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Promotions Project: IMC Mix Essay

Cinthya Flores
Liberty University

Promotions Project: IMC Mix Essay


Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) are an integral part of any marketing

strategy. A cohesive and effective marketing plan is made up of many components that work

together. A combination of advertising, interactive and internet marketing, sales promotion, and

social media are fundamental components of the IMC mix.

Advertising is a traditional component of marketing that involves the use of various media

channels. The use of digital channels for engaging with customers and prospects is a relatively

new aspect of interactive/internet marketing. To drive customer engagement and increase sales,

sales promotion also entails short-term incentives. Businesses can build brand loyalty and

connect with customers through social media, the most recent addition to the IMC Mix.

According to Elliott (2012), businesses can achieve their marketing goals and reach their

audiences by integrating these components into their marketing strategy. By using the IMC Mix,

businesses are able to communicate effectively with their target audience and build a strong

brand image (Young, 2021). Besides helping businesses grow sustainably, an IMC Mix well

executed can also give them a competitive edge.


A company's advertising theory varies depending on its goals, target audience,

products/services, and industry. The AIDA Model is the most relevant theory for advertising, but

there are some other common theories as well. According to this model, an effective

advertisement should grab the attention of the audience, generate interest in the product or

service being advertised, inspire desire to own or use that product, and prompt action to purchase

or act in a certain way (Kerin & Hartley, 2018).


As an example, a car company might use an exciting car chase scene as an ad to grab

attention, create interest by highlighting the car's sleek design and high-performance features,

stimulate desire by emphasizing how owning the vehicle will make the buyer feel powerful and

in control, and prompt action by offering a free test drive or limited-time discount.

Advertising has been shown to be an effective method of promoting products and

services. According to Duralia (2018), advertising can increase brand awareness, liking, and

purchase intent. Furthermore, advertising can also boost sales and profits. In this case, let's

assume we're going to promote Apple Watch Series 7. In accordance with the AIDA Model, I

recommend the following to the company.

 In order toTo attract the audience's attention, we must create a visually appealing and engaging

advertisement. It would be great to create an ad that shows the Apple Watch Series 7's sleek

design and its various features, such as a bigger screen, fast charging, and improved fitness


 Having captured the audience's attention, we must build interest by highlighting the unique

features and benefits of the Apple Watch Series 7. Users can stay connected, track their fitness

goals, manage their schedules, and stay organized with a watch.

 By showing how the Apple Watch Series 7 can make their lives easier and more enjoyable, we

can create desire. Moreover, the watch's advanced health monitoring capabilities can help users

take better care of their overall health.

 The audience needs to be encouraged to buy the watch by making it easy for them to do so. If we

provide a clear call-to-action, such as "Buy now" or "Visit our website to learn more," people

will be more likely to buy.



Internet marketing and interactive marketing are interconnected concepts based on

several underlying theories. Using these theories, marketers can develop effective marketing

strategies based on the fundamental principles that underlie interactive and internet marketing.

The most common theory associated with this component is the diffusion of innovation theory. 

There are five stages of innovation adoption, according to the theory: awareness, interest,

evaluation, trial, and adoption. The rate of adoption is influenced by various factors, including

the perceived relative advantage of the innovation, its compatibility with existing practices and

values, its complexity, the level of observability or visibility, and the degree of social influence.

When developing marketing promotion strategies for new products or services,

understanding the Diffusion of Innovation Theory can be useful. A few ways to apply the theory

are as follows:

Innovators are likely to adopt new innovations first if they identify early adopters, who

are typically highly educated, tech-savvy, and open to new ideas. Marketers can generate interest

in an innovation among the wider population by identifying and targeting early adopters.

A significant relative advantage over existing solutions increases people's willingness to

adopt innovations. Promoting the innovation should therefore emphasize its unique advantages

and benefits.

It is believed that people are more likely to adopt innovations that are compatible with

their existing values, beliefs, and practices. To reach the target audience, marketers must position

the innovation in a way that resonates with their lifestyle and values.

