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STEM 203

May 3, 2021
It is now 2021 and there is still no clear answer as to when this
pandemic will end. How was your life since this pandemic started? Do
you think we can still be able to handle this much longer?
The world is in the midst of this crisis and everyone is affected. Until
now, this COVID-19 crisis has still lurking in many countries and had
affected millions of people whether through financial, health, physical,
and mental aspects of our lives. The impacts caused by this pandemic
has led to a devastating loss of human lives around the world. Most
people faced poverty, health problems, and loss of jobs that had affected
the economics of countries worldwide. For instance, on the current
happenings on India. This pandemic has extremely affected the
livelihood of people living there and it just get worse. Breathing is the
least and easiest thing we can do as a human. But in India, people with
COVID-19 are truly suffering in breathing. Hospitals no longer accept
patients because almost all are full, and oxygen resources has been very
essential. The alarming rise of cases has led to a dramatic loss of lives in
Here in the Philippines, cases reached 1 million and vaccine are still
not fully distributed in most places. This catastrophe was avoidable if the
government only make actions right after the pandemic started. The
least we can do is stay home and follow health guidelines for the safety
of everyone.

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