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_m`~mobr à~mo{YZr, nwUo 1 _mo.

: 9763603597 @maybolimarathi
1) gXa àíZnwpñVHo$V 100 A{Zdm¶© àíZ AmhoV. C‘oXdmam§Zr àíZm§Mr CËVao {b{hʶmg gwê$dmV H$aʶmnydu ¶m àíZnwpñVHo$V
gd© àíZ AmhoV qH$dm ZmhrV ¶mMr ImÌr H$ê$Z ¿¶mdr. VgoM Aݶ H$mhr Xmof AmT>ië¶mg hr àíZnwpñVH$m n`©dojH$mH$Sy>Z
bJoM ~XbyZ ¿¶mdr.
2) Amnbm narjm-H«$‘m§H$ nwT>rb Mm¡H$moZm§V Z {dgaVm ~m°bnoZZo {bhmdm.
3) da N>mnbobm àíZnwpñVH$m H«$‘m§H$ Vw‘À¶m CËVan{ÌHo$da {d{eîQ> OmJr CËVan{ÌHo$darb gyMZoà‘mUo Z {dgaVm Z‘yX H$amdm.
4) A) ¶m àíZnwpñVHo$Vrb à˶oH$ àíZmbm 4 n¶m©¶r CËVao gwM{dbr AgyZ
˶m§Zm 1,2,3 Am{U 4 Ago H«$‘m§H$ {Xbobo AmhoV. ˶m Mma CËVam§n¡H$s narjm-H«$‘m§H$/^«‘UÜdZr H«$‘m§H$
gdm©V ¶mo½¶ CËVamMm H«$‘m§H$ CËVan{ÌHo$darb gyMZoà‘mUo Vw‘À¶m
CËVan{ÌHo$da Z‘yX H$amdm. Aem àH$mao CËVan{ÌHo$da CËVaH«$‘m§H$
Z‘yX H$aVmZm Vmo g§~§{YV àíZH«$‘m§H$mg‘moa N>m¶m§{H$V H$ê$Z Xe©{dbm H|$ÐmMr g§Ho$Vmjao eodQ>Mm A§H$
OmB©b ¶mMr H$miOr ¿¶mdr, h¶mH$[aVm ’$³V H$mi¶m emB©Mo ~m°bnoZ
dmnamdo, nopÝgb dm emB©Mo noZ dmnê$ Z¶o.o
~) Am¶moJmZo Á¶m {df¶mgmR>r ‘amR>r ~amo~a B§JO « r ‘mܶ‘ {d{hV Ho$bobo Amho. ˶m {df¶mMm à˶oH$ àíZ ‘amR>r ~amo~a B§JO
« r
^mfoV XoIrb N>mnʶmV Ambm Amho. ˶m‘Yrb B§J«Or‘Yrb qH$dm ‘amR>rVrb àíZm‘ܶo ‘wÐUXmofm§‘wio AWdm Aݶ
w o {dg§JVr {Z‘m©U Pmë¶mMr e§H$m Amë¶mg, C‘oXdmamZo g§~{§ YV àíZ n¶m©¶r ^mfoVrb àíZmer VmSy>Z nhmdm.
5) gd© àíZm§Zm g‘mZ JwU AmhoV. ¶mñVd gd© àíZm§Mr CËVao ÚmdrV. KmB©‘wio MyH$m hmoUma ZmhrV ¶mMr XjVm KoD$ZM e³¶
{VV³¶m doJmZo àíZ gmoS>dmdoV. H«$‘mZo àíZ gmoS>{dUo lo¶ñH$a Amho nU EImXm àíZ H$R>rU dmQ>ë¶mg ˶mda doi Z Kmb{dVm
nwT>rb àíZmH$S>o dimdo. Aem àH$mao eodQ>À¶m àíZmn¶ªV nmohmoMë¶mZ§Va doi {eëbH$ am{hë¶mg H$R>rU åhUyZ dJiboë¶m
àíZm§H$S>o naVUo gmoB©ñH$a R>aob.
6) CËVan{ÌHo$V EH$Xm Z‘yX Ho$bobo CËVa ImoS>Vm ¶oUma Zmhr. Z‘yX Ho$bobo CËVm ImoSy>Z Zì¶mZo CËVa {Xë¶mg Vo Vnmgbo OmUma
7) àñVwV narjoÀ¶m CËVan{ÌH$m§Mo ‘yë¶m§H$Z H$aVmZm CËVan{ÌHo$Vrb ¶mo½¶ CËVam§ZmM JyU {Xbo OmVrb. VgoM C‘oXdmamZo dñVw{ZîR
~hþn¶m©¶r ñdê$nmÀ¶m àíZm§Mr AMyH$ CËVaoM CËVan{ÌHo$V Z‘yX H$amdrV. AݶWm ˶m§À¶m CËVan{ÌHo$V gmoS>{dboë¶m à˶oH$ VrZ
MyH$sÀ¶m CËVam‘mJo EH$m àíZmMo JwU dOm H$aʶmV ¶oVrb.
h¶m àíZn{ÌHo$gmR>r Am¶moJmZo {dhrV Ho$bobr doi g§non¶ªV hr àíZnwpñVH$m Am¶moJmMr ‘mb‘ËVm AgyZ Vr narjmH$jmV
C‘oXdmambm narjogmR>r dmnaʶmg XoʶmV ¶oV Amho. hr doi g§non¶ªV gXa àíZnwpñVHo$Mr àV/àVr, qH$dm gXa àíZnwpñVHo$Vrb
H$mhr Ame¶ H$moU˶mhr ñdê$nmV à˶j dm Aà˶jnUo H$moU˶mhr 춳Vrg nwa{dUo, VgoM à{gÕ H$aUo hm JwÝhm AgyZ Aer H¥$Vr
H$aUmè¶m 춳Vrda emgZmZo Omar Ho$boë¶m narjm§‘ܶo hmoUmè¶m J¡aàH$mam§Zm à{V~§Y H$aʶm~m~VMm A{Y{Z¶‘ - 82 ¶mVrb
VaVwXrZwgma VgoM àM{bV H$m¶ÚmÀ¶m VaVwXrZwgma VgoM àM{bV H$m¶ÚmÀ¶m VaVwXrZwgma H$madmB© H$aʶmV ¶oB©b d Xmofr 춳Vr
H$‘mb EH$ dfm©À¶m H$mamdmgmÀ¶m Am{U/ qH$dm ê$n¶o EH$ hOma aH$‘oÀ¶m X§S>mÀ¶m {ejog nmÌ hmoB©b.
VgoM h¶m àíZn{ÌHo$gmR>r {dhrV Ho$bobr doi g§nʶmAmYr hr àíZnwpñVH$m AZ{YH¥$VnUo ~miJUo hm gwÕm JwÝhm AgyZ VgoM
H$aUmar 춳Vr Am¶moJmÀ¶m H$‘©Mmard¥X§ mn¡H$s, VgoM narjoÀ¶m n¶©dj
o H$s¶d¥X§ mn¡H$s Agbr Varhr Aem 춳Vr{dê$Õ C³V A{Y{Z¶‘mZwgma
H$madmB© H$aʶmV ¶oBb
« d Xmofr 춳Vr {ejog nmÌ hmoBb © .>>
_m`~mobr à~mo{YZr, nwUo 2 _mo.: 9763603597 @maybolimarathi
1) Imbrb dmŠ`mVrb AYmoao{IV dmŠàMmamMm AW© gm§Jm.
""nadm amÌr Ë`m PmS>mImbr Ë`mbm ^wVmMm ^mg Pmbm, VoìhmnmgyZ Vmo H$mMr nS>bm.''
1) `mMZm H$aUo 2) \w$H$Q> ~T>mB© _maUo
3) YmñVr YaUo 4) Iyn Ìmg hmoUo
2) nwT>rb H$mì`n§ŠVr ì`§OZm eãXeŠVrÀ`m H$moUË`m àH$mamVrb Amho.
""g{_YmM g»`m `m, Ë`m§V H$gm Amobmdm &
H$moRy>uZ \w$bm§n[a dm _H$a§X {_imdm &
OmË`mM ê$j Ë`m, EH$M Ë`m AmH$m§jm &
Vd A§Va A½Zr jU^a V[a \w$bdmdm &&.''
1) emãXr ì`§OZm 2) agÜdZr
3) dñVwÜdZr 4) Ab§H$maÜdZr
3) _r Z {dgVm `oB©Z Am{U Vmo OmB©b Va Zm! hr dmŠ`o H$moUË`m Aì``mMr CXmhaUo AmhoV?
1) {H«$`m{deofU Aì``` 2) eãX`moJr Aì``
3) C^`mÝd`r Aì`` 4) Ho$dbà`moJr Aì``
4) Imbrbn¡H$s {deofUm§Mm JQ> AmoiIm.
A) àoaUm, g§dmX ~) H$moam, ew^«
H$) daMm, _mJMo S>) ObX, aoIrd
n`m©`r CËVao …
1) \$ŠV A Am{U ~ ~amo~a ~mH$s gd© MyH$
2) \$ŠV ~ Am{U H$ ~amo~a ~mH$s gd© MyH$
3) \$ŠV H$ Am{U S> ~amo~a ~mH$s gd© MyH$
4) \$ŠV A Am{U S> ~amo~a ~mH$s gd© MyH$
5) ""Ë`mZo Or Jmoï> dmMyZ XmI{dbr Am{U {OMo Vm|S>r ñnï>rH$aU Ho$bo, Vr _§S>irg ng§V nS>ë`mgmaIr
{Xgbr.'' `m dmŠ`mMm àH$ma AmoiIm.
1) {_l dmŠ` 2) g_wƒ`~moYH$ g§`wŠV dmŠ`
3) {dH$ën~moYH$ g§`wŠV dmŠ` 4) Ho$db dmŠ`
6) nmd©VrZo {VÀ`m boH$mMr {OVH$s OmñV ñVwVr Ho$br {VVH$m OmñV Vmo {~KS>bm. - `mo½` åhUrMm dmna
1) Xþ^Ë`m JmB©À`m bmWmJmoS> 2) dmUbm {VVH$m KmUbm
3) hnmnmMm _mb Jnmnm 4) bmS>o bmS>o Ho$bo doS>o

