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City of Malaybalay
Tel No. 088-813-5541

OAC106 Entrepreneurial Characteristics and Competencies Mr. Jiemarie D. Paderes

(Course Code) (Course Tittle) (Name of Instructor)

I. Learning Module 2 Entrepreneurship in the Philippines


II. Introduction
Greetings! Good morning, everyone! Praised be Jesus and Mary! Welcome to module. You
will find here our general instructional guidelines, then the components of our module. You
will be guided one step at a time through the specific instructions of the learning tasks given
below, which intend you to understand the entrepreneurship in the Philippines. Let joy and
peace abound in your mind and heart as you genuinely and responsibly respond to the learning
processes that this module offers

III. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

1. Recognize the impact and value of entrepreneurship to the Philippine economy
2. Discuss fully the enabling and disabling factors in entrepreneurship
3. Elaborate the Filipino entrepreneurial landscape; and
4. Analyze the Agrarian Reform Program

IV. Stimulating Recall

1. what would be the good impact of the entrepreneurship in the Philippine economy?

V. Presentation of the topic/learning material

Entrepreneurship in the Philippines
a) The Filipino Entrepreneurial Landscape
b) Philippine Economic Landscape in the Present Time
c) Factors in Determining Economic Growth
d) Entrepreneur and Soc-Economic Development
e) A Second Look to Agrarian Reform
f) The Failure to Develop Better System to Education
g) Availability of Needed Capital

Entrepreneurship is part of the historical and economical changes that happened

in the Philippines. Entrepreneurship was done through Barter Exchange System where
people gave something in exchange for a commodity they received. No money was
involved in barter system but instead, they practiced an honest exchanged for goods.

The Filipino Entrepreneurial Landscape

The Pre-Spanish Period

The early inhabitants of Filipinos came from all parts of Asia through land bridges.
The group of islands is settled by different tribes and groups until they began to develop
primitive agriculture through planting and gathering food to sustain their living. They lived
in hunting wild animals, fishing along the shores and later permanently lived as group with
their leader who was usually the oldest or most powerful individual.
The American Economic Imperialism
When the Americans came, we thought it was God's blessing that we find the
Filipinos free from the bondage of the poverty and independence in the management of
our business. During the period of American regime in the Philippines, their growth in
industry to tremendous that we Filipinos thought that they will share the bounty of
economic prosperity
The Japanese Expansionism
The Japanese entrepreneurial invasion was the result of the idea of co prosperity
for the Southeast Asia region. Japan also had excess products and they would like to
penetrate the nearby countries in Southeast Asia. They also needed raw materials like
cooper, iron ore and forest products to develop further their industries. Since they had
strong army and armaments to support their economic expansion, they went to war with
America and Europe to expand their economic interest.
Entrepreneurship in the Independent Republic
After more than a year, after the war, the Americans granted the Philippine its
independence and gave the leadership of the country to the Filipinos. Manuel L Quezon
was elected as President of the new Republic with the hope that we could develop our
economy better. The good Americans left us with wounded arms and limbs as the
infrastructures were damaged.
In 1946, immediately after the granting of independence, the Americans imposed
the Bell Trade Act to give the American businessman the right to exploit our natural
resources especially in the areas of mining and the operation of utilities American
products could still enter the country free of taxes and fees as it was before Government
leader had to accept the American impositions as we needed money from repairs of
damage infrastructure.
The Doomsday in the Philippine Economy
President Ferdinand E. Marcos, while against the decontrol policy, could not do
otherwise as the economic pressure of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund
was so great, as the Philippine economy was in total shambles, He needed the necessary
funds to build infrastructure which he envisioned to pump the economy. Political
opportunists, and economic elites, and cronies took advantage of the situation and did
not manage the borrowed money properly
People Power President
People power came to change the administrative machinery of government from
the hands of a powerful ally of international opportunists President Corazon C Aquino
came into power through People Revolution, the first in the world of nation as the
bloodless revolt that happened in the coming of the new millennium.
The Par Cry Hope in the New Democracy
The new election was a par cry hope for the installation of new democracy and the
development of new landscape for entrepreneurship and economic prosperity. President
Fidel V. Ramos was elected President with high hopes for a new generation in economic
To solve the problem of the energy cries, he developed more power plants to solve
the current crises in energy. These were, however, taken advantage by the crony
capitalist who imposed government guarantee Foreign financial institutions-imposed
conditions that favored not only the local crony entrepreneurs but also assurance that the
loans will be paid in case of default by the local businessmen.
The Last Decade of Economic Recovery
The new administration of the last two Presidents in the new decade did not
change the political and economic landscape. The few people that control business
activity continue to amass more wealth that catapulted them in the new book of the
business community as billionaires. Most of them are of Chinese origin that knew how to
be connected with the powers that be by avoiding the payment of important taxes that will
pave the way for more services to the poor Filipinos.
While the previous administration continued to herald accomplishments in
economic growth and recovery, the exploding population continued to suffer the hunger
and unemployment. Contractual employment remained to favor the capitalist economy,
as workers were paid minimum or below minimum wages. The rising cost of fuel remained
to be the issue in improving the economy but these were dictated forces in global need
for energy. As of this writing, fuel cost goes down and the new hope for greater recovery
and economy will be attained.


