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Curtin University
School of Civil and Mechanical Engineering
MCEN2003 Machine Dynamics
Tutorial 5 - Solutions

T5.1 Consider the following question and be ready to discuss your learning in your tutorial
a) Describe in your own words “sliding motion”. List 3 examples of sliding motion
which could be interesting to an engineer with expertise in machine dynamics. Which
coordinate system(s) would you expect to use for sliding motion problems? Why?
b) Describe in your own words “rigid body rotation”. List 3 examples of rigid body
rotation which could be interesting to an engineer with expertise in machine
dynamics. Which coordinate system(s) would you expect to use for rigid body
rotation problems? Why?
c) When calculating the velocity and acceleration of a rigid body rotating link, which
equations would you use? Using the diagrams (Figure 1a), label your coordinate
system axes and show the direction of the vector components calculated using your
d) Explain the additional terms which occur when sliding is combined with the rotation
of the rigid link discussed previously. Using the diagrams (Figure 1b), show the
direction of the velocity and acceleration vector components and the equations giving
their magnitude.

Figure 1a

Figure 1b



T5.2 A link OB has a constant angular velocity ω in the direction shown. Determine the
angular acceleration αAB of the link AB for the instant shown.
[Ans. αAB = ω2] 

Figure 2: Rotating Link OB, Slider A


Note: angle OBE = angle BAO = 45°

angle AOB = 90°

Angular acceleration of link AB: α with AB = r√2

To find aB/A use the relative acceleration equation:

aB/A = aB - aA This is a vector equation!

In general acceleration consists of 2 components:

r – component of acceleration: a r rθ
θ – component of acceleration: a rθ 2rθ
Since the links are rigid and do not stretch or change length, r 0 and r 0, so the
acceleration equations reduce to:
r – component of acceleration: a r rθ rθ
θ – component of acceleration: a rθ 2rθ rθ
(Note that these are the same as circular motion with t in the  direction and n in the opposite
direction to the r direction.)



The angular velocity (ωAB) of link AB is unknown → Need to draw a velocity diagram
vB = r⸱ω
vB/A = rAB⸱ωAB
vB/A = vB - vA (relative vector velocity equation)

vB = vA (equal magnitudes since 45o right angled triangle)

r⸱ω = r⸱ωA
⸫ ωA = ω

v / v v rω rω √2 ∙ rω
/ √ ∙
ω ω counter clockwise

Acceleration aB:
θ ω and θ α 0 (constant ω)
∴a rθ rω
∴a rθ 0



Acceleration aA:
Movement is constraint in the vertical direction, so the resultant aA can only be in the
vertical direction.

Acceleration aB/A:
AB = r√2, θ ω and θ α
∴a / AB ∙ θ r√2 ∙ ω
∴a / AB ∙ θ r√2 ∙ α



Place all these accelerations (shown below) into one acceleration diagram:

From the diagram it can be seen that a / a / (since 45o right angled triangle)
∴ r√2 ∙ ω r√2 ∙ α
→α ω

Total acceleration:

a / a / a / r√2 ∙ ω r√2 ∙ ω 2rω

We know 𝐚𝐁/𝐀 𝐚𝐁 𝐚𝐀
since a rω then a rω going upwards



T5.3 In Figure 3, Link BF oscillates about F through a limited arc, causing link AE to
oscillate about E. When the linkage passes the position shown with BF horizontal and AE
vertical, the angular velocity of BF is a constant 2 rad/sec counter clockwise and the angular
velocity of AE is 0.43 rad/sec clockwise. Draw an acceleration diagram and determine the
rotational accelerations (α) of links AB and AE. (Make use of your previous tutorial velocity
diagram and working)
[Ans. αAB = 0.5 rad/s2 CW, αA = 5.45 rad/s2 CW]

