicap by at least six notches. That
Why does a golfer need a ‘commit- This, when in my quest, I had left no the word ‘outsourcing’ was years being a tall order, I chose the easier
their resources at stake for some dreamland. This craze to ‘settle
ted’ caddy? Isn’t it enough that the approach untried. First, I tried money. away from the management lexicon. option — I sought advice.
abroad’ through the study visa route has unfortunately spawned a num-
fellow is good? Being good is not I thought that if I paid extra bucks, I reluctantly took him along and That day, while playing with a friend,
ber of immigration agents who defraud unsuspecting youngsters into enough. If it were, what was the need caddies would come flocking to me. It was playing when I spotted Mukesh I was green-eyeing his prized caddy. I
taking admissions in obscure courses or even fake universities. Some for a ‘committed’ bureaucracy, a worked initially. Then, one Friday on the adjoining fairway caddying for asked him how he had managed to
such unfortunate incidents recently came to light in Canada and the US ‘committed’ judiciary, or a ‘commit- after a satisfying practice round aided some other player. ‘Jilt’ is an under- retain him. ‘You have got to be lucky to
where hundreds of students faced deportation after the lid was blown off ted’ media? A caddy can merely by a really good caddy, I fixed him up statement for the emotion I felt but get a good caddy,’ he said. ‘Once you
the scandals. This trend can be reversed only if the Indian middle class's enhance your game, whereas a ‘loy- for the upcoming Sunday tourna- couldn’t do anything. get one, you’ve to ensure that he stays.’
self-image gets corrected and better universities are created. al’ caddy is a staircase to the podium. ment and paid a handsome advance. I lost the game but learnt that mon- ‘Hey, wait! Isn’t it true of a good
He can lower your score in ways oth- However, on the appointed day, he ey went only so far in winning a spouse, too?’ I asked.
er than sound advice. was missing. There were no cell- steady caddy. ‘ Yes, exactly!’ he replied.

