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What's the truth? = Listening and vocabulary ‘L Work inpairsand discuss the questions. 1 Doyoupost on social media? If so, how ofte 2 Doyou think social media is @ good or a bad thing? Why? 3 Doyoubalieve everything youread on socal media? 2a Read about Corinna and Victor and guess the answers to the questions. For the last couple of years, Corinna Wills and Victor: Galan have been traveling the world in style — and getting paid to do so! They are social media ‘influencers’ and their blog and social media feeds are packed with photos of top holiday resorts and stunning scenery. But ist all as glamorous as it seems? We spoke to Corinna and Victor to find out 11 Whatis one thing they lke about their work? 2. How-do they make money? 3 How much do they get paid? 4 What dont they ike about their work 5 What re their plans forthe future? & Q21 Uistentothe interview and check yout answers to Exercise 2, Workinpalts andcompare youranswvers. 3a Look at the phrases in the box and underline the ones you remember from the interview. Listen again and ‘check your answers. getcarriedaway getintouch getit (understand) fgetonsomeone'snerves _getsomecnes attention Betsomerest get straight to the point Betthefeelng gettodosomething — get together b Tick the phrases you understand. Circle the phrases you sometimes use. Work in pairs and check the phrases you don't understand. 4.2 Complete the sentences with the correct farm of the phrasesin Exercise 3a. 11 ‘when larque online. get really cemational 21 ‘that other people think Ima bitloud, 3 Imvery direct. latways 4 When Ineedto. goto bed early 5 Ifsomeone tellsajoke and idont_____,1 laugh anyway. 6 When Iwant to the waiters. fingers. 7 Ifsomeoneis my. 1 tell them so. hate annoying peoplel 8 Most couples know. teenagers, 9. People from my pastoften__with me through social media 10 ikea job where | when they were interesting things, Tick the sentences that are true for you. Change the others so they are true for you, Work in pairs. Take turns reading out the sentences you changed. Ask questions to get more information. A: Iget carried awa ta Peat ois Gotopage 157 oc your app for more vocabulary an¢ practice. Grammar 5a C22 Listen and complete the sentences with the verbs inbrackets. a We nonstop for two years now. (travel) b We cour prices. There's alot of competition. (ust /lower) € Inthelast month we. about €4,000, (probably / earn) d We. ‘about what to do recently. (tlk) e |___ my family fora long time. (rot / see) 1 We from Thailand, which was amazing, (just /getback) Read and complete the grammar box with a-f. Present perfect simple and continuous Use the present perfect for past.ctions or events. ‘hatare connected to the present. Use the present perfect simple for complete or finished! actions inthe past. The connection 10 the present can be because the time period isnot finished or the result is important now. Ive lost my hous=and Ive lost myself. 4 We've ust lowered our prices _ ? Inthe last month we've probably earnt about £4,000. ‘With some verbs the present perfect simple describes situation which continues to the present (you often use for and since with this meaning) We've worked together for tw years, ‘You canalso use the present perfect simple with ust, yet and already. We haven't been toNow Zealand yet ‘Use the present perfect continuous for actions or states ‘that started in the past and are stil happening now or stopped only recently. We've been trying to find new advertisers. ‘You can also use the present perfect continuous for repeated actions that continue to the present, We've been getting on cach others nerves recently. ‘Some verbs are nat often used in the continuous form (eg. ‘verbs of emotion. thought processes, senses and opinions} ‘The present perfect simple often expresses how many and the present perfect continuous often expresses how long. We've visited over thirty countries. We've been travelling nonstop for four years. Ga Q)2 Listen and notice how beenis pronounced. 1 Hove youbeen working toohard ately? 2 Have youbeenill uch this yea? 3 Have youbeen doing much exercise ecenty? 4 Have youbeen sleping wel these pat few weeks? 5. Have youbeen following the newsrecently? » Listenagain and repeat © Work in pairs and ask and answer the questions. 7 2 Complete the questions and answers with the present perfect simple or the present perfect continuous. If both are possible, use the continuous. form. 1 A:Howlong (do) your ob? B: Actually (onlyjust/start) 28 (lower) your prices recently? B: Actually, we (thing) about raising them. 3A: Does the work ever get on your nerves? B:It____ (get) on my nerves mare and more recently, 4: Howmany counties. ?(goto) 8:|_ (travel) fora fewyyears so! (go to) more than fifty. 5A: Howmuch, (you/ earn)in the last ‘month? B We. (not / work) much, so we (only /eatn) about €500 so far 6 A: How many followers have you got on social media? : Not many, but quite afew new people (start) following me over the jast ‘month b Complete the sentences so they are true for you. ‘Then workin pairs and compare your sentences. 1 has been getting an my nerves abit recently, 2 Ive just started following fon social media 3 Over the last week Ive spent about reading friends’ updates 4 ve been reading about. online recently, Coto one 3300- yr ern and race, Speaking Ea 8 Workin pairs. Student A: You are amodel. Turn to page 166, Student B: You area travel blogger. Turnto page 167. 9 Interview your partner fora podcast. Find out about his/her background, feelings about the job and plans forthe future. Use the Useful phrases tohelp you. Useful phrases How ong have you bean .2 What co you like/distike about yourjob? How do you find new work? why has the ob been getting on your nerves? Whats the most youve earnt? bra) atts Pont 4 Peete) ann ayy saeym | We, LDR &stsaeacea

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