Reflection 5

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Knowledge - Mr.

Bishop’s 7th Grade History Project

Written reports are some of the few assignments that I genuinely enjoy. Especially when

it comes to the subject of history. I enjoy learning about different events in history, so when Mr.

Bishop assigned his history project I was very interested. The project itself was simple; with a

partner, research an event from recent US history, write a news report about the event as if it

occurred in the present, and create an informational slideshow about the event. We were then

going to present the slideshow to our classmates.

From this project, I learned a few things. Firstly, my partner and I researched Live AID. I

learned about the event; why and when it was started, who was involved, and other details like

how much money was raised and attendees. I also learned how to write a news report, and I

improved my ability to showcase my learning through slideshows. This is a good demonstration

of my growth in knowledge about the world around me, and the historical events that have taken

place. Alongside this, I gained skills for future projects similar to this.

Overall, this assignment had a good outcome. Each aspect of the project was completed

and done so in a way that shared all the learning my partner and I made in the research process.

However, I think small improvements could include being more detailed in the report.

I connect this assignment to the SLE Knowledge. By completing this project, I

accomplished many of the aspects of Knowledge. One, I took the information I gained and

applied it to a slideshow to share my learning with my classmates. Another thing is I took

ownership of what I learned.

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