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CFA L-1 | Changes | Schweser Book Mapping

Reading No Reading No Changes Details of Changes 2022-23 as per New Lectures

Reading Name Comment
2022 2023 2022-23 Schweser for Lectures Shared
Chapter is the same and has been I do not follow the order in the text
1 1 The Time Value of Money Same rearranged. New LOS A, B, C, D, E, F book, lectures mapped to the new
corresponds to old LOS A, B, E, F, D, C LOS have been already provided.
Cumulative Frequency graph has been
2 2 Organizing, Visualizing, And Describing Data Same added in LOS C, which was coevered
in the class
3 3 Probability Concepts Same
4 4 Common Probability Distributions Same
5 5 Sampling and Estimation Same
6 6 Hypothesis Testing Same
7 7 Introduction To Linear Regression Same
8 8 Topics in Demand and Supply Analysis Same
Chapter is the same and has been
I do not follow the order in the text
rearranged. New LOS A, B, C, D, E, F,
9 9 The Firm and Market Structures Same G, H corresponds to old LOS A, B, C, D,
book, lectures mapped to the new
LOS have been already provided.
F, E, G, H
10 10 Aggregate Output, Prices, and Economic Growth Same
11 11 Understanding Business Cycles Same
Chapter is the same and has been
rearranged. New LOS A, B, C, D, E, F, I do not follow the order in the text
12 12 Monetary and Fiscal Policy Same G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T book, lectures mapped to the new
corresponds to old LOS A, B, C, D, E, F, LOS have been already provided.
G, H, I, K, J, L, M, N, O, Q, P, R, S, T
13 Geopolitics New
13 14 International Trade and Capital Flows Same
LOS A - content has been reworded
I do not follow the order in the text
but it is the same; LOS B, C
14 15 Currency Exchange Rates Same corresponds to old LOS C, B
book, lectures mapped to the new
LOS have been already provided.
15 16 Introduction To Financial Statement Analysis Same
16 17 Financial Reporting Standards Same
17 18 Understanding Income Statements Same
Reading No Reading No Changes Details of Changes 2022-23 as per New Lectures
Reading Name Comment
2022 2023 2022-23 Schweser for Lectures Shared
18 19 Understanding Balance Sheets Same
19 20 Understanding Cash Flow Statements Same
20 21 Financial Analysis Techniques Same
21 22 Inventories Same
Table on Financial Satatement Effects
of Capitalizing vs. Expenses changed in
LOS C - This does not matter as the I do not follow the order in the text
22 23 Long-Lived Assets Same previous and new table both are a book, lectures mapped to the new
part of sylabus and both have been LOS have been already provided.
done in lectures. Previous LOS K, F, G,
H, I, J is new LOS F, G, H, I, J, K.
Chapter is the same and has been
I do not follow the order in the text
rearranged. New LOS A, B, C, D, E, F,
23 24 Income Taxes Same book, lectures mapped to the new
G, H, I, J corresponds to old LOS A, B,
LOS have been already provided.
D, C, E, F, H, G, I, J
24 25 Non-Current (Long-Term) Liabilities Same
25 26 Financial Reporting Quality Same
26 27 Applications Of Financial Statement Analysis Same
28 Corporate Structures and Ownership New
Too many changes text wise, although
content wise 80% chapter is the same.
Introduction to Corporate Governance and Other
27 29
ESG Considerations
Changes New LOS A, B, C, D, E, F corresponds All Shared
to Old LOS (A+B), C, (D+E+F) with too
many changes, H, J, K respectively
30 Business Models & Risks New
LOS A has been newly added, New I do not follow the order in the text
28 31 Capital Investments Changes LOS B, C, D, E corresponds to old LOS book, lectures mapped to the new
A, B, C, D respectively LOS have been already provided.
Chapter renamed (Old name -
'Sources Of Capital'). LOS A (last part
29 32 Working Capital and Liquidity Changes from Preferred Stock deleted), LOS B
newly added; rest of the chapter is the
Reading No Reading No Changes Details of Changes 2022-23 as per New Lectures
Reading Name Comment
2022 2023 2022-23 Schweser for Lectures Shared
Chapter is the same. I do not follow the order in the text
30 33 Cost Of Capital-Foundational Topics Same LOS G - content has been reworded book, lectures mapped to the new
but it is the same LOS have been already provided.

