Tilan Irelyn Marie C. Act. 2

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Watch the Movie, “Transcendence (2014)” and answer the following questions

Guide Questions:

1. How was the concept of technology crossed the humanity in this movie?
 In this film, the concept of technology that bridged mankind was through artificial
intelligence, which served as a way of transcendence. They didn't just experiment on
lower sorts of animals with artificial intelligence; they also tested on humans. Dr. Will
Cater and his team are working on developing a sentient computer; he believes that
such a computer will usher in a technological singularity, or "Transcendence," as he puts
it. They fused the human and robotic minds into a single entity. Through living with his
memory, the internet brought a dead man back to life. Having his feelings, memories,
and all of what he had when he was alive, as well as an additional artificial mind that can
never be full. We humans have a limited amount of information, but artificial
intelligence has no such limit, which is why it is possible that it will one day be revered
and referred to as God.
2. Do you think that the plot of this movie is anchored on scientific principles?
 Yes, I believe the premise of this film is based on scientific concepts, as it highlights the
potential consequences of having artificial intelligence act as a whole. We may never
know what these omnipotent computers will do in the future when a real event occurs,
such as a scientist inventing something virtually perfect to God. This is what the film
emphasizes. In the near future, machines may or may not be of assistance to mankind. It
all depends on how individuals believe. It was honest enough to weigh the positive and
negative sides that artificial intelligence might have an effect to us. Compared to science
fiction films they don't deal with concepts in a continuous, thoughtful manner; they
don't extrapolate where we are and where we might be headed, and what that might
entail intellectually, physiologically, and emotionally for the human race.
3. Among the possible inventions presented in the movie, which of these is your most favorite?
- Among the possible inventions presented in the movie, my most favorite was the
internet. I chose it as my favorite because it is the most interesting of all of them.
Imagine how a it can control all computer to make all things possible and how it can be
modified to create helpful machines. We all saw in the movie that without the internet
the artificial intelligence would stop on its own.
4. What are the concepts of good life and human flourishing presented in the movie?
- One example of the concept of a good life provided was when Dr. Will was transcended
to become an AI and spent his life unrestricted and without limits.
- Another example is when Dr. Will fulfilled Evelyn's wishes by using the internet
- Dr. Will grasped the ways of life and innovated everything to live via evolution, and that
was a good life.

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- A good life is also when individuals who were sick and entered Dr. Will's company were
- A good life is when Dr. Will has contributed many technological advancements to society,
with a focus on cell regeneration.
- Good life is when Dr. Will is willing to give up everything to follow the one he loved and
wishes that even at the end they would still be together.

5. If happen that you and a member of your family would have life-threatening disease/disorder,
will you avail the technology of Dr. Will Caster? Why or why not?
- Yes, I would employ Dr. Will's technology because I am always open to change, whether
traditional or technological. If this were true, I would rather be healed than suffer. I'd die
either way, therefore I'd rather take the chance of living longer without pain. The end is
always near; we can see the wrath of disasters all around us. So why not let us change
the old ways and embrace the new ways, we never know what comes for us in the near

6. Honestly, what was your feeling after watching this movie? Why do you think you have that
kind of thoughts?
- - I was overjoyed, praying and hoping for it to happen. The narrative highlighted the
beneficial aspects of technology. It was never that horrible if man simply went along
with the idea and AI did not have influence over the human psyche. It is always the
human mind that comes first, followed by the AI mind. I'm excited to see what the near
technological future has in store for us. Why were people terrified, I wondered, since
this may be the transformation we've been waiting for? Water that is readily available.
Pollution has been removed. Environment that is cleaner and greener. So, what's the
deal? Is it just because of the risk that AI will take over the world? This is the exact
opposite of what technology want. I'm left wondering what would happen if Dr. Will
were to succeed, and if we would have a better life today. Because we have AI, perhaps
no one would work as hard just to pay their bills. There will be many more lives spared. I
may have this kind of thoughts because I did not have the ending that I would want.
7. What do you think is the social philosophy of the director why he came up with this plot?
- The director's social philosophy, which may explain why he came up with this plot, is
that he was considering the future, when artificial intelligence will undoubtedly grow.
Whether or not humans will accept artificial intelligence as a moral concept. The film
was released in 2014, and we are now in the 20th century, so have a look at what we
have today. It was as though the director had foreseen the future with small machine AI
such as phones and laptops. Take a look at the present pandemic situation; technology is
critical to the current situation.

- https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/transcendence-2014
- http://www.planetofsuccess.com/blog/2016/what-is-the-good-life/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_philosophy#:~:text=Social%20philosophy%20is

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