_m`~mobr à~mo{YZr, nwUo 3 _mo.: 9763603597 @maybolimarathi

7) "nmoŠV' `m eãXmÀ`m {dê$ÜXmWu eãX n`m©`m§VyZ emoYm.
1) {Wëba 2) AëbS>
3) CXmËV 4) {ZîUmV
8) nwT>rbn¡H$s C^`mÝd`r Aì``mMr A`mo½` OmoS>r AmoiIm.
1) e|S>r VwQ>mo H$s nma§~r VwQ>mo - {dH$ën~moYH$
2) Amho _Zmoha Var J_Vo CXmg - Ý`yZËd~moYH$
3) _r _mÝ` H$aVmo H$s _mPo MwH$bo - ñdê$n~moYH$
4) Ë`mZo Iyn Aä`mg Ho$bm H$maU Vmo narjoV CËVrU© Pmbm - H$maU~moYH$
9) nwT>rb AmodrVrb Ab§H$ma AmoiIm.
_mPm _amR>m{M ~mobw H$m¡VwHo$ &
n[a A_¥VmV|hr n¡Omgt qOHo$ &
Eogt Aja| a{gH|$ &
_oidrZ &&
1) Cn_m $ 2) CËnojm
3) ê$nH$ 4) Ñï>mÝV
10) nwT>rb n`m©`mV OmoS>çm {Xboë`m AmhoV, Ë`mn¡H$s MwH$sMr OmoS>r Zgbobm n`m©` H$moUVm?
1) X§Jm_ñVr, WÅ>m_ñH$ar - _amR>r + \$magr
2) ~mOma hmQ>, A§_b~OmdUr - \$magr + _amR>r
3) AŠH$bhþemar, S>mdnoM - \$maer + \$maer
4) darbn¡H$s gd©M ~amo~a
11) Imbr {Xboë`m XmoZ eãXm§À`m EH$ÌrH$aUmVyZ V`ma hmoUmam OmoS>eãX AmoiIm.
AZw + EfU
1) AZwEfU 2) AZwdofU
3) AZdofU 4) darbn¡H$s H$moUVohr Zmhr.
12) "hm AmbmM nmD$g' `m dmŠ`mMm H$mi gm§Jm.
1) gmYm ^yVH$mi 2) gmYm dV©_mZH$mi
3) AnyU© dV©_mZH$mi 4) AnyU© ^yVH$mi
13) nwT>rb dmŠ`o dmMm.
A) H$U© åhUOo _y{V©_§V XmV¥Ëd.
~) Mm§X{~~r hr ZJaMr amUr hmoVr.
`m XmoÝhr dmŠ`mVrb AYmoao{IV Zm_mMm àH$ma H$moUVm?
1) {deofZm_ 2) gm_mÝ` Zm_
3) ^mddmMH$ Zm_ 4) Cn`mo{OV Zm_

_m`~mobr à~mo{YZr, nwUo 4 _mo.: 9763603597 @maybolimarathi

14) nwT>o H$mhr g_mZmWu eãXmMo JQ> {Xbobo AmhoV Ë`mn¡H$s MwH$sMm JQ> H$moUVm, Vo gm§Jm.
1) X[aÐr, H§$Jmb, {^H$mar 2) ^U§J, H$\$ëbH$, `mMH$
3) {ZîH$m§MZ, {ZY©Z, {XZ 4) AqH$MZ, {dnÝZ, I§H$
15) Imbrb {Xboë`m {dYmZmVyZ MwH$sMo {dYmZ AmoiIm d Ë`mMm AMyH$ n`m©` {bhm.
A) Oo eãX g§ñH¥$V_Yrb _yi ê$nmV H$mhrhr \$aH$ Z nS>Vm OgoÀ`m Vgo _amR>rV Ambo AmhoV Vo eãX
VX²^d hmoV.
CXm … H$m_
~) VV²+^d = VX²^d åhUOo g§ñH¥$V_Yrb _yi ê$nmV \$aH$ nSy>Z V`ma Pmbobo eãX.
H$) "H$mO' `m g§ñH¥$V eãXmnmgyZ "H$m`©' hm _amR>r eãX Ambobm Amho.
n`m©`r CËVao …
1) \$ŠV A 2) \$ŠV ~
3) A Am{U H$ 4) A, ~, Am{U H$ {VÝhr {dYmZo MwH$sMr AmhoV.
16) `mo½` OmoS>çm Owidm.
A JQ> ~ JQ>
A) nmUr KmbUo I) H«y$anUmMr H¥$Ë` H$aUo.
~) nmUr OmiUo II) Zme H$aUo
H$) nmUr {\$aUo III) CVaVrH$im `oUo
S>) nmUr {eaUo IV) \w$H$Q> OmUo
n`m©`r CËVao …
A ~ H$$> S>

