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Entry Number: 01

Date: 27-1-2023

Location: Banks DIH , Mandela avenue.


To measure the species diversity in the waterways

To measure the biotic diversity in the waterways

To calculate the relative abundance of each type of organism in the trenches


Banks DIH Ltd. is a publicly traded food and beverage manufacturer in Guyana that can trace its origins back to
1840. It is one of the leading local manufacturers. Banks DIH is an industrial site located near the demerara river
they produce crackers, biscuits, shandy, and other beverages. There is one main canal surrounding the property
that spans about 17 kilometres, from the side that manufactures beverages expels waste into said canal, thus,
causing pollution.


The researchers observed recorded the various organism present/visible to become knowledgeable identified
the species present in the water way close to the site.

The researchers observed that the wastewater from the factory was red as far as aquatic biodiversity goes there
were only tadpoles present and further along only a few lily pads.

The researchers took pictures, took water samples to test in the laboratory.

The researchers measured and recorded the water’s temperature with a thermometer.

The researchers observed that further down the waterway the water was at its highest visibility and provided a
habitat for a wide variety of fishes, snails, and tadpoles. The abundance of aquatic life and healthy vegetation
indicated that the water was fresher, not contaminated by waste chemicals, and able to support life.
Observation and Results

Objective 1: to measure the species diversity in the waterway.

Organism Name Scientific name

Frogs (hylidae) Red snouted tree frog Scinax x-signatus
Fish (Abramites hypselonotus) Marbled Headstander Anostomidae
Fish (Anableps microlepis ) Four eye Anableps
fish Actinopterygii
Fish (C. nebulosus) Banga mary Cynoscion nebulosus
Fish Catfish Siluriformes
fish Tilapia Mozambique tilapia (oreochro
Snail Krekete Pomacea canaliculata

Objective 2: To measure the biotic diversity in the waterway.

Organism Drain
Tadpoles 40
Catfish 19
Foureye 7
Tilapia 13
Marbled headstander 25
Banga mary 27
Snail 5

Objective 3: To calculate the relative abundance of each type of organism in the waterway.


It’s possible that industrial discharge from BANKS DIH flows back into surrounding ecosystems without ever
being treated or reused. Also the absence of a wide variety of aquatic life could indicate that wastewater
typically contains a mix of organic and inorganic matter, as well as non-biodegradable and potentially toxic
components which poses a threat to aquatic organisms. The foam and sludge present in the water could indicate
that there’s an imbalance in the water pH, the water also emits an awful rotten smell.

Follow up activities:

Storing water samples for further testing

Comparing test results to samples from other areas

Entry Number: 01

Date: 27-1-2023

Location: National Park (control) Thomas Lands, Georgetown


To measure the species diversity in the waterways

To measure the biotic diversity in the waterways

To calculate the relative abundance of each type of organism in the trenches


The national park provides an example as to what to expect and what to look for in an environment that has not
been negatively impacted by human activities. The National Park features a 1-mile-long winding pathway,
trenches, lush forests, pond with an island situated in the middle, including its most famous, manatees. It's also
home to quite a number of animal species, including kiskadees, limpkin, mongoose, pony, horses, cattle egrets,
chickenhawk and carrion crow. The ecological diversity of the flora and fauna is not only maintained but also


The researchers observed recorded the various organisms present/visible to become knowledgeable identified
the species present in the water way close to the site.

The researchers observed that waterway surrounding the site was getting water from another main canal which
empties into the ocean.

The researchers took pictures, took water samples to test in the laboratory.

The researchers measured and recorded the water’s temperature with a thermometer.

The researchers observed the bottom of the pond was not easily viewed from above the surface and the water
had a dark brown-green colour.

The water is suspected to be slightly saline therefore it contains a high concentration of dissolved salts (mainly
sodium chloride) most likely because of the water coming from the river and ocean.
Observation and Results

Objective 1: to measure the species diversity in the waterway.

Organism Name Scientific name

Mammal West Indian Manatee Trichechus manatus
Alligator (reptile) Caiman Caimaninae
Bird Great Black Hawk Buteogallu urubitinga
Bird Striated Heron Butorides striata
Fish (C. nebulosus) Banga mary Cynoscion nebulosus
Fish Catfish Siluriformes
bird Limpkin Aramus gurauna
Bird Cattle egret Bulbulcus Ibis
Lizard Tropical house gecko Hemidactylus mabouia
Tadpoles Brown frog Lithobates palmipes
Snail Krekete Pomacea canaliculata

Objective 2: To measure the biotic diversity in the waterway.

Organism Pond
Tadpoles 57
Catfish 14
Manatees 4
Bnagamary 13
Caiman 2
Banga mary 12
Snail 38
Cattle egret 31
Limpkin 19
Striated Heron 8

Objective 3: To calculate the relative abundance of each type of organism in the waterway.


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