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Hide Dashboard Grammar: Degrees of probability 2


Unit 5A

Degrees of probability 1

Choose the correct words to complete the conversation. Then listen and check.

KATY Have you read this article, Josh? It says there's a good
chance our generation will live to be 150 years old!
JOSH Who knows, what it says may be true. But what
evidence is there?
KATY Advances in medicine will certainly be a factor,
and people won't die from all sorts of diseases
common today. Also, technology will probably make
everyday life easier.
JOSH Fine, but I doubt if many people will want to live
that long. It's unlikely that it'll be much fun to be
KATY The article says that we may well be able to
work until that age. There's a good chance
that machines will do all
the hard work, like washing and cleaning, so that we do easier
tasks, like making phone calls.
JOSH Interesting. I'm sure there'll even be a special
Olympics for people over 100!
KATY Yes, it's bound to happen , so start training!

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