17) "{nedrV H$m¶ Amho ho Hw$UmcmM ‘mhrVr Zmhr' AYmoao{IrV gd©Zm‘mMm àH$ma AmoiIm.
1) A{ZpíMV 2) g§~§Yr
3) Xe©H$ 4) àíZmW©H$
18) "‘r Omo H$mc ‘wcJm nm{hcm Vmo hm.' ¶m {dYmZm~X²Xc ‘m{hVr nwT>o dmMm d ¶mo½¶ {dYmZ H$moUVo Vo gm§Jm.
A) darc dm³¶ ho g§{‘l dm³¶ Amho.
~) "‘r Omo H$mc ‘wcJm nm{hcm' ho Jm¡U dm³¶ Amho.
H$) "Vmo (‘wcJm) hm Amho' ho ‘w»¶ dm³¶ Amho.
S>) "‘r Omo H$mc ‘wcJm nm{hcm' ¶m dm³¶mcm {deofU dm³¶ Agohr åhUVm ¶oB©c.
n¶m©¶r CÎmao :
1) A d H$ ~amo~a 2) A, ~ Am{U S> ~amo~a
3) ~ d S> ~amo~a> 4) darcn¡H$s gd© ~amo~a
_m`~mobr à~mo{YZr, nwUo 5 _mo.: 9763603597 @maybolimarathi
19) "A{^¶moJ' ¶m eãXmMm g‘mZmWu eãX Imcrc n¶m©¶m§VyZ emoYm.
1) g‘mamon 2) Amamon
3) ^{³V¶moJ 4) ¶moJm¶moJ
20) Imcrc {Xcoë¶m n¶m©¶mVyZ {Zìdi ‘amR>r A춶r^md g‘mgmMm ¶mo½¶ n¶m©¶ {ZdS>m.
A) Anamoúm ~) hmVmohmV
H$) V§VmoV§V S>) XaamoO
n¶m©¶r CÎmao :
1) ’$³V A Am{U ~ ~amo~a 2) ’$³V ~ Am{U H$ ~amo~a
3) ’$³V H$ Am{U S> ~amo~a 4) ’$³V A Am{U S> ~amo~a
21) nwT>rcn¡H$s AZwH$aUdmMH$ eãX AmoiIm.
1) KoB©KoB© 2) KaKa
3) ’$S>’$S> 4) hmchmc
22) "‘wZr‘' hm eãX H$moU˶m ^mfonmgyZ ‘amR>rV Amcm?
1) ’$magr 2) Aa~r
3) qhXr 4) JwOamVr
23) nwT>rc eãXm§n¡H$s "cVm' ¶m eãXmMm g‘mZ AW© Zgcocm eãX gm§Jm.
A) d„ar ~) dmnr
H$) d„r S>) cV
n¶m©¶r CÎmao :
1) ’$³V A ¶mo½¶ 2) ’$³V ~ Am{U S>
3) ’$³V A Am{U H$ 4) ’$³V ~ Am{U H$
24) nwT>rc {dYmZo dmMyZ AMyH$ {dYmZ {ZdS>m.
A) ‘amR>r dU©‘mcoV 25 dJu¶ 춧OZo AmhoV.
~) ‘amR>r dU©‘mcoV 21 H$R>moa 춧OZo AmhoV.
H$) ‘amR>r dU©‘mcoV 13 ‘hmàmU 춧OZo AmhoV.
n¶m©¶r CÎmao :
1) ’$³V A 2) ’$³V ~
3) ’$³V H$ 4) ’$³V ~ Am{U H$
25) "cm§~moS>m' ¶m eãXmMm g§Yr{dJ«h H$am.
1) cm§~: + S>m 2) cm§~ + CS>m
3) cm§~ + AmoS>m 4) cm§~m + CS>m
26) åhUyZ, g~~, ˶m‘wio, ¶mñVd, Vñ‘mV ¶m C^¶mÝd¶r A춶m§Mm àH$ma H$moUVm?
A) n[aUm‘Xe©H$ ~) ñdê$nXe©H$
H$) CX²XoeXe©H$ S>) H$maUXe©H$
n¶m©¶r CÎmao :
1) A Am{U ~ ~amo~a 2) H$ Am{U S> ~amo~a
3) A Am{U H$ ~amo~a 4) H$ Am{U ~ ~amo~a
_m`~mobr à~mo{YZr, nwUo 6 _mo.: 9763603597 @maybolimarathi
27) Imcrc n¶m©¶mVyZ à¶moOH$ {H«$¶mnX Zgcoë¶m {H«$¶mnXmMm ¶mo½¶ n¶m©¶ {ZdS>m.
A) amoS>mdUo ~) amJmdUo
H$) S>moH$mdUo S>) {’${VdUo
n¶m©¶r CÎmao :
1) ’$³V A ¶mo½¶ 2) ’$³V A Am{U ~ ¶mo½¶
3) ’$³V A, ~ Am{U H$ ¶mo½¶ 4) A, ~, H$ Am{U S> gd© ¶mo½¶
28) "J²', "O²', "S²>', "X²', "~²' ho na§namJV 춧OZÜdZr H$moU˶m àH$mamV ‘moS>VmV?
1) AKmof ‘hmàmU 2) gKmof AënàmU
3) gKmof ‘hmàmU 4) AKmof AënàmU
29) nwT>rc dm³àMmam§Mr MwH$sMr OmoS>r AmoiIm.
1) Vmocmg Vmoc XoUo - ~amo~ar H$aUo
2) dX©i KmcUo - ^m§S>V ~gUo
3) ean§Oar nS>Uo - XþIʶmV {IVnV AgUo
4) ~m§JS>çm dmT>dUo - ^a KmcUo
30) nwT>rcn¡H$s H$moUVm eãX VËg‘ ¶m JQ>mVrc Amho?
1) ‘wcH$ 2) AmI
3) hair 4) Am~m
31) "˶mÀ¶m nmoQ>mV XþIVo' ¶m dm³¶mVrc à¶moJ AmoiIm.
1) e³¶ H$‘©Ur 2) g‘mnZ H$‘©Ur
3) AH$‘©H$ ^mdo 4) AH$V¥©H$ ^mdo
32) nwT>rcn¡H$s H$moUVm/H$moUVo eãX OmoS>múma Amho/AmhoV?
A) ³c¥ár
~) Z¡F©$˶
H$) MVw:e¥§Jr
n¶m©¶r CÎmao :
1) ’$³V A ~amo~a 2) ’$³V ~> ~amo~a
3) A Am{U ~ ~amo~a 4) A, ~, H$ {VÝhr ~amo~a
33) ¶mo½¶ {dYmZ {ZdS>m.
A) Á¶m H$˶m©‘wio gmúmmV {H«$¶m KS>Vo ˶mg à˶úm H$Vm© åhUVmV.
~) Ooìhm EImXr {H«$¶m H$˶m©À¶m {R>H$mUr KS>V AgVo Voìhm ˶m H$˶m©cm Aà˶úm H$Vm© åhUVmV.
n¶m©¶r CÎmao :
1) ’$³V A ¶mo½¶ 2) ’$³V ~ ¶mo½¶
3) XmoÝhr {dYmZ ¶mo½¶ 4) XmoÝhr {dYmZ A¶mo½¶
_m`~mobr à~mo{YZr, nwUo 7 _mo.: 9763603597 @maybolimarathi
34) Imcrcn¡H$s H$moUVo CXmhaU ¶moJ A{^Ym eãXe³VrMo Amho.
A) d¡ZVo¶
~) e¡d
H$) am‘: amdU§ hpÝV.
n¶m©¶r CÎmao :
1) ’$³V A 2) ’$³V ~ 3) A Am{U ~ 4) darcn¡H$s gd©
35) àM{cV coIZ {Z¶‘mZwgma AMyH$ eãXJQ> H$moUVm?
A) A{XVr, A‘cr, B§OrZ ~) nmocrg, àJQ>, à{dU
H$) ‘wpñc‘, ¶odyZ, aqdÐ S>) H$mí‘ra, H$moQ>çYre, XÿdmªHw$a
n¶m©¶r CÎmao :
1) ’$³V A Am{U ~ ~amo~a, H$ Am{U S> MyH$
2) ’$³V H$ Am{U S> ~amo~a, A Am{U ~ MyH$
3) ’$³V A Am{U S> ~amo~a, ~ d H$ MyH$
4) ’$³V ~ Am{U S> ~amo~a, A d H$ MyH$
36) nwT>rcn¡H$s H$moUVo {dYmZ MyH$ Amho?
A) ñnï> AZ² IUI{UV Cƒmam§Zm AZwñdma Ago åhUVmV.
~) gd© ñda d 춧OZo ¶m§Zm Aúma åhUVmV.
H$) Á¶m dUmªMm Cƒma ñdam§À¶m gmhmæ¶mdmMyZ nyU© hmoVmo ˶m§Zm 춧OZo åhUVmV.
S>) gd© dUmªZm Aúmao åhUVm ¶oV Zmhr.
n¶m©¶r CÎmao :
1) ’$³V A MyH$ 2) ’$³V ~ d H$ MyH$
3) ’$³V S> MyH$ 4) darcn¡H$s H$moUVohr ~amo~a Zmhr.
37) "~g’y$JS>r, gaJmR>, ImoXH$m‘, OmoS>múma' ¶m eãXm§Mm g‘mg H$moUVm?
1) CnnX VËnwéf 2) C^¶ VËnwê$f
