Topic 11. Splashing Out

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38) Vocabulary Work in pairsand answer the questions. 11 How do you manage your money? Do you havea ‘weakly/manthly budget? 2 Doyousave money regularly? 3. Do youever buy things you don't need? If so, what? Read about three experiences of living on a budget. Who do you think is the most/least sensible? Who are you most similar to? wth my student loan Ihave afew hundred ‘408 @ month to live on, Azout hal ofthat, ‘908s on Fent and with the rest | pay my bis, buy food, go outwith lends, that Kind Cf thing. tend io atook up on exsentle ® hen Is special offers inthe supermarket ‘Theat few days ofeach month ere what eal ‘poridge days. leat porridge for ‘bala, lunch and dinner! = Liane ‘Tobe honest, "m not great at ving on a ‘budget. [tend to splash out on things Idon't need ke new gadgets and stl ‘co that, and thon | pane whan get into debt | ty 10 cut back on non essentials to ‘save money but atthe end of every month Tusually find I've overspent. I's a bitof a patter forme. Ancrea Im quite stct with mysetin terms of ‘budgeting. take out €80 a week and | lve on that. It borow money fom frends, I pay itback as s00n es possbie, aso ‘s0t aside 2 bit of money avery month for ‘emergencies think it's realy important to bbe financial independent, Omar b Lookat the money phrases in bold in the text. Try to ‘guess the meaning. Check your answersina dictionary. 3. Choose the correct alternatives. Then work in airs and ‘ask and answer the questions. 11 What could you cut back on/pay backin your weekly ing? 2 Could you goonllive ontess? 3 Do you set aside/go on: nough for emergence 4 Doyauaften splash aut anflive on luxuries? 5 What do you think about setting aside/getting into debt? 6 Does mast of your spending non-essentials? ake out! go on essentials or 7 How often do you splash out or/take out money from the sshpoin 8 Doyou stock up an/go on things: cou dont really need? . - Splashing out Listening Read the text and explain what a false economy’ isin ‘your own words. Give an example of something that you've bought that was a false economy. Have you ever seen something in a shop and thought “That's a bargain! If buy it now, I'l save myself money in the future’ Then it breaks or it doesn’t work ar you don't Use it and you realise that you've wasted your money, That's what economists cal ‘a false economy’. The thing that you thought would save you money actually ends Uo Costing you more money, sa Listen and match conversations 1-4 with pictures A~D. Why is each onea false economy? b Listen again and complete the sentences. 1 A zee B x B Iwish you. your money on those spanners. Hmm, maybe them, You were only buy one loa. Oh, if only tothe things.on the lst, Daal You have chosen better shoes, Yeah. | more for better ones now. You really your money, Iguess: abit more before | boughtit. Grammar 6 Look at the sentences in Exercise Sb again. Then read the grammar box and choose the correct, alternatives. Mistakes in the past ‘Use wish or if only + person + past perfect to talk about things you dior didn’ do in the past and now Aaiehappy about/regret [wish fd worked hair. (® worked! n't work hard enough.) Tomly you'd asked me fist (You asked/didnt ask mefirst) ‘You canuse should have + past participle and ought to have + past particple to express a similar idea, {should have listened to her (listened/didh't Istento her) ought to have bought a bicycle instead. (1 "bought didn't buy abicycle) {shouldn't have spent somuch. V*spenudidn't spendalot) Use could have + past participle totalkabout things ‘which were possible inthe past but didn'thappen ‘could have got job (dirt get a job but it was po le) ‘was/ were supposed to + verb Use was/were supposed toto talk about what was planned or intended but “happened didn't happen inthe past Wasnt/werent supposed tomeans it ‘wasnt the planbut it happened/ldn' happen. You were supposed to look or ajob You weren't supposed to take day off 7a 52 Listen to the conversation. How do the speakers pronounce should haveand could have? ‘A: How did your exam go? B: Itcouldhave been worse. AA Itcouldhave been worse? B: Yeah, I should have done better. ‘A: You should have done better? B: Look, this is supposed to be aholiday! ‘A: And you were supposed to do well in the exam! B: Yeah, well itcould have been worse, Work in pairs and roleplay the conversation. Copy the pronunciation, Complete the second sentence so that it means the sameas the first. Use the words in brackets. 1. regret the fact that | bought this gadget. ‘shouldn't have bought this gadget. _(shoukdn't) 2 twas possible to buy cheaper one but | didn't (could) 3 You didn't take enough time to choose, oni) 4 It was.amistake for you not to ask me for my opinion. fought) 5 regret wasting my money. (wish) 6 Theplan was that you would ix t, not breakit. (supposed) 9 Work inpairs. what have you bought that was false economy or a waste of money? @ coro ee 440 ep rma ienatonand act snoauryse’s| WS LDR &stsaeacea Speaking Gee 10 a Workin pairs. Look at what Hamid, a university student, bought last week. Were there any false economies? Income £220 spunea. cet + bills £780 teavel 10 foo8 shopping £40 toiletries £10 bal buy biscuits £5 takeanay meal 210 takeanay cofees £10 three-for-two clearing products £5 apple-peeling machine 25 Fi racing magazine £5 Kitchen knife £35 concert ticket £20 backpack £10 restaurant meal £20 cinema ticket #10 buy-one-get-one-free pair of socks £5 TOTAL £740 What will you say to Hamid about his spending? 11 2 Roleplay a conversation. Use the Useful phrases to help you. ‘Student A: you are Hamid’ friend, Explain to him the problem with his spending, ‘Student &: you are Hamid, Try to justify your spending Useful phrases The trouble with buyingin bulkis. \Wwhat you've got to remember is. hate to say it, but youTe wasting your money. Itssaving money in the long run, Iellcome in handy, b Changeroles and repeat the conversation. Dery Natta Pectin ety

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