Figure 3: Rotating Link Assembly


Summary of Tut 4.2

ωBF = ωB = 2 rad/s counter clockwise

ωAE = ωA = 0.43 rad/s clockwise
vA = ωAE⸱AE = 0.43⸱0.1 = 0.043 m/s
vB = ωBF⸱BF = 2⸱0.075 = 0.15 m/s
vA/B = 0.156 m/s
θ = 16°


Angular acceleration of link AE and AB: α and α

To find aA use the relative acceleration equation:

aA/B = aA - aB This is a vector equation!
⸫ aA = aA/B + aB

In general acceleration consists of 2 components:

r – component of acceleration: a r rθ
θ – component of acceleration: a rθ 2rθ
Since the links are rigid and do not stretch or change length, r 0 and r 0, so the
acceleration equations reduce to:
r – component of acceleration: a r rθ rθ
θ – component of acceleration: a rθ 2rθ rθ
So to find the total acceleration:

a = ar + aθ (added as vectors) with |a| a a

Consider each acceleration component separately

Acceleration aA:
r = 0.1 m, θ ω 0.43 rad/s
∴a rθ 0.1 0.43 0.0185 m/s
∴a rθ 0.1 ∙ θ 0.1 ∙ α

Acceleration aB:
r = 0.075 m, θ ω 2 rad/s constant ⸫ α θ 0
∴a rθ 0.075 2 0.3 m/s
∴a rθ 0.075 ∙ 0 0



Acceleration aA/B:
r = 0.1 m, vA/B = 0.156 m/s
/ .
θ ω 1.56 rad/s
∴a / rθ 0.1 1.56 0.24 m/s
∴a / rθ 0.1 ∙ θ 0.1 ∙ α

Draw acceleration diagram by adding all components together:

Add the accelerations according to the equation: aA = aA/B + aB

Draw to scale to find values for aA/B-θ and aA-θ

OR to find analytically, consider the following:

aA-θ = aA-θ1 + aA-θ2 + aA-θ3



Consider the rectangle o’b’JG:

aA-θ1 = 0.3 m/s2
b’G = 0.0185 m/s2

Consider the triangle b’GH:

aA-θ2 = GH
Then tan 16° ⸫ aA-θ2 = 0.0645 m/s2
And sin 16° ⸫ aA/B-r1 = 0.0671 m/s2

Therefore HI = aA/B-r - aA/B-r1 = 0.24 - 0.0671 = 0.1729 m/s2

Consider the triangle HIa’:

HI = 0.1729 m/s2
Then cos 16° ⸫ aA-θ3 = 0.18 m/s2
And tan 16° ⸫ aA/B-θ = 0.05 m/s2

⸫ aA-θ = aA-θ1 + aA-θ2 + aA-θ3 = 0.3 + 0.0645 + 0.18 = 0.545 m/s2

Angular acceleration αA:

α 5.45 rad/s

Imagine standing at E looking towards A and acceleration aA. The link AE would
accelerate in a clockwise direction.


Angular acceleration αAB:

/ .
α 5 rad/s

Imagine standing at B looking towards A and acceleration aA/B. The link AB would
accelerate in a clockwise direction.


T5.4 A 9 m steel beam is being hoisted from its horizontal position by two cables attached at
A and B as shown in Figure 4. If the initial angular accelerations of the hoisting drums are α1
= 0.5 rad/s2 and α2 = 0.2 rad/s2 in the directions shown, determine the corresponding angular
acceleration α of the beam and the acceleration of point C.
[Ans. αAB = 0 .05 rad/s2 CW, αC = -0.05 m/s2 & correct direction]

Figure 4: Steel Beam Being Lifted From a Horizontal Position


Acceleration at A: aA = a1 = r1α1 = (1/2)(0.5) = 0.25 m/s2 upwards

Acceleration at B: aB = a2 = r2α2 = (1/2)(0.2) = 0.1 m/s2 upwards

Angular acceleration αAB: α where AB = 3 m
To find aA/B use the relative acceleration equation:
aA/B = aA - aB This is a vector equation!
⸫ aA = aA/B + aB

Draw acceleration diagram by adding all components together:

First place aA going upwards from o’ to a’
Then add aB going upwards from o’ to b’


Finally place aA/B between a’ and b’

⸫ aA/B = aA - aB = 0.25 – 0.1 = 0.15 m/s2 (upwards)

/ .
∴α 0.05 rad/s

Imagine standing at B looking towards A and acceleration aA/B. The beam would accelerate in
a clockwise direction.