3) ì¶m{YH$aU VËnwéf 4) ¶mn¡H$s Zmhr.
38) "qhJmMm IS>m' ¶mMm g‘mZmWu dm³àMma-
1) g‚mZ ‘Zwî` 2) Ñï> _Zwî`
3) Aä¶mgy 춳Vr 4) JaOy 춳Vr
39) dm³¶aMZo~m~V ¶mo½¶ {dYmZ AmoiIm.
A) H$moU˶mhr dm³¶mV H$Vm©, {H«$¶mnX ho AgVmVM.
~) H$Vm© d {H«$¶mnX ho H$Yr àH$Q> Va H$Yr AàH$Q> AgVmV.
H$) Ooìhm H$Vm© d {H«$¶mnX AàH$Q> AgVmV Voìhm Vo J¥{hV Yamdo cmJVmV.
S>) H$Vm© d {H«$¶mnXmà‘mUo H$‘© XoIrc J¥hrV YaVm ¶oVo.
n¶m©¶r CÎmao :
1) ’$³V A ¶mo½¶ 2) A Am{U ~ ¶mo½¶ 3) A, ~ Am{U H$ ¶mo½¶ 4) gd©M {dYmZo ¶mo½¶
_m`~mobr à~mo{YZr, nwUo 8 _mo.: 9763603597 @maybolimarathi
40) "Ooìhm Am^mimV H$mio T>J O‘co, Voìhm nmD$g nS>cm'
darc dm³¶mVrc ‘w»¶ d Jm¡U dm³¶mMo nañnaê$nm§Va Agcocm ¶mo½¶ n¶m©¶ {ZdS>m.
1) Ooìhm nmD$g nS>cm Voìhm Am^mimV H$mio T>J O‘co.
2) Ooìhm Am^mimV H$mio T>J O‘co VoìhmM nmD$g nS>cm.
3) Ooìhm nmD$g nS>cm Voìhm AJmoXa Am^mimV H$mio T>J O‘co hmoVo.
4) Ooìhm nmD$g nS>cm VoìhmM Am^mimV H$mio T>J O‘co hmoVo.
41) "amJ' ¶m eãXmMo AZoH$ AW© AgUmam ¶mo½¶ n¶m©¶-
A) g§Vmn ~) ào‘ H$) Vm§~S>m a§J
n¶m©¶r CÎmao :
1) A Am{U ~ ~amo~a 2) ~ Am{U H$ ~amo~a
3) A Am{U H$ ~amo~a 4) {VÝhr ~amo~a
42) {deofU gm{YV YmVy AmoiIm.
1) gwImdUo 2) XrZmdUo
3) H$S>mS>Uo 4) J‘mdUo
43) "JS>H$ar hm ‘m¶m ì¶m»¶mZmMm Xþgam AmdS>Vm {df¶ R>acm hmoVm.' ¶m dm³¶mVrc H$mi AmoiIm.
1) dV©_mZ - ^{dî` 2) dV©‘mZ - ^yV
3) ^{dî¶ - ^yV 4) ^yV - ^yV
44) nwT>rcn¡H$s à˶¶K{Q>V Zgcocm eãX H$moUVm?
1) ¶mXd 2) CÞVr
3) Jwê$Ëd 4) Xod
45) "Vw‘Mr Wmoacr ‘wcJr ¶oWo gwIê$n nmohMcr.' ¶m dm³¶mÀ¶m n¥W³H$aUmMr ¶mo½¶ OmoS>r AmoiIm.
A) Vw‘Mr Wmoacr - CX²Xoí¶ {dñVma
~) ‘wcJr - ‘yi CX²Xoí¶
H$) Vw_Mr ¶oWo - {dYo¶ {dñVma
S>) gwIê$n nmohMcr - ‘yi {dYo¶
n¶m©¶r CÎmao :
1) ’$³V A Am{U ~ 2) ’$³V A, ~ Am{U H$
4) gd© OmoS>çm ~amo~a 4) ’$³V ~ Am{U H$
{Xcocm CVmam dmMyZ ˶mda AmYm[aV 46 Vo 50 ¶m àíZm§Mr CÎmao Úm.
eoVH$ar Midi gmoS>br, Va Joë`m nmM eVH$mVë`m Midirn¡H$s "n`m©`r {dH$mgm'À`m g§X^m©V Pmbobo
MidirMo à`ËZ gdm©{YH$ JmObo. ^m§S>dbr Am{U Am¡Úmo{JH$ {dH$mgmVyZ Cä`m amhUmè`m {dg§JVtH$S>o `m
MiditZr bj doYbo.
_m`~mobr à~mo{YZr, nwUo 9 _mo.: 9763603597 @maybolimarathi
^maVmZo 1950 nmgyZM Am¡Úmo{JH$ ^m§S>dbr {dH$mgmMm ñdrH$ma Ho$bm hmoVm Am{U Ë`mVyZ {dñWmnZmMm àíZ
C^m am{hbm hmoVm. _w»`V… YaU ~m§YUr_wio eoVr Am{U Jmd§ {dñWm{nV hmoU§, hm `m {dH$mg à{H«$`oMm EH$
A{d^mÁ` ^mJ hmoVm. Z_©Xm ZXrdarb _hÎdH$m§jr YaU àH$ënm§_YyZ hmoUmè`m {dñWmnZmVyZ øm àíZm§Zr doJi§
diU KoVb§. {dñWm{nVm§À`m Ý`mæ` nwZd©gZmÀ`m nwT>o OmD$Z {dH$mg àH$ënm§Mr AmIUr, Ë`mVbm g§^mì`
{dñWm{nVm§Mm gh^Jm, gmYZg§nÎmrdaÀ`m bmoH${Z`§ÌUmMm _wÔm `m§gmaIo _wÔo nwT>o Ambo.
Z_©Xm ~Mmd Am§XmobZmÀ`m dmQ>MmbrVyZ AmnU ñdrH$maboë`m {dH$mgmÀ`m H$ënZo~Ôb e§H$m CnpñWV
Ho$ë`m Joë`m. `m d¡Mm[aH$ KwgiUr_YyZ {dH$mgmÀ`m àM{bV H$ënZobm {damoY H$aUmar Midi gmH$mabr.
àË`j gm_y{hH$ H¥$VrÀ`m nmVirda {dñWmnZ OZgh^mJmMo _wÔoM _Ü`dVu am{hbo. Z_©Xm ~Mmd, Am§XmobZ gwê$
Pmë`mZ§VaÀ`m H$mimV ^maV^a {R>H${R>H$mUr Zì`m Am¡Úmo{JH$ qH$dm ObqgMZmÀ`m àH$ënm§Zm ñWm{ZH$ nmVirda
{damoY H$aUmar ñWm{ZH$ Am§XmobZhr C^r am{hbr. `m gdmªZm OmoS>Umam Xþdm åhUOo {dH$mg-H$ënZoMr Ho$br
OmUmar {M{H$Ëgm.
Z_©Xm Am§XmobZ Am{U BVahr Am§XmobZm§Zm {dñWmnZmÀ`m _wX²Úmda {R>H${R>H$mUr nmqR>~m {_iU§ ñdm^m{dH$
hmoV§. nU "n`m©`r {dH$mg' `m _wX²Úmbm _mÌ VodT>m nmqR>~m {_imbm Zmhr. `m n`m©`r {dH$mgmM§ àmê$n
OrdZe¡br{df`rÀ`m H$mhr J¥hrV H$ënZm§da AmYm[aV hmoV§. `m H$ënZm§Mm nJS>m EH$m N>moQ>çm, Ü`o`dmXr JQ>mnwaVm
_`m©{XV am{hbm. Am_ g_mOmbm Ë`mM§ AmH$f©U dmQ>b§ Zmhr. Ë`m_wio AmOhr {R>H${R>H$mUr "goP' À`m {damoYmV
Am§XmobZ§ hmoVmV; nU Vr Am§XmbZ§ d Ë`m§Mo nmR>ramIo ^m§S>dbr {dH$mgmM§ VH©$emñÌ _moSw>Z H$mTy> eH$V ZmhrV.
n`m©`r {dH$mgmÀ`m MidirMr Xþgar R>iH$ _`m©Xm åhUOo, amOH$maU d gmd©O{ZH$ YmoaU{Z{_©Vrda à^md
Q>mH$Ê`mV Ambob§ g§nyU© An`e. EH$m AWm©Zo "Z_©Xm ~Mmd' Am{U Z§Va ñWmnZ Pmboë`m OZAm§XmobZm§À`m
AmKmS>rMm bT>m gd©M njm§er, EHy$U àñWm{nVm§er Am{U g_mOì`dñWoer Amho. da åhQ>ë`mà_mUo H$moUVmhr
EH$ OZg_yh hm Ë`m§À`m nmR>ram»`m§_Ybm Img KQ>H$ Zmhr. {dñWmnZmÀ`m _wÚmda Ogo eoVH$ar qH$dm Am{Xdmgr
`m§Mo {hVg§~§Y gwñnï>nUo g§K{Q>V hmoD$ eH$VmV, Vg§ `m ì`mnH$ _wÚm~m~V KS>V Zmhr. Ë`m_wio _hËdmH$m§jr
ñdßZmiynUm Am{U gËào[aV ^mdwH$Vm EdT>çmda n`m©`r {dH$mgmMr Midi dmQ>Mmb H$aVmZm {XgVo. Midi
Mmb{dÊ`mgmR>r Ë`m d¥qÕJV hmoÊ`mgmR>r OZmYma Amdí`H$ AgVmo. Vmo Am_ OZVoMm Agmdm ho Va Ia§M, nU
