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Wakas, Bocaue, Bulacan

NAME: Regina Faye G. Morales DATE: February 21, 2022

SUBJECT TEACHER: Mr. Lesther M. Mangaliman SECTION: Drucker
TASK # 1
Hereditary and Environment

For our activity, please do the following:

1. In a word file, please have a concrete evaluation of the changes you can observe
in yourself. Please enumerate some hereditary and environmental influences.
Explain your answer using a venn diagram.
2. After enumerating these observable changes, please evaluate which influence is
more dominant in your behavior or personality. Explain your answer.
Deadline, February 21, 6:00 PM.

Hereditary Environmental
Religious beliefs


Short height Being a bookworm

Voluptuous body type Taste in music
Natural brown hair Ambiversion
color Rational thinking
Black eye color Independence
Dark skin tone Religious beliefs Compassion
Moles Persistence
Facial features Being family oriented
Noticeable body hairs Being loud and
Thalassemia (blood friendly
disorder) Being sensitive
Urinary Tract Infection

Obviously, as we see, hereditary factors are prominent in a person’s physical
appearance, but when it comes to our behavior and personality, it is our environment that
is more dominant. Because through interacting with our environment, we tend to collect
memories, values, and characteristics that soon become part of our growth. And as we
grow, all these things that we gathered and kept from our environment will affect our own
choices, decisions, and stands. Therefore, it contributes a lot to build our individuality.

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