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Vocabulary |L 2 Workinpairs Which words in bold can you see in photos A-D? 1 Unemployment will se Inequality nil decrease Povertywilincrease Social unrest wif. Lite expectancy wilrise. Intolerance wil fl Homelessness wil incease Energy efficiency willincease 9 Healthcare costs wilse 10 Living standards wil ise bb Match the words and phrases in bold in Exercise 12 with meanings 2-j inability toacceptelifference lack of money price of medical care havingnowheretto lve having work averegeage you ive to love of wealth and comfort level of enorgy use without waste public demonstrations sometimes violent difference in wealth f Arestatonnts 1-10; Brrcsata postive at negative? 2 71 tistenand markthesehva sounds nthe fords and phrases inboldin Exercise a, 32 Workinpalrs. Think about the world ver the next 30years Whichof 1-10 in xercise lado you agree with? Explain your answers. © Doyou thinkyou ae an optimist ora pessimist? Explain your anwet © @ 61ers yor ep free ebay en prcic Reading 4 Readandmatch texts1~3with the best ttle, ac, 2 Thepoint of noretun b Theagecf dgitalreali € Free money for everyone == Imagine a future that’s not rel but virtual. virtual realty (VR) continues to improve, then in the future we may not bbe able to tel the difference between the ral word and VR. We may spend all day, evry day na VR world. This world wil lok and eound just ce the real world and our brains might even beseve itis the eal wold. We wil be able to choose any word we ike, Ae you fed up with seeing crime, poverty and intolerance in the real word? Then just sli into you own VR world, where everyone Is happy and everyone fnds you atactve 2 In the futur, inteligent machines may replace most jobs, leacing to unemployment, poverty and social unrest What can be done to prevent this? One answer is simply to give every adult free money every month: its called a Unversal Basic Income (UB), A UBI is not enough to ive allie of urury, butt’ enough to survive and f you went to, you.can top up your UB by working. Does it sound 00 good to be true? I's aeady been red in various Countries including Finland, where those taking part in the experiment received €560 @ month, ——— ‘Actifcialnteligence (Al) is geting smarter all the time. it fies aeroplanes, recommends articles to read and talis Us how ong ou- journeys wil take. But what wil happen when Al becomes smarter than us? This point, called ‘the singularity’, is precicted to happen around the middle of this century. After this point, there going back. Al will create even smarter A, But wil Al use its inteligance to improve lving standards, reduce inequality and raise life expectancy, or wilt simply destray vs all because it doesn’t need us anymore? I's anyone's quess! 5 a Workin pairs and decide ifthe statements are true (1) or false (F). Correct the false statements. Text 1. Wewillbelieve that virtual worlds are real 2 Thevirtwal world will controlus. Text2 3 With UBL every person, even children, will get money 4 If youwork, you lose your USI Text’3 5 "The singularity is when Al takes control 6 Noone knows what will happen after the singularity b Which possible future is the mostlikely? Which is the ‘most frightening? Work in groups and discuss your answers. Grammar Ga Read opinions a~g about the future. Which text in Exercise 4 are they about? No one gives you something for fe unless they want something in return’ b ‘Assoon ast can, create my own world and spend my time there! € fit becomes smarter than us, it might sole the problems we can't! d ‘Assuming it's affordable, wellallbe living in a digital word soon if youthinkit never be smarter than us, just wait andsee’ f "When robots take my job, stil need an income’ 4g 'When people haverno work, they get angry! b Read the grammar box, complete it with sentences from Exercise 6a and choose the correct alternatives. Real conditionals Real conditionals (zero conaitionals and first contitionals) talk about situations that arealways true or events that are possible. Use the zero conditional when you see a situation asaruleoragenetal uth, Usea present tense in both the congition clause and the result clause [tis ‘common touse wen instead of ifn the condition. clause. When. Itis also common to use an imperative in theresult clause to give advice or instructions, a Use the first conditional when you see a situation ‘aspossiblein the future. Usea future tense or may/ ‘might/couldin the result clause, When: “f_. ‘There areseveral alternatives to if © Toemphasise thatthe result willbe immediate, use: Sunless/ossumming/as soon os * Tomean except ifuse: Sunless/assuming/as soon as * When the speaker wants you toimagine something, use: 7unless/ossumming/as soon os © You canalsouse provided that and as long as to emphasise the condition, Provided that its more fun ‘than the real world, there won't bea problem. Aslong as it affordable itll be really popular. 7 8 Choose the correct option, a orb, to complete the sentences. Sometimes both are possible. 11 More people end up sleeping onthe streets when poverty a increases b_willincrease 2 Unemployment. when the economy improves, 2 usuallygoes down b will godown 3 healthcare costs ise. people stop going to their doctor. a Assomnas = b Unless 4 Overall happiness _if intolerance rises. a falls > wilfal 5 When my smartahone smarter than me, ll throw itaway. ais b willbe 6 YVR continues ta improve, welllstart to find the real world boring. a Assuming -«b_Assconas. 7. Therewillnever bea UBL ‘there arejobs, a aslongas Bb _assoonas 8 il never live in a virtual world the reatone becomes too unpleasant aif b unless Work in pairs. Which sentences in Exercise 7a do you agree/disagree with? Change the sentences you disagree with. @ corpse a0cryourspermorenenatonana practice Speaking PREPARE Sa Which of the situations do you think will have a good/bad outcome? * robots get personalities «life expectancy rises to 150 living standards fall ramatically healthcarecosts continue to rise your smartphone becomes smarter than you VR becomes better than realty social inequality continues to rise crime and poverty disappear b Choose two situations from the list and make notes ‘on what you think the outcome willbe, 9a Work in pairs Discuss the consequences ofthe situations you have chosen. Listen to your partner's ideas and ask for an explanation. Find another student whose ideas about the future are similarto yours. Dery Natta Pecetin etry ssamany ayqissog| WZ. LDR &stsaeacea

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