Ë`mMr gwê$dmV Hw$R>o Var EH$m {d{eï> bú`g_yhmnmgyZ ìhm`bm hdr. {d{eîQ>bú`r _mJÊ`m d _wÔo Am{U
gd©gmYmaU d¡Mm[aH$ Ñï>r `m§À`mVrb g§Vb
w ZmÀ`m _wXÚ² mda BVa H$mhr Midità_mUo n`m©`r {dH$mgmÀ`m Midirbmhr
Iri ~gbr.
46) n`m©`r {dH$mg `m _wX²Úmbm VodT>m nmqR>~m H$m {_imbm Zmhr?
1) n`m©`r {dH$mg H$ënZm§da AmYmarV hmoVm.
2) ^m§S>dbr {dH$mgmaIm Vmo VH©$emñÌr` ZìhVm.
3) n`m©`r {dH$mgmMr H$ënZm WmoS>çm JQ>mnwaVr _`m©XrV am{hbr.
4) gaH$ma d ^m§S>dbehm§À`m YmoaUm§_wio Ë`mbm nmqR>~m {_imbm Zmhr.
47) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVo {dYmZ MwH$sMo Amho?
A) eoVH$ar Midi gmoS>br Va n`m©`r Midir `eñdr Pmë`m.
~) Z_©Xm Am§XmobZmV {dH$mg H$ënZoMr {M{H$Ëgm Ho$br Jobr.
1) ’$³V A 2) ’$³V ~ d H$
3) A d ~ XmoÝhr 4) darbn¡H$s Zmhr
_m`~mobr à~mo{YZr, nwUo 10 _mo.: 9763603597 @maybolimarathi
48) n`m©`r MiditZm Iri H$m ~gbr Ago boIH$mbm dmQ>Vo?
A) Ë`m§À`mH$S>o d¡Mm[aH$ Ñï>rMm A^md hmoVm.
~) {d{eï> _mJÊ`m d _wÔo Am{U gd©gmYmaU d¡Mm[aH$ Ñï>r `m§À`mVrb g§VwbZm_wio.
H$) Ë`m§Zm ZgUmè`m OZ AmYmam_wio.
1) A Am{U ~ 2) ~ Am{U H$
3) gd© 4) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
49) Imbrbn¡H$r H$moUVo {dYmZ ~amo~a AmhoV?
A) eoVH$ar Midi hr BVa n`m©`r Midirà_mUo `eñdr hmoD$ eH$br Zmhr.
~) n`m©`r Midir `eñdr hmoÊ`mgmR>r {dñWmnZmMm _wÔm Amdí`H$ Amho.
1) ’$³V A> 2) \$ŠV ~
3) A d ~ XmoÝhr 4) `m§n¡H$s Zmhr.
50) CVmè`m_mJrb boIH$mMm _w»` CÔoe H$moUVm?
1) n`m©`r Midirda Q>rH$m H$aUo.
2) ^m§S>dbemhr YmoaUm_wio CX²^dboë`m {dg§JVr Xe©{dUo.
3) n`m©`r MiditÀ`m _`m©Xoda àH$me Q>mH$Uo.
4) Z_©Xm ~Mmd Am§XmobZmMr _m{hVr XoUo.
51) Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
We must __ help to the homeless and physically disabled people.
1. render 2. donate
3. exert 4. Contribute
52) Choose the correct passive voice of -
The manager keeps the work pending.
1. The work has been kept pending by the manager
2. The work was kept pending by the manager.
3. The work is kept pending by the manager.
4. The work are being kept pending by the manager.
53) In the sentence identify the segment which contains the grammatical error.
One of the boys from our school have been selected for National Badminton
1. have been selected
2. from our school
3. for National Badminton Championship
4. One of the boys
54) Choose the correct sentences.
a) Often she forgets to take her umbrella to work.
b) Sam left stupidly his computer at home instead of taking it with him to the conference.
_m`~mobr à~mo{YZr, nwUo 11 _mo.: 9763603597 @maybolimarathi
c) I will buy a copy of this book certainly.
1) a and c 2) b and c
3) a, b and c 4) all are in correct
55) Select the most appropriate option to substitute the underlined segment in the given
sentence. If no substitution is required, select No improvement.
The Director will agree with the proposal if we do not exceed the budget.
1. agreed by the proposal
2. agree on a proposal
3. No Improvement
4. agree to the proposal
56) Select the correct synonym of the given word.
1. Stinging 2. Glittering
3. Flattering 4. Boring
57) Find out non-defining clause.
1. My friend’s birthday, which was last Monday, was a great fun.
2. The woman who found my wallet handed it to the manager.
3. I remember the day when we first met.
4. These are the earrings that my mother gave.
58) Select the most appropriate option to substitute the underlined segment in the given
If no substitution is required, select No improvement
The captain as well the players were responsible for winning the trophy.
1. The captain also the players were
2. The captain as well as the players was
3. As The captain with the players were
4. No Improvement
59) Select the appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
To take French leave
1. Welcome the host
2. Acknowledge the host
3. Leave with written permission
4. Leave without any intimation
60) Given below are four jumbled sentences. Select the option that gives their correct order.
A. However, they ignore the truth that progress and success are proportional to the
labor they put in.
B. The general human tendency is to find faults in the policies framed by the government.

