Garrett Strings Lesson Plan

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Strings Nov 1 2022 Schedule and General Lesson Plan:

EI.14 c
Identify procedures
for care of the

1. LESSON # 3: NAME________resin your bow!_______________________

PEDAGOGY THREADS: Sad mustache, don’t touch the hair!
GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to correctly tighten and resin their
bows in preparation to play their stringed instruments.
Assessment Strategies:
Throughout this rehearsal I will engage in formal assessment by: Asking students to show me
how to properly resin their bows.

Throughout this rehearsal I will engage in informal assessment by: Having students play a
note and listening to see if it sounds resined

Start Timings Activity or Piece Developmental Hierarchy Level/ Differentiatio

Time Totals Chunks, Plan and Sequence
Time: (:30/X:00) Activity 1: Chunk 1: Welcome and Goals
Welcome & Goals (Announcements?)


Chunk 1: Welcome and Goals

1s. Good Morning, students!

2v. Good Morning!

1a. My rehearsal threads and goals for today to

The goals and objectives of this lesson are to __Teach you how to
prepare your bow for playing____

Teacher takes out bow and introduces students to bow. “This is a bow, it helps
to play your instrument.”

Teacher asks students to take out their bows.

Teacher points to end of bow and explains what the knob does “tightens the
horse hair”

Teacher tightens bow until adequately tight, explains that with the mustache
on top, the bow should make a sad face.

Teacher asks students to tighten their bows and then show teacher their sad
mustache faces

Teacher corrects any incorrect tightness bows.

Teacher then takes out resin

Explains what resin is

Resin helps to get friction between the bow and the strings, allowing
the bow to grip the strings and play a louder, clearer, and more RESINant

Teacher tells students not to touch the resin itself or the horse hair because
finger oil can damage them

Teacher shows students to resin bows in one direction a few times and then lets
students do it on their own

Teacher asks students to play a note on their instruments.

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