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Listening Comprehension 5 (20 points)

1 Listen to two phone conversations and circle the correct

answers. (10 points)
1. Dan Martin is out of town / on the phone / unavailable now.
2. Dan wants to cancel / postpone / schedule a meeting.
3. Robert can’t meet Dan on Wednesday because he will be on
holiday / has got a meeting / is out of the office.
4. John Sullivan doesn’t want to put Susan through / leave a
message / stay on the line.
5. John’s order hasn’t arrived / arrived late / will arrive on Thursday.

2 Listen again and answer the questions. (10 points)

1. What did Dan Martin do on Friday according to Robert?

He left a message for Robert watkins
2. When does Robert prefer to meet Dan?
On Monday 11:00
3. What was Mr Stevens doing when John called?
He was on the phone
4. Who manages John’s account?
Mr Stevens
5. When did John last speak to Mr Stevens about his order?
On monday

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