_m`~mobr à~mo{YZr, nwUo 12 _mo.: 9763603597 @maybolimarathi

C. They blame the government for their slow progress, expecting miracles and magical
transformation in their life.
D. So people openly criticize and condemn the policy makers.

61) Select the word, which means the same as the groups of words given.
A song sung at a burial
1. Sonnet 2. Dirge
3. Hymn 4. Ballad

62) Choose the correct device for the blank place.

Television turns people into lazy couch potatoes ————— there are some educational
programmes on
1. at fast 2. more over
3. where as 4. on the other hand.

63) Fill the blank places with suitable articles.

Yesterday, I bought —— blouse and —— skirt —— blouse was surprisingly cheap, but ——
skirt was more expensive.
1. no article, a, the, a 2. the, the, a, a
3. a, a, the, the 4. a, the, an, no article

64) Choose the correct passive voice.

‘Students may keep the library books for two weeks only. After that they must return
them, otherwise they have to pay fine.’
1) The library books may be kept for two weeks only. After that they must be returned otherwise
fine has to be paid.
2) The library books will be kept for two weeks only. After that they must be returned otherwise
fine has to be paid.
3) The library books may be kept for two weeks only. After that they must returned otherwise
fine has to be paid.
4) The library books may be keep for two weeks only. After that they must be returned
otherwise fine has to be pay.

65) In the sentence identify the segment which contains the grammatical error.
I can swim very fast when I was only five.
1. I can swim 2. when I was
3. very fast 4. only five

66) Select the correct antonym of the given word.

1. Departure 2. Refund
3. Exit 4. Arrival

_m`~mobr à~mo{YZr, nwUo 13 _mo.: 9763603597 @maybolimarathi

67) They had been attending classes since the term began - Improve the underlined part if
1) would be attending
2) had attended
3) have been attending
4) no improvement is needed
68) Find out the error.
In early India (a)/there has been little to read (b)/except for the books sent (c)/form
Britain. (d)
1) only a 2) only b
3) only c 4) no error
69) Select the correct active form of the given sentence.
The thief was being arrested by the police.
1. The police had arrested the thief.
2. The police arrested the thief.
3. The police has arrested the thief.
4. The police was arresting the thief.
70) Rewrite the following sentences after making necessary corrections. Do not make
unnecessary changes in the original sentence.
Choose the correct sentence
1) The manager got angry upon the employee.
2) The manager got angry with the employee.
3) The manager got angry on the employee.
4) The manager got angry to the employee.
71) Choose the correct sentences.
a) You should buy new furnitures for your house.
b) They pitched the tent besides the lake.
c) The hens had stopped lying eggs.
1) only a 2) only b 3) a and c 4) none above
72) Use the correct forms of the verbs given in brackets :
The man (read) the newspaper when I entered the room.
1) is reading 2) has been reading
3) read 4) was reading
73) Rewrite the sentence using as soon as.
No sooner had she heard the news than she fainted.
1) As soon as had she heard the news, she fainted.
2) As soon as she had heard the news when she fainted.
3) As soon as she had heard the news, she fainted.
4) As soon as she had hear the news, she fainted.
_m`~mobr à~mo{YZr, nwUo 14 _mo.: 9763603597 @maybolimarathi
74) Choose the correct sentence.
He was not intelligent. He was not industrious.
1) Neither he was intelligent nor industrious.
2) Neither was he intelligent nor industrious.
3) He was neither intelligent nor industrious.
4) He was neither intelligent not industrious.
75) Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
Back to square one
1. Come to the original point 2. Neglect something
3. Draw a square 4. Move ahead
Directions (Q. 76 to 80) : Read the following passage and answer the questions given below it
in the context of the passage.