❝ ❞
thought for the day letters to the editor
The essence of government is power; and power, lodged
Definition of marriage procreation. It is surprising why the College’; the working of the er tattoo on the face is okay while
as it must be in human hands, is liable to abuse. — James Madison One is amused to go through the government as well as the Supreme National Medical Commission visiting the Wagah border or watch-
discussion on same-sex marriage Court are entertaining this issue (NMC) has been in question for a ing a match. However, we can’t
going on in the Supreme Court. and linking it to fundamental few years now. I have been seeking paint our faces and go to work-
Marriage is possibly the most rights, personal laws and the Spe- an inquiry from the Centre, NMC, places or schools where there is a
on this day...100 years ago important institution that has ever cial Marriage Act, etc. Same-sex Punjab Medical Council and the specified dress code. It is also
existed in human society. Though marriages are abnormal and need Punjab government into illegal and expected from the visitors to main-
the advocates of the contesting psychological treatment. unethical practices being adopted tain the required decorum while
parties and the presiding judges O PRASADA RAO, HYDERABAD by a private medical college for the visiting not only the Golden Tem-
(in their casual remarks) are trying past five years, but unfortunately, ple, but any religious place.
to forward different constructions Jail corrupt officers no action has been initiated by any BALBIR SINGH KAKKAR, JALANDHAR
lahore, friday,april 20, 1923
on the term ‘marriage’ to include It is for the first time that such a agency in spite of written com-
in it same-sex marriages, yet it senior police officer has been dis- plaints. Baba Farid University of India must mediate
The “Leader” on Hindu-Muslim Unity cannot be denied that down the missed from service (‘AIG Raj Jit Health Sciences must be compli- Apropos of the article ‘Press the
REFERRING to our recent article on the Amritsar incident, the Leader writes:- ages, society has understood the sacked over drug mafia links’). mented for coming out with this play button’; despite being in a
“Such comments only show that the enthusiasts for Hindu-Muslim unity did not union between a natural male and The credit goes to the ruling party courageous report, contradicting commanding position in the world,
understand the real character of the demonstrations that were held against a natural female as marriage, the and the DGP for taking strict the NMC’s favourable report. The India has been a mute spectator to
Government. They practised a great deal of self-deception in treating main purpose of the union being action in the case. Such corrupt authorities concerned should take the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war
manifestations of common hatred as indicative of a sudden disappearance of procreation to ensure the continu- officers with a criminal mindset do notice of the report and reform the rather than being a proactive play-
communal feelings. If Sir Michael O’Dwyer had not mismanaged the whole ance of the human race. Let not deserve any leniency and if NMC to save the careers of thou- er in resolving the crisis. PM
situation and if there had not been indiscriminate shooting at the Jallianwala humans enjoy the natural gift of found guilty, they should be sands of medical students studying Modi’s pontification to Russia that
Bagh, the fictitious Hindu-Muslim unity would have been much less in marriage as ordained by nature, awarded the strictest punishment in such substandard colleges. ‘this is not an era of war’ doesn’t
evidence. Now that the conditions are becoming normal and time is doing its rather than obfuscating its very for ruining so many families. It has VITULL K GUPTA, BY MAIL contain the persuasive force to
healing work, the old communal animosities, which were supposed to have concept. Marriages are made in been established that the police induce Russia to cease the war.
disappeared for good, have re-asserted themselves.” Borrowing the words of our heaven, though sometimes and politicians are behind the drug Golden Temple row India needs to demonstrate the
contemporary, and slightly modifying them, we can say that such comments defaced or distorted in courts. menace in Punjab. The Punjab Apropos of ‘Row as woman denied kind of statesmanship it demon-
only show how little those who make them understand the real character of the BEANT SINGH BEDI, MOHALI government must weed out all ele- entry into Golden Temple’; strated in resolving the Korean
demonstrations that were made at the time. Undoubtedly, they were ments responsible for heinous undoubtedly, the sewadar’s behav- War, earning plaudits from the
demonstrations against Government, but it is wrong to say that they were Unnatural bond crimes and set an example by put- iour could have been better. The international community. As the
manifestations of a common hatred. The hatred did appear at a later stage, and Reference to ‘Same-sex marriage: ting them behind bars. SGPC must give necessary train- G20 President, it is all the more
no patriotic Punjabi or Indian can recall its appearance with any feeling except won’t get into personal laws, says COL GS BHULLAR (RETD), JALANDHAR ing to the sewadars to be more important for India to take the ini-
those of unutterable shame and regret. But primarily and principally, it was a SC’; same-sex marriage is against polite and courteous to visitors, tiative to bring the two warring
perfectly genuine movement towards real national unity. Indeed we are the principles of srishti’s creation, Reform NMC particularly those who are not from nations to the negotiating table.
convinced that if the bureaucracy had not mishandled the situation, the history unnatural, absurd and anti-social. Reference to the news report ‘Var- Punjab and may not be aware of The war must be brought to an end
of that epoch would have been differently written. It would have been an epoch Religious books do not mention it. sity inspection takes lid off made- the norms of the holy place. Paint- under the stewardship of India.
of regeneration in the proper sense of the term. In any case, it betrays a profound Same-sex marriage does not help in up records at Chintpurni Medical ing the Tricolour or having any oth- ROSHAN LAL GOEL, BY MAIL
misunderstanding of the position in those days to say that the unity was fictitious
and that those who expected anything out of it only deceived themselves. Letters to the Editor, typed in double space, should not exceed the 200-word limit. These should be cogently written and can be sent by e-mail to:

Economy needs growing gig workforce

The dispute seems intractable This is because it is losing money
because both the sides appear to be The gig economy and the gig heavily. In Q3 of financial 2023, it
engaged in a do-or-die battle. The lost Rs 288 crore, against a revenue
workers in question earn so little and worker have a crucial ally — the of Rs 300 crore. Such a situation is
they and their families are so unsustainable. Things cannot con-
dependent on what they earn every
Central Government. Why? tinue the way they have been doing
day to survive (they are in a daily Because the government till now as Blinkit is now owned by
business as they are not employees Zomato, which is listed. So, losses of
earning a salary and enjoying social realises that no urban economic such dimension can neither be
SENIOR ECONOMIC ANALYST security benefits, no matter how swept under the carpet nor digested.
meagre) that they cannot give up
activity has a greater potential to In January, for the first time, Zoma-

