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Instructional Plan (iPlan)

Name of Teacher Earl Niño B. Ledesma Grade/Year Level

Grade 11
Learning Area: Philippine Politics and Governance Quarter: 3 Week: 4 Module No.:

Competency: Analyze the nature, dimensions/types, and consequences of power.

Lesson No. 3 Definition of Power: The nature, dimensions, types, and Duration (minutes / hours) 1
consequences of power. hour

Key Understanding to be developed: Determines the concept of power and authority.

Learning Knowledge The learners can determine the nature, dimensions and types of power
Skills The learners can create an output as a means to reach out and influence to
participate in your advocacy.
Attitudes Initiate an advocacy to bring positive change in your community.

Resources Laptop, Projector, power point presentation

Elements of the Plan Methodology
Preparations Motivation/Introductory A. Preliminaries:
- How will I make the Activity
learners ready? This part introduces the 1.) Prayer
2.) Greetings
- How do I prepare the lesson content. it is serves
learners for the new as a warm-up activity to 3.) Classroom management
4.) Checking of attendance
lesson? give the learners zest for
(Motivation /Focusing the incoming lesson and 5.) Reviewing of previous lessons
/Establishing Mind-set an idea about what it to
/Setting the Mood follow. One principle in B. Introduction of the Lesson
/Quieting /C+reating learning is that learning The teacher will show pictures of superhero and will ask
Interest - Building occurs when it is the students:
Background Experience – conducted in a 1. Who is your favorite superhero?
Activating Prior pleasurable and 2. What kind of power do you like to have and
Knowledge/Apperception comfortable atmosphere. what will you do with it?
- Review – Drill)
- How will I connect my In reality, power do exist and with every power comes
new lesson with the past with great responsibility. We do not need superpowers
lesson? to help the community. What we need is the right
people to be responsible in having the power to lead.

We will be discussing the different nature, dimension,

and types of power
Presentation Activity The teacher will say:
- (How will I present the This is an interactive
new lesson? strategy to elicit learner’s “Write down at least 5 characteristics that a leader
- What materials will I prior learning experience. must have". As we proceed to the discussion you will
use? It serves as a springboard see under what type of power should it belong.
- What generalization for new learning. It
/concept /conclusion illustrates the principle Power
/abstraction should the that learning starts where Power is generally defined as the ability of a
learners arrive at? the learners are. Carefully person to carry out his or her will. This concept is
(Showing/ structured activities such particularly significant in the study of social
Demonstrating/ as individual or group relationships since society is composed of individuals
Engaging/ Doing reflective exercises, group who exercise varied degrees of power. In politics,
/Experiencing discussion, self-or group power refers to the ability to exercise control or impose
/Exploring /Observing assessment, dyadic or restrictions over individuals, as well as compel other
- Role-playing, dyads, triadic interactions, people to do certain tasks. Power is closely tied to the
dramatizing, puzzles, simulations or concept of authority, the right to exercise power in
brainstorming, reacting, role-play, cybernetics society.
interacting exercise, gallery walk and
- Articulating the like may be created.
observations, finding, Clear instructions should
conclusions, be considered in this part
generalizations, of the lesson. TYPES POWER
- Giving suggestions,
reactions solutions
recommendations) CONSEQUENCES

Types of Power
 Coercive power – based on a person's ability to
compel other people through threats,
punishment, and force
 Reward power - based on the ability to give
rewards and benefits
 Expert power - relies on the knowledge and
skills of the individual
 Legitimate power- based on a person's position,
role, and duties in a group
 Referent power - based on an individual's
personality and ability to attract followers

Legal and formal right to a person, who can take
decisions, give orders and commands to others to
perform a particular task. It is conferred to high
officials, to accomplish organization’s objectives. It is
hierarchical in nature; it flows downward, i.e.,
delegated from superior to the subordinate.


Traditional Authority
Hereditary Monarchy is rooted in traditional values and
existing social ties and institutions. An example of
people who wield traditional power are monarchs and
members of royal families. In the Philippines, many of
the political and social elite are perceived to have
power and authority because they belong to political
families who have ruled for generations. Traditional
leadership is reflective of everyday conduct and
routine. People respect traditional authority because “It
has always been that way.”