The Philippine Economic landscape remains to be the springboard of questions

when economic development is the focus of discussion. The leaders of this nation aim
greatness for the Filipino people especially during the time of election Their honest
intention of improving the economic condition is their battle cry that catapulted them into
power, yet in spite of the many promises Filipinos remain poor. Instead of improving the
living condition of the Filipinos, they amassed wealth as a preparation for the next
election. Politics becomes an investment for power and money and it is not the true
essence of public service. Two important factors hinder our growth as a nation:
1. Poverty is the making of its people and the kind of leaders that holds the wheels
Our country is still dominated by poverty and the unjust distribution of wealth.
Income is in the hands of the few opportunists. Power is in the hands of traditional and
family politicians as they amass wealth through graft and corruption.
2. Population explosion is another factor that contributes to the poverty of our nation.
We cannot increase the size of the land that is cultivated by the farmers, yet his
family size continues in number. Productivity in agriculture remains the same through the
years. Economic activities in the countryside remain in the hands of few entrepreneurs
who take advantage in the marketing of products the urban center.

Factors in Determining Economic Growth

1. The Filipino values and culture

a. Love got imported products

b. Our values of BAHALA NA
c. Our crab mentality
e. The value of time
f. Our values of HIYA
g. Fiesta and social occasions

2. Job opportunities/employment

a. Employment is one great factor in economic development

b. Income opportunity in the countryside is still subsistence in nature

3. Availability of needed capital

a. Republic Act No. 6977, known as the Magna Carta for Small Enterprises
provided the necessary funds for the development of entrepreneurs in the
b. Republic Act No. 6810 is the establishing the Magna Carta for
Countryside and Barangay Business Enterprises, granting exemptions
from any and ALL government rules and regulations and other incentives
and benefits and for other purposes

Entrepreneur and Socio-Economic Development

. The following are the contributions of the Entrepreneur in our Socio-Economic
1. The entrepreneur provides employment
2. The entrepreneur pays taxes
3. The entrepreneur provides new lifestyle and pleasure
4. The entrepreneur improves the capital base of the economy
5. The entrepreneur creates people empowerment and social mobility
6. The entrepreneur provides healthy competition
A Second Look to Agrarian Reform Program
The Agrarian Reform Program should be looked into with the different perspective
as to its meaning in the honest development of our economic condition. Distributing the
land will further put them in the verge of economic poverty in the long-term run.
Development of parcels of land or dividing them into managerial level of one
hundred (100) to one hundred fifty (150) hectares per group of farmers of ten (10) families
will be more effective as we group them into family cooperatives that will sustain the
development of the soil with government’s support in terms of modern farm implements.
The billions of money spent in acquiring the lands and the farmers paying them
back could have been used to modernize agricultural production. The introduction
technology will propel economy in the countryside. More income for the farmers would
mean economic development for all. Economic Development is the end result of growth
in the agricultural sector.
Agricultural cooperatives
Development of agricultural cooperatives in the countryside with full government
support could be the starting point of the making of the entrepreneurs. Seed money could
come from the Poverty Alleviation Fund that was distributed in cash to poor families. Dole
outs would not improve the people’s living conditions and the economy of this nation.

The Failure to Develop Better System of Education

The mandate of education is the development of its people for economic prosperity
and development. Our investment in education should cascade the line for development
of sustainable income for those who finished high school and more so for those who
graduated in college.
The government spent billions of money for education to prepare the population
for gainful employment or to become small and medium entrepreneurs Our aim is to
develop them to be morally, spiritually, and economically stable for them to live decently
as we eradicate them from the bondage poverty.
We produce so many college graduates in the field of nursing with the hopes of
them passing the licensure examination and getting employed locally or abroad. The
quality of education failed to make them pass the examination and many ended other
occupations or employed in PAL-LAMUNIN NG MAGULANG who spent millions of
money to get that coveted diploma. The dwindling opportunity for employment abroad
and the hope of fortune in earning the green bucks are becoming elusive.

The Quality of Training and Education

Another factor is the quality of training as a contributory element in their failure to
hurdle the difficult test conducted by the PRC. Many ended up as factory workers, security
guards, or going back to the province to help their parents. Many of those who dreamed
mortgaged their property in order to provide their children with quality education.
In the field of commerce and accountancy, many ended up in fast food chains and
service crew, a job that is more appropriate for mere high school graduates. For failure to
end up in office employment, others become factory workers on contractual basis or doing
menial jobs as sales clerk in malls with minimum or below minimum wages under the
employment agency for a period of 5 to 6 months.
The banks are resources for limited capital for small and medium enterprises These
resources are available in the banking institution. The poor people are not aware of these
great opportunities and they do not know how to go about it to avail of the funds.
Republic Act 6977, known as the Magna Carta for Small Enterprises provided the
necessary funds for the development of entrepreneurs in the countryside.
Under this act, are small and medium enterprises engaged in the industry,
agribusiness, and other services. These funds could be availed by single proprietorship,
cooperatives, partnership or corporation.
VI. Assessment Tasks


1. Discuss fully the enabling and disabling factors in entrepreneurship.


2. Elaborate the Filipino entrepreneurial landscape.


3. Analyze the Agrarian Reform Program.


Rubric for essay: /10

Identification of main issues or topics /1
Analysis /5
Solutions/ Answer to questions /2
Readings and Research /1
Spelling and grammar /1

VII. Other reading materials or sources

Google Classroom
Google Meet
PowerPoint Presentation

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