HOUSANDS of gig workers even a tiny bit of their income. create jobs among the educated to’s bottomline, of course, very
of Blinkit, the Zomato- Normally, unorganised workers carefully defined, turned positive if,
owned quick commerce firm spread over large areas would have youth than the gig economy. Niti and this is a big if, you left out
engaged in home delivery of never been able to get sufficiently Blinkit. Remember, all this is taking
consumables ordered online, have organised to engage in industrial
Aayog’s estimate is that the place at a time when investor cash
been protesting since early April action. But the same digital technolo- number of gig workers will grow for startups is drying up.
against a new payout policy that they gy that created the gig jobs in the first Unless a successful working model
say will halve their monthly income place, by enabling online ordering and from 77 lakh in 2020-21 to for Blinkit-like ventures can be found,
and make it impossible for them to payment, has enabled the protesting platforms cannot be created, for exam-
hang on to their jobs. A look at the workers through WhatsApp groups to
2.25 crore in 2029-30. ple, for the home delivery of rural,
economics that underlines the whole select location and timing of protests MEAGRE: Gig workers earn so little that they regional and urban street food, or for a
conflict will tell us why gig workers in such a way that their protests deliv- cannot give up even a tiny bit of income. TRIBUNE PHOTO passenger-carrying three-wheel scoot-
are important for the economy and er the maximum punch. er. Ideally, you should be able to book
why a resolution of the conflict, sys- It is understandable that workers at a ride on a three-wheeler scooter and
temically important, has been elusive the bottom of the income ladder earn- are typically enabled by platforms. group of youngsters has to be engaged by simplifying official procedure pay for it online the same way you
till the time of writing. ing Rs 500 or a bit more for a 12-hour The gig economy has grown along in delivering a service that helps both which they have to go through, by book a ride on an Uber car.
Earlier, workers used to be paid Rs day and no weekly off cannot negoti- with the spread of the Internet, themselves and society. offering financial support to them Upcoming platforms cannot grow as
50 per order executed. This was first ate anything at all, but why is Blinkit smartphones, digital technology and, Given the government’s interest, and spreading social and financial rapidly as well-fed adolescents do
reduced to Rs 25 per order and now it being so firm? In its own way, it is at of course, platforms where informa- Niti Aayog has done a comprehensive inclusion. Unless more and more unless they can access institutional
is Rs 15 per order, with the payment the end of the tether. It is losing heav- tion is exchanged. report on the subject which looks not people have a minimum amount of finance. This can be done by the fun-
varying according to the distance cov- ily and unless it cuts back on expens- Critically, the gig economy and the just at the opportunities and chal- spending power and the skill to oper- ders financing the platform-based
ered. As per the new system, deliver- es (workers’ earnings is a major gig worker have a crucial ally — the lenges on hand but also global best ate digitally, plus, of course, a decent business’ working capital, the need
ing an order requiring travelling, say head), it will not survive. If it closes Central Government. Why? Because practices. The report’s aim is three- smartphone, platforms cannot go for- for which can be ascertained from the
5 km, will not fetch the same amount down — innumerable startups do — the government realises that no urban fold — create more job security for ward. And unless they do, gig work- platform itself.
as the one requiring travelling 2 km. then the workers will have no economic activity has a greater poten- these non-formal workers, enable ers cannot grow in numbers. Niti Gig workers are here to stay and
If in a day you end up executing more employer to fight against and zero tial to create jobs among the educated them to be better trained and create Aayog’s estimate is that the number for the benefit of the greater social
long-distance deliveries and, there- income, to boot. youth, say those who have been up to an economic environment that can of gig workers will grow from 77 lakh good. Countries like Indonesia and
fore, fewer orders, then under the old To understand the underlying real- high school or thereabouts, than the lead to more such non-formal jobs. in 2020-21 to 2.25 crore in 2029-30, Singapore are extending social
system, you would be worse off than a ity, it is imperative to comprehend gig economy. And it goes without say- Since gig workers thrive and multi- that is three times in nine years. security to their gig workers. Indian
worker executing more short-dis- the gig economy landscape. It covers ing that for social peace and a stable ply through digital platforms, how When the government wants the platforms engaging them have to
tance delivery orders. But it is not so those who engage individually and economic environment in which can these be taken forward? gig economy and platforms to grow, survive so that their gig workers not
under the new system. contractually with businesses which development can take place, this Through pushing ‘platformisation’ why is Blinkit being contrarian? just survive, but thrive too.