A simple design is more likely to be adopted by people if it is easy to understand and use.

To make the innovation more accessible to the target audience, marketers should simplify the

messaging and presentation.

According to the theory, people are more likely to adopt an innovation if they see others

adopting it. The use of social proof, testimonials, and other forms of social influence can

therefore be used by marketers to encourage broader adoption of their products.

To promote the Apple Watch Series 7 I would leverage the Diffusion of Innovation

Theory by using the Internet and interactive tools. Apple Watch Series 7 can be marketed

appropriately to different types of consumers using this theory that explains how new products or

technologies are adopted by consumers over time.

My first focus would be on early adopters, who are tech enthusiasts and always eager to

try out the latest gadgets. To create hype around the launch of the Apple Watch Series 7, I would

use social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. In order to reach this

group, I would collaborate with social media influencers who have large followings among tech

enthusiasts. Creating buzz around the product and creating excitement among early adopters

would help generate buzz (Godey et el., 2016).

My second target market is the early majority of consumers who are more risk-averse and

wait for the product's performance before they buy. My strategy would be to target this group

with interactive tools like live product demos, webinars, and virtual reality experiences. By doing

so, consumers will be able to see how the product works and how it can benefit them.

Furthermore, I would use customer reviews and ratings to demonstrate the product's reliability

and performance.

Lastly, I would target the late majority and laggards who adopt new technologies or

products last. For this group, I would highlight the Apple Watch Series 7's ease of use and

functionality, including fitness tracking, health monitoring, and the ability to make phone calls

and send texts. In order to assist these consumers in adopting a new product, I would use online

tutorials and support forums.

Sales Promotion

Marketing activities designed to stimulate customer demand for a product or service are

called sales promotion. The purpose of sales promotion is to encourage customers to purchase a

product or service by offering incentives such as discounts, coupons, contests, or free samples.

In this discussion, we will explore Incentive Theory as it relates to sales promotion in

marketing. This is a behavioral theory that proposes that rewards or incentives motivate

individuals to behave a certain way or take certain actions. Marketers can use incentive theory to

design marketing campaigns that encourage consumers to engage with a product or service.

It is common to use discount or special offers in marketing promotion as an example of

incentive theory. Discounts and special offers can sway consumers into making purchases they

might not otherwise make by creating a sense of urgency (Mullin and Cummins, 2008). It may

be possible for a retailer to offer a 20% discount on a particular product for a limited time, which

may motivate consumers to make a purchase.

Using loyalty programs as part of a marketing promotion is another way to apply

incentive theory. Providing rewards to consumers who make repeat purchases can encourage

them to keep buying from a particular brand. Consumers can also become more loyal to brands

through loyalty programs, which can increase their lifetime value.


The incentive theory can also be applied to incentivize consumers to do certain things,

such as share content on social media or subscribe to a newsletter. Customers who share a post

on social media about a particular product or service can receive a discount or special offer.

Marketers can increase brand visibility and engagement by using incentives to encourage these


By offering attractive incentives, I would promote the Apple Watch Series 7 and

encourage potential customers to purchase it. The incentive theory suggests that when people

perceive a clear benefit to taking action, they are more likely to take action.

Identifying potential customers' key incentives would be the first step in my research

process. A discount or free gift might be included as well as exclusive access to a service or

content. My sales and promotion strategy would be based on this research, emphasizing the most

compelling incentives.

I might give customers who purchase the Apple Watch Series 7 within a certain

timeframe a discount for a limited time. Alternatively, I could include a free accessory with

every Apple Watch Series 7 purchase, such as a custom band or charging dock. A variety of

channels will be used to advertise these incentives, such as social media, email marketing, and

targeted advertising.

