MODALS-Everyday3 M7 S4 Student Grammar

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EVERYDAY ENGLISH 3 Student Worksheet

Module 7 • Situation 4 Grammar Activity


May / Might / Can / Could / Must / Mustn’t

A Read the text.
Sara was on her way to the airport when she began to have car trouble. She stopped at the side
of the road. She tried calling the AAA on her cellular phone but she couldn’t get a signal. “What
can I do?” she wondered. “I mustn’t miss my flight.”
“It might just be a flat tire”, she thought, as she got out of the car. “That’s not a big problem.
I can change a tire in only ten minutes.” But when Sara checked her tires, she saw that they
were all fine. “What could be the problem?” she wondered.
Suddenly Sara saw the headlights of another car. It stopped and a man got out.
“Can I help you?” he offered. Sara couldn’t help smiling. It was Ted, her neighbor.
“Ted, I’m so glad to see you. Could you tell me why my car won’t start?”
“The battery may be dead.” Ted got into Sara’s car and turned the key. “Yes, that’s what it is.”
“Could I borrow your jumper cables, Ted?”
“Of course you can. I can get them for you if you wait a second. They’re in the trunk of my car.
I’ll connect the cables to your battery while you get ready to start it. You mustn’t start the engine
before I tell you to, OK?”

B What does the underlined modal in each sentence express? Choose from the possibilities below.
offer present ability polite request prohibition
past ability strong possibility possibility polite request

1. You mustn’t drive without wearing a seat belt. It’s against the law.

2. That’s my neighbor, Jen, on the side of the road. She must be having car trouble.

3. Pete, could you please take me to the airport now? I don’t want to miss my flight.

4. Pete’s car won’t start. His battery might be dead.

5. May I borrow your jumper cables? Sure. Of course you may.

6. Larry can change a tire in only five minutes.

7. Could I check your spare tire for you?

8. When he was younger, Fred could fix any car problem.

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EVERYDAY ENGLISH 3 Student Worksheet
Module 7 • Situation 4 Grammar Activity

May / Might / Can / Could / Must / Mustn’t

C Circle the most suitable modals in the sentences.

1. If I have car trouble, who could / mustn’t I call to help me?

May / Must I borrow your car if you don’t need it? My battery is dead.

Might / Can we help you change your tire?

4. The spare tire must / mustn’t be in the trunk of my car. I remember seeing it there.

5. If Mary doesn’t hurry to the airport, she may / can miss her flight.

6. When Kate was younger she can / could change a tire easily. Now the tire is too heavy for her.

7. If I have enough time, I might / couldn’t get gas on the way home.

8. My neighbor, Bob, is very good with cars. He may / can fix any car problem.

9. We might not / can’t find the jumper cables anywhere. Have you seen them?

10. Paul mustn’t / might not leave his car in the middle of the road. He couldn’t / must move it to the
side of the road.

11. “Could / Might we use your jumper cables? We can’t / mustn’t find ours.”
“Of course you can / may not. I’ll get them for you.”

Must / Can you please switch on your headlights? It’ll help me to see while I’m changing the tire.

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