Starship could be a game-changer for space travel

HATEVER Twitter CEO SpaceX plans to land an uncrewed Star- month, it conducted another crucial
Elon Musk does is bound ship on the lunar surface. technological test for RLV. It was to
to become a spectacle. The In addition to the plans to land on test autonomous landing system. The
test launch of the Starship the moon and take on interplanetary RLV prototype was flown as an under-
rocket built by Musk-owned SpaceX missions, Starship has aroused curios- slung load of an IAF helicopter and
scheduled for April 20 is no exception. ity for ‘point-to-point’ travel on the dropped mid-air at a height of 4.5 km.
The rocket would be the heaviest ever earth too. The company claims that it It was to test certain technologies in
to take off from the earth. It was all set can disrupt air transport with the Star- conditions similar to those experi-
to zoom on its maiden flight on Monday ship as most international long-dis- enced by a space vehicle upon re-
SCIENCE COMMENTATOR morning, but the launch was called off tance trips would be completed in 30 entry into the atmosphere. The
due to a last-minute hitch during fuel minutes or less. Besides the speed unmanned RLV made a precise land-
loading though the countdown was advantage, such travel will be much ing at a high speed (350 kmph) at the
continued till 10 seconds before the smoother as the Starship will travel Aeronautical Test Range, Chitradur-
Unlike state-funded scheduled ignition time. outside the earth’s atmosphere, ga, Karnataka.
agencies such as NASA Starship is 120 metres tall, compared
to 55 metres of the now-grounded
which lacks friction and there is no
turbulence and weather disturbance.
Separately, the ISRO a few years
ago tested the scramjet engine that
and ISRO, which have space shuttle of the National Aeronau- This is, of course, the long-term vision can power conventional satellite
tics and Space Administration and its realisation will take a lot many launch vehicles as well as a future
long timelines and (NASA). Its payload capacity is nearly tests over the next many years. RLV. All these developments form a
funding constraints, five times that of the shuttle.
When it gets launched, the rocket’s
Interestingly, India has been work- part of the ISRO’s launch-vehicle
ing on the concept of a reusable space platform called Avatar. With the latest
private companies like flight duration will be about 90 min- vehicle for a long time. It was first test, the ISRO says, “The dream of an
utes. It will fly east over the Gulf of POWERFUL: Once operational, the Starship will be a fully reusable transportation system envisaged by former President APJ Indian reusable launch vehicle
SpaceX have ambitious Mexico and between the Straits of designed to carry both crew and cargo to the earth’s orbit, the moon, Mars and beyond. PTI Abdul Kalam while he was still the arrives a step closer to reality.”
timelines and clear Florida, get into space 100 km above the head of the Defence Research and Being a private company, SpaceX
earth’s surface and then re-enter the every launch one has to have a new it will be ‘a fully reusable transporta- Development Organisation (DRDO) in has been able to take the risks asso-
commercial goals. This atmosphere, finishing off near Hawaii rocket which makes satellite launches tion system designed to carry both the 1990s. He called it Hyperplane ciated with the space business and
after nearly encircling the earth. a costly and time-consuming affair. crew and cargo to the earth’s orbit, the which was to be a single-stage-to-orbit has moved forward, undeterred by
has lessons for India Both rocket and the spacecraft will SpaceX wants to change this and has moon, Mars and beyond,’ according to launch vehicle. Kalam first proposed inevitable failures during the exper-
where the space sector splash down into the sea, rather than developed fully reusable rockets. Its SpaceX. Thursday’s flight is only the it as a space plane that could fire mis- imental and testing phase. Unlike
making a soft landing on a spaceport. first operational partially reusable first step towards validating several siles with smaller propulsion systems state-funded agencies such as NASA
has been opened SpaceX has tested different stages, spacecraft is Dragon which is capable new technologies and making the vehi- without being intercepted by the ene- and ISRO, which have long timelines
systems and software of the spaceship of carrying up to seven passengers to cle capable of transporting humans. my. During his presidency, Kalam and funding constraints, private
to private players. The in dozens of flights in the past years and from the earth’s orbit and The size of the spacecraft is astound- advocated the idea of making space companies like SpaceX have ambi-
road to a reusable space (with a few of them exploding too), and beyond. It has been used for ferrying ing — it will be able to transport 100 per- transportation cost-effective by using tious timelines and clear commercial
Thursday’s launch will be the first ful- astronauts to space and cargo to the sons. It will enable the launch of multi- reusable vehicles to launch satellites. goals. This has lessons for India
vehicle is long and ly integrated flight of the mega rocket. International Space Station (ISS) ple large satellites and space telescopes, Since then, the Indian Space where the space sector has been
In the past two decades, SpaceX has since 2020. It is the first certified pri- as well as the transport of cargo not just Research Organisation (ISRO) has opened to private players. Many
challenging and it needs developed numerous space technolo- vate spacecraft to take humans to the to the ISS, but to the moon where NASA been working on technological build- startups are working in different seg-
both ambition gies and demonstrated that rockets space station. Dragon is powered by plans to build a base in the future. The ing blocks of its Reusable Launch ments of the space business, but we
can be partially or fully reused. Nor- Falcon 9 rocket which is also reusable. space agency has already signed up Vehicle (RLV). In May 2016, the space still lack a maverick like Musk. The
and technology. mally, a rocket burns down after pro- The Starship is the next-generation with SpaceX to provide a human land- agency first demonstrated the re- road to a reusable space vehicle is
pelling a satellite into a designated spacecraft, powered by a new rocket ing system for its Artemis lunar mis- entry of its winged vehicle in a hyper- long and challenging and it needs
orbit. They are expendable. So, for named Super Heavy. Once operational, sion. Before the crewed mission, sonic flight experiment. Earlier this both ambition and technology.