Acceleration aC:
To find aC use the relative acceleration equation:
aC/B = aC - aB This is a vector equation!
⸫ aC = aC/B + aB
where aC/B = αAB⸱CB = 0.05(3) = ± 0.15 m/s2
Imagine standing at B looking towards C, then C would be accelerating
downwards, so that aC/B = - 0.15 m/s2

Draw acceleration diagram by adding all components together:

First place aB going upwards from o’ to b’
Then add aC/B going downwards from b’ to c’
Finally place aC between o’ and c’

⸫ aC = aC/B + aB = - 0.15 + 0.1 = - 0.05 m/s2 (downwards)


T5.5 A reel rolls up an incline from rest as shown in Figure 4. It has acquired a velocity of
1.2m/s up the incline with constant acceleration in a distance of 2.4 m under the action of the
force P on the cable. The cable is wrapped around the reel which rolls without slipping. For
the 2.4 m position shown, calculate the acceleration at points A and B.
[Ans. aA = 0.18 m/s2, aB = 5.79 m/s2 & directions]

Figure 5: Reel Rolling up an Incline


The reel rotates about the contact point with the ground, label this point C. Point D is in line
with the cable and point A.

Acceleration of point A:
We know aA = aD-θ → only the tangential component
aA = aD-θ = α⸱CD where CD = OC – DO = 0.25 - 0.1 = 0.15 m

For constant acceleration, we can use the motion equation:

v u 2a ∙ ∆s
For the centre of the reel (point O):
u = 0 (the reel rolls up from rest), v = 1.2 m/s, Δs = 2.4 m
∴v u 2a ∙ ∆s 0 2a 2.4 1.2
⸫ aO = 0.3 m/s


Assume the reel doesn’t slip, that is vC = 0. then vO = 1.2 m/s

Calculate the angular velocity of the reel:

ω 4.8 rad/s
This is the same for every point on the reel

Calculate the angular acceleration of the reel:

α 1.2 rad/s (Same for every point on the reel)

⸫ aA = aD-θ = αo⸱CD = 1.2(0.15) = 0.18 m/s2

Acceleration of point B:
To find aB use the relative acceleration equation:
aB/O = aB - aO This is a vector equation!
⸫ aB = aB/O + aO
where aB/O = aB/O-r + aB/O-θ This is also a vector equation!
where aB/O-r = ωo2⸱OB = 4.82(0.25) = 5.76 m/s2
aB/O-θ = αo⸱OB = 1.2(0.25) = 0.3 m/s2

Use the above values to draw the relative acceleration diagram:


∴a / a / a / √5.76 0.3 5.768 m/s

θ tan 3°

Angle between aO and aB/O = 90° + 3° = 93°

a a / a 2∙a / ∙ a ∙ cos 93° (cosine rule)

a 5.768 0.3 2 ∙ 5.768 ∙ 0.3 ∙ cos 93°
∴a 5.79 m/s2


T5.6 Construct the graphical acceleration diagram of the hinged and slotted link mechanism
paying particular attention to the relative acceleration (2ωr coriolis and r sliding) terms
linking the hinged and slotted links. From the diagram calculate;
a) the angular acceleration magnitude and direction of the link AC [αA = 32 rad/s2 CW],
b) the relative sliding acceleration (r) magnitude between the links [r = 8.9 m/s2],
c) the acceleration of point A on the link. [aA = 8 m/s2 & direction].

