Abalos Charlene Q4 W8 June 14

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Subject Area: MATHEMATICS Grade Level: 9 Quarter: Fourth Week: 8

Grade & Section (Time): 1:20 – 2:10 - Reliable Date: June 14,2022
2:10 – 3:00 - Loyal/Obedient
3:20 – 4:10 - Helpful
4:10 – 5:00 - Persistent

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates an understanding of the basic concepts of trigonometry.
Performance Standard: The learner is able to apply the concepts of trigonometric ratios to formulate and solve real-life problems with precision
and accuracy.
Most Essential Learning Competencies: The learner solves problems involving oblique triangles. (M9GE-IVh-j-1)
Day/Lesson Number/Topic: Day 1 / Lesson Number 8/ Problems Involving Oblique Triangles
Objectives Materials Teacher’s and Learners’ Activities Assessment
At the end of Worksheet A. PRELIMINARIES Let the
the discussion, PPT  Greetings students
the learners Laptop, TV  Presenting of the topic and the learning objectives based on the Most Essential Learning answer the
should be able Competency (MELC) assessment
to solve The learner solves problems involving oblique triangles. given to
problems them via
involving B.1. Checking of Assignment google form

Possible Answer:
1. m∠ B=16.03°
2. m∠C=98.21°
B. 2. Motivation
Let the students recall when they can use the law of sine and the law of cosine by doing the provided
activity entitled Find My Match!
a. The class will be divided into 5 groups. Each group will receive materials like manila paper and
an activity sheet with a pair of triangles.
b. The task is to classify whether the given triangles can be solved using the law of sine or the law of
c. Each group will be given 3 minutes to accomplish the task. After 3 minutes, there will be a
representative to discuss their work.
B. 3 Recap/Review
1. Let the teacher ask the students what are their conclusion on the activity they’ve done about applying
the law of sines and the law of cosines.
2. Ask the students what are the formulas being used for the law of sines and the law of cosines.
3. With this, present illustrative examples that may apply the law of sines and the law of cosines.
a. Solve for the length of side b. Round off your answer to the nearest tenths.

a b
sin A sin B
9.8 b
sin 71 sin 51
9.8 ¿
9.8(sin 51)
=b ¿ ¿
sin 71
8.1 cm=b

4. Give another set of example. Let the students solve for the measurement of ∠ A . Round off your
answers on nearest hundredths.
First, solve for the unknown side, in order to get the measurement of the angles.

c= √ a2+ b2−2 ab cos C

c= √7 2+5 2−2 (7 )( 5 ) cos 40
c=4.51 cm

Solve for angle A.

( )
2 2 2
−1 b + c −a
2 bc

52 + 4.512−72
2 ( 5 ) ( 4.51 ) )
A=cos (−0.08115077605)
A=94.65 °

B.4. Dicussion
1. Let the teacher give a word problem involving oblique triangles. But first, remind the students the steps
in solving word problem.
Step 1: Identify the given information and illustrate.
Step 2: Determine the formula to be used.
Step 3: Solve for the unknown in the problem.
Step 4: State the final answer.

Problem No. 1: Peter has three sticks measuring 19 cm, 23 cm, and 27 cm. He lays them down to form a
triangle. Find the measure of the angle formed by the 19-cm and the 23-cm sides to the nearest degree.
Step 1: A

27 cm 19 cm

23 cm

Step 2: Law of Cosine since the given triangle is SSS.

Step 3: The problem is looking for the measurement of angle C which is between the side lengths 19 cm
and 23 cm.

( )
2 2 2
a +b −c
2 ab

232+ 192−272
C=cos ¿
C=79 °

Step 4: The measurement of the angle between the side lengths 19 cm and 23 cm is 79 degrees.

Problem No. 2: Tony and

Obet went to Valenzuela
People’s Park to fly a kite.
Tony’s kite has 1750 ft. of
string at an angle of 750. Obet
notes that the angle formed by
the kite and the flier is 1020.
How far is Obet from the
kite? Round off your
answer to the nearest whole
Step 1:

Step 2: Since the given triangle is in SAA case, we will use Law of Sine.
Step 3: The unknown is the distance of Obet from the kite.

a c
sin A sinC
a 1750
sin 75 sin 102
a=1728 ft

Step 4: The distance of Obet from the kite is 1728 ft.

Problem No. 3:
You decided
to go for fishing
in Tagalag
Fishing Village
where it is
known for its
products like
tilapia and
bangus. You used a straight improvised 4 – feet fishing rod. While waiting, you stuck the fishing rod
which forms an angle 650 with the ground. If the fishing rod, where it is stuck, is 20 feet away from the
bait, how long is the string that is attached from the end of the fishing rod? Round the answer to the nearest

Step 1:

Step 2: Since the given triangle is in SAS case, we will use Law of Cosine.
Step 3: Solve for the length of the string that is attached from the end of the fishing rod.
b=√ a2 +c 2−2 ac cos B
b=√ 202 +4 2−2 ( 20 ) ( 4 ) cos 65
b=√ 348.3810781
b=18.66 ft
Step 4: The length of the string attached from the end of the fisihing rod is 18.66 ft.

C. Abstraction
 The law of sines can be used to find the unknown sides of an oblique triangle when two angles
and one side are given.When two sides and the angle opposite one of them are given, there may
be no, one, or two solutions to the triangle. For this reason, Case 2 is called the ambiguous case.
 The law of cosines is used to solve the following two additional cases of unknowns of an oblique
triangle, namely:
CASE 3: Two sides and the angle between those sides are given.
CASE 4: Three sides are given
 Steps in solving word problem.
Step 1: Identify the given information and illustrate.
Step 2: Determine the formula to be used.
Step 3: Solve for the unknown in the problem.
Step 4: State the final answer.
D. Application
Let the students answer the given problems.
First item will be answered by advanced learners who are seated in the first row. Second item will be
answered by the academically challenged learners who are seated in the second row to fourth row.

1. Firefighters in fire tower alpha spotted a fire at 64° and the firefighters in the fire tower beta
potted the same fire at 42°. If the two fire towers are 10 kilometers apart, how far is the fire in the
fire tower beta?
2. A triathlon race follows a triangular racecourse. The lengths of the sides of the course, in exact
order, are 6𝑘𝑚,16𝑘𝑚 and 19𝑘𝑚. Determine the angle formed between the starting side and the
finishing side of the course.

Let the students answer the Exit Sheet (Lujan, 2011) on a separate sheet of paper.

Prepared by:


Teacher II
Master Teacher I
Head Teacher III

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