quick crossword su do ku calendar forecast

1 Ne’er-do-well (7)
5 Investigated judicially (5) 1 8 6 ■ Shaka Samvat 1945

8 Completely (2,3,8) ■ Chaitra Shaka 30

9 Motivation and energy (5)
10 Profound (7) 5 2 1 ■ Vaisakh Parvishte

■ Hijari 1444
7 Sunny Partly Cloudy Cloudy

11 Shackle (6) ■ Krishna Paksha Tithi 15 , up to 9.43 am Chandigarh 33 19

12 Portent (6)
15 Playhouse (7) 3 1 9 ■ Vishkumbha Yoga up to 1.00 pm New Delhi 37 21
■ Ashwini Nakshatra up to 11.11 pm Amritsar 33 20
17 Brisk and decisive (5)

6 7 3
19 An incalculable risk ■ Moon in Aries sign
Bathinda 35 17
(4,2,3,4) ■ Gandmoola up to 11.11 pm
Jalandhar 32 18
20 Country bumpkin (5)
2 3
21 Inveterate bitterness (7)
Bhiwani 35 21
DOWN 9 7 3 5 8 4 1 2 6
Hisar 35 21
1 Supernatural (5)
2 Treacherous attack
9 4 7 8 2 5 3 6 1 4 7 9 Sirsa
1 4 6 9 7 2 5 3 8
3 Raise the siege of (7) Manali 17 08
4 Room to manoeuvre (6)
5 Slightly intoxicated (5)
5 8 7 4 8 9 6 2 7 3 1 5 Shimla 22 10
5 3 7 4 1 9 8 6 2 Srinagar 15 10
6 Held in solitary
confinement (13)
7 Exhibition (7)
9 4 6 2 6 1 8 3 5 7 9 4
YESTERDAY’S sOLUTION 11 With deadly effect (7) 7 5 2 1 4 6 9 8 3 Leh 16 01
Across: 1 Grade, 8 Missouri, 9 Guise, 10 Florence, 11 Aswan, 12 Arm, 16 Mahler, 17
Austen, 18 Try, 23 Zaire, 24 Browning, 25 Abuse, 26 Tanzania, 27 Cloak.
13 Dirty (7)
14 Stand unsteadily (6)
1 3 8 3 1 4 2 9 8 6 5 7 Dehradun 33 16 1
Down: 2 Rousseau, 3 Disraeli, 4 Miller, 5 Usury, 6 Funny, 7 Viper, 12 Art, 13 May, 14 Istanbul, 16 To spin (5) Mussoorie 22 08
6 9 8 7 5 3 2 4 1
15 Nebraska, 19 Renoir, 20 Abate, 21 Pound, 22 Unsay. 18 A gambling card game (5) MEDIUM TEMPERATURE IN OC
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