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Marketing Internship - Task List

Question 1 - Strategy Formulation

How would you utilize Instagram as a medium to develop the brand of Roshi Wellness?
a) Suggest 10 content/ campaign ideas you would want to explore for the same
b) How many followers on Instagram can we bring (using the above approach) in the next 2 months?

Question 2 - Execution Capabilities

Assume we want to collaborate with 50 Influencers (with >10K followers each) in a month, for an
influencer marketing campaign. How would you go about it? Make a list of activities/ action items
required (preferably with template messages you would send) for doing the same. Make it as
detailed as possible from your end.
(Please note: We want to collaborate with influencers on a barter basis and not on paid terms.)

Section 3 - Growth/ Marketing Strategy

Assume we are launching 5 new products under the herbal & green tea range at Roshi. Define a
marketing strategy and list down the activities for promoting the same. (Make this as detailed &
process-oriented as possible- what factors would you consider in the decision-making matrix, etc.)

Guidelines for the task:

Please send your answers as a PDF.
Deadline to submit the task: 24th September 2022 (Thursday), 11:59 pm

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