Charismatic authority is based on the personal qualities

of the individual who wields power. The person's
authority is recognized based on his or her traits and
how he or she is perceived by other people in society.
This leader is a dominant personality and the existing
order in the society entrusts him the mandate to rule.
Charismatic leaders are seen as people who are inspired
by God or by lofty unsocial principles. The charisma of
these leaders is enough and adequate to inspire their
followers and make their authority seem legitimate. A
charismatic leader holds a mission to unite his people
amidst differences and adversities to attain an
insurmountable goal.

Legal-Rational Authority is based on a system of laws

and regulations, and an established bureaucracy. A
person is able to exercise power because he or she has
been empowered by law. Power, in this context,
depends on an individual's position in the social
hierarchy, and the roles and responsibilities that come
with this position.

Analysis The classroom will be divided into 2 space. The left side
Essential questions are will be for True and the other side for the False.
included to serve as a
guide for the teacher in The Teacher will ask True or False questions and the
clarifying key students should proceed to the side where he/she
understandings about the believe that it is the answer. The student must take
topic at hand. Critical note of their points for every correct answer in their
points are organized to notebook.
structure the discussions
allowing the learners to
maximize interactions and
sharing of ideas and
opinions about expected
issues. Affective questions
are included to elicit the
feelings of the learners
about the activity or the
topic. The last questions
or points taken should
lead the learners to
understand the new
concepts or skills that are
to be presented in the
next part of the lesson.
Abstraction The teacher will ask the learners this question:
This outlines the key
concepts, important skills “Which power do you think that is the best suited for
that should be enhanced, you?”
and the proper attitude
that should be The students will be asked to share their thoughts to
emphasized. This is the class. The teacher will ask the students to give a
organized as a lecturette WOW clap to those who participated.
that summarizes the
learning emphasized from
the activity, analysis and
new inputs in this part of
the lesson.
Practice Application The learner will identify the barangay officials in the
- What practice This part is structured to barangay where they are residing in and describe their
exercises/application ensure the commitment of powers. They may ask their parents or neighbors
activities will I give to the learners to do opinions about them to help In the success of the
the learners? something to apply their activity.
(Answering practice new learning in their own
exercise environment.
- Applying learning in
other situations/actual
- Expressing one’s
thoughts, feelings,
opinions, beliefs through
artwork, songs, dances,
- Performing musical
manipulative activities,
Assess- Assessment Matrix
ment Levels of Assessment What will I assess? How will I assess? How
will I
(Refer to score?
DepED Knowledge Knowledge on the I. True or False 2
Order No. (refers to the substantive content of concept of power 1.Responsibility and power points
73, s. 2012 the curriculum, facts and and authority. are significant concepts in
for the information that the student governance.
examples) acquires) 2.A well-balanced power by
What do we want students to know? the government eventually
(relevance and adequacy) leads to loss of legitimacy,
How do we want students to express especially if the citizens
or provide evidence of what they consider government actions
know as violations of democratic
ideals and the general
3.Authority is the right to
exercise sovereignty in
4.The exercise of political
power is primarily intended to
ensure social control.
5.Local officials are
responsible for maintaining
law and order, and promoting
the interests of the people
within their respective

Process or Skills Ability to identify II. Identification 1

(refers to skills or cognitive which basis of Identify the basis of power. point
operations that the student power does the 1. punishment each
performs on facts and information following 2. team leader
for the purpose of constructing examples belong 3. bonuses
meanings or understandings.) 4. celebrities
Skills as evidenced by student’s
ability to process and make sense of
information, and may be assessed in
the following criteria: understanding
of content and critical thinking
Understanding(s) To be able to III. Enumeration 1
(refers to enduring big ideas, identify the Give at least 1 example for point
principles and generalizations different powers each power that is not given each
inherent to the discipline, which may yet. Examples must come
in present events.
be assessed using the facets of from present
understanding or other indicators of situation/events.
understanding which may be specific
to the discipline
Products/performances To be able to IV. Reaction Paper 5
(Transfer of Understanding) apply the concept points
(refer to the real-life application of of power in 1. What characteristics
understanding as evidenced by understanding do you want the next
student’s performance of authentic real-life situation. president to have in
tasks) leading the Filipino
people in order to
become a better


5 pts - main ideas are evident

and concept presented clearly

4 pts - main ideas are evident

but concept not clearly

3 pts - no ideas are evident

and but concept is somewhat
Assign- Reinforcing the day’s
ment lesson
Enriching the day’s lesson
Enhancing the day’s lesson
Preparing for the new Research contemporary issues regarding the different abuse of
lesson authority and power that exist in the present times.

Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher Master Teacher II

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