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Energía Geotérmica

Geothermal energy is heat energy originating deep in the earth's molten

interior. It is this heat energy which is responsible for volcanoes,
movement of tectonic plates and earthquakes. The temperature in the
earth's interior is as high as 7000 ºC, decreasing to 650-1200 ºC at depths
of 80 km-100 km.

Utilización de Energía Geotérmica

Calefacción Geotérmica Directa
uso directo: calentar edificios o agua (Islandia: calefacción de casi todas
las casas y edificios comerciales)
=> sistemas de calefacción de distrito (redes que distribuyen el agua
caliente a varios edificios)

Plantas de Energía Geotérmica

utilizando turbinas de vapor, T del agua necesaria: 150 °C (Ciclo Rankine)

Schematic of a dry Steam Power


Single Flash Steam Power Plant

Binary Cycle Power Plant

Hot dry rock
Hot dry rock (HDR) is a
heated geological
formation usually
composed of granites at
depths of 3 to 5
kilometres. This enormous
energy resource can be
tapped by introducing
water to a specially
prepared HDR reservoir
and extracting it as high-
pressure steam to run
conventional steam
turbine power equipment. 5

Hot dry rock

1. Renewable/Carbon Free
2. Baseload
3. Scaleable and Modular
4. Massive and distributed resource

The HDR project in Basel, Switzerland was suspended after
causing an earthquake. On 8 December 2006, only 8 days
after water injection started, a quake occurred measuring 3.4
on the Richter Scale with the epicentre at the bottom of the
HDR borehole. The tremor prompted over 1000 calls to
emergency services by local residents, and caused minor
structural damage to several buildings. Water injection was
immediately stopped, but minor quakes continued.

Bombas de Calor
Bombas de Calor Geotérmicas (Ground source heat
• T del suelo no cambia con el tiempo tanto como la T
del aire
• Tierra como fuente de calor durante el invierno
(Evaporador) y como un sumidero de calor durante el
verano (Condensador)

Enfriamiento Geotérmico
• Refrigeración por absorción, por adsorción

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