An earthquake comes like a thief in the night, without warning. It was necessary, therefore to invent
instruments that neither slumbered nor slept. Some devices were quite simple. One, for instance, consisted
of rods of various lengths and thicknesses which would stand up on end like ninepins. When a shock came
it shook the rigid table upon which these stood. If it were gentle, only the more unstable rods fell. If it were
severe, they all fell. Thus, the rods by falling and by the direction in which they fell, recorded for the
slumbering scientist, the strength of a shock that was too weak to waken him and the direction from which
it came. But, instruments far more delicate than that were needed if any really serious advance was to be
The ideal to be aimed at was to devise an instrument that could record with a pen on paper the
movements, of the ground or of the table, as the quake passed by. While I write my pen moves but the
paper keeps still. With practice, no doubt, I could, in time, learn to write by holding the pen still while the
paper moved. That sounds a silly suggestion, but that was precisely the idea adopted in some of the early
instruments (seismometers) for recording earthquake waves. But when table, penholder and paper are all
moving how is it possible to write legibly ? The key to a solution of that problem lay in an everyday
observation. Why does a person standing in a bus or train tend to fall when a sudden start is made ? It is
because his feet move on, but his head stays still.
76) This passage says that early instruments for measuring earthquakes were
1) faulty in design 2) expensive
3) not sturdy 4) not sensitive enough
77) Why was it necessary to invent instruments to observe an earthquake ?
1) Because an earthquake comes like a thief in the night
2) To make people alert about earthquake during their conscious as well as unconscious hours
3) To prove that we are technically advanced
4) To experiment with the control of man over nature
78) A simple device which consisted of rods that stood up on end like ninepins was replaced
by a more sophisticated one because it failed
1) to measure a gentle earthquake
2) to measure a severe earthquake
3) to record the direction of the earthquake
4) to record the facts with a pen on paper

_m`~mobr à~mo{YZr, nwUo 15 _mo.: 9763603597 @maybolimarathi

79) The everyday observation referred to in the passage relates to
1) a moving bus or train
2) the sudden start of a bus
3) the tendency of a standing person to fall when a bus or train moves suddenly
4) people standing in a bus or train
80) The early seismometers adopted the idea that in order to record the earthquake, it is
1) the pen that should move just as it moves when we write on paper
2) the pen that should stay still and the paper should move
3) both pen and paper that should move
4) neither pen nor paper that should move
81) AbrH$S>oM ^maVr` X§S> g§{hVm (IPC) _Yrb gwYmaUm gyM{dÊ`mgmR>r H$moUVr g{_Vr ñWmnZ H$aÊ`mV
Ambr Amho.
1) Eg. OmZH$sam_Z g{_Vr 2) lrH$m§V Xod amd g{_Vr
3) S>m°. YZamO _mZo g{_Vr 4) Ý`m. {Xbrn ^mogbo g{_Vr
82) _mM©-E[àb 2021 Xaå`mZ Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m amÁ`mV/H|$Ðem{gV àXoemV {dYmZg^m {ZdS>UyH$m
nma nmS>ë`m?
A) npíM_ ~§Jmb ~) Amgm_ H$) Ho$ai
S>) Vm{_iZmSy> B©) nXþÀMoar
n¶m©¶r CÎmao :
1) ~ gmoSy>Z gd© 2) H$ gmoSy>Z gd©
3) B© gmoSy>Z gd© 4) darb gd©
83) XmXmgmho~ \$miHo$ nwañH$ma àmßV ì`ŠVr Am{U df© `mg§~§Yr A`mo½` OmoS>r {ZdS>m.
1) Ho$.{dídZmW - 2016 2) {dZmoX IÞm - 2017
3) A{_Vm^ ~ƒZ - 2018 4) aOZrH$m§V - 2021
84) Q>mo{H$`mo Am°{bpånH$ ñnYm© 2020 ~m~V nXH$ {dOoVo ^maVr` IoimSy> Am{U g§~§YrV H«$sS>màH$ma `m~m~V
{dMma H$am.
"A' JQ> "~' JQ> "H$' JQ>
A) _ram~mB© MmZy I) doQ>{bpâQ>¨J A) H$m§ñ`
~) nr.ìhr. {g§Yy II) ~°S>q_Q>Z B) am¡ß`
H$) bd{bZm ~moJm¡hmBZ III) ~m°ŠgtJ C) H$m§ñ`
S>) adr X{h`m IV) Hw$ñVr D) am¡ß`
n¶m©¶r CÎmao :
1) A- I - A , ~- II - B , H$- III - C , S>- IV - D
2) ~- I - A , H$- II - B , S>- III - C , A>- IV - D
3) A- I - B , ~- II - A , H$- III - D , S>- IV - C
4) A- I - B , ~- II - A , H$- III - C , S>- IV - D
_m`~mobr à~mo{YZr, nwUo 16 _mo.: 9763603597 @maybolimarathi
85) AmbrH$S>oM Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVo _§Ìmb` ^maV gaH$mÀ`m A§VJ©V ñWmnZ H$aÊ`mV Ambo.
1) OZeŠVr _§Ìmb` 2) ghH$ma _§Ìmb`
3) ZdrZ Am{U ZdrH$aUr` D$Om© _§Ìmb` 4) B©emÝ` joÌmgmR>r {dH$mg _§Ìmb`
86) 2021 `m dfm©_Ü`o bmoH$boIm g{_Vbm 100 df© nyU© Pmbr AmhoV, gÜ`m bmoH$boIm g{_VrMo AÜ`j
H$moUV AmhoV?
1) AYra a§OZ Mm¡Yar 2)
3) _pëbH$mOw©Z IJ} 4) H$_b{H$emoa VmVoS>
87) gÜ`m _wëb{n[a`ma YaUmÀ`m nmUr nmVirdê$Z XmoZ amÁ`mV dmX Mmby Amho, Vr XmoZ amÁ`o H$moUVr?
A) Ho$ai ~) Vm{_iZmSy> H$) Am§Y«àXoe S>) H$Zm©Q>H$
n`m©`r CËVao …
1) A d ~ 2) ~ Am{U H$ 3) H$ Am{U S> 4) A Am{U S>
88) X Am~©a S>o \$mD§$S>oeZ Am{U g§`wŠV amï´> AÝZ d H¥$fr g§KQ>ZoZo "Q´>r {gQ>r Am°\$ X dëS>©' åhUyZ H$moUË`m
^maVr` ehamMr {ZdS> Ho$br Amho?
1) H$mobH$mVm 2) {Xëbr 3) _w§~B© 4) h¡Ðm~mX
89) n`m©daU _§Ìmb`mZo H$moUË`m {XZm§H$mnmgyZ ^maVm_Ü`o EH$b dmnamVrb ßb°pñQ>H$ dñVy§Mr {Z{_©Vr, {dH«$s
Am{U dmna `mda ~§Xr KmbÊ`mMm {ZU©` KoVbm Amho?
1) 1 Owb¡ 2021 2) 1 Owb¡ 2022
3) 5 OyZ 2021 4) 5 OyZ 2022
90) amÁ`mÀ`m H¥$fr {d^mJmH$Sy>Z amÁ`mVrb _{hbm eoVH$è`m§À`m gÝ_mZmgmR>r --- ho df© _{hbm eoVH$ar
Am{U eoV_Oya gÝ_mZ df© åhUyZ gmOao H$aÊ`mV `oUma Amho.
1) 2021 2) 2022
3) 2023$ 4) 2024
91) _m{hVr A{YH$ma A{Y{Z`_ H$b_ 8 AÝd`o H$moUVr _m{hVr nwadÊ`mMo Am~§XZ gmd©O{ZH$ àm{YH$aUmda
AgUma Zmhr.
A) amÁ`mÀ`m gwajobm, Am{W©H$ {hVg§~§YmZm ~mYm nmohmoMUmar _m{hVr
~) EImÚm ì`ŠVtÀ`m H$m°nramB©Q>Mo Cëb§KZ H$aUmar _m{hVr
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S>) naH$s` XoemH$Sy>Z {dídmgmZo {_imbobr _m{hVr
1) \$ŠV H$, S> 2) A, H$, S>
3) CnamoŠV gd©$ 4) ~, H$, S>
92) A) _m{hVrÀ`m A{Y{Z`_mVrb H$mhr VaVwXr VmËH$mi bmJy Pmë`m Va Cd©arV VaVwXr A{Y{Z`_ {XZm§H$mnmgyZ
100 ì`m {Xder A§_bmV Ambm.
~) àË`oH$ gmd©O{ZH$ àm{YH$aU A{Y{Z`_ A{Y{Z`{_V Pmë`mnmgyZ 100 {XdgmÀ`m AmV OZ_m{hVr
A{YH$mar nX{ZX}{eV H$aob.
AgË` {dYmZo H$moUVr.
1) \$ŠV A 2) \$ŠV ~
3) XmoÝhr$ 4) `mn¡H$s Zmhr.

