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Bryggz Danniel S.

Enolpe 10 – Plato


Absorb: Ingest

Plants absorb sunlight in photosynthesis process.

Attack: Strike

As a form of defense, fear animals attack anyone who touches them.


Boost: Increase

Alain is encouraging everyone to boost their confidence.

Blast: Blow

The terrorist blast the city as a sign of war.


Capture: Catch

That murderer was captured by police.

Command: Order

General Brock commanded his troops to protect upper Canada.


Detect: Notice

The James Webb Telescope detects another inhabitable planet.

Demolish: Destroy

The demolition team demolish the villains in the city.


Escort: Companion

Waiter escort costumers to their tables.

Explore: Seek

I want to explore more in using technology.


Fight: Duel

There would be a fight between great boxers.

Fuse: Combine

Two powerful beast fuses to each other.


Growl: Grunt

Dogs growl as a sign of fear and aggression, sometimes it is a sign of courage to play.

Guide: Mentor

Jiraiya guide Naruto to become a hokage.

H. Heighten: Increase

Lance is practicing to heighten his vertical jump.

Hurry: Rush

Since I'm running late for school, I'm in hurry.

I. Inspect: Scan

Security guards need to inspect our bags before entering the mall.

Instruct: Teach

Coach Leon instruct me the guidelines in playing this game.


Jostle: crowd

There is so many jostles because they want to see their idols.

Journey: Adventure

Tom was very excited n his first journey.


Locate – Pinpoint

He is trying to locate his friend’s house in Houston.

Launch – Release

NASA’s rocket mission to the moon will be launch tomorrow.


Multiply – Duplicate

The virus can multiply itself within a minute.

Modify: Rework

The new Apple product has been modified.


Notice: See

I notice a new pimple growing in my forehead.

Notify: Inform

I need to notify my teacher if I have an internet problem.


Obtain: Gain

I have just obtained the rarest item in the game.

Order: Command

I can’t order due to sold out menus.


Position: Rank

Everyone congratulates him for acquiring a new position in his job.

Power: Strength

He’s the only one who can match the legends power.


Report: Record

I have already reported the incident earlier.

Reveal: Expose

The traitor is the one who reveals our hideout.


Smash: Wreck

Hulk likes to smash everything.

Struggle: fight

I always struggle in my studies because I always got distracted.


Transform: change

The transformation of Optimus Prime is so cool.

Travel: journey

I want to travel around the world when I grew older.


Uncover: discover

Because of the investigation they are able to uncover the mystery behind the scence.

Untangle: lead

He’s so good I untangling the group.


Veil: Hide

He veils his face because of his past incidents.


Wrest: fight with

Azliot want to wrest tapu koko to prove his strength

Wind: breeze

Having a strong wind on summer feels so wonderful.


Yank: pull

We need to be alert in snatcher because they yank out things unexpectedly.


Zing: Life

Zing is the most valuable thing.

Zap: destroy

Zeus zaps everything that gets in his way.

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