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Choosing a college is one of life’s important decisions.
The task can seem overwhelming since there are so many
factors that come into play when making your choice. This

Begin your search with some basic steps. First, make a list of factors that
you feel would influence your choice of college such as available majors,
location, and school size. Then, ask parents, teachers, and guidance
counsellors for suggestions about which college they know that would meet
your criteria. You should also speak with recent college graduates to help
you understand what others liked or disliked about the school they
attended. The Internet is also a great source for finding a match for you.
Many Web sites offer tools that allow the user to put in details about the
type of college they are looking for and will search databases of schools to
help you find the right one.
Once you have narrowed your search down to a handful of colleges, it is
time to look at the school side by side. Doing a more thorough comparison
may help you weed out any colleges that you would not like. At a glance,
two colleges may appear to be the same, but a careful analysis of the two
might tell you otherwise.
Once you have narrowed your search down even further, it is time to start

Name.Activity 2.Final Period

Things to Remember:

There will be times that you may need to take several files and combine
them into one document. Simply copying and pasting a file can be
confusing and take an unnecessary amount of time, especially if the file is


1. Open a new document in word

2. Starting on the first line of the document, type the text exactly as shown
in figure 1-1.
3. Save the document as college and close the file
4. Open a new document in Word
5. Starting on the first line of the document, type the text exactly as shown
in figure 1-2.
6. Save the document as Basic Steps and close the file
7. Open a new document in word
8. Starting on the first line of the document type the text exactly as shown
in figure 1-3.
9. Save the text as decision and close the file
10. Open a new word document
11. Insert a header and type in Activity 2 – Final Period. Type the header in
all caps using Times New Roman, 14 pts
12. Starting on the first line of the document, type in all caps the text
“Choosing a College” Font size 16 pts. Center align and bold the text, then
hit the enter twice.
13. Insert the file College (figure 1.1) into the document. You should see
the text from the College file appear in the document. Position the cursor
two lines below the last sentence in the text.
14. Now insert the file Basic steps (figure 1.2) into the document. You
should see the text from the Basic steps file appear in the document.
Position the cursor two lines below the last sentence in the text.
15. Now insert the file Decision (figure 1.3) into the document, you should
see the text from the file Decision appear in the document.

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