Too many changes :

LOS A - new content + parts of old LOS
LOS B - old LOS A from 3rd paragraph
31 34 Capital Structure Changes LOS C - old LOS B
LOS D - old LOS C(Full) + LOS D(second
LOS E - old LOS E
32 35 Measures of Leverage Same
33 36 Market Organization And Structure Same
Chapter is the same and has been
I do not follow the order in the text
rearranged. New LOS A, B, C, D, E, F,
34 37 Security Market Indexes Same G, H, I, J, K corresponds to old LOS A,
book, lectures mapped to the new
LOS have been already provided.
B, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, I, J
35 38 Market Efficiency Same
36 39 Overview of Equity Securities Same
37 40 Introduction to Industry and Company Analysis Same
Chapter is the same and has been
I do not follow the order in the text
rearranged. New LOS A, B, C, D, E, F,
38 41 Equity Valuation: Concepts and Basic Tools Same G, H, I, J, K, L, M corresponds to old
book, lectures mapped to the new
LOS have been already provided.
LOS A, B, C, D, E, M, F, G, H, I, J, K, L
39 42 Fixed-Income Securities: Defining Elements Same
Fixed-Income Markets: Issuance, Trading, And
40 43
I do not follow the order in the text
Chapter is the same.
41 44 Introduction to Fixed-Income Valuation Same LOS H - content has been reworded
book, lectures mapped to the new
LOS have been already provided.
42 45 Introduction to Asset-Backed Securities Same
43 46 Understanding Fixed-Income Risk and Return Same
44 47 Fundamentals of Credit Analysis Same
Reading No Reading No Changes Details of Changes 2022-23 as per New Lectures
Reading Name Comment
2022 2023 2022-23 Schweser for Lectures Shared
The entire derivatives subject has
been taught without referring to any
text book. You may do this subject at
Derivative Instrument And Derivative Market Corresponds to old LOS 45 C with a lot
45 48
New of new portions
the end. Or complete the given
lectures And wait for the additional
portion to be shared by December
Few changes.
45 49 Basics of Derivative Pricing and Valuation Changes New LOS A, B, C corresponds to old
LOS 45 C, D, B
Derivative Benefits, Risks, and Issuer and Investor
Arbitrage, Replication, and the Cost of Carry in New Portion and new LOS A, B
46 51
Pricing Derivatives
Changes corresponds to old LOS 46 A, (C+E)
Pricing and Valuation of Forward Contracts and
for an Underlying with Varying Maturities
LOS A is completely new and new LOS
53 Pricing and Valuation of Futures Contracts New B corresponds to old LOS 46 G + new
Pricing and Valuation of Interest Rates and Other New LOS A corresponds to old LOS 46
Changes (h+i) and LOS B is completely new

LOS B is completely new and new LOS

55 Pricing and Valuation of Options Changes A, C corresponds to old LOS 46 J, K.
New LOS A, B corresponds to old LOS
56 Option Replication Using Put–Call Parity Changes 46 L, (M + new portion).
Valuing A Derivative Using A One Period Binomial New LOS A, B is a combination of old
Changes LOS 46 N + new portion
Categories, Characteristics, and Compensation Chapter is the same.
47 58
Structures of Alternative Investments
Same LOS B - content has been reworded
Chapter is the same and has been
Performance Calculation and Appraisal of
47 59
Alternative Investments
Same rearranged. New LOS A, B corresponds
to old LOS 47 I, J
Chapter is the same and has been I do not follow the order in the text
Private Capital, Real Estate, Infrastructure, Natural
47 60
Resources, and Hedge Funds
Same rearranged. New LOS (A+B), C, D, E, F book, lectures mapped to the new
corresponds to old LOS 47 E, G, H, F, D LOS have been already provided.
Reading No Reading No Changes Details of Changes 2022-23 as per New Lectures
Reading Name Comment
2022 2023 2022-23 Schweser for Lectures Shared
48 61 Portfolio Management: An Overview Same
Chapter is the same and has been
I do not follow the order in the text
rearranged. New LOS A, B, C, D, E, F,
49 62 Portfolio Risk and Return: Part I Same G, H, I corresponds to old LOS A, B, C,
book, lectures mapped to the new
LOS have been already provided.
E, I, D, F, G, H
Chapter is the same.
50 63 Portfolio Risk and Return: Part II Same LOS I - content has been reworded
51 64 Basics of Portfolio Planning and Construction Same
52 65 The Behavioral Biases Of Individuals Same
53 66 Introduction To Risk Management Same
54 67 Technical Analysis Same
55 68 Fintech in Investment Management Same
56 69 Ethics and Trust in the Investment Profession Same
Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional
57 70
Chapter is the same and has been I do not follow the order in the text
58 71 Guidance For Standards I–VII Same rearranged. New LOS A, B, C book, lectures mapped to the new
corresponds to old LOS A, C, B LOS have been already provided.
Introduction to the Global Investment
59 72
Performance Standards (GIPS)
60 73 Ethics Application Same
47 - Introduction to Alternative Investments Deleted

* Note : There are too many changes in the Schweser text for the topic Derivative (Reading No. 48-57). We will not need to worry as we haven’t studied this chapter from the book at all. All additions
and changes shall be informed once covered in the live class. Do not worry.

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