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Sherrijon Ysabelle N.

Dela Cruz

Observation Report

April 19, 2023


Three Pan de Manila areas for a visit and observation including, the Merienda by Pan
de Manila branch at Rockwell Santolan, Pan de Manila Store D. Tuazon Store Branch, and the
Pan de Manila’s Ice Cream Hub. The observation activity initially started at the Merienda. Areas
of the Kitchen and Store were observed. After an hour, we proceeded to the D. Tuazon Store
Branch. The store area was observed and after lunch was the baking area. This is followed by
visiting the Ice Cream Hub. Packaging area was first visited where packaging cups and other
freezers up for delivery were located. Then, production area was observed back to the receiving
area of the hub. Base and finished ice products were provided and tasted. Several production
equipments from the kitchen, baking, and ice cream area was introduced. Standard temperature
and packaging were noted.


Last April 18, 2023, a visit for observation of three Pan de Manila store and production
areas was conducted. By 9:30 AM, a visit at the the Merienda by Pan de Manila branch at
Rockwell Santolan was conducted by the Quality Assurance interns. The kitchen and store area
were visited and monitored. Different tools and equipment were made known. Cleaning, storing,
and handling practices were observed. Standard temperatures were also detected through each
cold storage. At 11:30 AM, the interns visited and observed the D. Tuazon store branch. New
Pan de Manila products were found and observed. Baking area was also observed. Different
tools and equipment were made known as well. Cleaning, storing, and handling practices were
observed. By 1:00 in the afternoon, the interns visited the ice cream hub. Packaging area was
first observed, followed by the production area and storage and receiving area. Several flavors
and variants of ice cream were shown. Ice cream products and doughnut were also sensory
tested. After two hours, the activity ended and the interns reported back to the head office.


Location Procedure
Merienda by Pan de Manila Observation of Cleaning, Storage, and
Handling practices
Observation of Equipment, Tools, and Areas
Observation of Personal Hygiene
Observation of Temperature for each Cold
Storage Equipment
D. Tuazon Branch Observation of Cleaning, Storage, and
Handling practices
Observation of Equipment, Tools, and Areas
Observation of Personal Hygiene
Observation of Temperature for each Cold
Storage Equipment
Ice Cream Hub Observation of Cleaning, Storage, and
Handling practices
Observation of Equipment, Tools, and Areas
Observation of Personal Hygiene
Observation of Temperature for each Cold
Storage Equipment
Observation of Premises

Results and Discussion

Location Results and Discussion

Merienda by Pan de Manila • The area is clean. There is a proper
storage of raw materials and
• Personnel follow proper hygiene and
attire except two on the cashier area.
• Cleaning materials were left exposed
during production of food.
• Some ingredients were not properly
D. Tuazon Branch • The area is clean. There is a proper
storage of raw materials and
• Personnel follow proper hygiene and
• Dough batter was left exposed during
production of breads.
• Flies were present during production of
• Table for kneading dough were close
to the walls.

Ice Cream Hub • The packaging and processing area is

clean. There is a proper storage of raw
materials (dry and wet) and packaging.
• Dry raw materials placed in palettes.
• Personnel follow proper hygiene and
• An insect was found on one of the
upright freezers.
• Area for washing the fruits contains
helmets from personnel.
• Clean staff rooms and comfort rooms.
• Clear plastic curtain strip and filtered
drainage present.
• Covered light bulbs.

• Elements of GMP must be fulfilled and maintained considering sanitation facilities and
pest control as weak.
• Necessary increase of employee’s knowledge and supervision to maintain or improve
the implementation of GMP.

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