By showcasing positive reviews and endorsements from satisfied customers, I would

leverage the power of social proof. A company can accomplish this through influencer marketing

or by highlighting customer reviews on its website and social media. Potential customers will be

more likely to purchase the Apple Watch Series 7 if it is demonstrated that it delivers tangible


Social Media

In this component, Social Exchange Theory is the underlying theory. The theory

describes how individuals weigh the costs and benefits of social or economic exchanges.

Individuals are assumed to act rationally, seeking the most benefit from social interactions for

themselves. The Social Exchange Theory can be applied in marketing promotion to understand

how consumers evaluate promotional offers and make decisions. In order to decide whether or

not a promotion is worth their time and effort, consumers weigh its costs and benefits.

In addition to discounts and free products, promotions may offer access to exclusive

content and events. As for the costs associated with participating in the promotion, they may

include the time and effort required, as well as any negative consequences that may result

(Muhammedrisaevna,  2020).

In order toTo be successful in marketing promotions, companies must provide benefits

that consumers perceive as valuable and minimize the costs associated with participating. To

encourage consumers to try out a new product, a company might offer a free sample. Obtaining

the free sample may outweigh the consumer's time and effort, leading to a favorable exchange.

It is possible, however, that consumers will not engage in a promotion if the cost is too

highhigh, or the benefits are not perceived as valuable. In exchange for a small discount, a

promotion that requires consumers to complete a lengthy survey may not be perceived as worth

the effort. To promote Apple Watch Series 7, I would use Social Exchange Theory to create a

social media campaign that highlights the product's benefits and emphasizes the social rewards

that come with owning and using it. Based on the Social Exchange Theory, individuals engage in

social relationships and exchanges based on their perceptions of the costs and benefits associated

with those interactions, and I hope to highlight the advantages of owning an Apple Watch Series

7 to encourage potential customers to purchase it.

First, I would use social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to

create visually compelling ads that showcase the sleek design and impressive features of the

Apple Watch Series 7. Apple Watch ads would target individuals who are interested in

technology, fitness, and fashion, as these are key areas where Apple Watch can be useful.

After that, I would use social media to create an Apple Watch Series 7 community.

Customers can use branded hashtags, such as #AppleWatchSeries7, to share their experiences

and connect with other Apple Watch owners. Customers should also post photos and videos of

themselves wearing the watch and sharing their thoughts and opinions about it. To further

encourage social exchange, I would create rewards programs that reward customers for

interacting with the brand online. Share your experiences with the hashtag and you could win an

Apple Watch accessory or even a free Apple Watch Series 7. Providing exchange-based

incentives can help build brand loyalty and encourage customers to become brand ambassadors.

Finally, I would leverage social proof to further encourage social exchange. Influencers

and celebrities with a passion for technology, fitness, and fashion may be able to help showcase

the benefits of owning an Apple Watch Series 7. It would be helpful if these influencers shared

photos and videos of themselves wearing the watch and discussed how it improved their lives.


Marketing creates products and services and informs potential customers about them. A

few marketing theories exist, such as the diffusion of innovations and incentive theories. These

theories can be used to understand how social media marketing spreads and how individuals and

businesses adopt it. Researchers have also shown that these theories are useful in

understanding social media marketing.


Duralia, O. (2018). Integrated Marketing Communication and Its Impact on Consumer


Studies in Business & Economics, 13(2).

Godey, B., Manthiou, A., Pederzoli, D., Rokka, J., Aiello, G., Donvito, R., & Singh, R. (2016).

Social media marketing efforts of luxury brands: Influence on brand equity and consumer

behavior. Journal of Business Research, 69(12), 5833-5841.

Kerin, R., & Hartley, S. (2018). Marketing: The core (7th ed.). McGraw Hill, New York, NY

Muhammedrisaevna, T. M. S., Bayazovna, G. N., & Kakhramonovna, D. A. (2020). Goal and 

objectives of integrated marketing communications. Economics, (2 (45)).

Mullin, R., & Cummins, J. (2008). Sales promotion: how to create, implement & integrate 

campaigns that really work: vol. 4th ed. Kogan Page. 

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