Figure 6: Rotating Slotted Mechanism

Solution (showing analytical results)

Summary of Tut 4.5 (A on pin, B on slot)

ωOD = ωOB = 2 rad/s (constant ⸫ αOD = 0)


Angular acceleration of link CA: α α

To find aA use the relative acceleration equation:

aA/B = aA - aB This is a vector equation!
⸫ aA = aA/B + aB

In general acceleration consists of 2 components:

r – component of acceleration: a r rθ
θ – component of acceleration: a rθ 2rθ

So to find the total acceleration:

a = ar + aθ (added as vectors) with |a| a a

Consider each acceleration component separately

Acceleration aA:
r = 0.225 m, θ ω 4 rad/s
Since the links are rigid and do not stretch or change length, r 0 and r 0, so the
acceleration equations reduce to:
r – component of acceleration: a r rθ rθ
θ – component of acceleration: a rθ 2rθ rθ

∴a rθ 0.225 4 3.6 m/s

∴a rθ 0.225 ∙ θ 0.225 ∙ α

Acceleration aB:
r = 0.318 m, θ ω 2 rad/s = constant ∴ θ 0
Since the links are rigid and do not stretch or change length, r 0 and r 0
Also θ 2 rad/s constant ∴ θ 0

So the acceleration equations reduce to:

r – component of acceleration: a r rθ rθ
θ – component of acceleration: a rθ 2rθ 0


∴a rθ 0.318 2 1.27 m/s

Acceleration aA/B:
θ ω ω 2 rad/s = constant ∴ θ 0

Points A and B can move relative to each other, which means that r, r and r need to
be taken into account. Since A and B are situated on the same spot r = 0. However
they can move relative to each other, so r 0 and r 0

vA/B is the velocity that A is moving away from B in the orientation of OB

∴r v / 0.636 m/s

r – component of acceleration: a r rθ r
θ – component of acceleration: a rθ 2rθ 2rθ

∴a / r
∴a / 2rθ 2 0.636 2 2.54 m/s (positive or negative?)
Sign depends whether r is point inwards or outwards
From velocity diagram, r v / is pointing inwards, which means
2rθ will be in the opposite direction of θ ω


Draw acceleration diagram by adding all components together:

Draw to scale to find magnitude of aA, aA/B-r and aA-θ


OR to find analytically, consider the following triangles:

Extend the line o’-b’ to the aA-θ line and call that point E
Call the intersection of the line aA/B-θ and aA/B-r line F
Duplicate line b’-F to points o’ and E to create rectangles o’HGE and o’b’FH


Acceleration aA:

Consider triangle Io’a’:

To find aA: |a | a a where aA-r = 3.6 m/s and aA-θ = aA-θ1 + aA-θ2

Consider triangle Io’E:

aA-θ1 = EI and aA-θ2 = Ea’
Then tan 45° ⸫ aA-θ1 = 3.6 m/s2

Consider triangle EGa’:

aA-θ1 = EI and aA-θ2 = Ea’
Then cos 45° ⸫ aA-θ2 = 3.6 m/s2

⸫ aA-θ = aA-θ1 + aA-θ2 = 3.6 + 3.6 = 7.2 m/s2


∴ |a | a a √3.6 7.2 8.05 m/s

tan β ⸫ βA = 63.4°

Angular acceleration αA:

α 32 rad/s

Imagine standing at C looking towards A and acceleration aA. The link CA would
accelerate in a clockwise direction.

Relative sliding acceleration 𝐚𝐀/𝐁 𝐫 𝐫:

aA/B-r = a’H + HF where HF = 1.27 m/s2

Consider triangle o’Ha’:

(o’a’)2 = (o’H)2 + (a’H)2
(8)2 = (2.54)2 + (a’H)2 a’H = 7.59 m/s2
∴r a / aH HF 7.59 1.27 8.9 m/s

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