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BUSI 612


Advertisers operate in a complex environment of local, state, and federal rules and regulations.
Additionally, there are a number of advertising and business-sponsored associations, consumer
groups and organizations and media that attempt to police advertising through various self-
regulatory programs and guidelines. While in most situations the various rules and regulations
primarily influence individual advertisers and their messages, there are situations where
advertising for an entire industry can be affected. The tobacco industry has already been banned
from advertising on the broadcast media, while there is currently strong sentiment to impose
restrictions on the advertising and promotion of alcoholic beverages and direct to consumer drug
advertising. Regulation and control over advertising come from internal or self-regulation by
various groups within the advertising industry and business community as well as from external
federal and state regulatory agencies such as the Federal Trade Commission. While only the
governmental agencies have the force of law, most advertisers will abide by the guidelines and
decisions of internal or self-regulatory bodies. It is important for all of those involved in the
advertising decision making process, both on the client and agency side, to have an
understanding of various rules and regulations that affect advertising and promotion and how the
regulatory bodies operate. The Integration of Faith and Learning (IFL) Essay Assignment is
about connecting our Christian Worldview with the ethical aspects of
For this Integration of Faith and Learning (IFL) Essay Assignment:
Search the Bible (either the Old or New Testament) for at least one Bible verse(s) that would
guide a marketer as they develop advertisements/promotions that would be considered within the
bounds of “good advertising.”
In a minimum of three well-crafted sections, explicate the Bible verse and its meaning, discuss
the theory of “good advertisements” and then connect the Bible verse(s) towards guiding
Marketers to create “good” Advertisements/Promotions.
A suggested format for this Integration of Faith and Learning (IFL) Essay Assignment:
First section; State your Bible verse and cite the book and verse(s) and then discuss the Bible
verse from a Biblical perspective.
Second section; discuss the theory of “good advertisements” and their import to the marketing of
products. Include two scholarly resources (WSJ, Fortune Magazine, Advertising Age, etc. are all
considered scholarly in the discipline of Marketing) and cite within the text.
Third section; discuss/analyze the Bible verse’s import in tempering and guiding our
advertising/promotions efforts.
NOTE: To earn better than a minimum grade (B-) in grad school you must go beyond the
minimum and it must be considered excellent work!
 Length of this Integration of Faith and Learning (IFL) Essay Assignment is minimum
of 500 words of text excluding title page and references.

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BUSI 612

 Format of Integration of Faith and Learning (IFL) Essay Assignment is the most
current APA Guidelines.
 Two citations are required.
 Acceptable sources are Scholarly Resources (regardless of the date of publication),
Popular Sources, Professional Trade Sources and Books/Book Chapters

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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