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SASMO 2014 Round 1 Primary 4 Solutions

Section A [1 mark for each question]

1. Find the missing term in the following sequence: 1, 4, 9, 16, _____, 36.


Observe that 1 = 12, 4 = 22, 9 = 32, 16 = 42 and 36 = 62.

 the missing term is 52 = 25.

2. Find the smallest whole number between 1 and 100 that is divisible by 5 and by 7.


Smallest whole number between 1 and 100 that is divisible by 5 and by 7 = 5  7 = 35

3. A frog fell into a drain that was 20 cm deep. After one hour, it mastered enough
energy to make a jump of 6 cm but it then slid down 4 cm. If it continued in this
manner after every one hour, how many hours will it take to get out of the drain?


After 7 hours, the frog would have jumped 7  2 = 14 cm.

In the next hour, it would have jumped the last 6 cm and out of the drain.
 it takes the frog 7 + 1 = 8 hours to get out of the drain.

4. The diagram shows a circle with centre O and radius 5 cm. OABC is a rectangle. What
is the length of AC?




AC = OB (diagonal of rectangle)
= 5 cm (radius of circle)

5. A textbook is opened at random. To what pages is it opened if the product of the

facing pages is 420?


Since 20  20 = 400, try 20  21 = 420.

 the pages are 20 and 21.

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6. A shop sells sweets where every 3 sweet wrappers can be exchanged for one more
sweet. Kelvin has enough money to buy only 19 sweets. What is the biggest number
of sweets that he can get from the shop?


19 sweets  19 wrappers  6 sweets and 1 wrappers  7 wrappers  2 sweets and

1 wrapper  3 wrappers  1 sweet
 biggest no. of sweets = 19 + 6 + 2 + 1 = 28

7. A clock takes 6 seconds to make 3 chimes. Assuming that the rate of chiming is
constant, and the duration of each chime is negligible, how long does the clock take to
make 4 chimes?


Time taken by the clock between 2 chimes = 6 s / 2 gaps = 3 s

 time taken by the clock to make 4 chimes = 3 s  3 gaps = 9 s

8. The diagram shows a square being divided into four rectangles. If the sum of the
perimeter of the four rectangles is 32 cm, find the area of the square.


Perimeter of the four rectangles = 8  length of square = 32 cm

So length of square = 4 cm
Area of square = 16 cm2

9. Alvin, Betty and Cheryl scored a total of 2014 points during a competition. Betty
scored 271 points less than Alvin. Betty scored 3 times as many points as Cheryl.
How many points did Betty score?


Method 1 (Model Method)


Betty 2014

Alvin 271

7 units = 2014  271 = 1743

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Method 2

There are 1 white square on the left side and 1 white square on the right side of the
row of black squares.
The pattern for the no. of white squares is 3  2 + 2, 4  2 + 2, 5  2   
 figure number with 2014 white squares = (2014  2)  2  2 = 1004

Method 3

The pattern for the no. of white squares is 3  3  1, 3  4  2, 3  5  3, … (total no.

of squares minus no. of black squares in each figure)
Thus no. of white squares that will surround one row of n black squares = 3(n + 2)  n
= 2n + 6
 figure number with 2014 white squares = (2014  6)  2 = 1004

Method 4

The pattern for the no. of white squares is 8, 10, 12, …, which is equal to 2  4, 2  5,
2  6, …
 figure number with 2014 white squares = 2014  2  3 = 1004

13. Find the total number of squares in a 4  4 square grid.


No. of 1  1 squares = 16 = 42
No. of 2  2 squares = 9 = 32
No. of 3  3 squares = 4 = 22
No. of 4  4 squares = 1 = 12
 total no. of squares in a 4  4 square grid = 12 + 22 + 32 + 42 = 30

14. How many digits are there before the fifteen 7 of the following number?



No. of 7s before the fifteen 7 of the number = 14

No. of 3s before the fifteen 7 of the number = 1 + 2 + 3 + … + 15

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Method 1

1 + 15 = 16
2 + 14 = 16
3 + 13 = 16 7 pairs

7 + 9 = 16
 total no. of digits before the fifteen 7 of the number = 14 + (7  16) + 8 = 134

Method 2

Since 1 + 2 + 3 + … + n = , then total no. of digits before the hundredth 7 of

the number = 14 + = 134

15. A box contains 30 coloured pens: 15 blue, 10 red and 5 black. Alice takes some pens
from the box without looking at the colours of the pens. What is the least number of
pens she must take so that she has at least 8 pens of the same colour?


Worst case scenario for all the pens taken out by Alice to be of different colours:
7 blue, 7 red and 5 black, i.e. a total of 19 pens.
Then the next pen taken out has to be either blue or red, i.e. Alice will have at least 8
pens of the same colour, either 8 blue or 8 red pens.
 least no. of pens Alice must take so that she has at least 8 pens of the same colour
= 19 + 1 = 20

Section B [2 marks for each question]

16. In the following alphametic, all the different letters stand for different digits. Find the
four-digit sum PEEL.

+ L A P


Since the addition of two digits will give a maximum of 18, or a maximum of 19 if
there is a carryover (or renaming) of 1, this means that the maximum carryover is
So L = 9 and there is a carryover of 1 for L to give 10, i.e. P = 1 and E = 0.
 the four-digit sum PEEL is 1009.

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17. A teacher has a bag of sweets to treat her class. If she gave 4 sweets to each student,
then she would have 82 sweets left. If she gave 9 sweets to each student, then she
would have 2 sweets left. How many students and how many sweets are there?


If the teacher gave 4 sweets to each student, then she would have 82 sweets left.
From the 82 sweets left, if she gave 5 more sweets to each student so that each student
has 9 sweets, then she would have 2 left.
This means that she gave a total of 82  2 = 80 sweets from the 82 sweets left to the
Since each student receives only one 5 more sweets (i.e. the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th
sweets), then there are 80  5 = 16 students.
 there are 16  9 + 2 = 146 sweets.

18. When Amy, Betty and Cheryl eat out, each orders either beef or chicken.
a. If Amy orders beef, Betty orders chicken.
b. Either Amy or Cheryl orders beef, but not both.
c. Betty and Cheryl do not both order chicken.
Who could have ordered beef yesterday and chicken today?


If Amy orders beef, Condition a says that Betty orders chicken, and Condition b says
that Cheryl also orders chicken, contradicting Condition c.

Amy Betty Cheryl

Beef (a)
Chicken (a) (b)

Thus Amy always orders chicken.

Then Condition b says that Cheryl always orders beef.

Amy Betty Cheryl

Beef (b)
Chicken 

So the only person who can change her order is Betty.

 Betty ordered beef yesterday and chicken today.

19. What are the last 3 digits of the sum 1 + 11 + 111 + … + 111…111?

70 digits

Last digit: 70  0 (and carry 7)

Second last digit: 69 + 7 (carry) = 76  6 (and carry 7)
Third last digit: 68 + 7 (carry) = 75  5
 the last 2 digits are 560.

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20. The diagram shows 9 points. Draw 4 consecutive line segments (i.e. the start point of
the next segment must coincide with the endpoint of the previous segment) to pass
through all the 9 points.


If you try to draw the line segments within the region bounded by the dots, you will
realise that you need at least 5 consecutive line segments.
 you must draw some of the line segments outside the region as shown:

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