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BUSI 612


A Situational Analysis from a Marketing/Promotions perspective (which is different than a
strategic analysis) is designed to gather information that identifies internal information about
products, relevant company information and sales history. From an external perspective this
Promotions Project: Situational Analysis Essay Assignment will research the relevant factors
of demand associated with company/products/industry that are beyond the firm’s control. Many
academicians and businessmen are convinced that all new product ideas, new market segments
and product expansions are derived from the factors that shift demand (aka the external factors of
the firm). In marketing and promotions, understanding the external demand factors are very
important. Here is a partial list of the external factors that shift demand:
 Demand Curve Shifters
 Consumer tastes and preferences
 Demographic
 Economic
 Natural
 Technological
 Political/Legal
 Social/Cultural
 Competitors (what they are doing and planning to do)
 Substitute Products
The Promotions Project: Situational Analysis Essay Assignment is to be used as a planning
step to help you better understand and identify the factors which affect your thinking and
ultimately the design of the “big idea” for your new advertisement/promotion for your overall
Promotions Project Assignment. Successful completion of this Promotions Project:
Situational Analysis Essay Assignment requires you to complete a fairly detailed research
agenda of your product, competitors, demand shifters and the industry your firm operates within.
NOTE: this isn’t a strategic SWOT analysis.
Research Questions for the Promotions Project: Situational Analysis Essay Assignment:
RQ1 What is a product/service description of your project (1 paragraph)?
RQ2 What is the company description associated with the project (1–2 paragraphs)?
RQ3 What is the Product Life Cycle (PLC)?
RQ4 In what stage of the PLC is your product/service and how should/could this guide a new
promotion for your product/service (2-3 paragraphs)?
RQ5 What is a simple definition of each external demand factor, please provide an example
(past/present/future) of a shift for each factor and explain how that shift could help guide a new
promotion. NOTE: For this RQ you must address each factor, if a factor isn’t pertinent to your

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BUSI 612

product; list the factor and a short explanation. Remember to let your research efforts guide the
writing of this section.

 Length of this Promotions Project: Situational Analysis Essay Assignment is

minimum of five pages of text excluding title page and references. APA level headings
are to be used throughout the essay.
 Format of Promotions Project: Situational Analysis Essay Assignment is the most
current APA Guidelines.
 Five citations are required (excluding required reading in this module’s Learn section).
 Acceptable sources are Scholarly Resources (regardless of the date of publication),
Popular Sources, Professional Trade Sources and Books/Book Chapters

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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