_m`~mobr à~mo{YZr, nwUo 17 _mo.: 9763603597 @maybolimarathi

93) _m{hVr A{YH$ma A{Y{Z`_mÝd`o Ì`ñW njmg {ZdoXZmMr g§Yr {Xë`mg {H$Vr {XdgmV _m{hVr àH$Q>
H$aÊ`mMm {ZU©` KoVrb.?
1) 30 {XdgmV 2) 60 {XdgmV
3) 10 {XdgmV$ 4) 40 {XdgmV
94) A) _hmamï>´> bmoH$godm hŠH$ A{Y{Z`_ godm XoUmè`m gmd©O{ZH$ d ImOJr àm{YH$aUmbmhr bmJy Amho.
~) nmÌ ì`ŠVr `m ì`m»`oV bmoH$godm àmßV H$aÊ`mg nmÌ ì`ŠVrMm g_mdoe hmoVmo d Ë`mV H$moUË`mhr
H$m`Xoera ì`ŠVrMmhr g_mdoe hmoVmo.
gË` {dYmZo H$moUVr.?
1) \$ŠV A 2) XmoÝhr
3) `mn¡H$hs EH$hr Zmhr 4) \$ŠV ~
95) _hmamï>´> bmoH$godm h¸$ A{Y{Z`_ H$b_ 12 AÝd`o nX{ZX}{eV A{YH$mè`mZo dma§dma H$gwar Ho$ë`mg
{eñV^§J H$kmadmB© gwê$ H$jaUo~m~V ZmoQ>rg H$kmso.U ~Omdy eH$Vmo.
1) àW_ A{nbm` A{YH$mar 2) gj_ àm{YH$mar
3) {ÛVr` A{nbr` A{YH$mar 4) _w»` Am`wŠV
96) EH$ _w»` Ho$db Am{U gd© gmYZo S´>m°n bmB©ZÛmao _w»` Ho$~ber OmoS>br OmVmV Aem g§JUH$s`
Omù`mÀ`m _m§S>UrMo Zmd H$m`?
1) ~g 2) PmS>
3) Omir 4) ñQ>ma
97) SMART åhUOo
1) Self Monitoring Analysis Reporting Technology
2) Speeific Measurable Achievable Realistic Topology
3) Showing Moderate Amplifire for Reproducing Technology
4) Service Management Automation and Re-engineering Team
98) ---- `m {Z`_mdbr_Ü`o _ëQ>rnb A°Šgog àmoQ>moH$m°bMm dmna Ho$bm OmVmo. S>oQ>m nmR>dÊ`mgmR>r àË`oH$
ñWmZH$mbm ~±S> dmQ>n H$ê$Z {d{eï> doi {Xbm OmVmo.
99) "BJm}Zm°{_Šg' H$m` Amho.
1) AW© {d^mJmV A§XmOnÌ V`ma H$aUo d Am{W©H$ H$m_{JarMo {deofU.
2) Am°ZbmB©Z ì`mnmamg§~§Yr A°n{bHo$eZ Amho.
3) CËnmXH$V dmT>dÊ`mgmR>r Ho$boë`m H$m`©nÜXVrMm Aä`mg
4) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
100) {_S>r`m b°~ E{e`mMr H¥$fr {df`H$ gëb d eoVH$è`mMo àíZ gmoS>dÊ`mgmR>r Cn`moJr AgUmam
1) nr.Or. 2) B-gmJy
3) B©-Vmb 4) B©-_§Ìm
_m`~mobr à~mo{YZr, nwUo 18 _mo.: 9763603597 @maybolimarathi
àíZ : 100 _m`~mocr à~mo{YZr, nwUo JwU : 200
{XZm§H$ : 08/01/2022 g§`Šw V JQ> ~ _w»` narjm 2021 doi : 1 Vmg
{df` … _amR>r, B§J«Or d gm_mÝ` kmZ (gamd Q>oñQ> H«$.2)

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2) 4 27) 3 52) 3 77) 1
3) 1 28) 2 53) 1 78) 4
4) 2 29) 4 54) 4 79) 3
5) 1 30) 1 55) 4 80) 2
6) 2 31) 4 56) 2 81) 2
7) 2 32) 3 57) 1 82) 4
8) 4 33) 3 58) 2 83) 4
9) 1 34) 3 59) 4 84) 4
10) 4 35) 3 60) 3 85) 2
11) 4 36) 2 61) 2 86) 1
12) 3 37) 4 62) 4 87) 1
13) 1 38) 2 63) 3 88) 4
14) 3 39) 3 64) 1 89) 2
15) 3 40) 3 65) 1 90) 2
16) 2 41) 4 66) 4 91) 2
17) 1 42) 2 67) 3 92) 2
18) 4 43) 4 68) 2 93) 4
19) 2 44) 4 69) 4 94) 4
20) 2 45) 1 70) 2 95) 2
21) 3 46) 3 71) 4 96) 1
22) 2 47) 1 72) 4 97) 1
23) 2 48) 4 73) 3 98) 3
24) 1 49) 4 74) 3 99) 3
25) 3 50) 3 75) 1 100) 2

_m`~mobr à~mo{YZr, nwUo 19 _mo.: 9763603597 @maybolimarathi

_m`~mobr à~mo{YZr, nwUo 20 _mo.: 9763603597 @maybolimarathi

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